Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 317 Future Vision

See me so persistent. Ah Yue's tone was a little loose. She said, "All right. If you can give me a reasonable reason. Then I can consider accepting this precious dagger."

I was speechless. MLGBD. This year I want to give MM a piece of equipment. It's so difficult. .

I thought about it quickly. I said: "Because you helped us capture the No. 9 garrison before. The value of a garrison cannot be compared with a dagger. Even a divine weapon dagger is not enough. And, more importantly, because of your warning, Xuehan and Xinyu were not assassinated by Xu Fei."

Ah Yue smiled: "Is that so?"


I hit OK again. I thought to myself: For Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan. Not to mention an orange dagger. Even if it is to exchange for a whole body of top-quality equipment. I don't hesitate about anything.

It seems that this reason is very good. Ah Yue readily accepted the dagger. Her current level is 63. It will take a few more days to equip this dagger that requires level 65. but. Now you can take the dagger in your hand and try it out. It has no attack power.

The dagger has a curved shape. There is a faint orange tinge throughout. on the tip. A dark red streamline slowly flowed across the dagger's body. Constantly radiating light and rotating runes. Anyone can see that this is definitely a top-grade weapon.

Ah Yue smiled sweetly. Get such a suitable weapon. It would be a lie to say you are unhappy. not to mention. This light red dagger also matches well with Ah Yue, a female thief. Ah Yue is relatively petite. This dagger is not too big. If another male thief came to take the dagger. That wouldn't necessarily look good.

"Lin Fan. Thank you~"

Ah Yue said with a smile. I hurriedly said: "Don't thank me alone. I got this piece of equipment with Shanshan, Xinyu, and Xuehan. And, I'm sorry to say. When I got this dagger, I only thought of money. Fortunately, Shanshan reminded me. I just remembered that I have a female friend who is a thief~"

Ah Yue suddenly said with some embarrassment: "Either I will pay you some money. The value of this dagger can't be assessed at all now. It is estimated that it can be sold for more than 50 million at the big auction. The little girl doesn't have much money. The net assets of the entire company are only less than 10 million. Or, please give me 5 million."

I froze. Said: "Don't spoil me. Since I gave you the dagger, what kickback do I need..."

As a result, Ah Yue covered her mouth and smiled lightly. I also understand. She was just joking.

After thanking Murong Shanshan. Ah Yue is leaving. She said that there are a few friends waiting for her to practice with her. Murong Shanshan and I also have our own affairs. So there was no retention.

I glanced at the time. It's two o'clock in the afternoon. I said: "Bring the blue medicine. Let's go out to practice skills."

Murong Shanshan said with a smile: "I have already replenished the medicine in the station. It's you. It seems that I haven't prepared it yet."

"No. Hongye's package is full of blue medicine. Besides, my equipment has added so much intelligence. The speed of automatic recovery can supplement the consumption of skills."

So tidy up. The two left the west gate of Silvermoon City. Go all the way to Shadowmoon Valley.

on the way. Singing birds and fragrant flowers. Landscapes without approaching undead creatures. Always beautiful. Clouds and mists filled the verdant forest. The grass is luxuriant on the ground. Morning dew drops. Occasionally a stag can be seen chasing a doe. play. Cheers.

across the river. From a distance, I saw smoke rising from the No. 9 garrison guarded by the Lost Paradise. If it weren't for the fact that Shadowmoon Valley is biased towards the south. In fact, it is a good route for us to teleport directly from Silvermoon City to Station No. 9. But it's a pity. Station No. 9 mainly serves players who go to the West of the Land of the Dead to level up.

As Silvermoon City's first front against the power of the undead. Next to Station No. 9 is a long river that is extremely difficult to cross. And there are many swamps around the river. This terrain is extremely conducive to defense. Silvermoon City is surrounded by mountains on three sides. The majestic Silver Moon Mountains not only provided enough natural resources for the city. At the same time, it also played a certain role in protecting Silvermoon City. It is a well-deserved backer. And with these natural barriers. Silvermoon City has become a "majestic city" in the true sense. Be able to become the last bastion of mankind in the race survival war. Stand firm.

It can be inferred from this. Once the transmission between countries is opened. maybe. Silvermoon City will also become the most powerful line of defense for Chinese players. Such a solid defense. Enough to prevent foreigners from stepping into the thunder pool.

Lenovo again. If there is an outsider invasion. Not to mention the secondary towns around Silvermoon City. Hurricane City and the others probably won't be able to withstand a human attack. In the end, it had to rely on Silvermoon City. The resident of Paradise Lost bears the brunt of the first line of defense against the West. It is bound to become the first player position to fight against foreign enemies. This is a bit embarrassing. Originally, we were just a group of small studios who wanted to make money for a living. maybe. By chance. We are going to become national heroes driven by the wheel of history...

TMD. national hero. It feels cool to think about it. Since in the reality of peace, they cannot be conquered by force. So. The only way is to have a chance meeting with them in the virtual world. Let them experience the horror of the oriental pork buns. .

I couldn't help laughing twice. Murong Shanshan gave me a surprised look. He smiled and said, "What bad thoughts are you thinking?"

"I have no bad intentions..." I wiped the saliva from the corner of my mouth. "I was just thinking. Will there be **** among Japanese players? If so. After the country teleportation is opened, it will be wonderful. The number of players in the Japanese area will definitely increase a lot..."

Murong Shanshan raised her head. Looking at me funny: "You don't want to go too..."

I immediately swore: "Of course not. I only buy domestic products when I buy electrical appliances. Let alone women."

No response to my words. Murong Shanshan stretched out her finger and pointed into the distance. Said: "Look. The fourth entrance of Shadowmoon Valley. It is relatively remote. So there are not many players coming here. Moreover, the experience of monsters here is not particularly high. Therefore, the depths of Shadowmoon Valley are little known. We can take this opportunity to go in and have a look."


For expeditions. My interest is not small. after all. man's nature. whatever it is. Everyone wants to take the first time.

There was constant dew dripping from the leaves. The boots screeched in the grass. Everything seemed so quiet. Murong Shanshan pursed her lips and smiled. Said: "The game is too real. It reminds me of the scene of going to a picnic before. Hehe. At that time, Keke didn't know me. Later, we became friends under Xu Xing's introduction. Speaking of it, Xu Xing has done a good thing~"

"By the way, Xu Xing's equipment is pretty good now. Last time I looked at the leaderboard, some of the top 50 leather armors in the city were owned by Xu Xing. His equipment should be better than our guild's night kill."

Murong Shanshan chuckled lightly. Said: "It's not very good. It's just a piece of purple equipment. There is no orange equipment. No matter how strong it is, it can't be much stronger."

I couldn't help laughing: "You really don't know how hungry you are when you're full. How many pieces of purple equipment can there be in Silvermoon City now? I'm afraid. The total number of orange equipment in the entire China region doesn't exceed 100 pieces. Do you think everyone is like you? One person can take up four or five pieces of orange equipment."

"I don't have as much orange equipment as you do." Murong Shanshan looked at me amusedly.

I immediately changed the subject: "Anyway. Judging from the current situation, purple equipment is still the mainstream of advanced equipment. It is also the direction most players are pursuing. After all, orange equipment is hard to come by. Purple equipment can be bought. And it can also be fought from bosses above level 60. Even. Some high-level elite monsters can also explode. At the beginning, Xinyu was just RP burst and used purple equipment on ordinary monsters."

Murong Shanshan smiled sweetly: "That's good. Let's try to find a piece of purple equipment this afternoon. Hmm. Level 60 purple equipment. It should be able to sell for hundreds of thousands now~"

"It's okay for the time being. After a while, purple equipment should be reduced to a few thousand dollars and you can buy it. The top players in every guild can actually get a set of purple equipment. Our advantage period is coming to an end..."

Murong Shanshan was slightly surprised. Blinking his eyes, he asked, "What is our advantage period?"

I explained with a smile: "We are half dressed in orange outfits. The period when we beat people with blue outfits is coming to an end. Isn't it the end of a very strong advantage period?"

"Then. Continue to expand our advantages. Let's work hard~"

Murong Shanshan giggled. Pull out the lightsaber and walk towards the monster not far away.

The hordes of monsters were left alone. The reason became clear after I identified it. .

【Pine Fairy】(Normal Monster)

Grade: 68

Attack: 800-1150

Defense: 1500

Vitality: 50000

Defense Type: Lunar Armor. Reduce damage taken from normal attacks by 45%


All fighters' attacks are normal attacks. And if you use magic to fight. The 50,000 qi and blood of this level 68 monster is a bit exaggerated. It stands to reason. A level 68 monster with 30,000 HP is considered too much. and. The defense of the pine elves is also super high. 1500 defense must get more than 1500 damage to break through the defense. Think about the fighters in Silvermoon City who can increase their attacks to over 1500. Not much really.

The attack of the pine elves is indeed not high. It is almost impossible to break through the defense of Murong Shanshan and me. And in the team state. After we kill a pine elf. The experience is also poor. It is estimated that even if you kill a hundred of them, you may not be able to see the experience bar increase a little. But we are only here to practice skills. There is no plan to gain any experience at all.

The more ridiculous ones are the pine elves. This little monster looks a bit like a half tree trunk. A few branches topped with a leaf made of hair. The arms are two withered branches. It looks like it's going to snap off. A tangle of roots made up its feet. Walking slowly on the road like creeping. Goosebumps all over the person who watched it.

Just upgraded to level 70. Murong Shanshan and I need to practice all kinds of skills. The main ones are professional basic skills leveling and heavy blows. And our personal characteristic skills. Murong Shanshan's sword qi and frost slash. My Frozen Slash, Mysterious Ice Sword and Swordsman Swift.

The scene where we practice skills is definitely more beautiful than the leveling scene. The Frozen Slash with a CD time of only one minute brings snowflakes flying around. The frost condensed Frost Slash seemed to freeze the air. And the icy blue light of the Xuanbing Sword that burst out occasionally and the sword energy that was used periodically also added a lot of brilliance to the gradually darkening sky.

I don't know if soldiers can be summoned in a game of life or death. But still ordered Hongye to train her three active skill levels up. The fire of the soul keeps increasing. Healing techniques are thrown directly on the target regardless of whether the target has blood loss or not. The curse made all the monsters we attacked turn green or red all over. result. It was almost evening. Instead, several skills of Hongye rushed to level 8 first. But Murong Shanshan and I were not so fast. There are only a handful of skills that can reach level eight in a short period of time. in. Frozen Slash, Combo Strike, Heavy Strike and Frost Slash with shorter CD time have all reached level 8. And the lethality is greater. Sword Qi and Xuanbing Sword with relatively long CD time can only be practiced to about 75% proficiency.

Seeing that it was getting late. The remaining skill proficiency can also be practiced tomorrow. and. After dinner, I have to go to Silvermoon City to find the hidden dragon master who can turn in the task. then. Murong Shanshan and I discussed and decided. Let's talk after dinner~

downstairs. The employees walked towards the cafeteria in twos and threes. And most people have already finished their meals. Several groups are going out. generally. It was less than 6 o'clock when we finished eating. It is impossible to waste a lot of time in the dormitory. then. The woman is out shopping. The men went out to hang out and watch the MMs on the side of the road.

"Lin Fan~"

Someone called me. Looking back, it was Xin Yu. She just came out of the office. There was a tired look on her pretty face.

"Xin Yu. Aren't you playing games this afternoon? Why did you come from the front?" I asked in surprise.

Xin Yu smiled helplessly: "I wanted to be lazy. But not long after I went online, Sister Lin asked KAY to call me back. In the afternoon, I met the person sent by the online trading company in Shanghai. I learned about their business philosophy. Sister Lin valued him very much. So I asked me to receive him in person. There were four people in total. Just now, Sister Lin took them to the hotel. I escaped because I said I was uncomfortable."

"Where is it uncomfortable? Does it matter?" I asked eagerly.

Xin Yu pursed her lips and smiled. Said: "It's rare for you to care about me so much. What else can you ask. By the way. Are you and Shanshan just offline. Let's have dinner together~"

when eating. Xin Yu told us. Lu Xuehan had already finished her meal. The equipment in the database is currently being sorted in the office. Originally, this matter was handed over to the technical department. But these two days are Sunday. Those few people didn't work. So the purchased equipment is deposited. As time goes by. These equipment will inevitably depreciate. Lu Xuehan in order to reduce losses. I had no choice but to go into battle.

I feel a little ashamed. Just say: "I'll go over later. Help Xuehan. Xinyu, you can go back to rest after dinner. Shanshan goes online to manage the guild. Also, go find the NPC who is looking for the quest. Maybe I won't be online at night. However, if there is not much equipment accumulated before. Well, I will go and complete the quest with you."

Both Xin Yu and Murong Shanshan nodded in agreement. And I am also after eating and drinking. Go to the office building in the front row. In the night. Only a few office lights were still on. Among them was the customer service department where Lu Xuehan worked. A customer service manager is sorting out the files of the technical department. If I say this, I don't have to mess around anymore.

Hurry upstairs. The lights on the entire fourth floor were turned off. So I went straight to the fifth floor.

suddenly. The door to an adjacent office opened. KAY poked his head out of it. saw me. He smiled and said, "Manager Lin. Are you here to see sister Xuehan?"

I nodded: "Well. She is in the office."

"Yeah." KAY responded. He also said: "Sister Xuehan is alone in the office, I don't feel at ease. So I stay here with her~"

I smiled and said, "It's in the lobby downstairs. Isn't there a security guard on duty~"

KAY laughed and said, "Look at you. She doesn't care about Miss Xuehan at all. She's alone in the office. She's busy with the things your department is in charge of. No wonder Miss Xinyu said you're a little heartless. Let me see. It really is like that~"

I was stunned for a moment. Is it true that I have no conscience? Unconsciously. It seemed that Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan were really left out in the cold.

never mind. Stay for a while to finish the work with Lu Xuehan. It is relative compensation.

I nod. walk forward. He reached out and knocked on the customer service manager's office.

Lu Xuehan asked inside: "Who is it?"

"Xuehan. It's me... Lin Fan..."

Not long after. Lu Xuehan's pretty figure appeared behind the door. She smiled. "Come in. Did Xinyu tell you that I'm here?"


I go in. He glanced at the things on Lu Xuehan's computer. She is looking up categories. I really can't tell. She actually knows something about SQL databases.

"Lin Fan, don't you want to train your skills to level 8 today? How come you come to me when you have time?"

Lu Xuehan poured me a cup of tea. asked with a smile.

I'm a little embarrassed. Said: "It's nothing. There's enough time to practice skills. It's you. Why don't you play a good game. You have to go to an office with only one person. Deal with these boring data."

Lu Xuehan smiled slightly. Sit down beside me. Said: "Playing games. Isn't it also in a room with one person? Besides. These data are not boring."

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