Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 186: Undead Commander

"What is your position, waltz?" Murong Shanshan asked in surprise looking at my position.

While slashing and killing the monsters behind me, I replied with a smile: "It's not a waltz. In terms of WAR3, this should be regarded as the legendary 'Z' move, but I didn't expect that the same applies to Yuehengzhong."

"No, this is too stupid, you have to be like me," Murong Shanshan immediately objected.

I smiled and didn't speak, but my body shape stopped in an instant, and I started to imitate Murong Shanshan's position just now around the shadow knight who was close to me. Although I can basically understand the subtlety of this position, But in actual use, it still seemed a little strenuous. I took two shots without paying attention, but after the two shots, I didn’t receive any additional attacks. It was only two minutes after I knocked over the last monster. That's all.

Murong Shanshan wasn't too surprised, she smiled slightly and said, "Let's go in and do the mission,"

So I followed her, but Murong Shanshan said again: "You must really want to ask me why I am not surprised that you did this operation so quickly, right?"

Completely amazed by Murong Shanshan's ice-snow intelligence, I could only nod my head.

"Hehe, in fact, you were a first-line e-sports player a year ago, and your reaction speed and combat awareness can easily do this,"

Murong Shanshan looked at me with a slight smile, and continued: "Although I have worked hard to train my operation, I am still far behind you. Maybe you think that what you do can be done by a player, but you are wrong. , there are not many people in this world who can only sleep for 5 hours a day and level up desperately to rush from level 42 to level 49 in 4 days, and there are few people who would rather die nearly 40 times a night for a BOSS, a total of eight There is no rest at all for hours, and there are not many people who can snatch the BOSS's spoils under the noses of so many people in the romantic world,"

I hurriedly stopped him and said, "Stop talking, I don't even know if you're praising me or despising me if you even mention things like robbery."

Murong Shanshan pursed her lips and smiled slightly: "Well, don't talk about it, let's continue with the task."


So the two walked into the cave where the Heart of the Crack is located. As soon as I entered, I was taken aback. This cave is really too big. Both sides are full of solidified magma walls, and there are many things hanging from the top of the head. , but what is hanging is not stalactites, but human skeletons one by one. Many clothes have fallen off, and some clothes hang on the bones and move twice when the breeze blows, which is really scary.

Murong Shanshan pointed to the front, and said, "There are more than a dozen skeleton warriors guarding there. They should be the first line of defense. I killed them all once in the morning, and now they are all cleared out."

I took a look, and sure enough there were a few skeletons walking back and forth in front of them. They were all level 70. Although they were very high, considering Murong Shanshan and I's equipment, it should be relatively easy to kill.

Very different from the skeleton warriors outside, the skeleton warriors here are equipped with silver shiny armor, a strong shield, and the old spears in their hands. , It seems to be another kind of shadow knight.

Murong Shanshan lured two of them over, and I shared one with her. I started with a sword, which happened to be cut on the bone exposed between the gaps in the skeleton warrior's armor. The red number "960" floated from the skull. When I got up, I was taken aback. My 1200 attack actually hit it with no more than 1000 blood. How high should its defense be?

"Don't be in a daze, hurry up and kill, this kind of skeleton warrior's defense is exaggeratedly high, but it doesn't have much blood, only about 5000, and it will definitely kill one in half a minute," Murong Shanshan said looking at me.

So I raised the blood red sword again, this time aiming at the armor on the front of the skeleton warrior.


There was a crisp sound, and the powerful and heavy blow of the blood red sword was bounced back, but the damage caused was only a pitiful 500 points. It seems that it is better to cut the place where there is no armor.

After killing the two skeletons, Murong Shanshan cleaned up the gold coins that exploded, and said with a smile: "This kind of knight is indeed very interesting, with a high level and a lot of experience, but the money and equipment are less Terrible, you said that if this silver armor exploded, we would have to sell a set for at least 10 million RMB, hey, it’s very interesting, you can see that there are still marks on the armor on their shoulders.”

I quickly squatted down and took a look, and sure enough, there was a badge on the armor worn by the skeleton warrior's body, which looked familiar, but I don't know where I saw it.

"Don't look," Murong Shanshan pulled me and said, "There are many such undead warriors inside, if you want to see, you can go inside and see enough, they are all alive and dancing~"

I nodded, followed Murong Shanshan into the narrow gate guarded by skeleton warriors, and when we just stepped into the narrow gate, we got a system prompt: get the internal task, kill the first heaven Collect all the undead creatures in , collect 100 undead sparks, and open the way to the first heaven defender.

Murong Shanshan also got the same reminder, while we have countless skeleton warriors. They have high experience, but their equipment and money are all apologetic, as if these guys are very clean when they make money.


At the same time, five or six skeleton warriors found two intruders, so they killed them straight away. The silver long sword was chilling under the moonlight shining through the roof of the cave. Murong Shanshan immediately assigned the task: " You kill three, I kill two,"

I didn't talk nonsense with her, I directly picked up the three skeletons and started to slash and kill them. Compared with the shadow knights, these skeleton warriors are more difficult to deal with, especially the super high defense makes people very speechless, although I and Murong Shanshan is wearing the top equipment that the entire server can produce now, but it is still quite difficult to kill. After all, this monster is nearly 20 levels higher than ours, and it can resist a lot of our attacks. If I am now Level 70, but the attack is still 1200, then the blood cut will definitely far exceed 1000.

After killing these 5 skeleton warriors, we found two small balls with red light flashing on the ground. We picked them up and saw, undead tinder: the carrier of the soul contract of undead creatures. Psychic power and some souls, quest items, cannot be used.

Murong Shanshan blinked, and asked, "Is this the item needed for the mission?"

"That's right, only 100 are needed, that is to say, we have to kill all these skeleton warriors before we can collect 100 quest items,"

Murong Shanshan stuck out her tongue, and said with a coquettish smile, "It looks like I'm going to spend the whole afternoon here,"

I shook my head and said, "Not necessarily in the afternoon, but at least it will be after 4 o'clock. Do you want to go offline to drink some water or something? We won't rest until we have all the mission items."

Murong Shanshan immediately said that she could do it.

So the two kept killing, and finally collected 100 undead fire seeds at around 4:20. Time to kill monsters is simply impossible.


Looking around, only the exit of an additional iron door in front of her might be the direction of the defender. Murong Shanshan stretched out her hand and pushed it, but the door didn't move at all. The little beauty was furious and raised her hand Han lightsaber slashed down.


The iron door crashed down after this violent blow, and bursts of dust were stirred up.

The dust settled, but the scene inside shocked us again. Compared with the bloody horror outside, the defense officer's room can be described as scholarly. A square table is placed in the center, and a table next to it The tall bookshelves are full of ancient books, and there is even a pot of nearly withered flowers and plants on the stone bench next to it.

"This... I'm not mistaken, is this the little boss's room?"

Murong Shanshan rubbed her eyes, apparently unable to believe what she saw.

I didn't speak, because a thick old book on the table attracted my attention, and there was a quill brush that seemed to have just been used under the book.

"What is that..." Murong Shanshan seemed to have noticed the book as well.

I responded softly: "I don't know, let's see it later..."

"Squeak ~,"

Just as I stretched my arms out to solve the mystery, a hidden iron door opened right in front of us, and an undead general in silver armor walked out slowly, with the ear-piercing sound of metal and stone rubbing against each other. In this atmosphere, it looks even more eerie.

I immediately released my

[Undead Commander] (Platinum quasi-BOSS)

Level: 75

Attack: Chaos, Shock

Defense: Steel Armor


Just a few lines of BOSS information made my scalp tingle. Intuitively, this BOSS will definitely consume too much of our time.

It suddenly occurred to me that we would celebrate Xin Yu’s birthday at a nearby hotel at 6:30. Two hours was obviously not enough for us to kill a level 75 boss. Besides, the level 75 platinum boss was not created by Murong Shanshan and me. Can kill.

But the problem is that this undead commander is a quasi-boss, the concept is that he can't reach the level of a real boss, but the level of 75 alone is already quite scary.

I said nervously: "Shanshan, can we save this boss until tomorrow?"

Murong Shanshan replied in a panic: "I have no problem, but the key is whether he agrees..."

Suppressed by a powerful air current, this humanoid boss has arrived in front of us in an instant, and the huge sword shining with golden yellow light is slowly lifted up, as if conducting a kind of trial.

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