Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 217 NB's Mad Sword

The shocking sword light immediately plunged our phalanx into panic. Instantly killed more than a dozen senior fighters. Such a huge lethality made me gasp.

Who is this person who uses sword energy? .

The figure swayed. I captured the player's name. . "Crazy Sword".

Even more shocking. The title of this player's profession turned out to be "Sword Controler".

A hidden professional player in China.

he. It should be the one whom Merry Young Master bothered to keep.

Without the slightest hesitation. I immediately drew my sword and rushed over. If you can't kill this person in the early stage. The powerful sword energy will definitely make us quite uncomfortable.

It is very difficult to move forward in the crowded mountain road. I had to go straight to the front line. Then stepping on the corpse of the Merry World player, he walked forward slowly. And this move naturally attracted the attention of Merry Tianxia's back row mage troops. at the same time. Xin Yu panicked and said loudly in the guild: "Pastor pay attention to blooding Lin Fan. Lock him as the auxiliary target."

"Swipe ~ brush ~"

White rays of light continued to shine above the head. These guys didn't care if I lost blood or not, and just threw the healing technique up. It also keeps me relatively safe all the time. After all, the magic of Merry and the Mage players is not vegetarian. Dozens of fireballs exploded at the same time. I only have a little blood left.

My heart almost jumped into my throat. But because of the rescue from the rear, there were many surprises and no danger.

The blood-red sword shone with a coquettish light. These 50-level fighters or knights on the opposite side couldn't stand my second attack at all. And those with slightly worse equipment were instantly killed out.

Kuangjian also seemed to notice my actions. Look from a distance. I actually saw him showing a sneer. It seems to be laughing at my stupid behavior. Or maybe I just missed it. Just an illusion.

Let's be very surprised. The cooldown time of Kuangjian's sword qi skill is obviously much shorter than that of Murong Shanshan's. Probably only a little over a minute. I could only watch helplessly as he wiped out several batches of my own fighters in succession. The smile on his lips seemed to grow wider.

Xu Lin seemed to have run out of patience. She gritted her teeth immediately after setting off a burst of fire on the mad sword: "Archer. Concussive arrow salvo. Kill this bastard with a hidden profession."

Xu Lin's voice just fell. Arrows rained heavily on Kuangjian's body. At the same time a strange thing happened. .

A layer of milky yellow light enveloped Berserk's body. And he was wrapped in this layer of light. Unscathed. .

"My God. It's absolute defense." Someone yelled.

The morale of Paradise Lost fell to the bottom in an instant. And Kuang Jian let out a sword aura after a loud laugh. This time it was even more terrifying. The sword energy split through all the defenses in front of Kuangjian without any hindrance. Even the sorcerers behind Paradise Lost were instantly killed by the sword energy.

MB. When did such a fierce swordsman appear. His rank is not high. Only level 51. But the attack power is a bit exaggerated. Even Murong Shanshan can use sword energy with such great power.

Xu Lin exclaimed. If at this time, Berserk directly rushes into the mage camp behind us. The consequences would be unimaginable.

And Kuangjian really wanted to do that. There were several warriors and knights rushing forward with him. Their thinking is clear. Let these people storm our camp. Let us mess with ourselves. The balance of victory will naturally fall to their side.

It's a pity that Kuangjian underestimated my speed too much.

In desperation. I activated "Swordsman Swift".

The 30% movement speed bonus makes me feel like I'm flying. Stepped on the faces of several players and ran over. Before the mad sword entered the phalanx of Paradise Lost. I have already stopped in front of him with a sword. The blood-red sword stabbed quickly without stopping. The combo also exploded in an instant.

The time for Berserk's NB skills to be absolutely defensive has passed. And he actually ate my 5 strong attacks. .







The number of injuries surprised me slightly. After losing so much blood. He actually lost less than half of his blood. In other words, his total blood volume is higher than mine.

Kuang Jian finally restrained that annoying sneer. There was an unbelievable expression on his face.

Panic is only a moment. His figure flashed to my left. The empty space behind him was immediately filled by another fighter. The long sword in the soldier's hand was shining with a light blue light.

"not good."

I secretly screamed that it was not good. But it was too late.

A huge blue beam pierced through my body. Shocked me backwards. But the beam of light continued to hit backwards with unabated momentum. After a scream. except me. A row of players in Paradise Lost was instantly killed. I was taken aback. Not far away, Xu Lin gritted her teeth in distress. These players can't get in after being killed. Hang one less one.

The fighter's name is "Desperate". I have already experienced his laser sword skills last time. Did not expect to be recruited again. What's even more terrible is the mad sword that quickly moved to my right. at this time. The big sword in his hand has been raised high. The fierce greeting of sword energy is about to come out.

"be careful."

Lu Xuehan's exclamation came from afar. At the same time, a milky white light fell on me. The 2,200 blood points that were killed by the laser sword just now were replenished by more than 1,000 points. at this time. Only Lu Xuehan can react and help me increase blood. The other priests were already stunned by this fierce and gorgeous battle scene.

no. Now I don't even know how powerful the sword energy of Kuangjian is. perhaps. It might kill me in seconds.

There was a burst of exclamation. My figure disappeared in front of Kuangjian. And his strong sword qi directly fell into the mixed crowd on both sides. Kuangjian was greatly disappointed. Angrily looking for my trace. And when he turned around, I was right behind him. But he was stunned by a concussion arrow shot from afar. Immediately afterwards. A flying arrow with purple light was also ready to hit Kuang Jian's chest.

That's right. That was Xin Yu's "Corrosion Arrow". . It is an NB attack skill that can reduce the target's defense by half.

I almost didn't say "Xin Yu I love you". in our studio. Xin Yu turned out to be the MM with whom I have the best understanding. I saw it just now. This Berserker's professional skills must have increased defense. Otherwise, it is impossible for me not to kill him in seconds. To know. My attack is over 1700. That is a number that current players can hardly imagine.

Xu Lin's "Flame Blast" exploded among the romantic crowd behind Kuang Jian. The huge damage immediately caused confusion among the priests there. This is definitely a good opportunity created by the tacit cooperation of the three-person team in our studio. To kill this defensive perverted player. It's now.

It's also strange that Kuangjian was so bold that he rushed in. Otherwise, it would not be easy to lose backup.

I no longer hesitate. The blood-red sword slashed twice on Kuangjian's body. When the effect of the concussion arrow was about to disappear, he immediately released the Frozen Slash. The power of level 6 skills is amazing. Huge snowflakes made the air seem to freeze. It wasn't just Berserk who was frozen. Even the desperate man beside Kuangjian was also frozen.

After another normal attack. I released the critical strike + combo combo skill without the slightest gap.







Five four-digit numbers jumped out from the top of Kuang Jian's head. A total of more than 7,000 damage immediately sent Kuangjian, the hidden professional player of NB, out of the arena.

There were cheers behind him. I also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If it wasn't for the help of Xin Yu's Corrosion Arrow and Xu Lin's Fire Blast. The outcome of this partial PK is still hard to say. Berserk is astonishingly abnormal in terms of attack, defense and blood value. No wonder Young Master Merry thinks highly of him. but. None of that matters now. He has gone out. Can't get in anymore.

Far behind. Young Master Merry snorted coldly. Backed away with several high-level players. It seems that there is no longer any expectation for the front-line battle.

The little soldier "Desperate" who attacked me with the laser sword skill just now was a little dumbfounded. After my wave of attacks killed the swordsman Kuangjian. The pressure on our line of defense suddenly dropped. The gap that was forcibly split by the mad sword was also quickly closed. The desperate people who rushed to the front were directly surrounded. Players from Paradise Lost are staring at each other. It was as if his mere movement would tear him to shreds.

There was another fierce exchange of fire not far ahead. I looked at him with my sword in my hand: "Why do you want to help Merry Young Master, this standard rubbish. If it's for money. I think there are everywhere. How about this. How about we come to Paradise Lost."

The desperate man was startled. Suddenly he laughed: "If you guys can survive today in Paradise Lost, I can consider joining. However, I don't think that chance is great."

"Hmph. Then I'll send you out."

I will say no more. The few people around were already eager to move. So desperate people immediately became the target of public criticism. In the sound of "Hula~Hula~" skill release. He was blasted back to the city.

Xu Lin immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "The two headaches have been solved. The rest should be a little easier."

In fact. Although the two players who put a lot of pressure on us both died. But the main force of Merry World is obviously stronger than us now. Especially after Kuangjian showed his might and killed several groups of fighters on our side. The members of Merry World rushed over with those who had smoked stimulants and shouted to kill. There were not many fighters in front of us. Being so rushed. It looks a little dangerous.

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