Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 19 There are so many tasks!

After repairing all the equipment in the weapon shop, I immediately went to the armor shop. When I was talking to a little boy on the street, I heard that the owner of the armor shop needed help.

After saying a few words, he took on a task:

【Blacksmith's Trouble】

Task content: When the blacksmith Hughes was building excellent armor for the army recently, he lacked a rare copper ore that can only be produced in the half-mountain to the east of the city. The apprentices of the blacksmith shop were enlisted to fight against the spreader of the plague in Sunset Town I went, so there is currently a lack of manpower to mine. I hope you can go to Banbian Mountain to collect 20 pieces of this kind of ore, but that kind of ore is usually guarded by the one-claw werewolf, so be careful!


I checked the level of the Lone Claw Werewolf. It is a monster of level 18~20. With my current strength, it may be a little bit reluctant, but let's talk about it first!


System prompt: You got a "miner's shovel"! You learned the "Trial Mining" skill!

I looked at the shovel, it turned out to be a mining shovel with no special attributes, and the attack was poor 1-1!

After leaving the door of the armor shop, I suddenly found an old bard talking and singing ancient songs in front of the opposite cathedral, and a soldier was chasing him away.

I immediately walked over to talk to the soldier, and he looked at me gloomyly and said, "This bard plays and sings songs that are banned by the Holy See. If he is driven away again, the Holy See of the Kingdom may burn him to death as a token of honor." Punishment!"

I hurriedly asked what the forbidden song was, and the soldier immediately fell silent. No matter how I asked, he just told me to get out of here quickly.

Damn, this must be a hidden mission!

The minstrel packed up his violin and wandered into a small alley. I hurriedly followed and talked to him: "Excuse me, why is the ballad you sing banned by the Holy See?"

The bard raised his wrinkled and dirty face, looked at me with a pair of absent-minded eyes, and said, "Young man, that was two years ago, and many people have begun to forget it now, but m Princess Sha has been living in pain, I thought I could save her, but everything seems to be too late."

"Can you elaborate? Maybe I can help a little!"

"Oh, it's like this. An unknown plague spread on the mainland three years ago. The Kingdom sent many famous healers but failed to solve the plague problem. The orc witch doctors invited were helpless. Even the kingdom Princess Misha, the heir of Princess Misha, also went to investigate the source of the plague in person, but unfortunately she found nothing. Not only that, but the second year after she returned to China, she was suddenly infected with a strange plague. All the court witch doctors thought that The princess cannot be cured, and there is a possibility of transmission, so the king can only reluctantly imprison the princess in the basement of the plague cemetery in the west of the city. Recently, a group of dirty necromancers suddenly came to the plague cemetery. God knows if the princess can continue to live. go down!"

After finishing speaking, the bard muttered repeatedly in a low voice: "If we can find golden needles, the princess's plague might be eradicated. Why is the king so cruel?"

I immediately replied: "Where can I find that kind of grass, I should be able to help!"

The bard's eyes suddenly recovered part of his spirit: "Really, young man? Will you help me?"


System prompt: Do you want to accept the request from the healing master?

I chose yes as a matter of course, and the task followed:

【The healer's entrustment】(unique)

Task content: Help the healer Lance find golden needle grass. Golden Needle is a plant that grows in the valley of Half Mountain. It is guarded by the abandoned orc shaman Nicholas. After defeating Nicholas, he retrieves Golden Needle and gives it to the healer Lance.


It turned out that this bard was the famous healer Lance. No wonder he was still so persistent in saving the princess. He had already found the formula to cure the princess' disease! There should be follow-up tasks for this task. With Lance's current virtue, it is estimated that he has no ability to rescue the princess from the hands of the necromancer.

After receiving three quests, I wandered around the city again for nearly half an hour, but I didn't receive any more quests. It seemed that there were only so many quests in the city.

Turn on the communicator and contact Lu Xuehan directly: "Have you received any missions?"

Lu Xuehan said excitedly: "I received a mission to kill and clean up the farm, how about you?"

"I also received that task, let's do it together, and wait for me at the gate in the east of the city!"


After a while, Lu Xuehan came, with a sweet smile on her beautiful face, she took on a task, so why are you so happy?

Without further ado, I rushed to Matthew's farm in the direction indicated by the mission. The sky gradually darkened, and thick fog floated over the deserted fields.

Not far away, several dilapidated log cabins are scattered in the abandoned fields, and many snake-headed monsters are wandering in the fields full of weeds.

"I'm in charge of adding blood and casting curses, so you should focus on it!" Lu Xuehan said calmly, it seems that this girl still has a little understanding of the game.

With a light wave of Lu Xuehan's pink hand, a cloud of gray smoke enveloped the nearest smuggler.


Grade: 13

attack:? ? ?

defense:? ? ?


I rushed up immediately and it was a heavy blow, followed by a combo. The three numbers "142", "52" and "58" floated up from the monster's head, and the fast-paced continuous blows of the combo made it His figure moved back a little.

The first-level combo can only make two attacks, and sometimes it can only make one attack. I don’t know if there will be seven or eight consecutive hits in the future. Because the attack speed is quite fast, it is hit by the combo. The target fell into a temporary coma state, which was probably the biggest benefit of combo strikes, and it was definitely right to strike first.

Cooperating with Lu Xuehan's curse, I can kill monsters quite easily. Sometimes Lu Xuehan will give me a big healing spell after killing seven or eight monsters in a row. The big healing spell at level 1 can add 120+ Qi and blood is quite good, but the skill guide time is a bit long, and it takes about 5 seconds to prepare before it can be released.

We killed each field one by one, and when Lu Xuehan and I cleared all the monsters in the farm, both of us had collected all the snakehead eyes needed for the mission.

I looked at the time and it was already 9 o'clock in the morning. It seems that Xu Lin and the others saw that Lu Xuehan and I were doing tasks, and didn't bother us to let us go to eat. I'm okay, but I don't know if Lu Xuehan can hold on.

"Are you hungry?" Lu Xuehan blinked and said.

I smiled to myself and said, "The original offline, come back after dinner!"


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