Fan Xing smiled, and the whole angel looked extraordinarily peaceful and beautiful.

It's just a pity, in the future of the original book, this young lady has a miserable life.

"Male god, you said the mage system, how can there be so much basic information?"

Zhou Yi spread his hands, and said in a very wicked way: "Do you think this is all there is?"

Fan Xing asked ignorantly, "Isn't it?"

Don't worry, there is already so much information waiting for them to learn.

Even with dark computer-aided learning, it will take at least 20 years for this knowledge to be mastered!

Zhou Yi said with a wicked smile:

"This is where it goes, the apprenticeship can only be said, a simple understanding of the mage system.

"Also, what you see is just a drop in the bucket..."

"After the foundation is established, the regiment is the real beginning."

With a dry smile, the light in the starry little angel's eyes began to dim!

Hey, can't you?

so fragile?

This is Zhou Yi's idea. With the magic net in his hand, Zhou Yi didn't feel much pressure in his studies.

At most, it just feels that the time allocation is not enough.

But the angels can't, from the deep-rooted scientific thinking.

Transformed into a mage's perspective on the world.

Plus a bunch of teaching materials with various strange characters and descriptions

Like the stars, the angels who are in the angel legion all the year round really live like years.

Not only Fan Xing felt this way, but Angel Yan and Angel Ah Zhui also felt this way.

These days of penance, plus endless learning.

Let the angels, sisters, have lightened up a little, and they all looked full of resentment.

Well, never mind.

Seeing Miss Angel's distressed appearance, it's a little dark up and down.

Fanxing was keenly aware of this.

Angrily, he turned around and left, his small mouth raised high.

A look of being bullied miserably.

Zhou Yi grinned, but in the next second, he was punched in the waist by Angel Yan's small fist.


Supporting his old waist, Zhou had a dead fish eye early in the morning.

He was dragged into the mage's secret room maliciously by Angel Yan.

Not long after, a fierce battle broke out in the midair of Fengxi Continent.


In a sense, it can be considered intense.

Limbs flying around, blood spilling

Unfortunately, it was Zhou Yi who was beaten unilaterally.

Half an hour later, Zhou Yi, who had recovered, landed in front of the tower with Angel Yan.

Two large golems have gone out to help Zhou Yi find various materials.

It has to be said that Emperor Wa's layout is really comprehensive.

In this Fengxi Continent, not to mention countless treasures of heaven and earth, but the difference is not too big.

At least all kinds of materials used for the consumption of creation skills can be found here.

In the accumulation of long time, there are even more miraculous natural treasures because of the accumulation of time.

If he wants to, Zhou can do it in an instant.

Become a mage in the mage network, who is considered a small and wealthy mage.

But Zhou Yi doesn't do that.

It's time for me to choose an heir.

I also look down on the kind of slacker who doesn't seek to make progress.

Angel Yan's expression was inexplicable, and there was a strange light flashing in Zhou Yi's gaze.

The cherry-colored lips parted and closed slightly, and a sigh spread faintly.

Zhou Yi looked at Angel Yan inexplicably, not understanding what is going on, what is this young lady grieving for?


Deliberately stepping on the sky-high dark silver boots.

Angel Yan's slightly aggrieved back is stretched extremely long under the warm sun

Zhou Yi, who was stuck in place, was still confused, why was this time.

Little did they know, Ms. Angel Yan felt aggrieved in her heart.

is increasing day by day.

In the teaching bureau more than three times a day, Angel Yan is the one who knows Zhou Yi best.

At only 23 years old, he only awakened to wide-area perception more than ten years ago.

The period has been mediocre, just like all living beings.

But who would have thought that after graduation, this guy would become even more outrageous...

I don't know where, I inherited the magical system of the mage, and then it got out of hand!

An increasingly bizarre Zhou Yi.

Getting stronger and stronger!

As the person involved in the monitoring in person, Angel Yan knows best.

During this process, Zhou Yi's changes are terrifying and bizarre...

It seems that every once in a while, his strength will make a great leap forward.

During the time when he was a sparring partner for this little brat, don't look at Zhou Yi being miserable every time.

But Angel Yancai knew best, how terrifying Zhou Yi's progress was during this process.

Vulnerable in the early stage, wandering and fighting in the middle stage.

Until now, even if he is still being hanged and beaten, he can still use his full combat power...  

Stay strong for half an hour!

I'm afraid that it won't be long before Zhou Yi will be able to make a five-fifty fight with her.

Thinking of this, Angel Yan couldn't help feeling sad.

Could it be that my 7,000-year fighting career has been fed to a dog?

it hurts , shaanne

Your left wing will be hanged and beaten by this brat!

Yan Baobao expressed that he felt bitter and wanted to cry very much!

Anyone who has a premonition that he is about to be hanged and beaten will not be happy.

Step into the tower, on the high platform on the first floor...

Miss Hexi is dressed in a dignified and beautiful dress, elegant and holy.

A small coffee table full of angel style, a roll of luxurious and soft carpet.

The silver-haired Tianji King sat sideways on it.

She is learning, these days.

All kinds of novel knowledge obtained from the field of mages seems to have activated Hexi's strong curiosity as a scientific research officer.

This guy can't wait to learn knowledge all the time.

It can be said that her learning speed, practice progress...

It is also worthy of its title of Tianji King.

More importantly, Hexi would talk to Zhou Yi every day when he was relaxing.

The deep mystery of the universe, the strange perspective of a mage looking at things.

The difference between runes and totems, the proportion of mysterious elements in the spell structure...

And so on, not only (money), these are the contents of their conversation.

Don't think that Hexi was born under the scientific worldview.

But the speed at which she accepted new things surprised even Zhou Yi.

Its unique perspective often arouses Zhou Yi's inspiration......

After the conversation between the two parties, the general manager will return to the Mage Network by himself and do some practical operations.

As a result, the relationship between the two parties has become extremely strange.

Be each other's teachers, each other's friends, each other's goals...

Maybe, there are all these.

All in all, Zhou is very comfortable with this way of getting along.

After some daily communication with Hexi, Zhou Yi found those golems.

Continue to compare the knowledge learned from it, and start to conduct research step by step.

From time to time, Zhou Yi will also pick up various materials.

Try it out on your own.

The practice of creation skills has always been a long process.

Experience is crucial in this process!.

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