Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Two hundred and twentieth eight chapters cover three parts of the country

Not far away. FINE gave me a thumbs up. hehe. That's the gesture we used to make before every game. I didn't expect this guy to still remember now. by his side. A female warrior in silver armor was also smiling at me. Her name is "Jian Ruoshui". I remembered. That beautiful policeman named Lin Xiaoye?

I don't know what to do with the behavior of this couple. In the end, I had to blow them a kiss. As a result, Lin Xiaoye immediately lowered her head shyly. FINE then took his prospective girlfriend to attack the city after he compared his middle fingers.



A red light flashed by me. Together with a white light.

"Damn. It was killed in seconds." Someone shouted. Only then did I confirm that there was indeed a 51-level senior fighter beside me just now. He's not badly equipped. But it was also killed in an instant.

The red light came from the arrow tower on the city. The attack power is quite terrifying. In just a few minutes, more than a dozen players on our side were killed. And they were all instant kills without any accidents. Everyone's heart finally started to tremble. The attack of this arrow tower is too perverted.

"Xin Yu. You, Sister Lin and Xue Han retreat to the back." I hurriedly turned around and ordered Xin Yu. And Xu Lin and Lu Xuehan immediately withdrew from the arrow tower's attack range very cooperatively. Fortunately, the attack frequency of the arrow tower is not high. It only fires once every 10 seconds or so. It also gives us a glimmer of hope.

In a blink of an eye. The soldiers in our front row have rushed to the city. A row of knights rushed to the front line with their shields on. The fighters behind are all ready. Just waiting to get close to the city gate and cut down the city gate building.

The Merry World players on the city wall also began to suppress firepower. The huge meteorite magic smashed and fell into the crowd below. The fierce collision between the knight's shield and the meteorite made a deafening sound. Pieces of ice cones also emerged from the ground. Constantly assassinating the melee professional players who were attacking in the front row of Paradise Lost.

"MB. The firepower is so fierce." When a soldier was hit by a meteorite and lost half of his blood. Couldn't help complaining.

I immediately looked back. Loudly ordered: "Where are the long-range attack troops. The maximum firepower suppresses the enemies on the wall. Buy time for the soldiers."

then. Fireballs, ice cones, and wind blades belonging to Paradise Lost also appeared in the sky. Rapidly bombarded and killed the enemies on the wall.

The gap was quickly revealed. Although there are slightly more people in Merry World than us. But the firepower can't be compared. The lethality of Paradise Lost magic is far higher than that of the opponent.

Players in Merry World, who were blackened by fireballs, stumbled and fell from the city wall. He fell to his death on the spot. What is even more amazing is the control of the wind magic by the Lost Paradise Mage. The bitter wind blade cut back and forth in the middle of the city wall. Constantly roll down the hostile players above. And some players who are accustomed to group wind spells are even more violent. The huge dragon whirlwind raged over the city wall. In a short period of time, a lot of enemies on the wall were cleared out.

As I was once again cleared of a group of warrior players by magic and bows and arrows. The soldiers in the back row stepped up again. this time. Even Never Yield went straight into the fight. Stand shoulder to shoulder with me to bear the attack from above. The priests in the back row are doing their best to restore us. Especially Lu Xuehan's healing wave. It felt like she was targeting the Healing Wave on me. I'm the first player to get a boon every time I heal. It made the knights and warriors next to him die of jealousy.

A row of knights in the front row has successfully arrived at the city gate. I immediately ordered loudly: "All the knights retreated to cover the other soldiers rushing up. The soldiers in the front row began to attack the city gate."

The mottled city gate was immediately ravaged by multiple weapons. Some tomahawk fighters threw their tomahawks from a distance. I saw the door rattling.

The blood bar at the city gate is very long. After we hacked for half an hour, it was only reduced a little. Looking forward, I immediately understood. It turns out that several NPC craftsmen are actively repairing it.

I hurried back. Said to Guozi: "Beauty. Go back and protect Sister Lin close to this place. Let her directly burn the NPC who repaired the city gate inside with the fire from the sky. We have lost too much during this time."

Guo Guo immediately squeezed out of the crowd in front of her obediently. A few minutes later. The weak mage Xu Lin leaned over with the support of everyone. in front of her. A few knights stood there with their shields on their backs and used their guard skills to protect their boss. The opponent's bow and arrow can only make a "jingling" sound when it hits the shield. Basically does no harm.


Xu Lin released the first piece of dark fire. Those purple flames immediately fell from the sky and fell to the inside of the city wall. Half of the dozen or so NPCs who were repairing the city gate were immediately killed by this powerful flame. When Xu Lin released the second piece of dark fire. Many NPCs have already died. Although they are level 65 NPCs. But it is a craftsman after all. Neither the defense nor the blood volume can be compared with the fighting NPC.

At this time, Fengliu Tianxia mobilized a large number of players to defend our side. They have always been quite depressed. Eight doors were opened and only three were selected. It's not right to make the players guarding the other five doors go. Stay is not. All he could do was stand there stupidly waiting for the order to dispatch troops from Mr. Merry.


At this moment, the Merry Young Master was standing on the city wall as if dead.

"How did they know to choose those three city gates first to attack. Has someone leaked the secret?"

Seeing Merry Young Master with a cold face. The players next to him were silent. Until a player named "Looking for Yuqing" slowly walked out of the crowd. He looked at Merry Young Master. He said calmly: "Some of them also understand formations. They have already summed up the advantages and disadvantages of each formation."

The Merry Young Master looked at the swords and guild members that were as numerous as ants in the city. Trying hard to suppress the urge to shout out. Said: "That depends on you. How can we regain our advantage now."

"Looking for Yuqing" snorted and said, "I told you earlier. Using formations to defend can only bluff some small shrimps. Who are Murong Shanshan and Lin Fan? With their knowledge, don't they know about formations?"

The Merry Young Master was suddenly a little annoyed: "I don't want to listen to your preaching. I want to ask you now. How to restore the advantage."

"Looking for Yuqing" turned cold. Said: "There is no other good way. Try to send some people to that door to help defend. Our people can be resurrected in the garrison. They can only be resurrected in Silvermoon City. In this way, we have already taken advantage of the geographical advantage. As long as we can withstand their attack pressure in the first few rounds, we can rely on slow consumption to make them lose the courage to attack the city."

Young Master Merry nodded helplessly: "Damn it. That's the only way to go. Fighting madly. Take your people to reinforce the West Gate and East Gate. In addition, I also set aside some people to deal with the bastards from Paradise Lost. Damn it. Even the guilds are wiped out and they can still organize so much power. What do these people think?"

"Some things. Of course you won't understand. What you're after. They won't understand either."

A female voice came from behind. Merry Young Master immediately changed his smiling face: "Ah Yue. Why are you here?"

That's right. The only person who can change the attitude of Merry Young and Young is the female thief "You Lan".

"Why can't I come?" You Lan asked back. He also said: "I went offline at the station. Just now when I went online, I saw that the siege battle had already begun. So I decided to stay temporarily to see the excitement before leaving."

She glanced at the players beside Merry Young Master. With a displeased face, he asked, "Where is Liu Yun? Why don't you take her with you."

Young Master Merry's expression suddenly became very ugly. Hastily explained: "Ah Yue, you must have misunderstood. I have nothing to do with Liu Yun. It's just a deal with her...Really. She helped me win Paradise Lost. I will pay her 10 million. Now she has taken the money. I will settle with her."

You Lan couldn't help but sneered: "Really. I'm not interested in meddling with your affairs. But I still advise you. The most important quality a man should have is to be responsible. If you cross the river and tear down the bridge, no one will ever think highly of you. Also, don't think that I don't know what you and Liu Yun did or said in the hall."

Merry Young Master wanted to explain with a livid face. You Lan has already walked down the city wall slowly. Never looked back at Mrs. Merry again.

"Boss, what should I do?" a small captain asked cautiously.

Merry Young Master smiled wryly. Shaking his head, he said, "It's okay. Ah Yue has always treated me like this. I'm used to it. If her attitude towards me suddenly changes one day, I'll be at a loss. Everyone should prepare to go down to resist the attack of that guild. NPC guards. The loss will not be great."

Another small boss immediately reported back: "Sword and Rose adopted the offensive method of soldiers rushing forward. The players and guards on our city wall did not suffer much loss. But the damage to them was not great. The warrior profession of Sword and Rose is really too powerful."

The Merry Young Master gritted his teeth and snorted through his nose: "Where are TOT and Paradise Lost?"

"Both TOT and Lost Paradise have adopted the method of echelon and circular attacks. And the mage troops of these two guilds are very powerful. Therefore, our losses in those two gates are relatively large. Especially in the Lost Paradise. Their boss's fire group spells are too fierce. It puts a lot of pressure on us."

Merry Young Master frowned. Gritting his teeth, he said, "I'll make them look good."

finished. He turned around and gave an order: "Frenzied Sword. You and Desperate bring 5,000 people to the west gate to fight against TOT."

Kuang Jian was stunned: "Why didn't you send us to attack Paradise Lost and Sword and Rose. I believe it. Although we can't take down the Sword and Rose. But we are sure to destroy Paradise Lost again."

"Do whatever I tell you to do. Don't talk so much nonsense." The Merry Young Master shouted dissatisfiedly. He immediately regretted it a few seconds later. Full of apology, he said to the stunned Kuang Jian: "I just don't want you to lose too much. Sword and Rose has Murong Shanshan, Paradise Lost has Lin Fan. Are you sure that these two people will win? If not, it's better to choose TOT to fight. As for Murong Shanshan and Lin Fan, let the NPC consume most of their strength first. Besides, there are two ghost arrow towers in our city. Even if they attack, we still have the advantage."

have to say. Merry young and old still have the ability to buy people's hearts. Kuang Jian, who was originally angry, was immediately calmed down by him. Pidianpidian took someone to beat TOT.

After sending away Berserk and Desperate. Young Master Merry immediately sent someone to count the number of people. Then dispatch to each point.


the other side. After an hour of grappling. We are in the final stages of cutting the gates here in Paradise Lost. Ever since Xu Lin set fire to the NPCs who were repairing the city gates. The long blood bars at the gate began to slowly decrease. Although very slow. But breaking him is just around the corner. I don't know what's going on with Murong Shanshan. But judging from their lineup of the strongest fighters in Silver Moon City. It's not too far behind if you think about it.

on the other hand. Due to the crazy suppression of the powerful firepower of Paradise Lost. There are no more walking NPCs on the city wall. Those archer NPCs due to lack of intelligence. So it won't dodge magic attacks. As a result, everything was exhausted in the tens of minutes of tug-of-war. When Merry Young Master sends people over for reinforcements. There are no more NPCs who can help.

Some Merry World Mage players who want to get ahead. Often, just showing your head on the city wall can immediately attract a large dense rain of arrows. Arrows rained across the city wall in the air. Start throwing inwards. As a result, a few seconds later, we actually heard the screams of players dying from inside.

Xin Yu was very excited. Immediately began to organize hundreds of our archers to launch a ten-second projectile inside the station. Anyway, the expendable arrows everyone brought are enough. It's better to expand the damage output to the enemy to the maximum.

The chat channel of the Sword and Rose Guild is very lively. The young and frivolous probably led the mage troops to guard behind. He was constantly encouraging everyone: "The city gate was almost broken. Hey. The sun never sets, why don't you, a level 54 knight, go up there. Everyone is watching you. You run back. Excuse me."

The sun never set and said angrily: "Damn. Don't just talk sarcasticly. Didn't you see that I was empty?"

Murong Shanshan came forward to mediate: "Shut up, auntie. The first person to rush into the city will be rewarded with a piece of level 50 blue equipment."

The situation is not serious on my side. So she couldn't help teasing: "Shanshan, you should reward me with a kiss. That would be so exciting. Everyone said it."

Young and Confused didn't hesitate to support it. The sun never sets, he hesitated for a long time and said nothing.

In the end, Murong Shanshan actually agreed. She smiled and said, "Okay. But this sweet kiss must be offered by Lin Fan."

"Depend on."

Brush it. More than half of the besiegers retreated.


"The city gate will fall in a little bit. Everyone will start to guarantee the cooldown time of the active skills. After a while, the gate will be broken. We will face the people who are romantic in the world."

I said while cutting the door. A group of nearby fighters immediately stopped releasing their skills. And the mages in the back row also began to prepare powerful big moves. Always ready to give the opponent a fatal blow.


The city gate, which had been vacillating all this time, finally fell apart. After breaking into countless small pieces and falling to the ground. Opposite us also revealed a large number of romantic players. No surprises. They were at the forefront with a phalanx of warriors and knights. It's a pity that the mage troops behind them are now scattered. Presumably it was a good deed done by the archer column commanded by Xin Yu just now.


Almost everyone shouted the word together. For a while, everyone had already forgotten to be afraid. There is only one thought in my mind. That is to rush in. Kill all these flamboyant birdmen. Use their blood to wash away the shame they brought us in the past.

The blood red sword flew up and down. When the combo was swung to the second attack, the fighter in front of him had already been killed in seconds. And the remaining two attacks also successfully sent a knight behind back to the city. This time I couldn't care less about formation. One lunges straight forward. Like a sharp knife, a crack was cut on Merry Tianxia's body. And this rift just happened to become a breakthrough for the players of Paradise Lost. The crowd charged aggressively. In a few minutes, the opponent's formation was completely broken up.


Another arrow tower attack. It happened to shine on me who was rushing forward.

The whole body suddenly felt like a burning pain. At the same time, the system message prompts: You are attacked by the ghost tower. Loss of life and blood 4320.

I immediately breathed a sigh of relief. White light flashed on his body. The priests in the back have filled my health in a few seconds.

"Everyone, protect Lin Fan." Lu Xuehan screamed.

Xin Yu smiled and said, "Xue Han, don't worry. Our Lin Fan's life is tougher than Xiao Qiang. It's not so easy to die."

Xu Lin smiled without saying a word. It just keeps releasing group spells to the enemy group. This also accelerated the speed of Merry World's defeat.

The NPC guards and all the players in Merry World have been mixed together. But still unable to resist the powerful offensive of Paradise Lost. The so-called defeat is like a mountain. In Merry World, when he personally brought people over to help, he was thrown into disarray by the scattered people. As a result, many people fled with the deserters after seeing the overwhelming momentum of Paradise Lost.

Merry Tianxia was furious: "Damn. There are only more than 3,000 people. I'm afraid of a P. Kill them for me. If you can defend the garrison, each person will be rewarded with 20,000 yuan. If you die, you will get an extra 10,000 yuan."

I rely on. Another money offensive. TMD works again.


The new week arrived as scheduled. still. Asking for votes and recommendations~ I hope everyone can throw all the tickets in their hands to Ye Zi. Let me have the urge to explode ~.

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