Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 251 Military Rank System

Murong Shanshan never thought that Ke Ke would say that. She lost her mind for a moment. He said, "Let's go back first. It's very cold outside."

After returning to the residence. Coco wants to take a bath. Murong Shanshan insisted on keeping me for a cup of tea. I know. In fact, she has something to say.

really. in the room. When she put the tea on the coffee table, she showed a tired look.

She asked softly: "Wu Dong. What do you think? Tell the truth."

I'm bringing the teacup to my mouth. So I blew hot air. Say, "He's interesting to you. To Coco. I don't see anything. At least. Not the way it should be in a relationship."

"You can see it too..." Murong Shanshan's tone was very helpless. She looked at me and said, "I know I'm a bit self-righteous. But I really don't want to be sad when I see Coco. You know what. Wu Dong is Coco's first boyfriend. If he hurts Coco, I will never let him go."

Relationships are complicated. I cleared my mind. Said: "If you don't give Wu Dong a chance. Coco may be able to keep him."

"But. He doesn't treat Coco at all..."

Murong Shanshan still wanted to argue. I immediately stopped her: "Emotions are such things. After getting along for a long time, there will always be. Don't you think that Coco doesn't even have that kind of charm. You guy. You are really too self-righteous on this point."

Murong Shanshan, who had been frowning slightly, showed a beautiful smile. She said softly, "Are you worried that I will give Wu Dong a chance?"

I looked up and looked at her in surprise: "There is nothing to worry about. Your skills are so good. Your character is so cruel. Unless Wu Dong's head got wet. Otherwise, I would not be so stupid as to run under your clutches to be ravaged."

"That's right." Murong Shanshan smiled wickedly. Said: "That's why. This girl will not choose Wu Dong's useless material. If you want to choose, you must choose someone with a little resistance. It will be more enjoyable to ravage like that~"

A pair of beautiful eyes swept over me meaningfully. I can't help but get chills down my back. Nervously asked: "You are talking about a little resistance. It can't be me..."

"What do you think?" Murong Shanshan looked at it with a funny face. A pair of pink fists waved lightly in the air.

I couldn't help shivering. I didn't know it was okay before. Now I have a deep understanding. Don't think her little fist is just for display. If you still think so. That would be a bloody price to pay.

"Shanshan. We are on our own. If you have something to say, talk it out..."

I quickly moved to her side with quick eyes and hands. Shot like electricity. Amidst Murong Shanshan's panicked cry. I have taken her hand. Um. Soft and creamy. It is indeed the ultimate beauty. Even a pair of small hands are so ecstasy.

The little beauty's face was bright red. She glanced at me shyly. Just about to speak. At this time. The door behind me is already open. Ke Kedai stood at the door with a change of clothes in his hand. Looking at the situation inside, he was surprised and speechless.

Unconsciously. Murong Shanshan and I are already squeezed on a single sofa. The sofa was originally small. Now squeeze two people. Space is naturally not enough. This directly caused Murong Shanshan's soft and beautiful body to lean against me. It is even more exaggerated to say that she who was struggling did not know when she had half stood up. After being attracted by the sound of the door opening. The body sat down naturally. As a result, a beautiful scene happened.

The little beauty sat almost completely in my arms. Two small snow-white hands were held tightly by me. Panicked, she was full of shyness. A snowy face flushed red.

"Uh... sorry. I don't seem to be here at the right time. You guys go on..."

Coco stuck out her tongue. Quickly took the door. Then call out. The whole person is stuck to the door. Definitely eavesdropping...

Murong Shanshan's whole body was hot. She glared at me and said, "I still don't let go. This is a big misunderstanding. Keke must think that I have been wiped out by you... I didn't expect. Sister, my life's fame was buried in your hands."

Although Murong Shanshan said so. But I don't see her being angry.

I let go of Murong Shanshan. She stood up immediately. Quickly tidied up his clothes. After giving me a look, he went to open the door.

"Coco. Come in. Let's talk..."

Following Murong Shanshan opened the door. Coco has already come in close to the door. She smiled and said, "There's no need to explain. Don't worry. I won't talk nonsense in school. I'm not the kind of girl who spread gossip."

"It's okay~" I breathed a sigh of relief.

Murong Shanshan said speechlessly: "You can even believe what she says. Hmph. The storytellers under the overpass may not spread gossip as fast as this guy."

I stood up immediately: "Then... I'll go back first. It's not too late. It's still enough to play a game."

Murong Shanshan was even more speechless. I had to say: "Then be careful on the road. It's only past 8 o'clock. I'll take a shower too. I'll be online in a while. Do you want to do the task together? When I killed the Juggernaut last time, his head was still in my package. I didn't hand it in earlier. I feel sick every time I see it."

"Hmm. I almost forgot about it. By the time I got home, you'd almost finished your shower. Just happened to be together~"

Coco looked at us with a smile. He said ambiguously, "Do you want me to sleep in the single room over there? I won't bother you anymore. Lin Fan doesn't have to run back late at night."

"No need. You've already interrupted me." Murong Shanshan discovered the ambiguity of the sentence just after she finished speaking. She glared at Coco. He added: "Where's your gaming helmet? It's still in the suitcase outside. I still have a spare computer here. You can use it too. I'll let two senior mages take you to practice in a while. Look at you. You haven't reached level 50 yet."

Coco giggled. I see nothing wrong with me. So I said hello and went out.


After returning to the residence. MMs have already entered the game.

when I'm online. Murong Shanshan's name is already well known. Got in touch. The two decided to meet at the west gate of Silvermoon City.

The teleportation array in front of the west gate came out of players one after another. When Murong Shanshan and I walked over, we discovered a very serious problem. . Both of us have joined Dark's Golden Dawn emerging forces. In other words, we will be attacked indiscriminately by various NPCs in Hurricane City, the hostile camp of Golden Dawn.

"What should I do? I can't run over again." Murong Shanshan was very confused.

I also don't have any good method. Just click on the transfer function to see. In the end, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the word Golden Dawn appeared in the teleportation target.

"Shanshan. You can teleport it directly."

but. It seems that the cost of teleportation is not gold coins. Nor is it RMB. Instead, you need to lose 50 points of faction friendship.

Murong Shanshan said: "Anyway, I don't know what the faction friendship is. Besides, it only costs 50 points. It's nothing compared to our tens of thousands of faction friendship."

So the two directly clicked the send. The journey of nearly an hour has arrived in an instant.

In the morning mist. The NPC that receives and distributes Golden Dawn quests is standing there. Waiting for the patronage of players.

10 o'clock at night in reality. The time in the game is early morning. This time period contrast makes people a little excited. And the game is so realistic. The kind of grass blades whose heads are bowed by dewdrops. The fragrance of the morning mist wafting through my nose reminded me of the time when Xu Lin took us for a spring outing in a broken car.

But it's not bad now. There is a beauty of Murong Shanshan's level who goes out with her. The sense of satisfaction overwhelmed me instantly.

The little beauty stepped forward. Turn on the team task mode to talk to NPC.

"Let me see. My God. This is really the Blade of Light. Great. Humanity's counterattack will begin at this moment. Brave warriors. You have helped us so much. Not only took back the Blade of Light, but also killed the evil sword master to get his head. Your courage and proven. On behalf of the Golden Dawn, I thank you for everything. Now. Let me give you your due reward."

The NPC spat and said something. Finally, he raised his hands. A milky light enveloped us.

After a few seconds. The pleasant ringtone of the system came. .


System prompt: Your team has completed the orange-level mission [Looking for the Blade of Light]. Gain 10 billion experience points. Get 20,000 coins. Prestige +20000. Faction friendliness +50000 points. Obtain the task reward: [Blade of the Undead].


System prompt: Your camp friendliness has reached the standard of the military rank system. Your rank in the Golden Dawn has been raised to: Sentinel.


Murong Shanshan looked back at me. A look of doubts. At the same time, I noticed a green rank title appeared under her name: Sentinel.

Little Sentinel Murong Shanshan...

I tried my best not to laugh. The little beauty said helplessly: "This military title is too ugly. I must be promoted quickly. In any case, I should earn a thousand-man team leader. Lin Fan. Find out what the military rank system is for. I am too busy these days. I don't have time to take care of this."


I opened the system configuration information. I checked for a long time. unsuccessful. Had to open the dialog with the NPC. It turns out that in the last column there is information about military rank. .

[Golden Dawn Military Rank System] (decreasing military rank):

Legion Marshal

Lieutenant Marshal

Legion Commander

Legion Deputy Commander


provincial governor

provincial deputy governor


deputy inspector

Du Wei

Deputy Governor


Deputy Inspector


deputy sentinel


trainee sentinel

In the camp of the Golden Dawn. The corresponding military rank can be obtained according to the faction contribution and friendship. The higher the rank. The more helpful it is to improve the player's own attributes. The minimum increase of personal overall attribute is 0.5% (trainee sentinel). Up to 50% of personal overall attributes can be increased (Legion Marshal).

and. The higher the rank. The stronger the commanding ability. The attributes of all members of the team captained by a player with military rank will be improved. The degree of promotion depends on the rank. The minimum increase of attack, defense and other attributes of all players in the team is 0.1% (trainee sentinel). Up to 20% increase in attack, defense and other attributes of all players in the team (Legion Marshal).

besides. Players with military ranks can also obtain corresponding price discounts when purchasing items from NPCs of the Golden Dawn camp. Minimum 5% discount (Apprentice Sentinel). Up to 80% off (Legion Marshal).


A line of information left Murong Shanshan and I dumbfounded. She murmured, "Good fellow. The marshal needs money to buy things."

I glanced at her. NND. If she can advance to marshal. That too would only be a rogue Marshal. Actually thinking about buying things now without giving money. It really made her a woman from a good family who didn't openly rob her.

Murong Shanshan blinked her eyes. Ask me: "Lin Fan. What do you think of this military rank system?"

"Pretty good. It's worth our brush." ​​I replied with a determined expression. He also said: "Look, Shanshan. This NPC can obtain missions of different ranks. From gray missions to orange missions. The maximum number of teams that can receive missions is five people. In other words, with the strength of the two of us, we can complete this mission together."

Murong Shanshan smiled slightly. Sweetly asked: "What else."

I nodded. Continue to elaborate: "The military rank system is very tempting. The increase in personal attributes can reach up to 50%. What kind of concept is that? If you can really advance to the marshal, it is definitely no longer a dream for one person to single out thousands of people. My current defense is 1200. Adding 50% is 1700. What is the concept of this number. Humph. It is estimated that a few players now can break through my defense."

Murong Shanshan was very intoxicated. He looked at me expectantly. Wait for me to continue YY.

So I satisfy her. He continued: "The most important thing is the commanding ability attached to the military rank. It can increase the group's overall attributes by up to 20%. This attribute bonus is really a bit BT. If it can increase so much in team PK, even if it is 10%, 5%, the effect is very obvious. Think about it. A guild core member is allowed to form a team of 5,000 people at most in the guild. We can use people to pile them up to death. Besides, it is cheaper to buy medicine if you have a high military rank. When we are poor and penniless, we can still sell medicine. This is also a good business with huge profits..."

"Hehe. We have the subsistence allowances. From now on, we will have a worry-free life..." Murong Shanshan smiled roguely.

"Well. By the way. Did you get the equipment rewarded by the mission just now? What attributes."

"A piece of purple equipment that is still alive. What about yours. Orange missions. It stands to reason that there is a chance of orange equipment."

"Let me see……"

talking. I opened the package. The dagger glowing with strange light was lying there quietly. .

[Undead Blade] (dagger.. purple equipment)

Attack: 250-385

Strength: +52

Stamina: +48

Agility: +65

Intelligence: +37

Additional attributes: Increase attack speed by 15%. Comes with 10% blood-sucking effect

Requires level: 55


When Murong Shanshan saw this dagger, she was quite surprised: "Such a good attribute. Well, the attack already has 385. This number can probably top the current dagger ranking list. There is also an attack speed increase of 15%, and a blood-sucking effect of 10%. It's too abnormal. How can the attributes of a dagger be so good. If the two effects of attack speed and blood-sucking are added to my light sword. How good it would be..."

I immediately expressed my contempt for her: "Think beautifully. Then you won't be invincible."

As a result, Murong Shanshan giggled. Very invincible said: "This dagger. The money from the sale. Help me buy a sports car..."

"Sports car. Do you have a driver's license?"

"If you buy it, of course I will take the test."

I think about it carefully. He raised his head and said, "Don't talk about it. The two of us have no name or title. I spent a lot of money to buy you a car. It's not worth it. I don't do this kind of loss-making business."

Murong Shanshan glanced at me resentfully: "Most. I'll give you a title..."

Dry. Why do I feel like I've become a pimp...

"Forget it. Let's talk about it after it's sold. There will be an auction tomorrow. The consignment will definitely be able to support the finale. Now, we should consider whether to start the military rank task immediately. It seems that the experience reward of the task is also quite good. The task we handed over just now gave 10 billion experience. I have already reached level 61 and 52% of the experience. What about you?"

Murong Shanshan pointed to the top of her head: "How many levels. See for yourself~"

62 levels.

So tough. A mission actually allowed her to directly upgrade from level 60 to level 62. It seems that her original experience is almost 61. Otherwise, you won't be able to skip levels even at such a high level.

After marveling. Let's start to open the existing missions of Golden Dawn together. There are many tasks. Also messy. Only low-level tasks below blue can be filtered out to re-query. One can imagine. What Murong Shanshan and I did may be the exact opposite for some players with poor equipment. They have to filter out tasks above purple...

Very tacit understanding. Murong Shanshan and I took over the only 4 orange tasks. Anyway, the system can accept up to 10 camp missions by default. 4 items are missing. We can still pick up 6 quests with a slightly lower level.

After system update. Now most players don't know that the added opposing factions are Golden Dawn and Hurricane City. In a few days. It is estimated that this territory of the emerging camp is about to start to be lively. The level of monsters near here is not low. They are all undead creatures above level 50. Just right for today's mainstream players. Currently higher level players are between level 50-55. It is perfect for leveling undead creatures at level 50. More importantly, there are still a large number of tasks that can be accepted here. This is in the Yueheng world where the amount of tasks is rare. But the first.


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