Virtual Invasion: I Started To Join Mage Network

Chapter 183: Divine Beast Phoenix

There was a flash of confusion in his eyes, and then he said:

"Back to the Lord, it is indeed not a natural generation."

"On the entire planet, only the old man has this pattern."

"The other spinner turtle cubs of our clan don't have them, and neither do other alien beast clans.

Zhou Yi smiled even wider, and said:

"So, on the eight planets, there are eight keys!"

"No wonder..."

"Please don't say it, my lord!"

Mu Tu turned his huge head and looked at Zhou Yi seriously.


"No matter what you found, or what you found...the so-called key.

"These are all strictly confidential, my lord!"

"I am an apostle, and I will only be an apostle under your command!"

Zhou Yi was silent, he suddenly found that Mu Tu was right.

Zhou Yi from modern society, although he has become a mage.

He has also truly witnessed the mighty power of the mage.

There are no less than half a billion intelligent beings who died because of themselves!

But in essence, Zhou Yi still has the simple values ​​of modern people.

How about the ordinary people living under the red banner......

There is also no way to truly treat an old creature as an apostle like a slave.

But the fact is, whether you can adapt or not.

Mutu and his entire clan have returned to his subordinates to obey orders.

Facing such apostles, if we let them know more...

You know, that wouldn't be a good fit.

This behavior, to the apostles, is not trust.

On the contrary, there is a taste of reverse pressure.

With a sigh, he patted the thick turtle shell.

Zhou Yi chose to be kind.

The old turtle under Pigu is very smart, even if he doesn't say it.

He can also imagine those contents.

As an apostle, the reminder just now is his duty

"Mutu, let's rest today, I have to go out tomorrow."

"Good sir."

The simplest dialogue, a master and a servant all fell asleep at this moment.

Instinctively, after Zhou Yi fell asleep, Mutu set up a sound-proof spell barrier.

He didn't want to let the sound of ocean waves and the cries of strange beasts disturb Zhou Yi's lucid dreams.

Early the next morning, Zhou Yi woke up from a clearing.

Taking care of himself with cleansing, Zhou Yi was able to count and walk alone on the island.

Early in the morning, the old turtle Mutu left early.

Zhou Yi knew how carefully he placed himself in a clean space.

I also know that after Mutu finished, he left the island lightly.

For the training of those mortal soldiers, Mutu obviously intends to have a beginning and an end.

Half an hour later, Zhou Yi realized that the time was about the same.

Teleport again and disappear.

In the Shennongjia base, Faguang blooms and converges.

When he opened his eyes again, what Zhou Yi saw was a group of people entering the trial room one after another.

Now it's almost half gone.

The vigilant base guards immediately turned their guns and locked on Zhou Yi.

The surrounding self-defense gun mounts also started to operate...

Just immediately, all of this was taken back.

A few minutes later, the person in charge of this base ran over.

"Mr. Zhou Yi is going to enter the opposite world.||?"

"It's okay, we can have a vacant spot here."

Zhou Yi smiled and shook his head.

He said bluntly: "No, I just need to see the other side."

After all, Zhou Yi's body culture is invisible.

It was transported to another planet by an invisible force field.

Silently perceive the consumption of mana energy in the body.

Zhou Yi muttered:

"Yes, this place is at least tens of millions of light years away from the earth!"

"Much farther than mountains and sea stars..."

Depending on where the planet is located, the starry sky projected from the sky is also different.

At least, the living planet here enjoys the care of two suns.

Therefore, the temperature of this planet is slightly higher.

However, the location of the portal is different from Shanhaixing.

Going out there is the plain terrain, and here is the plateau terrain!

Not far away, there are hundreds of towering peaks.

During the period, the cry that can resound through the soul and penetrate the soul spreads away.

Zhou Yi looked at a certain peak over there...

On the top of the peak covered by layers of clouds, a divine bird is soaring comfortably.

[On the mountain of Danxue, there is a bird Yan, whose shape is like a chicken, with five colors and writing, the name is Phoenix. 】

Seen in this way, it is only discovered by referring to things.

Many other descriptions are correct, only one point is very different.

How can Phoenix be multicolored and written, it is simply colorful and written!

That's right, during the flying process of the phoenix, except for the three gorgeous and elegant tail feathers.

What is more eye-catching is the flapping of her wings.

The rune light sand swaying out like light particles...

What are runes?

That is the earliest text used by the strong to describe the universe!

The magic is that no matter which civilization system is the boss, describe it.

The runes obtained by the same thing may be different.

But in essence, they all tend to some kind of magical unity.

And therefore, for a long time.

Runes are regarded as the language of communication among the worlds!

However, with the rise of Mage Network, the system of Mage is also rising.

The gradually pure runes were used by Master Yi as a mysterious language.

As for how to talk?

What kind of mage can't do the communication between all things?

Even if there is no gift from the mage net, as long as the mage reaches the state of transformation...

Instinctive ones will also have this ability to know everything.

Back to the topic, the important thing now is the Phoenix itself.

That's right, the gatekeeper of the trial room here.

There are no races, there are...

Just an elegant and gorgeous phoenix!

Of course, through the mouths of the two parties who handed over from a distance...

It is also important to know that although this place is named Fenghuang Plateau by them.

But to be honest, (Qian Nuohao) they also only hear the voice but not the person.

The dharma light on the body surface was shining, and when he opened his eyes, Zhou Yi had already arrived in front of Phoenix.

The sudden appearance of Zhou Yi certainly gave Fenghuang a jump.

Just about to pose angrily to put on a fight......

The next moment, Fenghuang froze in place.

.Wa Wa Huang...the successor of Wa Wa Huang?!"


This made Zhou Yi feel curious.

Has this product not gone through the main identification process?

Didn't it mean that if you can't transform into a corresponding beast, no one will recognize you?

The suspicion in Phoenix's eyes gradually disappeared, and then turned into closeness in an instant.

Do not!

The affectionate energy, described by closeness, is too damn talented.

Reluctantly, he reached out and touched the big bird that was rubbing against his neck.

Zhou Yi said: "You are big-hearted, and you don't worry about me being a fake descendant of Emperor Wa.

Phoenix introduced himself: "My lord, my name is Cai Ling."

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