After eating crab, there is still some time before lunch.

Got online and appeared in Tian Key City. Sure enough, there was a message from the lone tomb: "Go back after going online!"

Open the friends list, Lone Grave Online, and submit a call request.

"Hi, your kid is finally online!"

The solitary tomb opened the door and said, "Scholar, do you also know the person who is Li Fang?"

I was startled: "Well, do you know Uncle?"

"Yes." Gu Fen said: "My eldest brother, who is far away, is my nephew. He found me last night and made a request to me."

"Request? What request?"


"What, borrowing soldiers ?!" I stared. "You won't really borrow it?"

Gufen coughed and said, "What exactly are you in conflict with him, why did I ask him not to do business and play games, and he said it was for you?"

I bluntly said: "Your nephew has a crush on Ling Xue, confessed to her yesterday, and then said she would challenge me."

"Hey, interesting ..."

Lonely grave smiled: "Scholar, you finally have a powerful rival!"


"Yes, I might as well tell you that this kid has no other specialties, but he is good at playing games. Three years ago, the overwhelming overlord, his side's ranked among the top three. Although the overlord is not as good as Yueheng , But it is also a holographic reality game, you need to be mentally prepared. "

I asked, "Did you really borrow?"

"Um." Gufen smiled: "I let Hellfire take a few people to level up, and the party is among them. It is estimated that it won't be long before he can rise to level 255. You know, hellfire leveling The efficiency is very high, and they are also in the blue sky and the snow in June. "

I couldn't help laughing: "Okay, now there is a nephew, the uncle is going to hit me?"

Lonely grave laughed: "Good boy, you come back and bite ?! Hum, I am Qiuyu Nianhua army stationed in Ice Wolf City to defend the attack from Luoyan City, will it be easy for me? Now my nephew came to ask me for help, I How can you not help, besides, who is Ling Xue's little girl? But Ling Tian's daughter, you have more challenges to meet ... "

I was a little stunned in my heart and asked, "Uncle, Qiuyu years have withdrawn from Baiyun City?"

"Well, it ’s enough for Baiyun City to have Snow Moon, Vanilla and Ice, and the Moon God Temple. The city has moved to Ice Wolf City in the autumn and rain. Our county is also there, so it ’s more convenient. There is always someone at the west gate of China. Isn't it guard? "

"Well, uncle hard."

"Not hard, haha!"


Turning off the communicator, I took a deep breath and a new problem came.

Qiuyu Nianhua has always played the role of an ally, but who is the lone tomb? The lone tomb is a generation of heroes, and they joined forces with Xueyue due to various situations. Now the Moon Temple has evolved peacefully. In the northeast of Baiyun City, Qiuyu years have no place at all.

So, the lone tomb moved to Ice Wolf City, where he became a king and became a vassal in Ice Wolf City. What a happy thing? No matter who it is, playing a game is nothing more than fulfilling one's wishes. The lone grave is doing it at this time. I also understand that there are no eternal allies in the world, and the interests will change. Allies will also break.

At this moment, although Qiuyu Nianhua still maintains an ally relationship with Xueyue, the solitary grave supports the challenge of the party. This is undoubtedly an excuse to fight against Snowy Moon. In fact, Snowy Moon is indeed too powerful in China The power of shaking is replaced by a lone grave, and I will also be restless about it.



Not far away, Ling Xue appeared next to the Great Shrine, the little girl twisted her waist and hips, came over with all kinds of styles, and asked with a smile, "Why are you standing here stupid?"

I said something about the lone tomb and the party.

Ling Xue's mouth widened in shock: "Halo, and this relationship, this world is too small, what are you going to do?"

"I want to go to Hellfire and destroy the level 1 trumpet ..."

"Halo, that's too careful."

"S6 only starts at 2pm. What do you do in the morning?" I asked.

"Go to the stalls. The blood vengeance mission got so many earth artifacts, fairy artifacts, and sacred artifacts last time. They need to be sold, and they are worthy of retention!"

"Well, go!"

When teleported to Baiyun City, earth artifacts and sacred artifacts were naturally lost to the auction house. Fairy wares set up a booth in the city and did not sip. They accompanied Ling Xue to pull things to the west. Time passed quickly.

After lunch, I took a break for a while, and the two names in the buddy list lit up: Qin Yun and Ling Yue were online!

Qin Yun first came with a message: "~"

I didn't know how to answer, so I said, "Good afternoon, Yuner ..."

Qin Yun opened the intercom, and said badly, "I haven't seen you for a few days, haven't you said anything else to me? For example, don't you ask how is your health?"


"Halo ..." Qin Yunjiao sighed and said, "You don't worry about the next time I go back with a big belly, how do you explain to Ling Xue Lingyue?"

There was a chill in my heart, yeah, what should I do?

Seeing that I was dumbfounded, Qin Yun couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckling: "Okay, I'm not scaring you, I ... have already taken the medicine, it's okay, and I won't cry and work hard to make you responsible."

"Well ... Yuner, everything is OK after coming to the US?"

"Well, very good, everything is arranged, Uncle Ling is very careful. Of course, Ling Yue was intern here two years ago, and she will definitely not have any problems."

"Oh, then I can rest assured."

Qin Yun smiled, and asked quite profoundly: "You talk to Ling Yue? In the past two days, the topic she talked about the most, except Ling Xue, is you, alas, she is enchanted ..."

"Let's talk in the team later, let's play s6!"

"Uh-huh, it just happens to be a rest day, so you can play for a while ~"

So I dragged out the team menu and invited Ling Xue, Ling Yue, Qin Yun and Dao Huaxiang to enter the team one by one, and then announced: "Outside the East Gate of the Key City, gather by the bamboo forest, ten minutes of preparation time, is there any problem? "

"No, I'll be right there!" Ling Xue said.

Ling Yue said: "I'll buy a potion, I'll come soon!"

Daohuaxiang and Qin Yun also expressed a little preparation before coming back.

So I rode the first Tyrannosaurus Rex to the purple bamboo forest, tied the Tyrannosaurus Rex to the bamboo forest, and then waited there with a sword. There was a bright light of equipment. At this moment, I was already level, and was still 5 levels behind You can equip the North Ancient Sword of Archaic Shenbing.

Recently, I have developed a good habit. I go to the warehouse every day to see the appearance of Beiming Sword, and then it is dark for a few minutes. The limit of more than 200,000 attacks is four times that of Chixiao, which is too powerful! Once I am equipped with the North Soul Sword, I am afraid that even the seven-star lamp with the shield of Taigu Shield and Bone Bell can not withstand my powerful attack output. It is possible to slash to death.

When she was full of ambition, Ling Xue came, the purple dragon floated in the air, the beautiful soldier had already fallen with the wind, and her figure was steady and steady. This practice is really done without knowing how many heels were planted. of.

Soon after, Qin Yun, Ling Yue, and Dao Hua Xiang came, and the three mages walked together in mm, even if they encountered a sneak attack, they could completely retreat. Of course, under the city of Xueyue Tiankey City, no one has eaten yet The bear heart leopard dared to attack the Snowy Moon lord.

I pointed to Xiao Qing next to me and said, "Let's fly over? The Temple of Nuwa is on the edge of the barren land, closer from here."

Qin Yun nodded and smiled: "Okay, fly a little higher, don't be killed by the whiptail eagle. It is said that more than a dozen night owl knights under the hands of Dark Roar yesterday were killed by the whiptail eagle, which is terrible."

"Haha, nothing!"

Standing on the back of the dragon, Xiao Qing was still snarling in protest against me riding on the beauty, but after I slap, I lost my temper, and obediently stretched out the meat wings, letting several beauties one by one Dragon back.

I was standing in the center, holding a sword with one hand, Ling Xue was holding my right wrist, Ling Yue stepped forward, climbed my left shoulder, and laughed: "I heard that you went to Ling Xue's class reunion yesterday? "

"Well? Well, your news is ..."

Ling Yue grinned, and stood proud of her robe. She said confidently: "Of course, Xueer is my sister, and twin sisters are telepathic. I know everything that Ling Xue knows! "

I grinned, "Is that so? Then you talk about, last night, did I sleep on Ling Xue's left or right?"

Ling Yue's face turned red, and she quickly punched me: "Smelly guy, dare to move Xueer, you are dead!"

"Che, is it telepathic? I slept with Ling Xue in two rooms last night, okay?"

Ling Yue knew she was being fooled, so she sneered and said, "Well, it's too far away, I can't sense it for a while, and it's really embarrassing to see your pride."

Qin Yun and Ling Xue covered their mouths and chuckled, and Dao Huaxiang said, "Brother, the son-in-law temple is not in that direction, flying wrong ..."

"Ah? By ..."

Spring heart is rippling, even the goal is set wrong ~ ~ It is a failure!

He turned in a hurry, and the Tyrannosaurus rex swept across the sky, and flew straight to the direction of the Temple of Nuwa.

Soon after, clearing the clouds, we have stepped out of the borders of the barren land, and the front is already outside, far away, a solemn white jade statue straight into the sky, the statue is a woman, a woman with a kind face, and it is the son-in-law The son-in-law is like a mark of the son-in-law temple, which shows that we have reached our destination.

Tyrannosaurus roared down and steadily landed at the feet of the son-in-law statue, looked up and looked up. This statue is so spectacular that the end of the statue can hardly be seen, and the son-in-law's head is already among the clouds. , As if heaven came.

"The gathering stone is over there!" Ling Yue reached out.

Everyone activated the team mode and checked the leaderboards at the same time. Before that, n teams had already challenged the Nüwa Shrine, but very few teams could play the first one, and the second one was left unattended. God knows how powerful the temple of the son-in-law is.

As he was about to enter the copy, a fiery red giant shadow fell again in the air. A warrior wearing a black armor landed in the air, holding a broken sword in his hand, grinning: "What a coincidence?"

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