Virtual World: Conquering the World

Chapter 1009: Moon Alliance

Nalanxiu gritted his teeth, his eyes resentful, and screamed, "Are you threatening Lao Tzu?"

I do n’t say anything anymore. I lifted the sword and dropped it, and the Chixiao sword floated through the flames. Nalanxiu's body was immediately torn, and the white light scattered, even the S4 breastplate had burst.

Nalanxiu's face became more ugly, staring at me sternly, and screaming, "Science is killable, not shameful."

I smiled slightly, pointed to the best S4 equipment on the ground, and said, "As long as you explain from reality, none of these equipment on the ground will move, and the original number will be returned."

Suddenly, Nalanxiu was a little moved, and nothing was more pleasing than being lost.


"Say, why is Black Purgatory aimed at Xueyue?" I asked.

Nalanxiu looked at the equipment on the ground, but couldn't pick it up in the blood enchantment, and gritted his teeth: "This is the secret of our guild."

"Less nonsense, let's talk!" Ling Xue was next to the fierce threat: "Don't dare to talk nonsense and get back to zero!"

Nalan Xiu didn't know the depth, she trembled, and looked desperate, Yangtian sighed: "Forget it, it doesn't matter to tell you. Black purgatory is a studio composed of a group of graduates, the boss is Nalan style, the top of the list Hundreds of celebrities, this person, you know? "

I shook my head: "I don't know ..."

Nalanxiu's face was even more ugly, saying: "The reason why we would attack Xueyue, I do n’t know. In short, it was ordered by the leader. Xueyue focused on the territory in the Baiyun City territory, and its strength in the foreign domain must not be very good. , Those of us who have been in the foreign domain for a long time do not need to admit in front of Xueyue. "

"Just because of this?" My sword sharpened, and I immediately cut into Na Lanxiu's neck. The blood was splattering, and I might be anxious.


Nalan Xiu grunted, saying: "The secrets are only known to the confederate, we are just ordinary members, playing games and having fun, so we will not delve into the causes and consequences too much."

It seems that there is no secret in this person.

I pulled back the Chixiao sword and said, "You go, don't come back."


Nalan Xiuyi lowered her head to pick up the equipment, and turned around as soon as I came into contact with the blood enchantment, and entered the stealth mode when I walked out more than ten yards away.

I couldn't help sneering, his whereabouts were completely unknown under the eyes of the stars, what to hide?

"He hasn't given up yet?" Ling Xue asked on the team channel.

"Well, following us from a distance, it seems ... inviting friends?"

Qin Yun couldn't help but smile: "It seems that we are going to be treated as a key hit. It won't be long before there will be many black purgatory people attacking us."

I turned and asked, "Do you all have invincible skills?"

Several MM nodded together.

"Then it's easy to let go and kill. If we can't kill it, we will go back to the city invincibly and keep ourselves harmless. Since the black purgatory dares to provoke Xueyue, we should also color it, otherwise we would think Xueyue is a soft persimmon. "

"it is good!"


Stepping on the dark ground of the hills, I picked up some mobs with short eyes. We walked very slowly. The purpose of this trip was to make a frontal collision with these guilds and find out what their intentions are. If Really aiming at Xueyue's deadly enemy, then we waved into the outer area and leveled them.

"For a while, if they have a lot of people, the soldiers pay attention to protect the rest of the profession. Xiaoxue takes Ling Yue to ride the dragon to fly to the sky, so that he can avoid a lot of attacks. Qin Yun follows me, and iced tea with fragrant fragrance Let Xun escape at full speed, and Ling Xue and I cover the attack in the air so that we can be invincible. "I made the deployment before the war.

Several MMs nodded and looked excited.

After a while, I was alert: "Here!"

Sure enough, guilds such as black purgatory are indigenous peoples who are free in the outer world. They come and go like wind. It took less than a quarter of an hour for many players to quickly approach. The star of the stars showed at least 20 blues on the map. The colored dot quickly approached the coordinates of several of us. In addition, there were a few more assassins behind, and they followed closely.

"It looks like we're going to kill today," I said lightly.

Ling Yue said, "It's okay. Anyway, if you don't get a fame, it's like playing equipment!"

"Right on my mind!"

With a bang, I pulled out the Chixiao sword, overhead, and the Tyrannosaurus roared past. Like a single arm, Linger, dressed in a set of God of War equipment, flew in the air, surrounded by silver cyclones, beautiful.

After a few minutes, the number of the other party increased, and they seemed to be aware of our alertness, and they were not in a hurry to step forward. It seemed that they had to wait for a larger number of people to start.

Ling Xue called aloud, Amethyst Dragon gliding down, and the little beautiful girl in the electric light flint rushed to the dragon's back, and then turned Ling Yue back to the dragon's back, ready to go to war!

Ice tea will bring Daoxiangxiang to the horse, and the breakthrough ability of the warrior department is far better than that of the mage department.

The guild of black purgatory is not yet known. From the perspective of the quality of players, the average level should be no less than the soul returning robes. The guilds that have been mixing outland for years can always surprise people. The leaves on the hills are shaking. The warriors who dialed Black Purgatory came from the game. One of them is a sacred player, and the rest are senior warriors wearing S series equipment. With this lineup, they can already dominate the party.

I did not ride on the back of the dragon, reached out to catch Qin Yun's small hand, and slowly stepped forward, not afraid to be too far away from Qin Yun. There are too many assassins here, and a careless Qin Yun may be shot back.

Being held by me, Qin Yun did not struggle, and walked forward with a smile.

I met a group of black purgatory fighters, and I slammed into the sanctuary to transform into a state. The Chixiao sword was held flat, and the sword front was covered with a layer of blue frost cyclones.

The sword pointed at these assailants, and I shouted, "Who is the master of the black purgatory? Stand up and speak!"

A few soldiers did not speak, but a black shadow appeared in the void, but it was a lurking assassin. The color of the whole person blended with the bushes behind me, but I didn't find it!

Dude, this is definitely a top assassin!

Nalan Wind, Level 239 Sanctuary Assassin, Lord of Black Purgatory. This is a young man who is about 25 years old, with clear eyes, a lazy look, a black leather armor, and a flaming dagger in his hand. It seems that he should not be attacked at a glance. The previous Nalan show was much more arrogant, because his eyes were very calm to see people. This kind of person is most suitable as a killer. The more sophisticated the assassin, the less aggressive he looks, but once it breaks out, it will be between the light and the flint. Can understand the top master, sad crisp breeze is also this smile Yan Luo.

"I'm the leader of the Black Purgatory, why, what's the advice?" Nalanfeng smiled lightly.

I took back the sword and calmly said, "What is the purpose of Black Purgatory's repeated attacks on Xueyue's team in the outer area recently? If you want to challenge Xueyue to be able to come out, why do you have to sneak into this kind of work?"

Nalan Feng could not help but smile: "Black Purgatory is a guild composed of hunters and killers. We have always been engaged in the business of killing and surpassing goods. Can others kill us, but we cannot kill only the snowy ones? "

"Yes, you really can't kill!"

I chuckled softly: "If you come to attack Xueyue today, I will get back ten times! But if you are only directed by someone, then talk about the messenger and take out the chat history as a proof, then everything is good to discuss, Maybe Xueyue and Black Purgatory will become a friendship. "

Nalan chuckled coldly: "Take it down! We don't need allies like Xueyue. You should have thought of it when you killed Nalan Xiu."

The iced tea was angry, and the Emperor's sword was raised, saying: "Shameless to the face, the scholar still talks nonsense, no matter what black purgatory he has, flattened it! Today, Xueyue will never compromise!"

"is it?"

Nalan Fengxi smiled with a smile, one-armed, and said loudly: "Warriors in Black Purgatory, go to war! In front of us is Snow Moon, known as the first team in China. Kill a few of them, and we can be famous. Outland, make Cangya and Triumph those guilds jealous! "

Speaking, Nalanfeng glanced at my equipment and said, "It is said that the equipment worn by frivolous scholars is to equip the famous eternal suit on the list and a set of heavenly artifacts. As long as one of them bursts out, it is enough to eat and drink. A lifetime, how bold people are, how productive the land is, it is today! "

On the side of the mountain, a large number of players immediately emerged. At least hundreds of archers and mages had quickly killed them. They were well prepared. Every sacred player in the warrior department was a male lion and came to hunt these male lions. The necessary condition is a high-level archer and mage. Under the siege, no one can stop it.

"Good guy, it looks like it's desperate!" Bingcha smiled slightly.

"Take your time with Xiang Xiang, let's rush first!"

While I was talking, the Tyrannosaurus Rex descended from the sky, and the group of Black Purgatory was suddenly frightened. Obviously, Snow Moon's battle to defend the Twilight Ranger had just ended. Knowing that my living Tyrannosaurus mount was not many, this group People are mingling in the outer world all day long, and they are also hindered by the news.

Reaching for Qin Yun's waist, he jumped onto the dragon's back, and commanded loudly, "Xiao Qing, kill!"

Tyrannosaurus roared, his hind legs stomped on the ground, his body flew in the air, and he rushed into the crowd of black purgatory at low altitude. The sword of Qixiao fell in front of him, and the whole hill was shaking. The understated sword was Deep sword marks were left on the ground, and seven or eight black purgatory archers flew back to the city for Baiguang.

Nalan wind disappeared in the first moment, and his drinking order came from the void: "Stunned arrows, indiscriminate attack!"


The severe arrow rain came, but all the hard carapace of Tyrannosaurus repelled, and the attackers of these archers were too inadequate to break my defense at all.

Ling Xue also fell down, and the eternal ice blade brought countless ice and snow, and a number of bright snow and ice lotus bloomed, strangling a group of black purgatory players into a pile of ice debris, this attack power has far exceeded the black purgatory players The range that they can bear. Although they are hunters who make many players frightened in the outer world, they have not experienced the **** rain of guild wars and national wars. How can combat effectiveness be Snow Moon's opponent?

Ice Tea, as a ground knight, did not let the sword sprint, and the Emperor Sword burst one fatal blow, killing a group of black purgatory players.

Between the rushing and killing, suddenly the iced tea stopped moving, a blood-colored pattern floated above his head, and a black figure appeared behind him. It was the leader of the black purgatory, Nalan Feng!

Sure enough, Nalan's operation is very ordinary! Wrapped in a white cyclone, the dagger swiped across the back of the iced tea and whispered, "Break!"


Although the attack damage is not much, it can be clearly seen that the toughness of the ice tea mount has plummeted. Once again, I am afraid that the state of the mount will be destroyed. Once the mount state is interrupted, the ice tea has no mount battle A sharp decline in power, that would be dangerous!

I hurriedly approached, with one hand: "Shining Sacred Armor!"


A golden crystal wall appeared around the iced tea. At the same time, Nalan Feng also drew the dagger between the necks of the iced tea. Of course, in the face of the fierce girl Thunder Swordman such as iced tea, there must be a dead end with compassion and compassion.


The attack has rebounded!

Nalan's blow was fully returned, and it was the biggest damage!


Dude, if iced tea is hit, it will definitely hurt.

But under such a catapult, Na Lanfeng didn't hang up, and the blood was just full again immediately after the end, this situation-he has rebirth stunt! Or just have a very powerful rebirth attribute!

Sure enough, someone who can command a legendary guild like Black Purgatory always has a few brushes!


Qin Yun landed accurately, the staff was raised, and the goddess elegy made up for the lost blood and energy of iced tea, and at the same time greatly restored her loss of mount toughness.

I quickly connected Qin Yun to the dragon's back, and Linger had already fallen into the crowd. Ling Xue even chased hundreds of people. The black purgatory player overestimated himself and thought that he could shake the dragon knight. Who would have thought that the archers couldn't faint Ling Xue wearing the God of War suit, but ended up losing his helmet and armor by this beautiful dragon riding.

Nalan wind sees a bad situation ~ ~ Turn around and leave, the body disappears into the void.

"Want to go ?!"

I raised my hand and fired an arrow of lighting. The strange thing is that I still can't find Nalan Wind's trace. This kid's stealth skills are tricky, and definitely not easy!

Two dragon knights, one knight knight chased his opponent to the edge of the hill, and the black purgatory was defeated fiercely, and a group of people were like dogs.

A little further ahead, it was a valley-like gorge. We drove straight into it. We never thought that the shouts in the woods on both sides suddenly hit the ambush of others.

Under the battle, a knight with a full body of gold armor rushed forward and laughed: "Nalan wind, doing a good job, and then let us triumph. The kid of the Seven Star Lantern was really right. , We will never look at the Moon Alliance in our outer area! "

Qin Yun and I looked at each other suddenly.

Seven-Star Light, Moon Alliance? what's the problem? For easy access, please keep in mind that your support is our greatest motivation!

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