It's been a long time. Only then did Ah Yue say: "Even if she regrets it, she can no longer turn back."

I suddenly felt a little stuffy. He pulled the neckline and said, "Why is the temperature of the air conditioner in this store so high?"

Ah Yue smiled slightly. Said: "Okay. Let's not talk about Liu Yun. Let's talk about my cousin's deployment."

I came to the spirit immediately. Said: "Well. Then hurry up. I really want to know how Xu Fei wants to bring us down again. Hmph. I think it must be another dirty trick."

"The tricks are certain. He is very strategic. But basically it's all conspiracy."

I secretly smiled. Ah Yue's criticism of her cousin was really merciless.

"Ah Yue. Just tell me. I'm dying of anxiety..."

"Why are you so anxious?" Ah Yue gave me a sideways glance. Said: "The incident with Liu Yun last time. In my cousin's words, he planted a time bomb inside the Lost Paradise and let him detonate it himself. At that time, Merry World only needs to harvest the results. Facts have proved that he succeeded. Using Liu Yun's feelings. He successfully suppressed the Lost Paradise for a long time."

"What about this time?"

"This time. Hehe. He said. It is designed to make you tear up your face. Disband the alliance of the three major guilds of Paradise Lost, Sword and Rose, and TOT." Ah Yue looked at me calmly. "First of all, it is to destroy your relationship with Murong Shanshan. Make you turn against each other."

I was shocked: "What. How can he turn me against Shanshan."

Ah Yue was slightly surprised. A little unhappy said: "Don't be angry first. He dares to say that. There must be his way."

I try to calm myself down. Then asked: "What method does he want to use to make me and Shanshan tear apart?"

"He is sure. You and Murong Shanshan have some affection for each other. This is the premise." Ah Yue looked at me straight. Then he said: "Don't be too quick to deny it. If it wasn't like this, it would be easier to damage your relationship. My cousin is just thinking of the worst of the situation."

I couldn't help sneering: "Since I think that Murong Shanshan and I like each other, how can we separate?"

"You must think that there is no dead spot in your relationship. Isn't that right." Ah Yue smiled softly. He also said: "Perhaps the outside world really can't drive you apart. But have you ever thought that he would attack Xin Yu or Lu Xuehan?"

I gasped, "What does he want to do?"

Ah Yue pursed her lips and smiled: "Don't be nervous. I'm here to inform you. Since I'm here, don't be afraid that you will suffer a disadvantage."

Unconsciously. My palms were already sweating profusely. Fortunately, I found Ah Yue today. Otherwise I really don't know what will happen.

"Ah Yue. What method does he want to use to deal with Murong Shanshan and me?"

Ah Yue had a cold face. He said contemptuously: "Honestly. If he hadn't been too despicable. I wouldn't have betrayed him like this."

I was a little anxious: "What exactly does he want?"

"Find a relative who entrusted a lot of money to buy Xin Yu or Lu Xuehan. Then call them out to drink tea with an excuse. Mmm. Put some medicine in the tea. I think you know what medicine it is." Ah Yue's face was livid. He continued: "After he succeeds, he will send Xin Yu or Lu Xuehan to a reserved private room in a hotel. There will be at least three horny men there. Naturally, I don't need to say more about the following things. Many photos will be taken during the period. Maybe they will be published in newspapers and magazines.

after. Make a false impression that Murong Shanshan delivered these photos. Also intentionally show a false tell to let you know. At that time, I am afraid that you will no longer think about problems rationally like you do now. They must think that Murong Shanshan is jealous of Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan. That's why this poisonous plan was designed. "

"If all this really happened. Do you still think you can maintain the relationship between Murong Shanshan and yourself?"

After Ah Yue finished speaking. I just feel my back is starting to get cold. It is because we are not deeply involved in the world. Or is this world already too dirty and dark.

"No." I stood up suddenly. Said: "I'll go back first. From now on I won't allow Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan to leave me for half a step..."

"They are so important to you..." Ah Yue looked at me. Thoughtfully said: "If they know your performance now, they will be very pleased. But you don't need to worry now. They haven't prepared everything yet. Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan are not children either. How can they be so easily fooled."

Xin Yu, I'm not worried. Actually, what I'm most worried about is Lu Xuehan. She is so simple. Especially with those close to you. Undefended.

"Don't be so anxious~" Ah Yue stood up. He put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me back into the seat. He smiled and said, "No matter what. I will provide you with such confidential information. You have to treat me to this meal."

I couldn't help laughing: "Okay, okay. I never thought of reneging."

I glanced at the time. It's 11:30 noon. At this time, Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan should have already gone offline. So I quickly called Xin Yu. After a few seconds. Xin Yu answered the phone.

"Lin Fan. Where are you at noon? Why don't you eat at home." Xin Yu said sourly. She must think that I am with Murong Shanshan now.

I felt a burst of warmth when I heard Xin Yu's voice. There is a feeling of being lost and found.

I said loudly: "Xin Yu, you and Xuehan don't rush to go online in the afternoon. Wait for me to come back after dinner. No one can tell you to go out. Remember. Don't go out if anyone tells you. Even if it's your mother."

"Ann. My mother has been dead for N years. If she came to find me, none of us would survive."

Xin Yu's words left me speechless. Ah Yue covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

"Anyway, just don't go out. Be good. Wait for me to come back."

When I finished saying this, I felt my face turn red. Xin Yu really said softly: "Okay. I will definitely listen to you~"

hang up the phone. Ah Yue really listened. She smiled and said, "No wonder they are so nervous. It seems that they treat you very well~"

I thought to myself: It's more than good. It couldn't be better.

At this time. The waiters have already started bringing things to the table. The bottom of the hot pot started to boil after a while.

"Let's do it ourselves. Thank you." Ah Yue sent the waiter away.

She mixes the seasoned mustard. While asking: "How do you plan to deal with this cousin's revenge. Whether it is in the game or outside the game, he will not let you off easily. What's more, he doesn't know that I have leaked this confidential matter. The plan just mentioned will continue as scheduled."

"I have to think about it carefully. I have to discuss it with Xu Lin and Murong Shanshan. This time the matter is really a bit big. I didn't expect that playing a game would cause such a big trouble..."

A Yue smiled and said: "If you want to blame, you and Murong Shanshan can only blame you for being too outstanding. If you are just a couple who practice leveling silently and don't care about world affairs, then naturally my cousin will not notice you. People who have so many headaches will not happen."

I can't help but smile wryly. If so. I will never meet Murong Shanshan. Quiet leveling. It is ecstatic to be able to produce a piece of blue equipment in a week. It was a very easy life indeed. It's a pity I can't do it. Because that would be incompetent on another level. There are no levels, skills, or equipment in the game. Then how can you talk to others.

What tours the mountains and rivers, idle clouds and wild cranes. It was played by older people. Young people like me in our 20s are still young. In case any MM you like is molested in the game. Without the attributes of NB, is it necessary to rely on reciting poems to defeat opponents?

That's the reality. Games are games. Everything speaks with fists. in the game. What people show is the most naked desire. Transactions, battles, and vendettas make people excited. None of these. The game is no longer interesting.

Add cubes of frozen tofu to the pot. Ah Yue glanced at me. Said: "Do you want a drink?"

I shook my head: "I won't drink anymore. I won't drink again in the future. Keep a clear head. I won't be caught by others accidentally one day."

Ah Yue said with a slight smile: "Don't you feel that this kind of fearful life is very exciting. As far as I know, all of you are still living in residential buildings. It is indeed more dangerous there. Although there are security guards, those people are a bit reluctant to protect the entire residential area. In my opinion. In fact, with the economic strength of you and Murong Shanshan, you can set up a professional studio right now. Of course. I'm talking about a company-style studio. Not just a few of you now."

Professional studio.

I immediately became interested: "Ah Yue. Tell me more about it."

Ah Yue smiled slightly. Then he said: "Last month, such companies were established in Nanjing and Wuhan. The one in Shanghai is particularly good. It usually uses trading game equipment and game currency as its business model. Because many equipment that is not top-notch can't be sold at a good price online. So you can go there and have them package it and sell it again."

"Isn't that competing with the system's exchanges?"

"Equipment is only a part. In fact, this kind of company mainly earns the price difference from the circulation of gold coins. You should also know that. Generally speaking, the gold coins obtained by players from monsters are definitely not enough for their own consumption. The blue medicine of mages and the repair of fighter equipment require a lot of gold coins. Therefore, there is an industry in China that does not upgrade. There is a money-making studio not far from the school. Many students work part-time there. As long as the level is enough, they can generally earn about 50 living expenses a day."

I asked: "You said to set up a studio. Could it be that you just paid for it. That's not really necessary."

"It's not that simple~" Ah Yue said with a chuckle: "It's the same as all companies whose ultimate goal is to make profits. I suggest that you open a studio that does not make money. It is an individual that gathers all the ways to make profits in the game. Just like those Internet technology companies. In the game, the game currency is recovered in real RMB. Then the game currency is sold outside in the name of the company. You think. Many people who are short of money in reality will definitely not cling to virtual game currency. Things. The most important thing is that the exchange rate between real currency and game currency in Yueheng has been very unstable. This happens to be a loophole.”

"Hehe. I didn't expect you to have a good business mind~" I said with a smile.

Ah Yue looked back at me. He said angrily: "That's natural. I have my own clothing company. This small business is nothing at all."

I smiled. Ah Yue was noncommittal when she saw me. Then he said: "Once a formal company is established, you can get a business license. And you can rent your own office building. If you want to do it, you have to do it formally. Recruit a group of employees. Some are responsible for recycling gold coins on the Internet. The other part is responsible for selling gold coins on the real website platform. Of course, the way of doing business is far more than that. Those in the game can also recycle cheap equipment and sell it at a high price to earn the difference. Anyway. With the continuous development of the game, more and more money can be earned. The most important thing is that it can be justified. They recruited a lot of security guards and raised them with food and shelter. Treat them as bodyguards. If this is the case, Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan will naturally be very safe."

I picked a spinach in the pot. He smiled and said: "This idea is very good. I will discuss it with Xu Lin immediately when I go back. However, Ah Yue, you have helped us so much. We don't even know how to thank you."

"No need to pay back..." Ah Yue's face darkened. Said: "These are what my cousin owes you. I just repaid him a little bit. Maybe in the future. I will owe you more..."

I was slightly taken aback: "Hehe. Then I hope you will never owe us again..."

"Yeah." Ah Yue pursed her lips and smiled. Looking at the things in the pot, he said: "It's almost cooked. Eat it quickly. Don't waste it. The things here are very good~"

At this time, I was also a little hungry. So lunch officially started.

The way Ah Yue eats is quite similar to Xu Lin. They're all the more elegant, slow-chewing types. Different from other MMs. Lu Xuehan ate like a kitten. Xin Yu's eating appearance is not elegant. Murong Shanshan was also flying when eating. I had to keep reminding her to be reserved. But her "reservedness" always lasted less than five minutes. It's probably just the way it is.

ten minutes later. I'm half full. He asked Ah Yue: "In the game. Has Xu Fei revealed how to suppress us?"

Ah Yue raised her head and smiled brightly. Said: "Originally he planned to continue to send a large number of traitors to join Paradise Lost. But later I found out that Murong Shanshan sent 5,000 of his own people to you. And there is a shortage of people like Liu Yun. So I had to give up."

I find it funny. He said, "Has Xu Fei thought about buying other people in our studio at a high price?"

"This. I'll say it. I'm afraid it will affect the relationship between your studio. I'd better not say it..."

I pressed, "Come on. Let me know. Prevention is better than anything else."

Ah Yue hesitated. Said: "In the beginning. He wanted to take down your Guoguo. And it took a lot of effort. He promised to buy a hardcover bungalow as a reward. In the end, Guozi said in QQ that she would never let Xu Lin down, let alone betray her conscience for that little money."

"She still has a little conscience~" I said with a sense of relief.

Ah Yue couldn't help laughing and said: "Don't be in a hurry to be happy. Actually, for Guozi, it's just that the bargaining chip of temptation is not enough. Fortunately, my cousin didn't have any more ideas about her later on. Besides, Guozi has become very hot with Never Yield lately. Cousin's chances are even slimmer. Except for Guozi, Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu are too close to you. As the eldest sister, Xu Lin can't sell out her guild. So they don't have to think about it. Then there are Li Qing and JOLY left. JOLY Oly said that her greatest wish is for her mother to come back to life. My cousin couldn’t satisfy her. So she locked on Li Qing as her final target..."

I was a little worried immediately. From what I understand these days. Qing girl's biggest hobbies are money and masculinity. this. The difficulty of luring her into the bait is simply too small.

"She wouldn't have agreed."

"Of course not~" Ah Yue pursed her lips and smiled. Then he said: "It's very interesting. My cousin asked her how much money she can pay to return to Merry World. In the end, she said that she doesn't need money. Instead, she needs two other things. Guess what she wants."

I shook my head blankly. Said: "I really don't know. It's rare that she doesn't want money..."

Ah Yue looked out the window. She said with a smile on her face: "At that time, Li Qing said: what she wants is very simple. That is, Liu Yun has never left everyone. Xu Lin has never shed tears."

I immediately froze. I used to be arrogant and thought that I knew everyone well. But do I really understand?

"Don't be so moved."

Ah Yue looked at me with a half-smile. I picked up a piece of mutton and put it in the pot to rinse it leisurely.

Actually, I'm not impressed. But a little insight. Have not experienced these. She will never know that Guozi once rejected the temptation of a lot of money. Not to mention that a girl like Li Qing would have such integrity. After Liu Yun left. Our ingredients should be considered more pure.

He glanced at Ah Yue who was concentrating on eating. I suddenly felt really curious to know what kind of girl she was. Why does she want to help us like this.


half an hour later. The meal is over. I followed the foreman to swipe the card.

Ah Yue stood in the hall waiting for me. When the two came to the door together. I asked, "Where do you live. Do you want me to drive you home."

"No need~" Ah Yue giggled. Said: "I'm temporarily staying at my cousin's house. If you didn't expose everything in the past. And. Even if you send me off, I'm afraid my heart is still with Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan. Heh. Go back and talk about this matter early. Tell them two to be careful."

So I said a lot of words of gratitude. Ah Yue seems to be very useful. He was still smiling when he got into the taxi.

Watch her leave. I glanced down at my watch. It's already 12 o'clock. Time to go back and arrange everything.

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