Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 255: The Test of the Mercenary Group

In an instant, he was covered with big knives all over his face. This scene change is a bit overwhelming.

I quickly pulled Murong Shanshan behind me. Although there are also knights with great swords facing them. But it's better than being pointed in the face. My small action immediately caused the knights to be nervous. Seeing to do it.

At this time. A knight in taupe armor parted the crowd. The black cloak fluttered in the wind. Set off the horse under his seat and the stern moonlight behind him. Simply stunning.

Murong Shanshan forgot about the dangerous situation. Drooling, he said, "Lin Fan. I regret it. I wish I had chosen the knight profession back then. He is so handsome."

I'm pissed off about it. Speechlessly said: "You are already handsome enough. Don't be dissatisfied anymore."

The black knight interrupted our conversation. He pointed straight ahead. Without anger, he said: "Traiding into the camp of the Shadow Moon Mercenary Group without permission. Are you two spies sent by Hurricane City?"

I immediately showed my shoulders. Pointing to one of the badges on it, he said: "Sir, you misunderstood. We are not from Hurricane City. Our camp is the Golden Dawn. This time we are here. We hope that the Shadowmoon Mercenary Group can join the Golden Dawn. Let's fight against the tyranny of the Hurricane King together."

The black knight snorted. He said contemptuously: "Dak's troops. Humph. Dak betrayed the king. It may not be a good thing."

I froze. He explained: "The king has no way. Dak is also forced to make such a bad move. For the sake of his most beloved person. Is there anything wrong with this?"

The black knight laughed. In the cold moonlight. His stern face was somewhat deformed. After a while. He turned to look at me. One word at a time: "Is it really for love? In the face of power, everything may go bad. Do you think that Dak's love can really stand the test of desire for profit?"

"At least. So far. I think he can."

One of my rare firmnesses. Said decisively. Murong Shanshan looked at me in surprise. It was like meeting me for the first time.

The black knight did not argue this time. He brandished the long sword in his hand. He said calmly: "Actually, I don't know Dak very well. But with you as a loyal subordinate, I really want to get to know him. Let's do it. You can't do anything just by talking. If you two can pass the test of our Shadowmoon Mercenary Corps, I can consider leading the Shadowmoon Mercenary Corps to join the Silver Dawn camp."

I was suddenly happy: "Okay. What kind of test."

The black knight didn't answer me. I was answered by the system's ringtone. .


System prompt: Your team has triggered a mission transfer scenario. Are you sure you accept it?


There is no hesitation. Murong Shanshan and I pressed the OK button almost at the same time.


System prompt: Accept the mission to transfer the plot. Head to the Shadowmoon Mercenaries ring within an hour. Defeat a group of mercenary masters next to the ring. Your strength will be recognized by the Shadowmoon Mercenary Group. remember. The game time is only 10 minutes. After defeating the first master for the first time. The second time will increase to two masters at a time. The third time four. There are 6 challenges in total. Drugs cannot be used during the game. Death has nothing to lose. Any skill can be used.


Murong Shanshan took a deep breath. Looking at me with a calm face, he said: "There are 6 challenges in total. The first time is 1. The last time is 32. Are you sure?"

"I don't know how many levels those mercenary masters are. It's hard to say now. Let's go there first."

When I finish. The knight in black has already ridden ahead. The other knights stared at us intently. It seems to be urging us to follow.

When I entered the town, I saw a giant statue standing on the central square of the town. The posture of looking into the distance with the long sword in the hand is lifelike. There are already many potholes and scars around the statue. It looks like a sword has been hacked.

Seeing our puzzled faces. The black knight reined in his horse and stopped. Looking up at the statue. He said with great emotion: "This is the statue of Gu Lei, the first head of the Shadow Moon Mercenary Corps. He founded the Shadow Moon Mercenary Corps back then. His reputation in the mercenary circle at that time was at its peak. Unfortunately, he died in a heroic battle in the later garrison war. His head was also cut off by the orc leader. So far, he has not been snatched back. This is the greatest shame of our Shadow Moon Mercenary Corps."

He hissed. He also said: "Even so. The brave Captain Gulei is still respected by us as a hero. In front of the powerful orc Kodo cavalry. He still has not lost the courage to fight. He deserves our respect."

finished. He changed the subject. There was a fierce murderous look in his eyes: "It's hateful. The Hurricane Kingdom's army actually took advantage of us being hired to go out and attacked the stronghold of the mercenary group in one fell swoop. That's fine. They dared to destroy the statue of our shadow moon mercenary group leader Gu Lei. Hmph. They also paid the price for this stupid move."

My heart is secretly cold. Ask in a low voice: "The corpses we saw outside just now. They are all left by the army of the Hurricane Kingdom that you defeated."

The black knight nodded slightly. Said: "That's right. We used the terrain advantage to introduce all their 3,000-man troops into the eastern valley. Sealed the exit. Then burned the entire valley with fire. Those corpses were part of the Hurricane Kingdom's army that rushed out of the valley. It's just a small part. There are more corpses in the valley. We don't have time to clean it up."

I started to feel a chill down my spine. The style of the leader of the Shadow Moon Mercenary Group is really tough. It's a fight with Dak. They all belong to the type of revenge. And the revenge was quite thorough.

No wonder there are defects on the body of this statue. It turned out that something had been ravaged by the Hurricane Kingdom's army. Thus. It is easy to explain why many of the corpses outside the town are already charred.

Murong Shanshan leaned on my shoulder. He whispered: "This black knight is so bloodthirsty. We must be in danger this time."

I smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter. The bloodthirsty is only for the enemy. If we can win them into the Golden Dawn, then they will become the most powerful attacking force of the Golden Dawn. Just like a knife that can kill people. If you make good use of it, it is of infinite value."

Murong Shanshan was dubious. At this time, we have also come to the side of the arena where the mission requires the competition.

The arena is not very big. Made of pure wood piles. The size is about 100 square meters. Such a large area is exchanged for the housing price in Suzhou. At least it can be fired at a high price of more than 1 million. Plus fittings etc. It is enough for a white-collar worker with a monthly salary of 4,000 to work hard for 20 years.

The radiance of the lightsaber brought me back to reality. At this moment. The Black Knight has announced the start of the game. And the soldiers of a group of mercenary regiments in the audience are already ready to move. Many took off their shirts. Shirtless and yelling loudly.

"Damn it. This scene is really quite primitive..." Murong Shanshan stuck out her tongue in amazement. At the same time, it added the effect of life protection to me.

At this time. Our first opponent is already on stage.

Is a tomahawk fighter. The lower body was wrapped in a piece of cloth. The upper body is completely naked. The long chest hair burned like a flame. vibrant.

I immediately identified it. It was discovered that it was an ordinary NPC of level 75. Attack 1100. Defense 300. The blood is only 20,000. Overall it's relatively easy to do.


The battle ax erupted with brilliant light. Coming up is the characteristic skill of the Tomahawk fighter profession. . A blow from the tomahawk.


The phantom of the ax hit my chest heavily. Murong Shanshan looked back in panic. result. But she found that after I endured this attack, I lost dozens of points of vitality...

As expected. My defense is up to 1300. The attack of this NPC is only a poor 1100. It can't cause substantial harm to me at all. Even the defense couldn't be broken. Generally speaking. Attack and defense in equal numbers. When attacking, it can barely break through the defense. But if it's worse. Then it won't lose much blood at all.

The tomahawk fighter rushed forward as soon as he threw the tomahawk blow. It's a pity that he never had a second chance to make a shot. Murong Shanshan's heavy hit plus normal attack killed him in seconds. The damage dealt by a heavy hit is 16000. 100% fatal blow. The normal attack also caused nearly 6000 damage. Although the numbers are staggering. But think about this NPC only has 300 defense. It is more reasonable.

Judging from the equipment of the current Yueheng mainstream players. A level 50 mage even wears green equipment. After buffing the professional defense skills, the defense will not be so low. And a mage with blue equipment. Often after adding the ice armor skill, the defense can explode to about 600. Basically, Murong Shanshan's damage can deal less than 3000 damage. It also happens to be able to kill in seconds.

The first attack disappeared like this. Even knocked out my blood. It was filled up by my own blood regeneration in a few seconds.

Immediately afterwards. A second wave of attacks followed. This time I changed a swordsman and a mage. Still level 75.

Murong Shanshan said in a deep voice, "I am a mage. You are a swordsman."

I should have known. be with her. The dirty work is always mine. There is no suspense.

One of the mage's meteorite spells hit him head on. My figure flickered slightly. The swordsman NPC has locked me with charge. Immediately afterwards, a combination of combo + heavy attack was released. It's a pity that his attack still seems so weak. 6 attacks only knocked out less than 200 of my blood. On the contrary, I cut off more than 3000 points of blood from him with one sword. The blood-sucking effect of the blood-red sword quickly restored my blood bar to full blood.

the other side. The mage tried to escape Murong Shanshan's pursuit. It's a pity that the operation of the little beauty who follows her like a shadow makes the light sword grow on the body of a mage. After several attacks. The mage turned into white light and returned to the bottom of the ring.

I no longer hide. Kill this NPC swordsman directly with a combo. Anyway, the combo cooldown is 20 seconds. So fast cooling skills. It's a waste not to keep it.

After a few seconds. The third wave of attacks arrived as scheduled. This time, 4 thieves were refreshed in the arena. The black figure quickly disappeared into the air. Murong Shanshan sprinkled the developing dust with quick eyesight and hands. Those four wretched figures were immediately exposed in front of us with nowhere to hide.

Swing the sword forward. Almost two swords can kill an anemic thief. The third wave was handled with ease.

Taking advantage of the gap between refresh missions. Murong Shanshan glanced at me. He said prudently: "Be careful next time. It will be quite difficult to deal with 8. If they are a combination of multiple occupations, it will be even more difficult for me to win."

I nodded. At this time, the mission objectives of the fourth wave have been refreshed. There are two knights, two swordsmen, two mages and two priests. It should be regarded as the best professional equipment for leveling PK.

While the NPC is refreshed. Murong Shanshan has already started running. Her direction is surprisingly the opposite direction.

"You attract the attention of melee classes. I'll take out mages and priests."

The sweet voice showed me how to play. All that's left now is to see how I attract the target's aggro.

Two swordsmen and two knights lined up. This formation made me want to try the idea I just thought of.

The blood-red sword was raised flat on his chest. I move as fast as I can at a 45-degree angle. When the NPC starts to react. I have come to the edge of a swordsman next to. The figure jumped up slightly. The blood-red sword cut obliquely unstoppably. at the same time. I quickly activated the leveling skill button.

"Crack ~."

After the crisp sound. The four attacks in the combo happened to be sent to four targets respectively. And their hatred was successfully attracted by me. The reason why it takes a lot of trouble to do that. It's because my attack speed is not fast. After the agility bonus, it takes nearly two seconds to make an attack. And if I want to attract hatred from four NPCs. You can only attack each one once. Without that method, it would take nearly ten seconds to complete. And if Murong Shanshan, who was under the bombardment of four mage professions, was attacked by melee enemies again. That would be really dangerous.

Even so. The situation is still quite dangerous. The fire magic of the two mages did a lot of damage to Murong Shanshan. Nearly one-third of her health has been knocked out with just two lighting bars. Fortunately, at this time, she had killed the two mages in seconds. The following two pastors are nothing to be afraid of.

I have been in a very safe situation. The 10% blood-sucking effect of the blood-red sword is really reflected. Because the relationship can not increase the blood. Murong Shanshan now loses as much HP as she can. There is no reply at all. It can only be replenished by the slow speed of its own blood recovery. It is clear. For rapidly declining blood values. That blood recovery is simply a drop in the bucket.

After quickly killing the two fierce swordsmen. I started running in circles with the two knights. Take advantage of this opportunity to allow Murong Shanshan to recover more blood. And although the two knights rattled and knocked on my body. But it can't cause substantial damage.

After Murong Shanshan killed the two priests. He breathed a sigh of relief and looked at me: "What are you doing? Don't you kill the two knights?"

"Let you restore your blood volume..." I turned my head and said proudly.

Murong Shanshan couldn't help smiling: "Don't be ridiculous. The task has a time limit. If we don't kill all six waves within 10 minutes, we will fail. Don't worry. I have special life recovery skills. I will definitely not fail. It's you. Be careful."

Since she said so. Then I don't hesitate anymore. After killing the two knights in twos and threes. His qi and blood also returned to full value under the effect of blood sucking.


System prompt: Your team has repelled four waves of attacks. The last two attacks will be extraordinarily violent. Be prepared to respond. 10 seconds between attacks remaining.

Immediately afterwards. The system starts counting down.

I asked in surprise: "What's going on? Are the last two waves very different?"

Murong Shanshan pursed her lips and smiled: "Don't be nervous. Soldiers will block you. Water will cover you. There is always a way to deal with it."

Although she said so. I still feel a little uneasy. The sound of the countdown by the system also became clearer. .




After a swipe. 16 majestic NPCs appeared opposite us. Each of the eight major occupations of Yueheng has them. seem. It's not that hard to play.

At this moment. Murong Shanshan exclaimed in surprise: "Lin Fan. Look. The system defaults their level to be level 80...level 80..Third job change..."

I just noticed. These NPCs are indeed level 80. It's the same as the Dak Guard of the Golden Knights. They are all level 80 fierce men. The powerful attributes are unimaginable.

It's come to this point. We can no longer hold anything back. I can only release all my tricks.

"嗖~嗖~" twice. Murong Shanshan and I have tacitly nailed to the two mages. The combination of heavy attack and combo was handed over without hesitation. Although these NPCs are already level 80. But Murong Shanshan and I managed to kill the two mages with our full blows. next goal. Naturally, it is locked on the priest next to the mage.

The two priest NPCs stepped back intelligently. While raising his hands, he cursed Murong Shanshan and me to slow down. That curse of mine was dodged. Murong Shanshan was not so lucky. The movement speed was instantly reduced a lot. But she didn't give up. Han Guangjian swung his sword energy from afar. Accurately hit the previous target. Even a mage and a thief were successfully hit. It's a pity that the third-rank NPC didn't die because of this.

"Brush ~."

A red light flashed. The thieves behind Murong Shanshan had already made their move. The skill combination of ambush and backstab instantly knocked out more than 1500 points of blood from the little beauty. at this moment. We seem to have lost all hope of victory.

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