Virtual World: Conquering the World

Chapter 993: Twilight Ranger

The lights were dim, and a few of them didn't recognize us, so I calmly said, "Oh? It's a guild of seven-star lights. What's going to happen to the soul returning shirt?"

"Hey, this is confidential and will not be advised!"

A black and thin young man grinned, and said, "Our soul is one of the guilds. We didn't expect to have a supper."

I secretly smiled and stopped talking to him.

A few mm even lowered their heads to eat and ignored, it seems that the seven-star lamp and the soul return to the battle robe are actually clouds in everyone's eyes.

However, this message made me worry. The seven-star light must have a big action, and this action will have a certain impact on Xueyue. In the area of ​​Baiyun City, there are only a few million-level guilds. , Move the whole body with one touch, what action does the soul return to the battle robe, Xueyue's interests must be involved.

However, I did not think too much. Now Xueyue owns 50,000 silver cymbals and can ride almost any army on Big 6. The core members of the guild itself are also very stable. The whole guild is almost impeccable. No matter what firearms the Qixing Lanterns play, even if I'm not online, the shadows follow the wind and dance in the spring and autumn, flying fire, and sad and breezy wind. They are enough to cope.

Back in the studio, I fell asleep dimly in bed.


I slept until about noon, but had not yet woke up, but was awakened by a sound in my ear: "Scholar? Get up, we are about to be attacked!"

An exciter sat up and turned around to see that Summer was sitting next to the bed.

"What did you say? Someone attacked Xueyue's territory?" I asked with a stare.

Xia Xia nodded: "Well, Ling Xue and they are already online. You hurry up to eat and go online, and in about an hour, the territory will be attacked!"

"Well, there's such a thing!"

After returning to the room in the summer, it took me only ten minutes to complete the tasks of brushing my teeth, washing my face, c, and washing my hands. I scratched a hoe, swallowed a glass of water after swallowing, and went online immediately!


The characters appear in the capital of the king, but the territory is already crowded, and it seems that something really happened.

Immediately rushed out of the city, a lot of Xueyue's management players were sending soldiers.

"What's the situation?" I asked Jian Tijian.

Shadow frowned in the wind and said, "You flip through the system announcement half an hour ago and you will understand."


Holding the system message bar and querying the time, it is obvious that there is one--

System Announcement: The player ’s Seven Star Lights completed the mainline mission [Vow of the Banshee], attracting a large amount of hatred from the dark forces. The player has been killed near the coordinates of Baiyun City (13873,). The hatred of the dark forces has spread to the nearest three human main cities. , Respectively for the player's territory: the capital of kings, Tianshui County, Apple County, the leader of the dark forces Twilight Ranger? Ao Dan will lead the Ministry to attack in minutes!


"Fuck! Seven-star lamp is really dangerous, this is a pendulum to kill!" I gritted my teeth.

The shadow nodded with the wind: "No, we have three resident lips and teeth, but they were found by the clever guy of Seven Star Lamp. The center point of the triangle is used to attract the hatred of monsters. This must be the intention of Seven Star Lamp. , Too dangerous, too despicable! "

"How long will Twilight Ranger reach the King's Capital?"

"About 45 minutes!"

Ling Yue pulled me into the team and said, "Ice nobility is reconnaissance at high altitude, and now a large number of Dark Legions led by Twilight Ranger have left the Dark Castle and reached the East Outland. Without accident, they can enter Baiyun City within half an hour. Territory, what shall we do? "

"Wait first, let me see ..."


Opening the system map, the current Kings are honored to be closest to the outer area. In other words, once the Dark Legion attacks, the Kings will be the first force in the three counties.

If you let me choose, the Twilight Ranger will not easily lead the troops into the defensive range of the King City. After all, starting a war in the homeland is not good for the construction of the territory. Therefore, the best way is to be able to defeat the Twilight Ranger Legion in the outer area. Here, even if we all hang up, we can still participate in the defense when we return to the capital of the king, and also prevent the walls of the capital of the king from being overthrown.

So, I asked for your opinions, and all the votes were passed. Almost everyone agreed to take the initiative to attack. The siege of this place can only be a death. How can it be that the players in several counties can defend it? of?

The Seven Star Lantern is too sharp, and I don't know what tasks I can do to anger the Twilight Ranger. Maybe I went to see Ao Dan and get caught in the bath?

Think about it, forget it, the woman in the Dark Legion is really uninteresting.

Just outside the capital of the king, Xueyue sent more soldiers. I ordered a million elite soldiers. With a big wave of the flag, Xueyue's ace Yinxie Iron Ride had rushed out, and galloped in the direction of the outer domain. In case of an accident, it is not a problem to block the Dark Legion in the outer area with their degree.

Xueyue Guild itself has nearly three million players, plus tens of thousands of vanilla and ice. In fact, our strength is not inferior to today's powerful soul return jersey, no need to panic, calmly respond.

The brigade kept the horse guarding the city to prevent the attack by others. The Qixing Lantern may not have the courage to kick the door. The rest of the small shrimp guild is difficult to say. It is because the newborn calves are not afraid of tigers!


The tranquility of Yulu Forest was smashed by the iron hoofs of thousands of cavalry, and players with sharp swords and snowy moons galloped across the lush mother forest. Nearly half a million soldiers rushed to the horses. Rear, archers, The mage and priest teams are also all advancing. They may be slower, but it is still enough to reach the outer area within an hour and a half.

I rode on the flame unicorn, stroking the cricket's flame mane. After blocking the Twilight Ranger, I'm afraid I won't need it again, cricket Xiaoqing will inevitably pass the flame no matter whether it is degree or genus. Kirin's, this is beyond doubt, and the dragon knight is more prestigious, heaven and earth, only I have exclusive respect!

Yiqifeibao came: "Leader! The Dark Legion led by the Twilight Ranger is less than ten miles from the scorching canyon at the entrance to the Outland, and can be reached in about 15 minutes!"

I figured it out, and laughed: "Just right, our vanguard can also reach the Searing Gorge within a quarter of an hour. Just set the ambush location in the Searing Gorge. It just happens that the map is not too big. Our number is far away. It ’s far less than monsters, so it wo n’t be surrounded, which is great for us! ”

Ran Wu Chun Qiu said: "Then let the brothers in front slow down a bit, or they may enter the outer realm after five minutes."


Everyone adjusted the movement a little, so that they could reach the Scorching Canyon at the same time as the Twilight Rangers.

Fifteen minutes later, a large number of cavalrymen have entered the fiery red canyon. Legend has it that this is an extinct volcano, but the magma spraying over a long period of time has directly caused warmth here, and ordinary beasts are here. Unable to survive, only some monsters like the hot beasts can live happily in the canyon.

However, today their happy life has come to an end. As the Twilight Ranger Ao Dan, the 7th in the top ten, the Scorching Canyon is destined to be a **** storm!

Reaching the middle of the canyon, this is an open plain area with a width of about ten kilometers, which is very suitable for the sprint and detour of the cavalry, so I raised my hand and loudly said, "Brothers, here, start the array! When the Dark Legion appeared, we moved on a charge, and the next line covered the brothers in front to retreat and replenish their blood, trying to win the first wave of undead! "

Everyone stopped, pulled out their sharp blades, and waited.

The silver cymbal iron ride acts as the first shock wave, and the neat war ride looks extremely enjoyable. Moreover, this is not just for viewing, the lethality will also be very amazing. At least for the first five waves of monsters, everyone can maintain absolute suppression. The last five waves are difficult to say. Maybe we will be collectively killed back to the capital of the king.

This monster siege is a bold game. If we win, we can gain a lot of experience and equipment. If we lose, we may lose three county-level territories.

In the sky, several dragon riders mm hovering around the dragon. To be honest, the silver knight iron rider wants the most lethality. That is really the cooperation of the dragon knight. After all, the sky has a natural advantage, and the silver knight iron ride is difficult on the ground. Rushing through the shield wall, dragon knights often need only one sword to break up the defensive fronts. With open space, they are extremely powerful!

Ling Xue dropped Ling Yue from the dragon's back, iced tea was not far from her side, vanilla and ice defended the city across the line, but she, the leader, ran out to participate in Snow Moon's action, and members of her guild watched This girl is obviously not so authentic.

After Xu Xuan, a smell of stench came from the air, and sure enough, the dark creatures came!

A dense black line appeared on the horizon, nothing else. It was a group of 255 warsong monster skull soldiers, and these were skeleton soldiers with strengthened bones. Various genres were strengthened a lot, definitely not those in the ancient battlefield. The rookie skull can be compared.


I pulled out the Chixiao sword, raised it high, and yelled, "Ready to attack! The first charge of charge arrived near Taniguchi and turned the horse's head and rushed back. Whoever dares fall in love will bear the consequences!"

With a whistling sound, the flame unicorn galloped away with its four hoofs galloping away. Behind them, the silver cymbals and iron riders slammed and killed. The iced tea rode forward with the cymbal beast, and became one of the leaders of the silver yoke iron ride. The leader who added ice to the vanilla, but ice tea is a member of Xueyue Studio, and they are more familiar with everyone. The group of Yinye Tieqi even had the courage to tease the ice tea sister. Of course, the result was terrible. Either he was captive or he was captive.

The first time you contact a skeleton soldier, raising the Chixiao sword is a dragon cutting!


The dazzling Jian Mang killed a group of skeletons, and was followed by a whirlwind, which stirred up several storms and rolled up countless broken bones.

The iced tea was rushing, the Emperor's sword was sharp, the thunder chop had fallen, and the onions and fingers were not spreading, the current was flowing, and the lightning storm was coming. This skill is too sharp to kill mobs. A power is a whole piece!

Behind him, countless silver cymbals and iron horses rushed into the monster pile, blue aurora fell, group kill skills Aurora Sword burst in the monster group, those skeletons fell like wheat.

In the air, several dragon knights dived down for a long time, and the swordsman waved continuously, driving countless swords to rag in the monster group. The output of the dragon knight's attack was indeed envious!

It took me only four minutes to rush through half of the canyon. Although the front row players carried the blood bottles one by one, they still couldn't stop the blood from falling. Not everyone has my defense, even a lot of silver golem Tieqi's blood strip has dropped more than half.

However, the mission has been completed. I held up the long sword and commanded loudly: "The team changes the tail of the team, turn the horse's head and start to fight back!"

In this way, the damage is greatly reduced, and the players who originally served as the first line no longer need to charge and fall into battle. They return to the camp with safety and blood, and the second-level player cavalry square has already rushed out.

The killing sound in the whole canyon became a slaughterhouse to kill the skeletons.

Go back and look at the experience of Tyrannosaurus Rex Xiaoqing, who has 87% experience at level 199. You can be promoted to level by just smashing again!

On the contrary, I was not in a hurry to upgrade. I put the sword on the ground and accompanied Ling Yue to watch the situation on the battlefield. I waited for the second wave of monsters to come down and rushed to kill him. I wanted to give members of the guild their own Stage, waiting until the next few waves, there are opportunities for me to show my strengths.

Although the skull's violence rate is not high, many pieces of equipment have been scattered on the ground, all of them have a faint luster, and it can be seen that many of them have reached the level of ghosts.

Ling Yue stared into the distance and said, "How many waves can we stop?"

I shook my head: "I don't know."

Ranwu Chunqiu drank the blood bottle ~ ~ and said, "About the sixth wave, we may all be killed back. At that time, we must rely on the internal defenses of the King's Capital to counterattack. This time is Twilight Ranger personally leads, not to be underestimated! "

I laughed to myself, that ’s all right. Twilight Ranger. If I kill her, I should be able to get the fifth piece of eternal equipment. Anyway, she is top-notch, and you ca n’t justify it if some good things come out.


After Xu Xi, everyone was so passionate about killing, but never thought that a system prompt would float again in the air—

"Ding ~!"

System announcement: The player ’s Seven Star Lights moved the Guild Soul Return to the capture of Onding County and defeated all players in the garrison guild in the territory. The value of the people ’s hearts decreased by 3 points per second. When the value of the people ’s hearts decreased to zero When you seize the land, you succeed!


Suddenly, everyone was dumbfounded, and finally understood what the Seven Star Lanterns were playing. It was a fake to move the Dark Legion to attack Xueyue. He clearly wanted to use the Twilight Ranger to hold Xueyue, and then he would enjoy the last card in the hands of the Red Lotus Dance. -Anding County!

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