Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 290 Uniform Temptation

An hour and a half later. After a thrilling fight. We finally managed to collect all 200 claws fairly smoothly. At this time, it was almost close to dying. My mind was in a mess. But the task rewards supported me to walk to Nana's side. Offer up those hard-won quest items.

Nana seems to be in worse shape than me. She opened her eyes feebly. After receiving the mission items, he took out a strange container from his arms. The 200 small claws condensed into a ball immediately after she exerted her strength. I saw Nana stretching out her right palm. Covering the top of the claws. A light blue energy gradually enveloped the claws below. Sweat began to flow from Nana's face. She clenched her silver teeth. Make another effort. finally. The blue energy blended smoothly with the claws. in the next moment. The group of claws had turned into a pool of crimson liquid in the vessel.

Nana sighed with difficulty. He took out another bag of white powder from his arms. Mixed with red liquid. A dark purple thick mass then formed.

Xin Yu was dumbfounded. Said: "This. Could it be the antidote."

"Very likely. Why. Something's wrong." I glanced at her.

Xin Yu pouted. Said: "There is nothing wrong. I just think this is a bit like the black jade intermittent ointment in Yitian Tulongji..."

She said so. I feel alike too. But after thinking about that ointment. What I am thinking of is Zhao Min played by Jia MM. Think back then. It also made us little boys with no hair grow YY for a long time.

After Nana finished the potion. She pulled the black cloth off her wound. Carefully put the medicine all over the wound. immediately. We actually vaguely heard Sisi's voice. And Nana also looked very distressed. He frowned. Soybean-sized sweat droplets slowly slipped from the temples.

The whole process lasted about two minutes. When Nana took her hand away. Those dark gray bruises beside the wound disappeared immediately. It seems that this medicine is indeed effective. next. Nana finally regained some strength with the double help of food and detoxification. She looked up at us. Said: "Thank you very much. Without your help, I would definitely be buried in this snow mountain. In order to repay your kindness. Please accept these rewards."

Mission rewards are here. There is no reason to refuse. And the system does not allow rejection at all.


System prompt: Your team has completed the purple task [Collecting the Claws of the Frost Troll]. You gain experience 4.5 billion. Get 1500 gold coins. Prestige +1200. Nana, the adjutant of the Royal Palace Guards, increases her favorability with you by 5000.

I'm at a loss. There are no rewards for quest gear. However, there is an extra favorability with Nana. What is the use of this favorability. Could it be that Nana can be brought home to be his wife if she reaches a certain place.

Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan were also very confused. They all look at me. So I asked: "You also got favorability points."

"That's right. I don't know if these 3,000 favorability points are useful." Xin Yu said.

I was even more surprised when I heard it: "Did you get 3,000 points? Why did I get 5,000 points?"

Xin Yu jokingly said, "Probably because you are more handsome."

I immediately touched her chin affectionately. Molested: "Xin Yu. Your words are becoming more and more pertinent..."

Lu Xuehan couldn't stand it anymore. She said: "Lin Fan. You haven't rested for a long time. It's almost nine o'clock now. Go to bed early. Tomorrow. No matter what, I have to go to the front building for a while. At least let those department heads get to know you first."

"Yeah. I see. Xuehan, you go to bed early too."

Lu Xuehan nodded slightly. I glanced at my experience bar. After eating another 4.5 billion experience. Already one step forward to level 65. In general. The experience gained by doing tasks is far more than that obtained by simply killing monsters. If you keep practicing. Judging from the current speed of most mainstream players. 4.5 billion experience is definitely enough for them to practice crazily for three days.

After going offline. Drink a cup of tea and go to bed.

Say something. Murong Shanshan has also slept in this bed. And it also claims that sleeping on it feels very good. Last night, I worked with her all night to do the task. Never had a chance to sleep. Now I can finally experience it once.

Lifted the quilt and got in. The whole person lay down in a large font for a while. I found nothing special except that it was soft. Think about it instead. Just a bed. What more could you ask for than soft and comfortable. actually. The bed is not important. It matters who you sleep with in bed. If it's with Murong Shanshan. I would also like to sleep on a pegboard bed. but. That guy doesn't seem to be sleeping very honestly. It would be a shame to be kicked out of bed by her in the middle of the night.

Lu Xuehan was better. It is definitely a pleasure to be hugged and slept by a gentle and cute little MM as a pillow. If it was replaced by being hugged by Xin Yu. NND. Don't sleep that night. Wait for the backache the next day.

Unlimited YY. fell into a deep sleep. The dream was a mess. There are fights everywhere. There are women's cries. There were wailing and roaring of men. vaguely. I feel like someone is pulling me. looked down. I saw a very cute little MM was pulling the corner of my clothes. She whispered: "Brother. Hongye wants mother..."

red leaves. How come Hongye is here. It's still a small version of red leaves...

I tried to pinch myself. But his hand is soft but it seems that he can't exert strength. so. It was definitely in a dream. But when I lowered my head to talk to Hongye. Only to find that she had disappeared. in the distance. But a naked woman came out of the blurred illusion. She has a body that makes people's blood boil. Outside the figure of the devil. And an almost angelic face. After a few careful glances, I exclaimed in surprise: "Hongye..."

That's right. This person must be Hongye. She looks just like she did when I first picked her up. The only difference is that she seems more real in the dream.

I was confused at the time. Is it because I haven't touched a woman for too long before I become abnormal. Otherwise, why would it be the unreal NPC in the game that appeared in the dream?

Red leaves are the same as usual. Just smile at me. Not a word was said.

in a dream. It shouldn't be a problem to touch it...

I pampered myself. But when you reach out your hand. The red leaves in front of me disappeared again. The whole thing was distorted out of shape all of a sudden. When recovering again. It is the residential building where we used to live. I saw Xin Yu wearing the most beautiful dress. Standing silently on the balcony. looking into the distance. His eyes were deep and melancholy.

She turned slowly. look back at me. Yu Xiaoyan said: "Lin Fan. When the spring is warm and the flowers bloom next year, will we still be together?"

I was just about to answer. But I found that I can't control this dream at all. Xin Yu quickly disappeared. The next scene showed Lu Xuehan standing beside a black car. She looked helpless. Far away whispered: "Lin Fan, don't forget me..."

Lu Xuehan's voice gradually became farther away until it disappeared.

I screamed desperately but couldn't make a sound. Finally had to give up. Forget it. It's just a dream. Why be true to yourself.

The next scene was really unbearable. Murong Shanshan actually appeared in front of me holding a man's arm. He smiled and said, "Lin Fan. This is my boyfriend PITER. I met him in Korea."

Murong Shanshan actually has a boyfriend. And that person is not me.

I didn't answer. Murong Shanshan let go of the man's hand. He came over and pushed me: "What's wrong with you..."

I want to talk. But then someone really pushed me. So I woke up. When I opened my eyes, I found that Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan were looking at me with funny faces.

"What. Did you have a nightmare? You're sweating so much..." Xin Yu reached out and touched my forehead. said with a smile.

I sat up. Only to find that a lot of cold sweat had flowed from his body. Shirts clung tightly to the back. this dream. Is it really that scary?

all the time. I thought that Murong Shanshan, Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan would always be by my side. But in fact. They still leave. Especially Murong Shanshan. She has the greatest chance of leaving. I never thought about it without her. What that life would be like.

Lu Xuehan asked worriedly, "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

I smiled and shook my head: "It's okay. I just had a nightmare. You guys eat first. I'll take a shower before I come out. I broke out in a cold sweat..."

Xin Yu nodded: "Yeah. Let's bring your breakfast back later. Remember to wear a suit today. You won't need a badge to go to work later. In a few days, someone will check. You will get a 50 bonus if you go to work without a badge."

"Whatever. Let him buckle..."

I don't expect to be paid anyway. But Xin Yu was not very happy after hearing my words. Maybe my attitude is too bad. So he immediately apologized: "Okay, okay. Xin Yu, I will do what you say. I am satisfied now."

Xin Yu turns anger into joy. He smiled and said, "That's good. Let's eat for about half an hour. You should have finished washing."

"Don't worry. I only need to take a shower for ten minutes..."


So Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan went to eat. I took a change of clothes and took a shower. Sure enough, it was done in 10 minutes.

Not long after. The two MMs came back with breakfast. It's bread and milk. I can't stand it. Just eat some and you're done. Store the rest in the fridge for a late night snack.

Xin Yu walked up to me. Stretched out a small snow-white hand to help straighten the tie. He smiled and said, "That's it. It looks like a professional white-collar worker. Let's go. It's time to go to work in ten minutes."

The three walked into the office building together. I just remembered now. Until now, I don't even know what my job is. This is still a mess.

It happened that Xu Lin also came from behind. So I stopped her and said, "Sister Lin. I'm here for work. But what am I in charge of? I don't know where the office is."

Xu Lin was stunned. It is clear. She doesn't know what to do with me. So she thought about it. Quickly said: "Then. Go to be the director of the technical department."

"You know my level. Anyone with a year of work experience can be my teacher. I went to supervise someone."

"That's it. The manager of the technical department is ready. Let the supervisor do the specific things. You go to work and surf the Internet. You can just hang around. When you are bored, you will go to the dormitory to practice..."

I was overjoyed immediately. Nice post. You can mess around. And at least a manager. How cool it would be to say that.

The technical department is on the fourth floor. A little higher. The offices of the general manager and deputy general manager are on the fifth floor. It would be very convenient to harass Murong Shanshan in the future.

correct. Murong Shanshan. God. I actually forgot that I made an appointment with her to pick her up in the morning...

I panicked. Busily said to Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu: "I can't do it. I have to go out now. I guess I won't be back until the afternoon..."

Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu didn't understand. But Xu Lin asked: "What is so important. I didn't get to know my subordinates on the first day of work. That's right. I dug a technical expert from Shanghai. I can arrive tomorrow."

Of course what I do now is important. So I said: "Go and help our deputy general manager complete the formalities for suspension of school. Then bring her to the company. Do you think this matter is important?"

Xu Lin smiled: "Of course it's important. Hurry up!"

not far away. Wang Xue came over with a thick stack of badges. It's the kind with clips. She said: "The advertising company has sent this over just now. After a while. They will come to install the company's front door."

Xu Lin smiled slightly and took the things over. Quickly selected one from the inside. With a quick glance I realized that the photo above was actually mine.

Xu Lin pulled out the paper inside the badge. He took out a pen and signed a few large characters on it: "Manager of Technical Department".

I'm so excited. Xu Lin walked over with a smile. Put the badge on my chest personally. After scrutinizing it for a while, he clicked his tongue and praised: "Lin Fan is so handsome. In fact, he should be transferred to the customer service department to deal with female customers."

I'd love to say I'm not a duck. But it was difficult for Wang Xue to speak at the side. Had to run out the door in despair. Hire a taxi and leave.

Murong Shanshan's home is in the Sunshine Community. Morning. The sun here is really bright. I just don't know if Murong Shanshan is still lying on the bed enjoying the beauty of spring.

probably not. No one can sleep that long at a time. Doesn't that turn into a pig?

result. Murong Shanshan always does things unexpectedly. A long time after I rang the doorbell. It was only then that she came out to open the door with sleepy eyes. Still in pajamas.

Let me into the room. Murong Shanshan rubbed her eyes. Said: "What time is it? Come here so early. Hey. You are well dressed today. Wow. You are still the manager of the technical department. I really can't tell..."

She grabbed my badge and couldn't put it down. Repeatedly said: "This. I want to..."

I glanced at her. Said: "Go change your clothes first. Then go to have breakfast. After breakfast, go through the formalities of suspension from school. After all is done, go back to the company. In the afternoon, let Fengshen and others help the moving company to help you move. It seems that your game equipment must also be moved. Otherwise, there will be no way to level up tonight. Also, many employees have come to work today. When you pass, you'd better get to know them one by one. Sister Lin is very approachable. She even eats with the employees."

Murong Shanshan yawned delicately. She smiled and said, "But. I want to be with you when we eat. So what should I do?"

I thought about it. Say: "Then stay with me. I'm an employee too. Just being close to me is enough..."

Murong Shanshan smiled wickedly. A snowy face is extremely beautiful.

I said again: "You haven't been sleeping since noon yesterday, have you?"

"Yes. Is there a problem?" Murong Shanshan looked at me innocently. A pair of beautiful big eyes are very innocent.

I didn't say anything. Reach out and close the door. Signaled that she could go get dressed.

Sitting on a sofa in the lobby. Only the sound of Murong Shanshan opening and closing the closet came from inside. It's been a long time. She just walked out of the room. When I look back. But she was taken aback by the clothes she was wearing. .

I saw that Murong Shanshan was actually wearing a very standard women's suit uniform. The most exaggerated thing is to wear a black tie. It looks very refreshing. And the person wearing this suit is Murong Shanshan. The huge lethality is even more conceivable.

"Shanshan. You are dressed like this. Are you going to school?" I stared at her intently. My saliva almost fell down.

"Of course. Aren't you going to work in the afternoon? No work uniform. Do you want me to go in casual clothes?"

"Then. How did you have this outfit?"

Murong Shanshan said with a smile: "This. Hmm. I bought it when I was an intern in my mother's company last year. It was very expensive. So I kept it. I didn't expect it to come in handy again so soon."

I was very confused: "But. We are going to your school to apply for your suspension. Would it be too arrogant to dress like this?"

"What are you afraid of? Last summer. I went to school in a uniform and skirt. Wouldn't that be more arrogant."

I suddenly lost my mind. Murong Shanshan is wearing a skirt... Her curvy body must be more irritating when outlined by the skirt. And there is a pair of snow-white legs under the skirt. What a huge visual impact that should be.

I thought about it. Can't help but say: "Shanshan. Why don't you change your dress and let me see it. Okay."

Murong Shanshan gave me an angry look. Said: "What's the rush. You can often see it this summer. The spring in Suzhou is very short. Be patient. Okay. Besides. Xuehan and Xinyu can watch it the same..."

Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu looked like they were wearing skirts. I've seen them all. But Murong Shanshan's did not.

I am afraid of heat. But for the first time in his life, he looked forward to summer so much.

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