Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 166 So MM, You Can’t Sleep

Today's third chapter, ask for votes and recommendations~!


Murong Shanshan obviously sensed my fiery gaze, quickly grabbed the quilt and got in, stuck out her head and said maliciously: "It's very enjoyable to watch."

I nodded resentfully and said: "Don't be like this in the future, if I can't restrain myself, I will be finished..."

Murong Shanshan pursed her lips and smiled slightly: "Hehe, I know you're not that kind of person, that's why I let you sleep in my room with confidence, and tell you, in the past, let alone sleeping in my room, no boy came in. You should be very proud to have passed my room."

"Really, do you want me to invite you for breakfast tomorrow morning?"

"Okay, if you don't object~"

I was about to express my objection when my cell phone rang, and I checked that it was Xin Yu's call.

"Lin Fan, where are you?" was Xu Lin's voice on the other end of the phone.

"Uh, I'm at a friend's house, I won't be going back tonight..."

Xu Lin was slightly startled, and asked in a low voice, "Is it at Murong Shanshan's place?"

"Well," I couldn't help blushing, and added: "But it's not what you imagined."

Xu Lin laughed and said: "What do I think, don't worry, I won't tell Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan Xuehan, but you kid is really going too far now, you're on three boats, be careful so many,"

"Sister Lin, where are you going... It's just that Murong Shanshan was frightened by zombies in the game today, so she asked me to accompany her. It's definitely not what you think,"

Xu Lin smiled and said, "I didn't think much about it. Well, then I'll hang up. Xinyu and Xuehan should be back after going shopping. If they ask me where you have been, what should I say?"

"Well, just say I'm going to a friend's house. If they ask, just say it's a classmate in college, male,"

"Well, goodbye then,"


After hanging up the phone, I was stunned to find that my forehead was dripping with sweat. NND, I was so frightened by a few girls...

When I turned my head to look, Murong Shanshan didn't know when she put on her pajamas, and she was looking at me with a smile on her face.

"You are afraid of them,"

"Don't be afraid,"

"No wonder, go to sleep, I have to get up early to practice leveling tomorrow~,"

So I turned off the light, took off my coat and fell asleep in my sweater.

The whole room was dark, with only a faint light coming through the curtains. It was so quiet that even the sound of the air conditioner could be heard.

After a long time, I thought that Murong Shanshan had fallen asleep, so I called her softly, but Murong Shanshan actually answered immediately, with a voice that didn't look like she had slept at all.

I couldn't help smiling, and said: "The long night of sleepless nights, I thought I was the only one who couldn't sleep, but I didn't expect you, Meimei, to sleep too."

Murong Shanshan burst out laughing, and said angrily, "I didn't dare to sleep deeply because I was nervous about whether you would be unruly. What about you, why?"

I put my hands under my head and thought about it, yeah, why can't I fall asleep.

My mind was wandering, so I had to make up an excuse: "I was thinking about some people, so I couldn't sleep,"

"Who are you thinking about?" Murong Shanshan became interested. In the darkness, I saw her sticking her little head out on the side of the bed, looking straight at me.

"Who do you miss?" I hesitated for a while, and then said after a while: "I've been thinking about you, does that count?"

"Liar, I slept next to you, why would you still miss me?" Murong Shanshan said coquettishly, because it was too dark, I couldn't see her expression at all, so naturally I didn't know whether she was happy or not. Angry.

"Forget it if you don't believe me, then I was thinking about Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan. I haven't seen you for a long time. I don't know if they are asleep now."

"Hmph, finally tell the truth,"

"Let's change the subject, tell me something about the school, okay?"

Murong Shanshan giggled and said, "Do you want to ask me how many boys are chasing me in our school?"

"I don't have much interest in that yet..."

"Hmph, you don't seem to care much about my affairs..."

I was silent, did I really not care about you?


After a while, when I thought Murong Shanshan was really asleep, I suddenly heard her softly calling: "Lin Fan, what kind of person are you?"

I froze for a moment, and said with some melancholy: "I would also like to know what kind of person I am, but after so many years, I still haven't figured out this question,"

Murong Shanshan's voice suddenly became gentle: "Actually, I really don't want you to leave my guild. If it was at the beginning, I would definitely spend money to buy you from the Qingcai family, but now, it seems You don’t need that little money anymore, I’m really conflicted sometimes, if it wasn’t for good friends like Never Set and Young and Frivolous, I really want to quit the guild and join your family.”

I was slightly taken aback, and said in a low voice, "Shanshan, why do you have such thoughts?"

"Because...forget it, let's go to sleep..."

After Murong Shanshan finished speaking, she stopped talking, and I remained silent until the next morning when the sun shone into the room.

I looked at my watch, and it was already 8 o'clock in the morning. Although I didn't go to bed until after 1 o'clock last night, for young people, 7 hours of sleep is enough. Words, recently even 6 hours can not be guaranteed: ()

Murong Shanshan still didn't wake up, so I put on my clothes, looked at the beautiful woman next to me, and immediately felt very pleasing to the eye: beautiful face, tall Qiong nose, long eyelashes, rosy lips, and a seductive chest. Human twin peaks, everything is so beautiful...

While watching, suddenly Murong Shanshan's long eyelashes twitched lightly twice, and I immediately said angrily: "I'm getting up, if I pretend to be asleep again, I'm going to lift the quilt~"

Murong Shanshan immediately raised the corners of her mouth, and said with a smile: "What a mistake, I didn't even fool you. It seems that I am still at the stage of the idol group,"

I said angrily, "Why did you lie to me? Do you want me to wake you up by kissing you?"

Murong Shanshan blushed pretty, and said in a low voice like a little girl who was being talked about: "My thoughts are too dirty..."

"I don't know who is dirty..." I said in a low voice, and then asked: "I'll go downstairs to buy some breakfast and come up. You must get dressed before I come back."

Murong Shanshan smiled sweetly: "I see, the key is on the table, take it yourself~,"


As soon as I went downstairs, I saw Aunt Wang at the gate, and what was even more unfortunate was that she recognized me and said hello, "Aren't you Shanshan's boyfriend? You came here so early,"

I replied: "Yeah, go buy her some breakfast now, she hasn't woken up yet~"

Aunt Wang suddenly turned pale with shock: "You don't... you already live together, right?"

I immediately put on an awkward smile and said, "I can't help it, I had to leave last night, but Shanshan refused to let me go back..."

Aunt Wang went upstairs with a slight smile, and I only heard her muttering in a low voice: "It seems that our second child is hopeless, but this young man really matches Shanshan, our second child, hey, forget it , how could that kid look like his father..."

I ran a few steps to the breakfast specialty store outside the gate, and ordered two bags of soy milk and a few fried dough sticks. Since I got up too late, everything else here was sold out.

Carrying her things upstairs, Murong Shanshan really got up and was brushing her teeth in the bathroom.

I put the breakfast on the table and said, "Shanshan, I'm going back first, the breakfast is on the table, don't forget to eat it later,"

"Aren't you going to eat together?"

"No, I'll eat some steamed stuffed buns on the way, I won't accompany you to level up today, I have to care about the family construction guild,"

"Well, let's contact each other in the game~"


I took two deep-fried dough sticks, gnawed them and went back to my residence. With a net worth of hundreds of millions, I'm probably the only one who would be content with this kind of life.

There was no one in the hall, and I was playing games all the time, so I went directly to my room, plugged in the power and started the game.

After a flash of white light, I appeared on the square at the east gate of Silvermoon City. It was almost 9 o'clock, but there were not many people in the square of Silvermoon City. Not in the morning and afternoon, but it shouldn't be so depressed.


Lu Xuehan's text message arrived: "We are in the auction house, VIP Room No. 055, the password is 123321, come here quickly,"

I immediately replied to the text message and rushed over. No wonder there were few people. They all went to the auction. Now that everyone has a higher level and more money, a gold coin is nothing.

Entering the auction, I inquired about the VIP room No. 55. The owner was Xu Lin's name. After asking to enter and entering the password, I was immediately sent in.

Looking around, there were only Xu Lin, Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan in this room, so I asked in surprise, "Why didn't Guozi and the others come together?"

Xu Lin replied with a smile: "Guozi and Joly went to leveling, Li Qing was sick and went to the hospital for drips, but Liu Yun didn't know what was going on, he went out last night and hasn't come back yet, I don't know what to do, I called When I called her, she only said that there was something important, but she didn't say anything specific, and she was so mysterious that she didn't know what she wanted to do."

I nodded, and when I turned my head, I saw Xin Yu's eyes sweep across my face, and then turned to the auction platform below.

"Xin Yu, what's the matter?" I approached the window and stood there side by side with Xin Yu.

Xin Yu bit her lips, hesitated to speak, and after a while, she looked into my eyes and said softly: "Where are you going in the future, tell me, okay?"

I was slightly taken aback, then smiled and said, "Are you all right?"

"Of course it's okay, but I don't want you to leave easily..."

Xin Yu's words were less soft and soft than before, but more melancholy,

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