Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 239 Looking forward to SM

Xu Lin sighed slightly. She said with emotion: "I haven't even been here for half a year. I didn't expect that everyone would change so much. Xin Yu's crazy girl would also calm down. And the person who made her quiet down was you, who has always been at odds with her. Things in this world are really unpredictable. A girl as good as Xue Han will treat you so well..."

I still want to sigh when I listen to the first half. But the further you get to the back, the less it is.

"What's the matter with Xuehan? It's not in vain that I have saved the beauty so many times."

Xu Lin glanced at me. She chuckled lightly and said, "If it wasn't for my sister, I would give you a small report. Can you have so many opportunities to express yourself?"

"This. Actually, I really want to thank you." When I said this, I was full of sincerity.

Xu Lin said: "At your wedding with Xuehan some other day. I'll be satisfied if I can eat for free."

"Wedding." I shook my head. "This word seems to be far away from me."

"It's because you dare not choose." Xu Lin looked at me. He said ambiguously: "In the end. Is it Xuehan or Xinyu? Or Murong Shanshan. In my opinion, it's better to marry Xinyu home as a wife. Xuehan and Murong Shanshan can buy a villa outside to raise them. Anyway, Xinyu won't be angry. You don't have to worry about it all day. Those rich people do that. You are also very rich now. You can follow suit. My sister sees how hard you live every day. It hurts a lot."

have to say. Xu Lin's idea is still very strong. Belongs to the very yellow and violent type. Unfortunately, the feasibility is almost zero. Whether I have the courage or not is secondary. The key is whether Xuehan will agree. Let alone Murong Shanshan. I want to keep her radiant little beauty at home. Go dreaming.

"What? Am I wrong?" Xu Lin pursed her lips and smiled.

I think it's going to be more and more **** if I go on like this. So he changed the topic: "That. How about the small plate chicken tonight. I made it with Xin Yu."

Xu Linming knew I was digressing. He smiled and said, "You haven't answered me yet. Do you want to support Xuehan and Shanshan?"

"Damn." I couldn't help cursing. Staring into her eyes, he said: "Xuehan has a lot of money. I need it. Let's talk about Murong Shanshan. You think she can accept it with her personality. She probably killed me in a flash when I made this request."

"That's not necessarily the case. How do you know if they are willing or not if you don't say anything?"

It was the first time I realized that Xu Lin was so gossip. So he poured a cup of tea and put it on the table. Get ready to play games in your room after your tea.

Xu Lin seemed to see through my thoughts. She smiled and said: "Forget it. I won't make fun of you. But to be honest, there are not many boys in the world who are as lucky as you. Xinyu, Xuehan and Shanshan are not the super beauties of the school girl. Now Xuehan and Xinyu both obviously have a crush on you. As for Shanshan, I really can't guess her mind. But I don't think I hate you. Otherwise, how could I be willing to spend time with you all day long."

I couldn't help laughing: "I want to put it this way. I should be grateful for God's gift to me every night before going to bed."

Xu Lin gave me a coquettish look: "No one is serious..."

I sat down. Hold the teacup in your hands: "Let's talk about the business. Although we have a lot of members at present, the guild does not actually exist. If this continues, I am afraid that our personnel will continue to be lost. Therefore, getting the group establishment certificate as soon as possible is our top priority now. What do you think?"

"Of course I know." Xu Lin nodded slightly. sat across from me. She said helplessly: "You should also be very clear. It is really too difficult to get a group-building proof now. So far, the large Silvermoon City area has only paid 8 yuan. A boss above level 50 has a very low chance of breaking the group-building proof. If it is killed many times, it will become even lower. I guess the chance is about 1 in a thousand. Almost all the bosses near Silvermoon City have been found by players. Single strength is weak. It is simply impossible to compete with those formal guilds."

I frowned. This is also a very real problem. Resources are very scarce. There are many people who want to occupy resources.

Silvermoon City is the first of the four main cities in China. She has nearly 30 million account registrations. This number alone already exceeds the number of players in South Korea and half of Europe. And so many players gathered around the castle. Competition and disputes are inevitable. Just like the last guild war and siege battle. These are the two largest wars in the entire Yueheng world.

Can't deny it. The Chinese nation, the bastion of oriental civilization, is indeed brilliant. Although the civil war continued. But the experience and wisdom summed up in the war are praised by the world. While the war broke out in Silvermoon City. Almost all countries in the world are paying attention to the glorious battle of this most populous city. And at the same time. Few people care about the civil war that broke out in Japan. Because the world's attention is a pearl in the East. And not another long bubble of shit.

Xu Lin looked at me, "What do you think? What should we do now?"

I thought about it. Said: "Collect the respawn time and respawn location of each BOSS. Then everyone will kill them together. I don't believe that I can't get a group establishment certificate. Also, you can also set a reward in the system. Buy a group establishment certificate at a high price. The previous market was too high. I think the current market situation. A group establishment certificate is only 10 million."

Xu Lin nodded and said, "This is acceptable. I will pay 10 million to the system as soon as I go online. Is it possible that players from other main cities besides Silvermoon City can also complete this reward?"

"Of course not. People can't see it at all."

Xu Lin pursed her lips and smiled. He said regretfully: "There is no other way. We can only offer a reward in Silvermoon City. I just don't know what the effect will be."

"Go ahead and submit the request. Anyway, if no one answers for a week, the money will still be returned to your account. At most tens of thousands of fees will be deducted."

Xu Lin pouted: "Ten million. It's not a small number. In the past, I wouldn't have dared to throw that much money out if I was killed. Besides, I didn't have that much money before. It would be great if I had a few million. It seems that I was very wise in choosing to play the game of Yueheng late. You know how wise my sister is today."

Looking at the charming appearance of the beautiful boss. I didn't know what to say for a while. Xu Lin is 24 years old. One year older than me. But in being a person and doing things, he is more than twice as good as me. despite this. After all, she is just a 24-year-old MM. The girl's nature will still not be obliterated by the cruel reality.

"Okay, okay. Let's go back to the game and continue to work hard. Don't rebuild the guild. I always feel that my heart is not so at ease."

I stand up. Patted Xu Lin's shoulder in a women's suit.

I thought this very normal action made Xu Lin stunned. But she is well-informed after all. Return to normal soon. He smiled slightly and said, "Okay then. Do you want to level up together?"

"Go in and see how Xuehan and Xinyu are doing."



After playing the game. I appeared at the East Gate Plaza in Silvermoon City. Immediately go over and repair the equipment. There is not much in the package. There are only some medicines and materials. As for the equipment, they were given to Xu Lin when they went offline in the afternoon. It is estimated that it is currently being sold on consignment at the equipment exchange.


A long-lost voice sounded. I quickly opened the communicator. Sure enough, Murong Shanshan's voice came from the opposite side.

"Are you busy now?" The little beauty's voice was still sweet.

Although I know that Xu Lin and Xin Yu are waiting for me to level up together. But I still can't help but say: "It's not very busy. What's the matter?"

"Of course there is. Do you still remember the mission we took to go to the Moonlight Town in the east of Hurricane City last time? If you are free, come and accompany me to finish this mission. It's really not easy to see you now..." Murong Shanshan felt a little disappointed when she said the last sentence. I couldn't help but began to wonder if there was something wrong with my ears.

Murong Shanshan waited for a few seconds. Tired said: "What's the matter. Can you come and accompany me?"

"Wait. I'll tell Sister Lin and the others. If there's nothing important, I'll go over and accompany you to complete the task. Okay."

"En." Murong Shanshan sweetly agreed.

After I turned off the call with Murong Shanshan. I was a little excited. NND. Only sent her back in the morning. As for...

Open the communicator with Xu Lin. I tentatively said, "Sister Lin, is there something important going on soon?"

Xu Lin on the other end immediately asked vigilantly, "What? Can you come because you have something to do?"

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just that Shanshan wants me to go with her. The task I received a few days ago has been completed. It's a team task. Two people must work together to complete it." I replied cautiously.

Xu Lin chuckled: "It's okay. You can go. Let me talk to Xinyu and Xuehan for you. It's fine if they agree. If they don't agree. Hehe. You just wait to be SMed by them."


After I turned off the communicator, I found myself in a cold sweat. Xu Lin really changed. How could you make such a joke on me. but. Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan's SM. Looks good too. A scene of ** quickly emerged in my mind. And a woman's cry: Come on. Don't pity me just because I'm a girl...

BH's life ah. Really TMD is worth looking forward to!

"Drip ~." After a sound. Murong Shanshan couldn't wait to text again: "Are you ready? I'll wait for you at the pharmacy next to the station~."

"I'll be there soon." I quickly replied a text message. Then rushed to the teleportation array.

Under the surprised eyes of passers-by. I rushed to the edge of the teleportation array in one go. It flew over with a swipe.

The figure is shaking. I appeared next to the teleportation array in the west of the station. far away. Can still see where we teleported over in the morning. And in the empty resident. Other teleportation arrays can be vaguely seen.

I took a deep breath. This is indeed Murong Shanshan's usual style. Anyway, a teleportation array is only 1 million RMB. Since I bought it. It would be better to buy a few more to reduce the unit traffic. This has many advantages. Players can freely choose where they need to teleport. In a way. It should be regarded as a more humane measure.

A pharmacy is not far away. A dilapidated little house. In front of the house stood three NPCs who looked like pharmacists. Several players are buying medicine there.

Generally, no one will enter the pharmacy. Unless it is someone who wants to trade safely or talk about love. As for why Murong Shanshan chose this point. Then I don't know.

Push open the rotting drugstore door. When I walked in, I saw a group of fiery red standing inside. That's right. That is Murong Shanshan's cape. One of the most beautiful cloaks with the best attributes in Quan Yueheng.


I called out. Murong Shanshan turned her head and smiled at me. He beckoned mysteriously and said, "Come here. I'll show you something."

"What?" I wondered. While striding over.

Murong Shan smiled slightly: "You'll know when you come here."

She moved away. I immediately saw what she was focusing on just now?. .

More than a dozen NPCs who looked like pharmacists were busy doing something. The entire inner room is filled with various medicinal materials. Bottles of potions are being moved to the warehouse like an assembly line. over there. It should be the pick-up place for selling medicines.

I couldn't help exclaiming: "Good guy. How much did this team cost to hire?"

"A total of 30 million." Murong Shanshan looked at me and said, "It's just a trial operation now. If the sales of the medicine are good, I will buy more pharmaceutical NPCs. Then the money will flow. Also, I found that the hired NPCs can also upgrade their skills. Now these NPCs can make medicines that increase blood by 800 at most. It is a basic skill. 500. I think it can be sold for at least 100 yuan a group. A 1500 blood bottle can be sold for 1 yuan, isn’t it too much?”

I nodded and said, "It looks like this. It must be very profitable. How about today's profit?"

"Come and see with me."

Murong Shanshan walked out of the pharmacy. I followed immediately. Several players who looked at this side immediately pointed. Most of them showed envious expressions.

Murong Shanshan entered a house made of stones. There is a plaque on the door of the house. There are several large characters of "General Management Office" written on it. As the name suggests. It should be where the manager stays.

really. In a pile of messy goods. There's an NPC standing there with a ledger. The word "manager" is written on the top of the head.

Murong Shanshan whispered to me: "For this guy, I spent a total of 3 million oceans. Yueheng is really dark enough."

At this time, the steward also noticed our arrival. Immediately with a smile on his face, he said, "Master, I have something to tell my little one."

Seeing the manager speak so humblely. Murong Shanshan immediately looked flattered. He said nervously, "I...I want to check today's expenses and income."

The manager didn't say much. Immediately opened the management panel to Murong Shanshan. Murong Shanshan also consciously put me in the team. Shared everything.

The daily income and expenditure details are clearly written on the panel:


A total of 74 NPCs were purchased. It costs 85 million RMB.

Purchase of medicinal raw materials: a total of 5.41 million RMB was spent.

Purchase of 4 teleportation arrays: a total cost of 6 million RMB.

Maintenance cost of the city: 21.03 million RMB.

Urban NPC repair and manufacturing loss: 350,000 RMB.

Total expenditure: 117.79 million RMB. (Leaf calculated it with the attached calculator. I hope it is correct...)


Income from selling medicinal materials: 13.41 million RMB (5% system fee has been deducted).

Transmission array transmission income: 8.543 million RMB (20% system fee has been deducted).

City-owned NPC repair and manufacturing income: RMB 1.57 million (10% of the system fee has been deducted).

Total expenditure: 23.523 million RMB.


After reading. I was a little shocked. Murong Shanshan invested more than 100 million in one day. No matter how much money you have, it's not enough to squander like this. I remembered what Xu Lin said about raising Murong Shanshan. I couldn't help shivering. This little aunt. I am destined to be unable to afford it.

Unexpectedly, Murong Shanshan also said with emotion: "The money spent today is the most spent in 21 years. A whole 100 million is gone. The income is only a little bit 20 million. In a few days, I might even lose my aunt herself."

I smiled: "I think the situation is very good."

"What's the matter?" Murong Shanshan blinked her eyes.

So I analyzed: "Out of the 120 million, I spent more than 80 million to buy NPC. This is a very profitable investment. And, have you noticed that the investment of 6 million teleportation arrays has earned back the fare so far. In other words, it will be pure profit in the future. There are nearly 30 million players in Silver Moon City. If half of them are still playing, it will be 15 million. The average of the four city gate exits. There are still 4 million people who will choose the Silver Moon Mountain Range. 80% of people are reluctant to pay for the transmission fee. There are still 1 million people who will use it. Each person charges 10 yuan. Not counting someone who sets 20 yuan for others. That is also a daily income of 10 million. And I estimate that the income will only be a lot more.”


Returned from a business trip. Continue to explode. You don't need to doubt my RP.

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