Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 115 System Announcement

It was already very late after dinner with Lu Xuehan, and I slept until noon the next day before waking up. When I woke up, Lu Xuehan had already finished lunch and entered the game. There was a dish left for me on the table. Just heat it up. I ate it.

It was already two o'clock in the afternoon when I entered the game after eating. I looked at the time of the system configuration. Today is Friday, and tomorrow is Saturday, and Saturday is also the time for the public auction of the exchange. I have to make a decision today. The group proved whether to auction it, or to trade directly with Murong Shanshan.

Opening the friend list, Murong Shanshan's name was lit up, so he sent the proof of group formation as a picture book.

The reply came right away, and it was a direct communicator conversation. Murong Shanshan's tone was very hasty: "Lin Fan, what level of boss did this hit?"

"The gold boss at level 50 evolved to level 60 later, what's wrong?"

"Just asking, yesterday I took someone to play a 60-level one, but it didn't come out, I was so pissed off,"

"Nonsense, the drop rate of bosses at level 80 is only 10%, and the drop rate of bosses at level 60 is only 3% at most. How can they be so easy to explode?"

Murong Shanshan smiled: "That's right, but I don't want to buy this group..."

I was slightly surprised: "Why, don't you want to be the first person to form a group?"

"I think, I really want to, but the value of the first group building order is too high. I don't want it to be wasted on me. You should auction it tomorrow. It will definitely sell for a sky-high price. As far as I know, this It is the first regiment-building order in the entire "Yueheng", anyway, I don't want to build the world's largest gang, and the second and third ones don't matter."

Murong Shanshan is very rational. The first person to form a team must bear the greatest pressure while gaining a lot of limelight. The so-called shooting the first bird and blowing the grass, the first team will always be envied by the other teams. What followed was malicious attacks and slander from the inside out.

So I smiled and said, "Forget it, that's fine, Shanshan, if I can issue a second regiment formation order, I will definitely sell it to you at a low price first,"

Murong Shanshan said with a smile: "Okay, that's right, I will keep leading people to fight the boss these few days, and if I can get a group formation order, I will establish a guild, and you must come and join my guild at that time." , and, how did you rise up so fast, two levels in a row in one night, "



After turning off the communicator, what I should consider now is how much reserve price to auction this regiment formation order.

Opening the leaderboard, I am now the number one in Silvermoon City, the knight "Let go of that girl" ranks second with level 41, Lu Xuehan is third at level 39, Murong Shanshan is fourth at level 38, and after that The gap is getting smaller and smaller. There are more than 1 million players at level 30 in the city, and there are now more than 5 million players in Silvermoon City. These players are all in the upper middle level, and they can be regarded as the elite among players. If the guild can be established early in the early stage, any player added in the early stage can be regarded as an elite.

Looking inside the package, there is a level 42 purple axe, a level 36 blue top-quality spear, a purple shield, and the most expensive regiment formation certificate, as well as level 30 to 35 blue equipment Nearly 30 pieces, more than 250 pieces of green equipment, these should be the best-selling equipment now.

It took more than an hour to put all these equipments on the shelves at a suitable price, and now there are only a few high-level top-quality equipment left. There are two types of exchange transaction fees, one is game gold coins, and the other is RMB , and I don’t lack game gold coins now, so I’ll sell them directly in RMB. The level 36 long gun will be sold at a base price of 20,000 RMB. , although no one has reached this level now, there must be a lot of people who want this super-excellent axe. There is no need to worry that no one will buy it. The 40-level purple shield Ice Snow Shield is also consigned at a base price of 200,000 RMB. Whatever it is If anyone buys it, anyway, we must stick to the principle of profiteers until the lowest.

To my surprise, just after I consigned three pieces of equipment and a regiment formation order for sale, three system-wide announcements rang in my ears.


System Announcement: Player XXX is consigning the purple equipment "Crazy Darkness Blade" on the exchange, and it has now been included in tomorrow's system auction items. Please pay attention to it then.

System Announcement: Player XXX is consigning the blue equipment "Ice and Snow Halberd" on the exchange, and it has now been listed as one of the items for tomorrow's system auction. Please pay attention to it then.

System Announcement: Player XXX is consigning the purple equipment "Ice and Snow Shield" on the exchange, and it has now been included in tomorrow's system auction items. Please pay attention to it then.

System announcement: Player XXX is consigning a special item "Team Establishment Proof" on the exchange, which has been included in tomorrow's system auction items, please pay attention to it then.


What's the matter, the system advertises for me for free, all four things are on the list.

After the system made announcements three times in a row, it was as if a pot had exploded in the city. There was even a player named "Merry Young Master" who directly sent an announcement message that was charged 5,000 yuan by the system: "MBD, all Silver Moon City's Listen to me, I’m going to make a decision on this mission, if anyone steals it from me in tomorrow’s auction, I promise he won’t have a hard time in Yinyue.”


Horizontal, really he NND horizontal.

I sighed, there are so many characters in this game, it is true that all kinds of rice support all kinds of people, and all the ugly sides of human beings are exposed in this virtual world.

Regardless of this rich young man, let's go and finish the task first, and then check the equipment.


It seems that there are still 100 skeleton ribs and the heart of the snowman king in the package.

NND, how stupid, yesterday when I went to continue the mission with Lu Xuehan, I forgot to hand over the mission of killing the Snowman King.

I had no choice but to run and lie down again. Judging from the difficulty of killing the Snowman King, the task reward should at least be a blue equipment even if it wasn't a purple equipment.

Repair all the equipment, and then embark on the long road to the mission.

Silverpine Forest has become lively now, and many players have teamed up to fight against level 35 undead skeletons on the periphery. This kind of monster has very low defense, but its attack is ridiculously high. Some low-level mages with not very good equipment are It is very likely to be killed in seconds.

Different from these low-level players in the periphery, a large number of players appeared in the depths of Silverpine Forest, and the levels were not low. The highest level was 38, and the lowest level was 32. A group of players probably There are about 500 people, a vast area, and the high-level flame dire wolf will be killed in an instant.

Not a second later, it seems that the name of the mage who took the lead is very familiar...

"Merry and little".

Isn't it the idiot who spent 5000 RMB yelling at the system?

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