Gu Fei landed, got up, and glanced back to see that the large group of people behind him had already turned around. Gu Fei couldn't care less about admiring it and ran as fast as he could. The long-range attack professions such as archers and mages behind him began to show off their power. Gu Fei ran in the hail of bullets. Except for the sniper attacks of the archers, he was not afraid of anything else.

However, the accuracy of the sniper attack helped Gu Fei at this time. As long as he dodges one arrow, this round of sniper attacks is equivalent to dodging - everyone shoots accurately at the same location.

The wanton shooting made it impossible for our own melee troops to pursue. In the parallel world, there is no team formation without damage. If the melee troops pursue them at this time, they will only become targets of fire for the shooters. Moreover, they didn't think it was necessary to pursue him. Gu Fei had already been hit by a "hug and throw". Everyone thought that he could be killed with just an arrow or a spell. No one expected that he could actually kill him. All flashed through without missing a beat.

"Does this person have eyes behind his back?" An archer couldn't help but ask after seeing Gu Fei repeatedly making evasive movements without turning his head.

"You're letting him run away?" Everyone was in disbelief as they watched Gu Fei go further and further away. Since the Qianchen Guild was established in Yueyue City, it has become accustomed to being arrogant and domineering. Normally, the streets are crowded with people. When I go out to level up, I see the sign of the Qianchen Guild. Not to mention grabbing the leveling area, other people can’t give in.

Just such a giant guild has suffered a huge setback today. Someone chopped down the president in public, and then escaped in public, although his escape was a bit lucky. No one in Qianchen knew that it was Gu Fei's plan to approach a fighter and ask him to be thrown out.

"Has anyone identified his profession and equipment?" Seeing that there was no hope of catching up with the opponent, Lan Yi, the vice president of the Qianchen Guild and the second in command of the operation, spoke up.

Lan Yi was a mage. He had just mixed in with the team and arrogantly threw a fireball at Gu Fei. He thought that he could easily blow up Gu Fei's corpse into pieces, but in the end he saw that the fireball he threw was behind Gu Fei's butt. Keep flying until flameout.

"MD, how much Min can you add to this person?" Lan Yi complained in a low voice. Without knowing the other person's occupation, he couldn't tell how to add points by studying the method. At this moment, Lan Yi was secretly glad that he didn't say "don't touch me" in time. Otherwise, this person will be in great trouble.

"No, it was not identified." Several experts in the guild listened to the vice president's question and reported one by one.

"Didn't identify it? Isn't your appraisal skill already at level 10?" Several appraisal experts looked at the top expert among them.

"It was not identified! Maybe he is at the same level as me, but his proficiency is higher than mine..." said the master among the masters.

"Where did this guy come from?" Lan Yi asked.

"He said he was from the Black Hand Mercenary Group." said a player who had interacted with Gu Fei before while squatting outside the door playing swordsmanship.

"Those stupid guys?" Lan Yi was startled, obviously not believing that there were such powerful guys in the Black Hand Mercenary Group.

"This guy is quite stupid." The guy who played with a knife to act like a fool said, "Before leaving, he came over to tell me that he was the one who chopped down the president. If he hadn't told me, we wouldn't have known."

"Too arrogant! We must kill him to avenge the president!" Everyone expressed their opinions one after another.

As soon as Lan Yi saw the excitement among the crowd, he immediately began to direct with high spirits. Divide the guild members into several teams and scatter them to all angles of Yueyue City.

"Find the members of the Black Hand Mercenary Group!" Lan Yi ordered.

"Are there any people left here?" someone asked.

"Stay here, all the tasks have been handed in." Lan Yi said. These words undoubtedly helped Gu Fei a lot.

Gu Fei, who had escaped from the siege, was not idle. He rushed to the coordinates of the pursuit mission that had just been prompted. When people are lucky, nothing can stop them. Gu Fei's Baptism of Fire hit him three times in a row with a 30% chance, and when he was surrounded, he successfully used the enemy's "hug and throw" to escape.

What a lucky day. Apparently his luck hadn't run out yet. He had just run two streets towards the coordinates when he saw someone running towards him in a panic. Gu Fei saw that there was no number and didn't pay much attention. But then, another person was seen coming out of a side street with a bow and arrow in hand, chasing this person.

Gu Fei took a look, but he was happy. The number above his head was his new target. I don’t know whether he is still killing people or trying to wash out his PK value. If it's the latter, it can only be said that he is very unlucky.

Gu Fei stepped aside as if he was watching the fun, and while the guy was chasing him past him, he suddenly tripped his feet out carelessly.

This man reacted very quickly, and jumped up quickly to jump over, but who knew that Gu Fei had a back-up move even when he stretched out his legs to stumble, so he chased him and raised his feet, and he just hit the opponent's feet.

This man didn't fall down, but staggered for a while. Gu Fei didn't show any mercy and chased him with a sword.

When someone gets close to him, the fate of the archer is like a candle in the wind. With a bow in one hand and an arrow in the other, he was in a hurry and didn't know how to parry. Soon Gu Fei's second sword attack came. The archer tried to dodge, but he couldn't escape the changes in Gu Fei's sword technique. He was hit by another sword and quickly retreated to try to close the distance. Unfortunately, this archer didn't seem to be fully agile. His speed was at the same level as Gu Fei's. There was no way he could close the gap in a short distance. Gu Fei caught up with him and struck out with another sword. After three sword blows, the archer was finally arrested with a bang.

The task is completed and you have to go back and hand it over. This time Gu Fei didn't dare to be careless and walked toward Fourth Street, taking every step carefully. After arriving at the gate of the mission release office, I wandered around for a long time and checked all the corners around where I could hide. There was no ambush.

As for the mission hall. Gu Fei saw a lot of players coming in and out, and the flow of people was frequent. He believed that even if there was an ambush, it wouldn't be too difficult to escape, so he immediately stepped in.

Just like the previous visit, Gu Fei's masked appearance only attracted some random attention. Gu Fei didn't want to stay here for too long, so he quickly handed over the task, received a new one, and left.

Walking on the street, waiting for the coordinates of the mission to be updated, I suddenly felt something strange behind me.

Gu Fei remained calm, paying attention to the surrounding situation while speeding up his pace little by little. When he was approaching the intersection, he suddenly started running wildly. He turned and rushed to the next street entrance, then turned again and hid behind a wall.

After a while, Gu Fei saw a skeletal figure appearing at the entrance of the street. He looked around, hoping that Gu Shengzi would turn out to be a girl.

Gu Fei carefully paid attention to the other party's attire, but did not find the logo of the Qianchen Guild. In an arrogant existence like the Qianchen Guild, all members are afraid that others will not know that they are members of Qianchen, so they all wear their badges in the most eye-catching places. All the guys Gu Fei had seen before were like this.

This person is probably not from the past! If you are from the past, you should not be alone.

Gu Fei thought and walked out from behind the wall. However, he was wary and still carried the sword behind his back.

"Girl, who are you looking for?" Gu Fei asked.

The girl turned around, saw Gu Fei, and smiled: "I'm looking for you."

Thin, really too thin. Gu Fei looked at this girl and had only one feeling in his heart. I just felt that it was satisfying to grab it and break it cleanly.

"Who are you?" Gu Fei asked.

"Liuxia..." the girl said.

"What's under the willow?" Gu Fei asked.

"Just call Liu Xia..."

"Your name is quite suspenseful." Gu Fei said.

"What about you?" Liu Xia asked.

Gu Fei didn't answer, but instead asked, "What do you want from me?"

"Catch you." Liu Xia said.

"Catch me?" Gu Fei held the sword in his hand tighter, and had already calculated in his mind seven or eight moves that could kill the opponent with one move at this distance.

"27149, isn't it you?" Liu Xiaxiao, "A melee mage from Yunduan City."

Gu Fei was shocked and didn't know how the other party could see through him. But his face remained calm: "I don't know what you are talking about."

Liu Xia was smiling again: "I have already received the mission. In my eyes, your number 27149 is floating above your head."

Gu Fei was stunned. It seemed that what the other party said was true. So he no longer concealed it and asked bluntly: "How do you know?"

"I was in the pursuit mission release hall, and I watched your PK value of 27149 suddenly change from 10 to 6. This means that you received the mission and killed a player with a PK value of 4. By coincidence, I know that there is a player with a PK value of 4 in our Moon Night City. Guy, so I was a little suspicious that you were here. So I accepted the task of hunting you down and waited there to see if you would come back to hand in the task. As a result, I really waited." Liu Xia said.

Gu Fei sighed, a large PK value would reveal his identity too easily.

"I wanted to follow you then, but unfortunately you were surrounded by the players from Qianchen outside. I was ready to go to the resurrection point to find you, but I didn't expect you to escape." Liu Xia said.

"It's just good luck." Gu Fei said.

"So I continued to keep an eye on your PK value. I thought that if it changes again after a while, it means that you have completed the task again, and then you will definitely return the task again. As a result, I waited again." Liu Xia said.

"You are so smart." Gu Fei smiled bitterly, "Now you have caught up with me."

"If I don't arrest you, can you do me a favor?" Liu Xia said with a wink.

"What are you busy with?" Gu Fei asked. The other party obviously knew that his "I won't arrest you" was weightless, so he said it very casually. Gu Fei naturally didn't take it too seriously and asked casually.

"Take off the mask and let me see what you look like." Liu Xia said.

"No." Gu Fei refused without thinking, almost subconsciously. Hiding his identity had become a habit.

"Why?" Liu Xia asked.


"But if you don't take off the mask, how can I treat you to a drink?" Liu Xia blinked.

"Why do you want to invite me to drink?" Gu Fei asked.

"Well, because you didn't agree to what I asked for just now, I want to change it." Liu Xia said.


"Why are you chasing that poor guy called Buxiao?" Liu Xia suddenly asked.

"Accept the trust!" Gu Fei said.

"Then can you accept my entrustment and hunt down a person?" Liu Xia said.

"No." Gu Fei refused again.


Because of the related writing, the update is a little late... The update of the daytime chapter will be tomorrow afternoon, about 3 o'clock

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