Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 161 Element Manipulator

Murong Shanshan looked nervously at every plant and tree in the forest, and said in a low voice: "I think, let's get out of here, if we stay any longer, I really don't dare to sleep in the room alone tonight. "

"That's a good idea,"

I wiped the sweat from my palms, and pulled Murong Shanshan to run away, but at this moment, something happened again.

A thick tentacle rushed out from the ground under our feet. When I realized it, one of Murong Shanshan's legs was tightly entangled by the tentacle. What surprised me even more was that Murong Shanshan His health bar was rapidly shortening at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Damn, what's going on here,"

Murong Shanshan panicked and said, "I don't know either, but I got the information that I was attacked by natural magic. The attacker is a monster called 'Element Manipulator'. Look where it is."

I looked around and there was nothing.

"It can't be done, I will definitely hang up here if this continues," Murong Shanshan said anxiously after drinking a bottle of life restoration potion.

There was nothing I could do, and I said decadently, "If it doesn't work, I'll help you pay this month's party dues. You can rest in peace."

"You still have the mind to joke around at this time," Murong Shanshan said angrily, at this moment, the tentacles under her feet gradually disappeared, it seems that it should be the time for the effect of the skill.

"What's going on?" I was a little dazed, but just as I finished speaking, a tentacle instantly tied me firmly to the ground, and the system's battle information quickly displayed:

You are attacked by natural magic from the elemental controller, and you lose 150 life and blood.

You are attacked by natural magic from the elemental controller, and you lose 150 life and blood.

You are attacked by natural magic from the elemental controller, and you lose 150 life and blood.


About 150 blood points are lost every two seconds, which is not bad, even Iron Man will be sucked dry.

Murong Shanshan looked around calmly and said, "Did you see anything just now?"

"What?" I asked in surprise.

"I don't know if it's true," Murong Shanshan's voice was tense, "But just now I clearly felt something fluctuating on the opposite side, as if the air was distorted in an instant."

"Whether it is or not, it's enough to see clearly when it attacks next time,"


As soon as Murong Shanshan finished speaking, a tentacle had already firmly bound her, but at this moment, I saw the green grass in front of me swaying slightly, as if it was refracted by a lens, and suddenly changed. Look at the shape.

"Just 45 degrees north," I yelled.

"I saw……"

Several dark blue rays of light flowed quickly on Murong Shanshan's Hanguangsaber, and a second later, the Hanguangsaber shot out a dazzling light, and Murong Shanshan's extremely destructive level 6 sword energy It fell from the sky unstoppably, and the dust flew up for a while, and the bushes within a dozen yards in front were completely reduced to ashes. In the smoke, a gray figure fell heavily behind.

The big characters "Element Manipulator" were pushed above the head by this gray thing, and the tentacles under Murong Shanshan's feet disappeared without a trace.

"Shanshan, look what this is," I pointed at the monster in front of me, a little dumbfounded.

Strictly speaking, this should be an anthropomorphic monster, because he has two legs that can walk upright, and also has a relatively complete head, but its limbs are covered by thick vegetation , even if he was hit by Murong Shanshan's strong sword energy just now, he couldn't cut the vegetation, but let it fall to the ground, exposing the two fangs under the vegetation.

Murong Shanshan studied for a long time, and said, "Take it back to the National Security Bureau for autopsy."

My jaw almost dropped, and I said speechlessly: "This is not a boss, nor is it an ordinary monster. It should be an NPC, but it should be a hostile NPC."

"Then what's the point of talking to it, just kill it directly,"

The element controller looked terrified, and said loudly: "No, I haven't harmed anyone,"

"Can talk," Murong Shanshan and I immediately looked at each other.

The element controller continued: "I'm not a monster, I was just an ordinary human being, but the village was destroyed two years ago,"

"It might be a task, let him continue," Murong Shanshan said happily.

The elemental controller looked at us with dark eyes, and after confirming that we were not hostile, he said: "Two years ago, a drunk sweat in this village slept on the mountain overnight, and something strange happened when he returned to the village the next day. ,, all the poultry and animals in the village have disappeared, and the villagers have searched for more than ten days, but they still can't find it, until the drunk man's house smells extremely bad..."

"What's going on," Murong Shanshan asked enthusiastically.

"At the drunk man's house, everyone found the dead bodies of all the poultry and livestock. They were all dead after being sucked dry, and they had already begun to rot, but the drunk man was gone. Everyone thought the drunk man stole these. The beast, but the beast died because of the incident, so I didn't take it seriously until the day someone found the drunk and returned to the village..."

The element controller hissed, and said: "Someone was bitten by a drunk man. The scene that day was really terrible. The drunk man is already out of shape. God knows how he can still live without an arm. He was very irritable and attacked all the villagers recklessly. Later, Silvermoon City sent a team of priests to support them. They said that the drunk had been poisoned by undead magic, and he had to be burned to completely solve the problem."

I asked in surprise, "Is it burning?"

"Burn," the elemental controller continued with blank eyes, "but no one would have thought that those villagers who were bitten by the drunk would turn into corpses on that terrible night. They killed more than a dozen priests sent by Silvermoon City, and the villagers panicked. Many people rumored that the drunk had been injured by a black-robed mage on the mountain, and the whole village would definitely be taken over by the undead, so People started to run away, but there are still many strong men who want to stay and eradicate these evil zombies, but unfortunately they found out later that these zombies are not something they can deal with at all.”

Murong Shanshan opened her mouth wide in surprise, and asked, "What happened next?"

"Later, the village became a stronghold of the undead. Many people who escaped wanted to go back to see their relatives. Unfortunately, almost all of them died at the hands of their relatives. Silvermoon City wanted to face the undead in the west. Therefore, it is impossible to allocate too much power to purify this polluted village, so only 50 mage squads were sent to this village,"

The element controller looked sad, so I asked: "This mage team should have something to do with you, right?"

"I am the captain of this team. A team of 50 people was completely wiped out within three days. I was the only one in the team who escaped from the village, but I was also poisoned by the undead. I didn't expect that. I was actually bitten by a child..."

The elemental operator gently lifted the vegetation on his left hand, and under that, we saw the shocking wounds on the green skin.

"Then, how did you continue to survive? Didn't you say that you would die after being poisoned?"

The element controller smiled miserably: "I also thought I would die. At that time, my head had already begun to lose consciousness. I knew that it was the effect of the toxin attack, and then I wanted to sleep. I became a real undead zombie, but I couldn't suppress the drowsiness. In desperation, I desperately ate a kind of blue grass in the forest, stimulating myself with the bitter taste, and finally a miracle happened, and I survived ,"

Murong Shanshan pointed at the elemental controller's body in surprise, and whispered, "That's why you became like this,"

"At first I thought this grass had already detoxified my body, but then I realized that the poison of this grass is far more terrifying than the undead poison. It not only neutralized the undead poison on my body, but also made me I made my body look like this neither human nor ghost. What is gratifying is that it also brought me the power of magical natural elements. These days, I can clearly feel that my mana is constantly increasing. And those damn green vines are showing signs of fading, too,"

The element controller suddenly looked gloomy again, and said: "However, the task assigned to me by the Mage Union has not been completed. My current mana is not enough to fight against those terrible zombies. Are you willing to help me continue to complete this task?"


System notification: Whether to accept the team task, the entrustment of the element controller.

Murong Shanshan and I have been looking forward to this task for a long time, so there is no reason to refuse it.

Accept the quest: Destroy all undead creatures in the village, kill the Zombie King, and get his fangs.

The element controller said with satisfaction: "In this way, I can feel at ease. This is the reward token of the Adventurer's Union. It will record how you completed the task. After completing the task, you can go to the Adventurer's Union to receive the task reward. Yes, I have one more thing to ask you guys. Since I was poisoned, I have been recording the detoxification formula and the formula of the toxin. Unfortunately, on a heavy rainy night a few days ago, my notes were taken away by a group of zombies I can't remember the recipe now, can you guys help me get it back, it's 12 pages in total,"

Murong Shanshan hurriedly took out the paper we typed earlier, and asked, "Is it this?"

"Yes, this is it, please find it all, I will give you a generous reward,"

The mark of 8 is written on that piece of paper, it should be the eighth page,

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