Hexi is very curious about the plane of light and spirit.

Not only her, Liang Bing and Keisha are equally curious.

Through science and technology, civilization is pushed to the level of astronautics, and even the level of god-making.

They are not surprising, because they have experienced all this themselves.

But the pure mage system, the space-level civilization developed with this power......

That would be so fresh.

This is a planet inhabited by humanoid creatures.

Its volume is more than three times that of Earth, but the magic is here.

The scale of time is the same as that of the planet Earth.

Of course, none of these things are critical.

The key is to look at the planet from a high-altitude perspective.

It is not difficult to find that the entire planet is basically surrounded by green plants.

Mountains, streams, forests, plains, vast seas...

The terrain that all normal life planets will appear.

There is no shortage here.

However, unexpectedly, Zero Liulu"

The intelligent beings of the planet, they do not live on the ground.

The place where they live is above the clouds of the planet...

Wide and criss-crossing rings!

These are giant rings solidified with Levitation.

Instead of the earth, it became the new foundation of official star buildings.

Row upon row of strange buildings stand on top of the giant ring.

Roughly speaking, there are at least ten super giant cities in each giant belt.

And similar giant cities, each city can at least accommodate hundreds of millions of creatures.

The point is, similar to the giant ring, on the living star below...

At least twenty!

After silently observing for a while, Hexi opened his mouth and said:

"Oddly enough, I found the planet below.

"The group of light spirits are all wearing various armors!"

"Is this some kind of folklore?"

Zhou Yi shook his head slightly, he was also curious about this matter.

When I first entered this plane, I met those twenty light spirit guards.

They also wear all kinds of armor!

Even the spherical light spirit is the same.

Zhou Yi pulled Hexi and said:

"Let's go, let's look at the city below."

Of course Hexi had no objection, in fact she was a little impatient.

In an instant, the two of them melted into light and fell to the ground.

Ahead is the gate of a giant city.

It is said to be a city gate, but in fact there is no physical city gate here.

Some are just a huge door frame up to a thousand meters...

A typical example with more symbolic meaning than actual meaning.

The two walked into the city silently.

The busy scene of people coming and going is the norm here.

Magical machine puppets are also very popular in such giant cities.

Zhou Yi also remembered the Hunter Mage Tower.

In the space belonging to hunters, there is a similar civilization template.

The existence of a large number of magical machines has replaced artificial labor.

But that doesn't mean intelligent life has nothing to do.

On the contrary, there are really many things about them.

Discovered the local luminous creature, Hexi who was extremely busy.

He asked: "The intelligent creatures here seem to be very busy."

"Is it because of this world that you are often attacked by the void?"

Zhou Yi nodded slightly, and pointed to both sides of the street.

Shops that can be seen everywhere, say:

"Watch out for these storefronts!"

After observing for a while, Hexi said:

"Very strange civilization, crafting workshop, pharmacy, scroll house..."

"Shops related to these creations can be seen almost everywhere."

"No wonder the residents here are so busy, dealing with materials, identifying the quality of creations..."

"Waste recycling, new product development, resource collection..."

"It's not enough to rely solely on magic workers for these jobs."

Zhou Yi nodded slightly, just as He Xi said.

This civilization is indeed peculiar, and they will experience almost all of them.

They are all placed on how to improve the creation skills.

The status of a craftsman is extremely high in this world.

Through conversations with pedestrians, the two people with keen perception have discovered it.

Even the speakers of the Supreme Glory Hall are all master-level figures!

In addition, Zhou Yi and Hexi also found out.

The light creatures here seem to have a soft spot for armor.

The key is that the armor produced here [in itself has ten magical effects.

When the function of the armor is activated, a pair of light wings will be stretched out from the back of the armor.

In order to assist the flight, the key is such props.

It has a certain resistance to some magic ban effects.

The time is still short, Zhou Yi and the two don't know yet.

What is the purpose of such a design.

So, Zhou Yi simply took Hexi with him.

Found a refining workshop.

The name of the forge workshop is Wildhammer Forge.

The boss is a group of light spirit dwarves, the strange thing is that this group of light spirit dwarves...

It seems that they have also inherited their flesh and blood relatives, the endowment in casting...

"Oh, guest, welcome to our store."

A light spirit dwarf with a big beard stepped forward to entertain him immediately.

He Xi stepped forward and took down a long sword from the weapons shelf...

After watching for a while, I put it down with a bit of disgust.

It can be seen that this is undoubtedly a piece of garbage.

Don't look at Hexi's current focus on alchemy, in fact.

He Xi has also done research on refining weapons.

This long sword is not even as reliable as what she made when she was drunk.

The dwarf store manager is not a fool, of course he can see Hexi's dissatisfaction.

Just as he was about to take Hexi to the second floor to pick out better weapons...

But Zhou Yi column down.

Zhou Yi said, "Let's be straightforward!"

"I plan to participate in the Grandmaster Challenge held by the Supreme Hall of Light."

"According to your competition rules..."

"We need to be affiliated with a workshop related to creation locally.

The dwarf store manager froze for a moment, then nodded with a smile.


"It's like this, and the guests know it when they want to come."

"I am in the plane of light and spirit, every challenge..."

"It will attract many mages from the surrounding planes."

"In fact, it is also because of the gathering of many master creators.

"Traders and the like are no longer in the minority."

"In order to save each other's time, we are the first level for you to participate in the challenge."

After all, the dwarf uncle took the two of them.

Go to basement 4.2, a few minutes later.

In a vast basement, a group of three people just stopped.

Looking around for a week, it is not difficult to find that this is the production center.

There are a large number of light and spirit races, which process various ores here.

There are even some body tissues of Warcraft...

Such as fur, bones, fangs and the like.

These things are all materials that can be used to refine magic props.

Of course, the point is not this.

The point is that neither Zhou Yi nor He Xi thought of it.

This looks like a small refining workshop.

Inside, there are actually three refining masters!

Looking at the smooth operation, you can know that these masters have been immersed in this way for many years.

Hexi asked curiously:

"In the plane of light and spirit, are all creation shops of this level?"

"I see you have three masters here!".

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