Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 145: Lu Xuehan's Secret?

Not long after. A text message from Xu Lin came. I remember this. Last night, I promised Xu Lin and the others to take them to Yinyue Mountain for leveling. Check out your equipment. I don't know when the red name has been brushed off. The durability of the equipment also dropped to half. It seems that it should be replenished again.

So I went back to the city immediately. A piece of brilliance flashed. I have already stood in the magnificent Silvermoon City. Not far from the side is the staff of the exchange. So he went over to consign some of the high-level green equipment on his body. When I repair the equipment again. Xu Lin has already told me that she, Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan are waiting for me on the Dongmen Bridge.

Hastily walked over. The center of the square is bustling with activity. The three guilds of Sword and Rose, Merry World, and Scarlet Sky all recruit new members there. According to the statistics in the guild. Our Swords and Roses has more than 15,000 members. That is. More than 15,000 elite players have already arrived.

Cross the square. Because I have swords and roses on my shoulders. Moreover, the five big characters of "green vegetable and white jade soup" are also shining brightly on the top of the head. So there are still a lot of people saying hello to me. I didn't know what to do for a while. I had no choice but to smile back. NND. Looks like I'm really a celebrity now.

far away. You can already see Lu Xuehan's pure white priest's cloak on the Dongmen Bridge. Xin Yu's fiery red cloak is also particularly eye-catching. Xu Lin smiled and leaned on the marble pier of the bridge.


In addition to a few beautiful MM. There seemed to be two more figures dangling there. who will it be.

I hurried forward a few steps. Only then did I realize that they were two male players. An orc warrior named "Chest Hair Burning". There is also an elf thief called "The Wind in the Dark Night".

This is the first time I've paid attention to watching same-sex players. This orc warrior named "Burning Chest Hair" has a lot of personality. Two long fangs suddenly grew out of a rather handsome face. Push his lips to the sides. Light green skin covered with hair. No wonder it's called "chest hair burning."

I have seen the introduction. Orc players have a certain strength bonus as a racial talent. Most orc players probably go for this racial specialty. So orcs are generally warriors. There are also thieves. But because the orcs couldn't control the mounts. Therefore, orcs cannot be employed as knights.

Elf players seem to be more pleasing to the eye. The lavender skin looks a little hairy. The chiseled facial features give me the illusion that this player is a woman. Those two long ears made me feel familiar. After thinking about it carefully, it suddenly dawned on me: Murong Shanshan also has such ears. The difference is. Such pointed and long ears are much cuter on Murong Shanshan's body.

"Coming~." Xu Lin said with a smile.

I saw the two male players standing with them. First I was stunned. Then forced a smile. Said: "These two are..."

"Chest hair is burning. Just call me chest hair." The orc said with a grin.

Elf mages should be restrained. Courteous answer: "The wind follows the dark night. Level 38 Elf Mage."

NND. Don't answer the question. I want to ask what is the relationship between the two of them and Xin Yu's MMs. As for what to call it. I don't really want to care.

Xin Yu seemed to see my thoughts. So pull me aside. Pointing to the two players, he said, "Just these two guys. They've been pestering us for two hours. If it wasn't for Sister Lin's good temper, I would have shot them into a hornet's nest."

I was surprised and said, "Holding you for two hours. What do you mean?"

Xin Yu pouted and said, "Here. That sorcerer named Dark Night Follows the Wind seems to be interested in Xuehan. He has been refusing to leave. He will go wherever we go. That orc seems to be his friend. They also followed us to fight monsters in Silver Moon Valley for two hours. I don’t know if they are sick.”

I couldn't help but sigh. Good guy. It can't be seen that this shy-looking elf mage is still very persistent. But no wonder. After all, a stunning beauty like Lu Xuehan makes many players drool upon seeing it.

Lu Xuehan looked at me helplessly. Xu Lin also seemed to have lost her mind.

I already know what happened in general. That is. Lu Xuehan received a very tactful courtship. Put another way. That's mild sexual harassment...

I thought about it. Immediately walked to the front of the dark night with the wind. Seriously said: "Two brothers. Our family is going to level up. You guys, what are your plans?"

An Ye smiled slightly with the wind: "Can we go there together?"

"No." I flatly refused. Then look embarrassed. He said euphemistically: "We don't want our targets to be too exposed. I think you should know it too. I offended the boss of Merry World more than once. If we are targeted by them, we will be in trouble."

An Ye Suifeng quickly waved his hands and said: "No, no, we are just leveling with you. We will never reveal your whereabouts."

The orc "burning chest hair" is probably a bit over the top too. He held his breath and said: "Third brother, let's stop disturbing others. It's not like you haven't seen a woman before. As for it."

Dark Ye Suifeng's face suddenly became very embarrassed: "But..."

"Damn it." An Ye Suifeng was ruthless. Ask me cheekily: "Brother. I know that your family is all masters. You may look down on me, a level 38 mage. It's just that Qingcai Keke is too similar to someone I know. You should know her in real life. Can you... Can you give me her contact information."


I am also a little embarrassed. This kid obviously didn't give up until he reached the Yellow River. He also said that Lu Xuehan looked like someone he knew. I don't know if it's true. But he had unreasonable thoughts about Lu Xuehan. This is an iron fact.

Gritting his teeth. I rebuffed, "I'm afraid it's inconvenient for me. If you want to know, just ask her yourself. Wouldn't it be better."

Dark Ye Suifeng's face immediately changed continuously. It seems that he is actually struggling internally.

After a while. An Ye Suifeng said with difficulty: "Well then. Tell her for me. Since she left, the classmates have missed her a lot. Her parents have also been to the school several times. They raised her school status. gone."

I was a little surprised. Unexpectedly, some of Lu Xuehan's privacy was dug out.

"Is there anything else?"

"Yes. My name is Ma Jin..."


The negotiation is over. The shy-looking elf led the orc away. Xin Yu and Xu Lin immediately came over and asked me what I had said to them. Only Lu Xuehan stood there motionless.

I walked over. He said softly: "Xuehan. Did you recognize him?"

Lu Xuehan bit her lip. Gently nodded.

I don't think she wants to say it. So he turned to Xin Yu and Xu Lin and said, "It's nothing. You two stop asking. Curiosity killed the ants."

Xin Yu blinked. No more talking. Xu Lin is more stable. She patted Lu Xuehan's delicate shoulder and said, "Xuehan. Let's continue burning monsters."

Lu Xuehan showed a bitter smile. Said: "Let's go."

Everyone stopped talking. I'm still leading the way. Xin Yu followed me closely. Xu Lin walked behind with Lu Xuehan.

When we arrived at Silver Moon Mountain. It was already past one in the afternoon. We do not delay. Start the division of labor now:

"According to the rules. Lin Fan. Introduce monsters. Xuehan set fire. Xin Yu picks up equipment."

I immediately objected to Xu Lin's assignment: "No way. I need to make some changes today. Xin Yu is here to attract monsters. I'll pick up equipment."

Lu Xuehan asked in surprise: "Why?"

"Because these monsters will burst out some of the herbs I need. So let me pick things up."

Xin Yu asked dissatisfied: "The level of monsters here is so high. What if I die."

"It's okay. I'll give you some medicine."

I immediately traded two sets of level 2 health recovery potions to Xin Yu. In this way, she will definitely not have any problems.

Xin Yu's equipment is not bad. Especially after Lu Xuehan gave her a magic blessing. The immunity and dodging ability to magic attacks are definitely much stronger than mine. the most important is. She runs fast. If done right. The monster's magic could not touch her at all.

The division of labor is completed. So the leveling began.

Although the experience is divided equally by four people, the upgrade speed is not as fast as my solo practice. But because Lu Xuehan's group skills are too powerful. So the speed of upgrading is still fast. What's more: the ingredients I value most at the moment are now falling on the ground in large swaths.

Before, I killed a monster and picked up items by myself. Now it's been picking things up on the ground. For a time, I was extremely happy. Lu Xuehan can now be said to be the biggest guarantee for our family's upgrade. Imagine. If Xu Lin also learned group persistence magic. Then with her magic power, she would definitely be far better than Lu Xuehan. This is why blood red can suddenly jump from the top ten to second.

Practice until six o'clock in the afternoon. As I expected. This not-so-large leveling place just accommodates the four of us to a saturated state. Everyone has gained a lot of experience. Xin Yu and Xu Lin even rose directly from level 41 to level 42. Lu Xuehan was also rapidly approaching level 44.

What makes me even more ecstatic is that. an afternoon. I collect more than 100 groups of herbs. These should be enough for me to rush to the third level of pharmaceutical skills. I don't know how much surprise the third-level potion will bring me.

Everyone got off the line together in the bushes next to the open field. Then finish the meal together. Xin Yu and Xu Lin went online to repair equipment. Basically, Lu Xuehan and I don't have the durability to consume much equipment. So there is no rush to go online.

Feeling a little uneasy. Ever since I met the wind with the dark night in the afternoon. Lu Xuehan had never really smiled. I thought about it. Or go and see her.

"Xuehan. Can I go in?"

I knocked on the door. There was no sound inside for a long time.

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