Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 106: The Secret Behind the Cave

I traded the Guardian of the Blood Moon with a 3% critical strike rate and the Archer's level 30 skill book Corrosion Arrow to Xin Yu directly. In the end she was not satisfied. He smiled and said, "Lin Fan. I just arrived in Silvermoon City. I found out that many basic skills can be learned from trainers. But one skill costs 20 gold coins~"

I said speechlessly: "Let's just say an accurate number."

"100." Xin Yu secretly looked at me. Seems to want to know my inner thoughts.

I immediately traded 100 gold coins to her. Xin Yu smiled happily and said, "How do you want me to repay the 100 gold coins? Or..."

I quickly stopped her from speaking. I looked around and no one was there. Only then did he lower his voice and say: "Xin Yu. If you want to kiss, come to my room directly at night. I don't lock the door. But be careful. Don't wake Xuehan up. Or the two of us will die together."

Xin Yu opened her mouth wide and looked at me. It's like meeting me for the first time. After looking at me for a long time, he showed a charming smile: "Lin Fan. I didn't expect you to be joking. You've turned bad~"

"I never said I was a good person."

Xin Yu smiled and said: "Okay, okay. I'm going to learn skills now. After learning the skills, I have to ask Xuehan to take us to burn monsters~"

"What. Xuehan took you and Sister Lin to burn monsters and level up." I was very surprised. There is no reason for mages and archers to rely on priests to upgrade.

Xin Yu smiled slightly and said: "That's right. Don't you remember. Xuehan got a book of "Flame Rain" in the last competition. It is a group attack skill. And it is continuous. Just release it once to make 10× Burn flames within 10 yards for 60 seconds. And the higher the magic attack power, the longer and more powerful the burning time. The cooldown time of the skill is 5 seconds. It is very practical."

I asked depressedly: "Then. Can Xuehan burn monsters of the same level?"

"Of course. Xuehan's intelligence is higher than Sister Lin's. Although the intelligence bonus of magic attack power is a little lower, but the speed of killing monsters is much faster than that of Sister Lin. In the early morning of the day before yesterday, we were in Yinyue The grass wolf was burned for 4 hours on the grass wolf plain in the south of the city. Everyone has been promoted by more than 1 level. The speed is very fast."

4 hours to upgrade two levels. It's a bit exaggerated.

I was busy opening the city rankings to see the previous rankings. really. Both Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu's level has exceeded 35. Xu Lin is level 34. Murong Shanshan, whom I haven't seen for a long time, has already reached level 36. It seems that this girl practiced all night last night. Otherwise, with the swordsman's monster killing speed, it is absolutely impossible to rise so fast.

It seems. Lu Xuehan is now the guarantee of everyone's upgrade speed. Today, less than a month after the game was launched. Among the many mages, only a few have group magic skills. And those skills are also many restrictions. For example, Xu Lin's fire group skills. Can only hit monsters within 3×3 yards. This shabby attack area is not practical at all when actually fighting monsters. Generally, only small monsters will occupy an area of ​​one yard. A monster with a higher level. Just like the rhino that I hit yesterday. The footprint is at least 5×5. That Xu Lin's group skills have lost the meaning of group skills to this kind of monster.

Xin Yu has already gone to learn skills. And I still have two tasks to complete. Only more than 80 of the undead ribs that required 100 were collected. Also, I don't know where the mysterious ore is. There is no map provided by the system after passing through the Silver Pine Forest and going to the front area. That is to say, the area is unknown. It's up to the player to explore on their own.

I looked at the time. It's 8:30 in the morning. At least the quest to collect the ribs must be completed by 12 o'clock. Now Murong Shanshan and Lu Xuehan are almost catching up. With Lu Xuehan's monster burning speed. It is estimated that it only takes three days to upgrade to level 39. And Murong Shanshan's upgrade speed will not be slow. At that time, the level will be lower than them. Then I, a big man, should feel ashamed.


Silverpine Forest is still very quiet. Occasionally, there are a few level 42 flame dire wolves haunting the forest. The task of wolf skin has been handed in. It's meaningless to fight again. So I went straight around. Sure enough, I didn't see half of the rare monster black spider along the way. It seems that the nearly 100 rares that were spawned for the first time will not be spawned until another month. I just don't know if there will be 100 more. never mind. Anyway, after a month, the more than 30-level green equipment must have greatly depreciated. Only those who make a small amount of money will come to brush again.

Turned into the familiar cave and took a look. Sure enough, the rhino monster didn't come out. According to the grapevine. This kind of gold-level boss will only appear once in half a month. Bosses below level 50 will only be refreshed once a week. certainly. The 13th-level wolf leader is spawned every 6 hours. This is exceptional.

I flipped left and right in King Rhino's "bedroom". Nothing at all. There was only a pile of broken pine straw matting against the wall. It seems to be used for heating.

Oh shit. What the hell.

I kicked the pine grass angrily. Alas. How could there be a glimmer of light. He stretched out his hand and pulled it twice. There is actually a half-person-high cave leading to the back.

treasure. Since it is so secretive. There must be something good behind that.

My eyes light up. Hastily got in from the cave. wrong. To cover up the scene. Cover it again with pine grass. I didn't leave satisfied until I confirmed that the other side couldn't see it.

out of the cave. The road ahead was shrouded in fog. Visibility is also reduced a lot. And what surprised me even more was that it was getting colder and colder. The original grass and plants on the ground gradually disappeared. Even walking forward for a while, you can still see patches of snow. Although the perception of cold and heat has been reduced a lot in the game. But I still couldn't help shivering.

Oh shit. Didn't that bastard blacksmith say that the red silver mine is deep in the mountains behind the silver pine forest?

It's been nearly half an hour. Let alone the mountains. Not even a small mound. There are only dry trees everywhere and patches of snow on the ground. What's even more exaggerated is that there is no monster at all. It's like entering no man's land. It is estimated that people with a little less patience have left this barren land and returned to the city long ago...

Walked for another ten minutes. Finally, a few small stones appeared under his feet. Going forward for a short distance, I found that the terrain finally gradually went up. And the snow on the ground is gradually increasing. After a few tens of meters, there is no black land to be seen. Even the sky started to snow. It feels like a big snow mountain.

Walked for nearly 20 minutes. I finally felt something was wrong.

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