Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 6 The game begins!

Everyone looked very excited, even Lu Xuehan smiled like a little flower which was rare.

After shopping, Xu Lin held an impromptu meeting to discuss development issues:

"Everyone's occupations have been assigned, and now no one can tell what the game looks like, maybe there is a Novice Village, and nearly 100 million helmets have been distributed around the world so far, and only one server has been set up. If If there are not many Novice Villages, it will probably be overcrowded, so I think at the beginning, everyone should play for a while. The game starts at 12 o'clock tonight, so we can go to bed in the afternoon, and at 11 o'clock It’s time to get up for dinner, go online on time at twelve o’clock, and go offline on time at eight o’clock tomorrow morning, each reporting his own situation, is there any problem?”

Xin Yu put down her glass and said, "Staying up late doesn't seem to be good for your beauty, and you don't eat until ten o'clock at night, isn't it a bit perverted?"

Xu Lin was expressionless: "You don't need to go online, but the future salary will be commissioned based on everyone's contribution to the family. You can figure it out."

"Forget it, games are more important..."


There was nothing wrong with everyone, and they all went back to their rooms to sleep. Lu Xuehan followed me into the inner room, and before entering the room, she stuck out her tongue at me, making me confused for a while.

Let’s take it as a nap, but I woke up before three o’clock in the afternoon, and I finally stayed up until dinner time. After eating, I really couldn’t fall asleep, so I opened the "Yueheng" forum to watch first Look, maybe there will be some information that will help us.

I saw a post called "Talent, Absolute Impact!" was placed high on the top, and when I clicked on it, it turned out that although the official website of "Yueheng" did not give it, it was obtained from reliable gossip that " The characters in Yueheng have been randomly assigned a talent when they were established. As for what the "talent" is, it is unknown, but at least it will not affect the balance of the game. Because there is only one game account per person, and a new account can only be created after one month of deletion, so basically there will be no phenomenon of talent brushing, everything depends on one's luck!

Randomly looking at other posts, although there are many, they are basically guesses, and there are very few really useful things. It seems that "Yueheng" has done a very good job of keeping secrets.

After struggling until eleven o'clock, Lu Xuehan came over on time and asked me to have supper. It was obvious that she didn't look like she had just slept, and she didn't even take off the light makeup on her face.

There was less than an hour left before the game started, and the beauties also forgot what restraint is. After eating hungrily, they went to their room, but Liu Yun, who had always been silent, accompanied me to drink Finished egg soup.

Liu Yun is a very handsome woman, and I have always wondered how she got into this business, but I have never dared to ask her, and she just smiled politely at me, and then went back to her room.

Shaking my head, I looked at the mess on the table, and simply packed them all into the kitchen and went back to my room. It was already 11:50 when I finished cleaning up, and the game would open in ten minutes!

Putting on the helmet, the cutscene animation skipped directly, leaving only the background of "Yueheng" and the big countdown in the middle of the whole screen.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and I just stared at it like this. I know that now there are at least tens of millions of people in the world who are watching the countdown like me. There are rewards, and they are often artifacts or something. Who knows if I will encounter such luck?








The screen flickers, and it directly enters the game interface, and the system prompts: "Please create your character!"

I chose the human race without hesitation, the elves are too soft and masculine, and the half-orcs...forget it!

"Please enter your game nickname!" The system continued to prompt.

I quickly said: "Vegetable tofu!"

"Sorry, this name has already been taken!"

"Vegetable and white jade soup!"

"The nickname is complete. Now scan the facial contour. Do you need to modify it?"

I looked at the young man who looked exactly like me on the opposite side, so that he would be recognized by acquaintances, so I simply modified his appearance a little, so that it would be OK!

"Congratulations, your account has been created, now enter the game?"

I immediately clicked to enter, and the screen changed, and I had already appeared in a dilapidated village.

"Ding~!" The system prompts:

"You are the 1250003rd player to enter the game!"

"Congratulations, you have obtained the talent "Latent"!"

lurking? What the hell?

I immediately opened the skill and character attribute column, only to see that the talent column at the bottom was "lurking"!

When I opened it, I was dumbfounded!

Talent - Lurking: Hidden in the dark, monsters and players whose level is not higher than their own level 5 cannot be detected from a distance of four yards. After moving, the lurking effect disappears, and the cooling time is 5 minutes.

what is this? Sitting on the sidelines or playing dead?

Doesn't it mean that talent is very important to players? If I share such a tasteless talent, does it mean that this account can be invalidated?

No matter so much, let's see it first!

Open the map, the village where I live is called Wild Dog Village, and you can often hear the barking of wild dogs. Although the name of the village is a bit vulgar, it is also appropriate.

Players came out of the center of the village in an endless stream. It seems that this is the time when a large number of players flood in. Strong orcs, elf girls wearing only underwear and bras...

Looking at the character equipment, the equipment is pitiful:

torn coat

Defense: +2

Broken Leggings

Defense: +1

broken short sword

Attack: 1-2

Character attributes are also the most primitive attributes plus the bonus of equipment. Human beings' poor attack power is only 2-3 attacks even after being equipped with weapons. I really don't know what they can use it for.

A soldier in the distance was wandering in the village. I walked over to strike up a conversation and found out that there was still a mission!

"Recently a group of wild dogs surrounded the village, and the villagers were too scared to go out. Are you willing to eradicate these ignorant beasts for the village?"

I clicked right away, and the quest follow-up came out: "Kill twenty wild dogs and give their furs to the village defenseman Huck!"

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