Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 108 Goddess Heart

After eating and going online, I appeared on the ice road in the Land of Icewind. The monsters I killed later have not been refreshed yet. It seems that the frequency of monsters spawning here is not high.


Something seemed wrong, there was a piece of gray cloth not far from me.

No, someone must have been inside, because the monsters here are all naked hooligans, naked, and this piece of cloth cannot be theirs at all.

Sneaked over directly, the level of the monsters is higher than mine, try to avoid getting close to them within 5 yards, or you will be discovered by them, this is the first time to look at these monsters so intently, only then realized that the ice demon has no On the face, the blue devil has big nostrils, and the most exaggerated one is the snowman, who doesn't even have a JJ.


I walked around an ice wall, and suddenly a sword light flashed in front of me. Fortunately, I flashed fast, otherwise my head would have moved.

"Hey, he has the badge of the Adventurer's Guild in Silvermoon City," a voice rang out, and the sharp sword was retracted, and a group of seven or eight people were squatting in an artificially dug ice cave, no wonder This smooth wall has traces of weapons cutting here.

"You are the troops of Silvermoon City," I said in surprise. There is no game name on the top of this group of people. No player has such a high level.

A man who looked like a captain came over immediately and said: "We are the first team of the third team of the Silver Moon City Patrol Legion. We carried out a mission a month ago and came here after chasing an evil Snowman King. Unfortunately, we The power of the snowman is too weak, but was besieged by the snowman king in this uninhabited place. It has been almost a month, and we can only rely on eating the dirty snowman outside to satisfy our hunger. In recent days, the weak magician has died. I started to have diarrhea, the meat of these snowmen is too bitter..."

I stretched my head to look at the snowmen without JJ outside, I really felt sorry for this group of soldiers, the snowmen looked so disgusting, they could eat such meat.

"Sir, you are Koma, the captain of the east gate guard of Silvermoon City asked me to find news about you,"

The captain said ecstatically: "I am Koma, and this is my army. Unfortunately, only half of it is left...Young man, you are so brave that you have come here. Can you do me a favor, one of my soldiers?" I was poisoned by the snowman king, and the witch doctor said that only the snowman king's heart can detoxify me, can you help me kill the snowman king and get its heart?"

I quickly selected "Yes", and the task followed:

System prompt: Accept the task of Captain Koma, kill the Snowman King, and give his heart to Captain Koma.

Killing the boss again, there are a lot of monsters outside, who knows where the Snowman King is...

Continue to sneak out, there are not many monsters outside, and they are scattered on the ice road about 10 meters wide. It is very strange that these monsters have always been at level 42, and there has been no change from the entrance to here. Going down is still level 42. If it is, there is no need to hang around here when I reach level 40. I have too little experience.

Just as I was thinking about it, my body suddenly shook, and then the red number "88" appeared from above my head. Just to my right, a black figure gradually changed from transparent to clear, and two hands were shining coldly. His dagger waved up and down with a green poisonous glow.

Damn, another monster from the Rogue series.

This is a level 43 assassin. Its shape is similar to that of a small Japanese ninja. The only difference is that the assassin is much taller, and the assassin is all masked, not even showing his eyes.

Draw a sword to fight back, the assassin's blood bar dropped by as much as 1/3, the defense and blood value are so low, when I swing the combo and heavy attack, this level 43 monster has no suspense The one that died, no equipment was released, only 56 silver coins exploded, and I was very satisfied when I got 56 silver coins in the blink of an eye.

I didn't see the Snowman King all the way down from the top, and the monsters going down were mostly snowmen and assassins. According to general online games, the Snowman King must have been refreshed below, or it just hadn't been refreshed.

Although there are not many monsters, the long-range attacking monsters give me a headache as a swordsman. I kept killing them until 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and my experience bar increased by 12%, and now it is 84%. Hours to level 40 should be no problem.

Swinging the sword to cut down the last snowman beside him, the front gradually cleared up, a tall icicle stood in the middle of the road, and there were some complicated patterns on it, like totems or inscriptions used for sacrifices in ancient times, I walked forward curiously and saw that the patterns on the icicles were very clear. A snow-white bird was flying in the sky lifelike. Two huge wings raised the snow on the ground. It was weird. It seems to be an abstract technique of postmodernism.

Secretly amazed in my heart, I couldn't help reaching out to touch the snowbird, but the moment my hand touched the icicle, a cold breath rushed towards me, and my whole body was shocked. .


System prompt: You have triggered the inscription of the goddess, with the heart of the goddess, go to solve the confusion of the Ice Queen.

The huge icicle gradually disappeared after the mission prompt, leaving only a cold blue gemstone under the position of the icicle. Pick it up and see, it turns out that this is the heart of the goddess needed for the mission , busy opening the task panel to see the details.

The heart of the goddess, the energy crystal formed by the remaining thoughts of the goddess of ice and snow in the world. Two thousand years ago, the maid of the goddess of ice and snow violated the laws of the gods. The land of ice and wind was formed by releasing mana from the eastern mountain range of Yinyue City in the city, and she herself became the Queen of Ice and Snow. The goddess cared about her personal feelings, and condensed her spiritual thoughts into the heart of the goddess in the land of ice and wind to imprison the ice and snow queen.

Task content: You unravel the imprisonment of the goddess, take the heart of the goddess to defeat the Snow Queen, and give the heart of the goddess to her.

I couldn't help but take a deep breath, the missions are all about the gods, it's not bad, no wonder the names of the missions are all blood-red and blood-red, it seems that I can't handle it with my own strength, I don't know if the Snow Queen will To what extent is the metamorphosis, let's talk about killing the Snowman King first, maybe, you need to find a helper to fight the Snow Queen.


This book is 17K for the first time, please do not reprint, readers are welcome to come to 17K to support~

Uh... the first sentence is so pale...

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