Virtual Invasion: I Started To Join Mage Network

Chapter 166 Unable To Hide The News

Zhou Yi has always had some kind of extravagant hope.

In general, it seems that intelligent creatures have such a nature.

Once you have it, you want to pursue more and better things.

Zhou Yi is also a human being, and he cannot escape this nature.

According to legend, Emperor Wa and Emperor Xi are listed as the ancestors of Chinese humanities.

Ever since Emperor Wa was confirmed to be the former mage...

Zhou Yi kept thinking, where is Emperor Xi?

Wahuang has such an achievement, and Xihuang, who has the same name as him, has not left any inheritance, right?

But when you think about it carefully, it feels unrealistic.

So this kind of thinking gradually faded over time.

But now, this kind of thinking is revived.

All because the word "we" was mentioned in the message left by Emperor Wa.

The information in this is really endless.

But at the same time, Zhou Yi didn't directly jump up with joy......

Because in the "Three Five Seven" inheritance information, there is such an inexplicable crisis lurking high and low.

An existence like the Emperor Wa actually explained it bluntly in the message...

If you don't have the confidence to control the inheritance, then choose to give up......

Zhou Yi believes that this is some kind of unspeakable warning!

Does this prove that...

Emperor Wa once had a great enemy...

If so...

Who is the so-called enemy?

Reverse Mage? Not like that!

The group of anti-magic masters were suppressed by the black and white deans, and they could hardly hold their heads up.

I can only jump out from time to time and hide in a corner to make trouble...

Such a thing cannot possibly be the enemy of Emperor Wa!

The name of an organization came to mind.

—— Gu organization?!

Zhou Yi thought to himself, could it be these rats?!

Recently, in the mage network, a higher level of mage group.

It is often rumored that the Gu organization that once harmed the world...

There seem to be signs of a resurgence.

Such a group of existences who plunder other people's talents and blood...

Could it really be a figure like Emperor Wa, an enemy that everyone valued?

Zhou Yi didn't know.

But as Emperor Wa said in his message, he intended to use these eyes to witness everything.

After a long while, the roaring and overlapping words in my mind gradually weakened.

Until there is no trace left.

Silently opening his eyes as bright as morning stars, Zhou Yi began to be very interested...

Looking at everything around.

Surrounded by ordinary scenes, ordinary old houses, and ordinary earth...

But in Zhou Yi's eyes now.

All this is ordinary, and it seems extremely unusual.

Electromagnetic waves, gravitational waves, radiation waves invisible to the naked eye...

This moment is vivid in Zhou Yi's eyes.

Until now, Zhou Yi hadn't learned from all the complicated information.

Knowing about this breakthrough, there would be such a big commotion.

On Douyin, Kuaizhuo and other short video websites, videos about abnormal celestial phenomena are spread everywhere.

The state doesn't even bother to block information.

That is unlikely to be done, because the celestial phenomena affect the area too much...

His eyes turned, and he glanced at a certain electromagnetic wave connected from the sky.

Zhou Yi could then see that a conversation turned into an electronic signal was going on.

.......Yes, all abnormal celestial phenomena have returned to normal. "

"Arrange and let the relevant departments draft a press conference to refute the rumors.

"Ms. Han Siya is already making arrangements..."

"That's good, we're having a hard time recently, let the people below cheer up...

From the looks of it, these should be two intelligence-related personnel.

Handing over tasks.

Zhou Yi didn't care about this, even if they were talking about themselves, it was the same.

In another call, the content is much more normal.

It is nothing more than showing off to friends the abnormal celestial phenomena I have observed in recent days.

Similar calls almost occupied most of the sky.

Turning his gaze, Zhou Yi quickly locked onto the outer space above this place...

Directly facing this place, and the spy satellites frantically taking pictures all around.

Following the radio signal, Zhou Yi could still hear various exclamations and curses.

"Mommy Falk I never knew the earth was so dangerous...

"But boss, this is another earth, maybe it's just that this side is special?"

I frowned, is this the Aegis from the Marvel world?

Zhou Yi became a little interested.

He really wanted to know, that Nick who wanted to control so much that he had no limit.

What expression will I use to face this new world.

...Well, those researchers managed to get me to accept the idea of ​​a multiverse. "

"As a result, now you want me to accept that the multiverses are actually not interlinked..."

"Gentlemen and ladies, who can give me a sufficiently reliable standard?"

Very good, in response to Nick Black Braised Egg, there was no surprise that there was silence...

Spreading his hand, Nick Black Braised Egg said coldly with a stinky face:

"The group of capitalists who have been damned ten thousand times, members of the United Nations Congress, asked SHIELD for an answer.

"Now please tell me, how should I reply to them?"

"Send them a copy of Stephen Hawking's scientific research?"

"Still, do you think that group of idiots can see

With a light wave, Zhou Yi smiled contentedly.

He shifted his gaze, and it was no surprise that Zhou Yi was very satisfied with Nick Black Braised Egg's reaction.

That sound seemed to be a calm complaint.

It is not difficult to see that this person's heart is close to collapse...

It is understandable, after all, this is not the Marvel Earth with America as its core.

Here, the new S.H.I.E.L.D. does not have that much say.

At present, except for Magnesia, which is providing funds for it, the other big countries are too lazy to pay attention to this group of people.

Please believe that no big country is willing to kill its own country...

Organizations like Aegis emerged.

Like the polar bear next door, it simply put the Aegis.

Defined as a terrorist organization, the other party is strictly prohibited from setting foot on the Northern Continent...

Another spy satellite comes into view.

Unexpectedly, it was still the satellite signal to which Magniken belonged.

I glanced at the opposite side, only to see a group of MPs and capital bigwigs having a 0.6 meeting.

Not surprisingly, that group of people had already targeted them.

Placed around Tianhe City.

And with various mathematical algorithms, he almost locked the village he was in.

After some inspection, Zhou Yi found out.

There are so many people on earth who are so interested in themselves.

Some intelligence organizations, even without evidence, have targeted themselves.

Listen to the whispers of the planet and trace back to the past......

Only then did Zhou Yi suddenly realize that it was more than a year ago.

I and Zhi Xin Heyan have exchanged ideas over this place many times.

This aroused the suspicion of those people.

With a quick swipe, Yinji is staring at all the satellites here.

At the same moment, engulfed by a sudden flash of fireball...

No other meaning, Zhou Yi simply felt that the frequency bands of these devices were very noisy.

That's all. .

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