To tell the truth, in the face of such incidents, even hunters are not easy to deal with.

It is true that fire element creatures are destroying ecology.

But if someone retorts, he is building a nest for himself...

No one had anything to say!

You can't treat fire element creatures just because of the difference in the three views...

Get rid of the category of intelligent beings.

So, most of the time, face this situation.

The hunters are mainly based on warning education, if it is not enough, just hit a few more times.

Of course, that's just the majority of cases.

Now this fire element creature mage is in another situation!

He is already an anti-mage, and he has not received the invitation.

It is a typical violation of the rules to break into the original plane of other mages without permission.

It is one of many unforgivable crimes!

Therefore, Zhou Yi and the others don't need to do any investigation.

Three Dharma lights flickered, under phase transmission.

That fire elemental mage is right in front of him!

Apart from anything else, Hong Ji raised 21 hands and it was a crystal shock.

A storm like broken diamonds swept past, and the moment it touched the body of the fire elemental mage...

Booms and explosions exploded endlessly.

The fire elemental mage roared: "Damn bugs!"

High in the sky, a meteor burning with fierce flames fell down.

The three flickered and left in sync.

Tie Zhu was the first to stand in the left corner.

Raising his hand, hundreds of millions of sharp iron thorns pierced through the fire element's body out of thin air.

What is left are large and small, countless holes.

However, with a flash of fire, the body of the Elemental Extinguishing Mage instantly recovered.

It seems that this product is burning a little more intensely.

It seems to reflect the mood of the fire elemental mage at the moment...

It was endless, like a raging fire of anger.

Roaring and roaring resounded through the world.

High in the sky, hundreds of flaming meteors are falling.

Looking at Tie Zhu, he passed on his tactical ideas to Tie Zhu.

Tie Zhu understood instantly, and then silver metal spread rapidly from under his feet.

In an instant, the land with a radius of a hundred miles has been completely turned into metal land.

After that, the iron thorn that had just pierced through the fire element quickly twisted and deformed.

Another moment passed, and four iron walls surrounded the place, turning it into a giant iron box that opened to the sky.

Hong Ji's eyes brightened.

He understood Zhou Yi's tactical plan in an instant.

Immediately, a large number of red crystals appeared on the outer wall of the giant iron box.

Covered with a layer of red crystals one meter thick.

The fury of the fire elemental mage remained the same, and there were continuous flaming meteors, which flew wildly in the sky and then fell down.

Fortunately, for this type of spell, there is always a process of a meteorite falling to the ground to cause damage.

The three-person team was given enough time to set up.

The three flashes reappeared, and the three separated in the giant iron box triangle.

The palm was aimed at the iron box, just when hundreds of meteorites in the sky fell to the ground.

The three loud voices are activated simultaneously!

What came before and after the effect of the spell was a huge roar that formed one after another.

The movement of a meteor falling to the ground has never been small.

But also because of this, when the loud sound technique was activated through the air, it gave the three of them enough assistance.

Violent sound waves visible to the naked eye impacted back and forth in the iron box.

The roar and roar of the fire elemental mage will end in an instant...

The 10,000-meter-high wall erected on four sides has become the best echo maker of sound waves.

The fire elemental mage is really short-tempered.

But he's not an idiot, at least

He also knows how to avoid danger!

Now that he is in an iron box, the sound waves brought up by the meteor falling to the ground are constantly impacting him...

It is indeed very dangerous, that complicated and frantic sound wave.

Under the reverberation of the surrounding iron walls, it has almost changed qualitatively!

If he doesn't escape in time, the sound can even make his body structure collapse!


The white light is on, but it doesn't help!

Space anchor?

Dharma light is flashing, this time it's phase teleportation

Unfortunately it still doesn't work!

Followed by flame teleportation, using a designated place of flame as the coordinate, teleporting itself to the coordinate point through the air.

same invalid!

Hong Ji smiled and said: "The scarlet crystal wall, blocking space spells, couldn't be more useful."

The scarlet red crystal wall is precisely Hong Ji who is around the iron box.

The one-meter-thick crystal wall covering it...

Zhou Yi said: "Don't forget, he is a foreign mage!"

Hong Ji nodded: "I know, teleportation across planes, but he doesn't have that chance to use it!"

Tie Zhu nodded in agreement, and at the same time touched the ground with one hand.

A more violent wave swept towards the entire steel continent.


Zhou Yi's color changed slightly, and he immediately sent a phase transmission and left directly.

Hundreds of miles away, Zhou Yi had just landed when he saw something inside the iron wall.

It sounded like a stellar explosion!

Hong Ji's complexion turned pale, and she fell beside Zhou Yi.

Looking into the distance, the column-shaped beam of light rising from the inside of the iron wall......

"This fellow Tie Zhu has even used the Divine Gold Chongxiao."

Zhou Yi looked over, and Sister Hong said:

"God's gold soars to the sky, and a million magic spells are required as prerequisites."

"As you can see, it's powerful enough..."

Zhou Yi couldn't agree more with this statement.

The so-called prerequisite is probably that a piece of metal land is needed.

The spell has been cast...

The result is exactly what it looks like!

The destruction that can be called an extinct star is enough to kill any guy within the range of the spell.

At least, the fire elemental mage has absolutely no possibility of surviving.

Using the magic net to deduce 820 for a while, Zhou Yi only felt his teeth hurt.

Not to mention God descended to the emperor, there are millions of other divine curses.

The divine splendor descends from heaven!

But Zhou Yi used the mana in the pool shared by the apostles to cast this spell once.

The lethality is not as terrifying as this so-called Shenjin Chongxiao.

Various data show that if this spell comes once on Earth.

Just the recoil force generated by the spell can disintegrate Qiu!

As for the goal of meeting the towering beam of light head-on...

I'm afraid even if it is a neutron star, it will be smashed into slag!

The soaring beam of light lasted for half a minute.

Wait for the beam of light to converge until it turns into an intermittent thin line and finally dissipate.

Only then did Zhou Yi see that there was a three-meter-tall tree in the distance.

The metal puppet, whose whole body was baked red by the high temperature, revealed its figure.

That's the Iron Pillar!

"This spell is exaggerated, it's just facing the aftermath."

"They were all burned for this kind of virtue."

From a long distance, Zhou felt the burning smell on his body.

That body temperature must be at least over 100,000 degrees!

But at the same time, Zhou Yi felt relieved, as long as he wasn't directly hit by the spell.

The aftermath of the high temperature is nothing to the mage.

For the mages in the Transcendence Realm, there is no natural phenomenon with spirituality and rules...

Really no threat at all!.

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