Xu Lin was the first to run out of the room, her face flushed, and when everyone arrived, she finally announced a big event: "I just hit a level 8 green mage leggings, added 3 Intelligence!"

Lu Xuehan smiled: "But in the morning, Lin Fan hit a magic staff with intelligence plus 7~"

Xu Lin looked at me overjoyed and said, "Xiao Lin, is it true?"

After I nodded, Xu Lin immediately waved her hand generously and said, "Let's go and have a big meal. Don't be too polite, everyone. I'll take whatever money you eat!"

"Really, I haven't eaten abalone for a long time, a big bowl of abalone!" Xin Yu rubbed her little hands, her face flushed.

After locking the door, Xu Lin took the lead and walked in front. At 5 pm, there were not many customers in the hot pot city. A group of us chose a single room, and ordered N more dishes besides a beef hot pot. Even The wine I drank was all 88 yuan a bottle. It seemed that Xu Lin really wanted to bleed today. My 600 yuan was obviously not enough for such a big meal.

After handing the menu to the waiter, Xu Lin immediately turned around and asked me: "How many levels are I now? I'm already level 10. That wand only needs level 8. Why don't you just trade the wand with the blood-enhancing wristband?" Give it to me, I will go to Hurricane City to report in a while."

I nodded in agreement, and said, "Now I'm already level 15, and Lu Xuehan is already level 13, everyone should work hard!"

"What? It's already level 15?! It's too fast..." Li Qing was very surprised, and then said: "Should it be ranked first in the world?"

"P!" Xin Yu swears indecently, glances at me and then says: "Now the highest level is a Chinese player, already at level 18, and the second player is also Chinese, at level 17."

"Damn, so perverted!" I said in a muffled voice.

Xin Yu laughed, moved a stool and ran to sit next to me, and whispered in my ear, "Actually, it doesn't matter, those people probably upgraded so quickly with help from others, but you cut it out by yourself. "

Xu Lin nodded and said: "Well, the person with the highest level is called "Husband for Candy". It seems to be a female player. I heard that she used to be the captain of a Star Club in Beijing, and everyone who played with her tried her best." Supporting her to upgrade so quickly, the second one is called "Ye Luo Zhiqiu", the identity of this person is not clear."

Falling leaves know autumn? Could it be that kid Ye Qiu?

I immediately picked up the phone and called Ye Qiu:

"Hey, is that Ye Qiu? I'm Lin Fan!"

"Ah!! Lin Fan, where have you been running away for so long, we are so worried about you!"

"I want to ask you something, is the person named "Ye Luo Zhi Qiu" in "Yue Heng" really you?"

Ye Qiu said in surprise: "Ah? Do you play "Yueheng" too? My name is not Ye Luo Zhiqiu, but my ID is "Little Ant on the Leaf". Hey, don't hang up, what is your name?" , let's do it together?!"



Close the phone, I don't want Ye Qiu to know me again in "Yueheng", but since he also plays this game, he will definitely not be a mediocre player in the future, and we probably will meet sooner or later.

Seeing that I hung up the phone, Xu Lin went on to say: "The server will be maintained for two hours on time at 12 o'clock tonight. I heard that a function of online cash purchase of equipment will be activated, and Alipay will be directly involved in the game. Bank card account The currency is directly traded with the equipment in the game, which saves us a lot of trouble. If you sell equipment, you don’t have to worry too much. If you have extra equipment, you can take it to the auction house in the city for consignment. The transaction of each game account The records will be recorded on the Internet, which is also very convenient for us to count the commissions. I want to settle the commissions for buying and selling equipment at the end of each month in the future. Do you have any other opinions?"

What Xu Lin said was reasonable, and of course everyone didn't have any objections. At this time, the dishes began to be served continuously, and the big hot pot was steaming.

Lu Xuehan who was sitting on my left blinked and said, "Can I eat it?"

Xu Lin couldn't help laughing: "Hehe, of course, let's start~!"

Xin Yu immediately stood up, filled the wine bottle for everyone, then quickly ran to my side and said, "Why don't we have a drink first?"

"Why, give a reasonable reason first!"

Xin Yu straightened out her plump breasts, and said with a smile: "I like you because of my sister, is that reasonable enough?"


I was speechless for a moment, raised my glass and drank it dry.

Lu Xuehan was overwhelmed with alcohol and insisted not to touch the glass. Xu Lin had nothing to do with her, so she had to drink with other people. She had to drink Xu Lin's alcohol capacity was good, and she insisted on drinking 4 glasses with 6 people before giving up, and then Drink it by yourself.

Xin Yu was also quite abnormal, drinking one cup after another, as if she was venting something, her beautiful face soon turned red, she was unspeakably cute under the dim light, who would have thought that she was actually a young lady...

It lasted until about 8 o'clock in the evening, when everyone was almost drunk, Li Qing, who was swaying by Xu Lin, helped her down to pay the bill, while Lu Xuehan and Guozi, who hadn't drunk, supported the other two MMs who had drunk too much.

On a strange night, Liu Yun, who had always been silent and as cold as an iceberg, was also drunk, muttering something before being helped back by Guo Zi. Xin Yu drank no less than Xu Lin, but she Still awake, he took my arm and greeted Lu Xuehan before going out.

I looked back at Lu Xuehan's worried eyes, and I could only smile wryly and follow Xin Yu out the door.


The moon was cold and the stars were thin, pedestrians who returned late hurriedly passed by, Xin Yu didn't say a word, just quietly walked on the street holding my arm, because she was drunk, so I didn't bother to care too much about it. There are many things.

"Brother, do you want to buy flowers?"

A little girl blocked my way, her face was a little purple from the cold wind, and her little hand holding the flower kept trembling.

"Buy one for my sister."

I turned around, pulled Xin Yu and walked past the little girl, and said silently: "Young people's things..."

Xin Yu smiled lightly, the expression on her beautiful face was indescribably complicated.

Just walking like this, we got on the only bridge nearby, the cold wind became more and more icy, Xin Yu's beautiful long hair fluttered gently on her small shoulders, she still didn't say a word, silently Leaning on the railing and looking up at the bright starry sky.

"Xin Yu, it's too cold, why don't you go back?" I said softly.

Originally put her face on my shoulder, Xin Yu raised her head and glanced at me, then slowly turned around and threw herself into my arms, under the starlight, a pair of beautiful eyes glowed with a moving light...

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