Virtual Invasion: I Started To Join Mage Network

Chapter 155: The Mage In Hexi's Eyes

So far, Dang Zhou is on his way.

He didn't even use the magic net, so he followed his instinct.

At this moment, the torrent surrounds the sword autonomously.

Slashing with a knife, he chopped off a fat and strange beast alive......

It can also be declared that the practice of sword art has officially entered the threshold.

In the mage's world, melee weapons are used in a process.

Spirituality decides independently, blooms independently, and increases independently!

This is the first glimpse.

This move can also be regarded as a way for the mage to dig deep into the spirituality.

But Zhou Yi is not complacent, some extraordinary races...

They can even have similar abilities at birth.

What's more, many mages think so.

The original spell model was established based on those extraordinary populations as templates!

Therefore, even in the vast land covered by the mage net.

Many areas are still dominated by the Warcraft race...

In that place, the exploration and adventure of teachers

They all seem to be struggling!

It is a good thing to get started with knife skills, but it is not worth too much joy.

Soon, Zhou Yi once again set out on the road silently with the heart of exploration in mind.

On the other side, inside the first floor of the tower.

Xiao Zhixin looked at Zhou Yi projected on the light screen.

curiously asked:

"Master, look at it for such a long time..."

"Have you analyzed what the male god is doing?"

Jade finger lightly tapped his chin, Hexi guessed:

"From the performance point of view, he is practicing knife sleep."

Zhi Xin immediately understood the gist of it.

The key is that the tone of his own master is not so firm.

See the curiosity flickering in Xiao Zhixin's eyes.

He Xi smiled and said:

"I think that little brat, it shouldn't be that simple to do things.

"Through the comparison of his performance data on the road in the past week."

"Overall it does show some sort of upward trend..."

"But at the same time, the mysterious data overflowing during this period..."

"It doesn't fit the matching algorithm."

"The unknowns shown by Zhou Yi are too much beyond calculation.

Zhi Xin was thoughtful, the words of his master.

The meaning is very obvious.

Under Zhou Yi's apparent progress, there is still a deeper growth hidden!

Of course, this is also the reason why Hexi has been paying attention to Zhou Yi.

Angel Yan snorted and said:

"After all, it's not just peeping!"

The corners of He Xi's mouth curled up, and a playful smile emerged.

Xiao Zhixin instinctively turned her head to the side, and could only say sorry to Sister Yan in her heart.

But sister Yan is also really......

Remember to eat or not to hit belongs to yes!

Not long ago, he was hung up by his master and beaten violently.

A few days later, it jumped up again...

He Xi said disdainfully:

"You know a hammer! This old lady is also pursuing progress!"

"What's wrong with peeping? Why don't you do things that can make me better?"

As he spoke, Hexi clicked his tongue a few times.

He mocked: "Xiao Yanzi, you still haven't gotten used to the mage's worldview."

The disdain in his tone almost made Yan draw his sword...

Of course, that's just thinking about it.

But Yan will not admit defeat.

Immediately replied: "I didn't see you really tinkering with anything good!"

He Xi smiled mysteriously, and said softly: "Who said that?"

A pure white jade hand stretched out.

Points of fire light converge into a ball, which is the standard fireball technique.

But in the next moment, the fireball twisted and turned into a lifelike dynamic three-dimensional picture scroll.

Angel Yan's complexion was pitch black, and the flame sword was unsheathed with a clang!

Because the content of that picture scroll is exactly the one that came out not long ago.

The little Flame Hexi was slapping Yan's butt with the Ansu Silver King Sword...

However, this Pipixi even made a bad onomatopoeia!!!


Dodging the chopping of the long sword sideways, He Xi laughed:

"You really dare to make a move!"

"But this sword, the angle is a little bit..."

Swiping, the two swords criss-crossed again, bringing up a cross-shaped flame of sword energy.

Hexi reappeared in a blur in an instant.

But that sword energy has already passed through He Xi's body.

"Why are you still excited? Look at you, you are not stable at all."

"I don't even know when I used the Dispersion Technique."

Angel Yan gritted his teeth tightly, and retracted the long sword viciously.

Still muttering in his mouth:

"Wait, I will cut you up sooner or later!"

Hexi clicked his tongue twice:

"A mere seven thousand years old, how dare you call yourself my old lady?"

Angel Yan was even more aggrieved.

It felt like a groundhog about to explode.

Only then did Xiao Zhixin ask cautiously:

"Master, on the side of the male god, is it okay to keep staring like this?"

...seeking flowers 0

He Xi curled his lips and said:

That's why I said, you haven't adapted to the mage's world yet.


"That kid Zhou Yi is the owner of Fengxi Continent."

"With authority, do you think he doesn't know that I'm observing him?"

Xiao Zhixin was even more confused, and the other angels were similar.

Because they all remember a word.

Before becoming a mage, Zhou Yi said clearly:

"Every mage is a secret creature."

"A mage who can hide his hole cards can live for a long time."

From this to the truth, it is in the mage network and even the wider unknown space.

These words are all true!

Zhi Xin asked, "Then why doesn't the male god care?"

He Xi curled his lips and asked back:


"That manly woman, Kaisha, fought four nebula-level wars with Liang Bing."

"Every time, the silent observation of Lieyang, Shenhe, Deno and others is indispensable..."

"Did you see Kesha flinch that time?"

What Hexi said was clear.

Now that it has reached a certain stage, the eyes of onlookers are bound to be indispensable.

If you go to war for this, it will be out of character...

What benefits can you get by yourself?

Of course, this is just from the perspective of a bystander.

"If I were Zhou Yi, I wouldn't care about you watching."

"On the contrary, I'd be glad you did that."

"I know you don't understand, it's okay, I can explain"

Stretching out a jade finger, Hexi stated:

"It doesn't matter how you get along with Zhou Yi on weekdays.

"But one thing is absolute, he is the only powerful mage we know!"

"He was a well-deserved first mover."

"Hence, his progress, his upbringing...."

"Can't you inspire us?"

The angels here can't refute.

Because Hexi just performed a wave, which belongs to her growth.

That is also the comprehension unique to Hexi during the observation process.

"Mages are such a creature, they are a bunch of real pragmatists!"

"All they want is progress and growth. …

"A lot of things can be made less important for that."

At this moment, all the angels found out.

Zhou Yi in the projection, Yaoyao gave them a thumbs up two!.

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