Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 334 Holy Light Slash

Turning around a verdant grove, four knights with distinctive armor appeared in the field of vision. They had obviously gone through many battles, and there were many scars on their armor. Like my shoulder armor, the ability of purple equipment to restore appearance was far worse than that of orange equipment.

I hesitated immediately. It stands to reason that when I encounter these four perverted holy knights, I should immediately look for the other two players who are still alive in China. If there are more people, I will have a higher chance of winning. But when I think of the expressions of FIRE and Ye Qiu, I can't help but want to suppress this thought. Everyone is a master.

Who doesn't want to be a hero, the only difference is that some people have the strength to become a hero, while some people don't know the heights of the sky and the earth will throw their lives in vain.

Moreover, the four knights had already discovered me at this time, and it was too late to escape, because one of the knights had already released the second-rank skill of the knight profession, Bright Holy Light.

This is a large-area health recovery skill, which can heal all teammates within the range. Although the healing effect of dozens of points per second cannot affect the balance, this skill is giving me a terrible headache, because this skill has another function, that is, it can reveal the body of all hidden creatures within the range of effect, and it also has a certain second damage to undead creatures.

The entire mountain seems to be illuminated by golden light. If I remember correctly, this skill can be maintained for up to ten minutes, which is why the knight profession can carry out long-term attrition battles.

Clenching the blood-red sword in my hand, I gritted my teeth.

Forget it, let's go, anyway, I have already met, if I escape at this time, I might be despised by Murong Shanshan, not to mention, a knight with long-distance charging skills will never give me such a chance, it's good to be able to escape, if I can't escape, it will be a big embarrassment.

Moreover, if FIRE and Ye Qiu confront these four knights head-on, there is no chance of winning at all. No matter how good FIRE's equipment is and no matter how NB-handled, the professional characteristics of thieves are already doomed to be impossible to compete with multiple knights.

It seems that if China wants to win the final championship, it can only rely on me. I am the last hope, the only man who has the ability to kill the four holy knights. Although I estimate that my chances of winning are not even one-third, I can only fight it.

The knight profession has two stun skills, one is the knight charge that requires a charge distance of 40 yards, and the other is the holy light seal skill. Both skills can stun the target for up to two seconds. It is conceivable that once the battle starts, I must entangle them all. Otherwise, if each of them runs out of my attack distance and charges in turn, I really only have the possibility of being ravaged and killed.

And if I want to kill them in one fell swoop, I am afraid that the only hope is to keep the current Dragon Strike skill. It has been confirmed during the experiment in Yinyue Mountain that the 68-level porcupine hit by the Dragon Strike head-on will deal more than 10,000 terrifying damage. Although the defense of the Porcupine is not very high, it is definitely not low. , I have to grind off nearly half of their blood, and then get them together and use the Dragon Strike to solve it all at once.

This is almost an impossible task, and I feel like laughing, who would get together and let you use NB skills.

The knights have spotted me and have moved over, and I can even hear their stomping on the grass.

He waved his hand to summon Hongye, and the beautiful little priest immediately appeared in front of him.

I said with a bitter face: "Hongye, add a soul fire to me, and then cast a curse effect on them, and you will consider the mission complete."

To my surprise, Hongye smiled slightly: "Don't worry too much, all of us are proud of you for being able to make it this far~,"

"You..." I moved my mouth, and my eyes were sharp: "You are the real Hongye, you have already said that you will never go to Hongye again, why would you come again?"

Hongye showed an aggrieved expression, and muttered, "It's Shanshan's idea. She thinks it's better to play alone with you than a smart computer. Besides, she can bring you some information."

"This, it's cheating," I asked in a low voice.

Hongye giggled and said, "What kind of cheating is this? Originally, I was your NPC soldier. I was already identified during the brain wave scan. Besides, Hongye has evolved into an intermediate intelligence. At this time, the Yueheng staff has no right to ask everything about Hongye. They don't even have a chance to check. Everything is decided by the main computer."

"How's the situation outside?" I asked helplessly.

Hongye pouted and said, "The situation is very bad. Only you, Ye Qiu, and FIRE are left among the Chinese players. Those two also encountered difficult opponents before I went online, but you have the best luck. You actually met the four-man knight team that everyone worries about the most."

"This is considered good luck..." I glanced at her and asked, "What about Shanshan, after being eliminated, did she get angry when she went offline?"

"I'm a little upset, but after you killed those four mages, she felt much better, and said she wants to think about how to reward you~~" Hongye looked at me playfully, with a smile on her lips.

"Perhaps, if you can win the championship, maybe she will commit herself to marrying you~"

I smiled and asked, "She really said that."

Hongye pursed her lips and smiled: "What do you mean, don't you know Shanshan's character? If you were present, she might say that, but if you weren't present, she would definitely not say that~"

I smiled slightly, Murong Shanshan's personality is beyond my grasp.

Suddenly, Hongye stepped back and said, "It's started, I saw you used the skill of sealing magic just now, can you still use it now?"

"Yes, I will use it,"



With a sound of "嗖~", the charge of the first knight has already slammed into my armor. Immediately, I only felt black in front of my eyes and fell into a dizzy state.

The health bar is slowly decreasing. Although the defense of the knight is high, the attack is generally not so high. After all, the growth rate of the strength attribute of the knight profession is not even half that of the fighter. The knight with more strength points will end up with neither high attack nor high defense.

The four knights cooperated quite well, and the consecutive dizzy effects made me even have no chance to make a move. I didn't have a chance to make a move until seven or eight seconds later.

Although the attack is low, hitting too much is still deadly. After being surrounded and beaten, my blood was less than half. Fortunately, Hongye's healing technique arrived in time, but this attracted the attention of the knights. When they saw a priest named "Hongye Chuyu" standing by the forest behind me, new tactics immediately appeared.

The two knights gave up attacking me and ran towards Hongye instead. The spears of the remaining two burst into light at the same time, and two giant golden cones fell from the sky almost at the same time. With a bang, I fell into a dizzy state again.

Damn it, it's Shengguangyin.

Fortunately, in only two seconds, not far away, Hongye dexterously avoided the pursuit of the two knights, and the effect of the mana shield fortunately offset the dizziness of the two Holy Light Seals before she escaped.

No, Hongye and I will definitely hang here if this continues, we are already in a hurry, but he hasn't even lost his blood.

The moment the dizzy effect disappeared, I took a step to the left to avoid the knight's sword attack, and at the same time the blood-red sword made its first attack, and it had the effect of a magic-breaking sword.

There was a flash of red brilliance, and the knight who bore the brunt immediately lost the right to use skills for 90 seconds.


The knight sword cut again, I trotted around the knight I was attacking, but still dodged the attack, in return, the blood red sword suddenly turned back and stabbed, the level 8 combo effect shone brightly, and one of the six attacks actually brought out the effect of the ice blue Dragon Qi Art.

The scarlet giant sword drew brilliant sparks on the knight's heavy armor. Several consecutive attacks did not achieve the effect I expected. With my actual attack of nearly 2500, I could only barely cut off more than 2000 vitality, and the average damage was only 400 points each time. According to this level of damage, I am afraid that it is really unrealistic for me to grind these four players to death.

Even so, my attack still made this actually show a surprised expression, but the surprise was only for a moment. He, who had experienced many battles, quickly recovered, and killed again with the long spear in his left hand and the knight sword in his right.

MD, an unbalanced knight profession, can actually use two weapons at the same time. Although each attack only has the attack effect bonus of one weapon, but being able to hold two weapons at the same time still makes other players jealous.

"Dangdang~" With a few crisp sounds, the knight's sword still hit my shoulder armor accurately, and the blood that was less than half of it was immediately reduced, and the knight who had no sealed skills in front of him was already accumulating the second Holy Light Seal.

I quickly calculated: another Holy Light Seal, two seconds is enough time for them to attack 4 times. This is still the attack of the Holy Light Seal. Each time I attack 300 points of life and blood, I will destroy 1200 points at once.

It is already very difficult for Hongye to protect herself, and it is even more unrealistic to expect her to increase blood, and everything depends on herself.

Thinking of this, I immediately used the precious dragon's blood recovery preparation. In a short time, the health value rose to half, and it still retained the long-term slow blood recovery effect, which happened to play a very good role in the attrition battle with the knight.

The golden light exploded, and the prelude to the second Holy Light Seal finally appeared.

"Damn, I'm waiting for you,"

I was secretly happy, the blood-red sword swung quickly, and after the red light, the formed mark of the Holy Light Seal was actually sealed. The knight was so shocked that he even stopped the attack in his hand.

Seeing that the opportunity was rare, I quickly locked on to the knight who was chasing Hongye in the distance, and immediately pressed the charge button.


It hit the big-nosed knight straightly like an arrow from the string. The huge momentum almost made me dizzy. The shocked knight immediately gave up Hongye, and the knight's spear was handed over from a distance.

Seize the time, I moved quickly to avoid another knight's pursuit, while attacking the stunned knight.

Not surprisingly, these knights were indeed high-defense knights with full blood points, and the damage of a heavy hit plus a normal attack could only knock out about one-fifth of his blood.

"Swipe ~ brush ~"

Hongye was rescued, and after a sigh of relief, she finally had time to add the curse skill of slowing down and reducing defense to the two nearby knights.

Not far away, the two knights whose skills were banned also ran over and prepared to fight desperately. Seeing this, Hongye just threw me an instant healing spell and backed away again.

Seeing this, the sword-wielding knight immediately pressed forward, trying to put the maximum pressure on Hongye, while Hongye ran and said, "Lin Fan, you add blood yourself, I can't help you..."

The situation became very difficult. Although my damage was high, I couldn't instantly kill these high-blood knights. Even if I summoned Hongye to attract the firepower of one knight, the damage of the other three knights was not something I could easily deal with.

After finally surviving for 20 seconds, even the special skill value of the person who was attacked was full. After thinking twice, he was not willing to use the absolute defense special skill. He must not use it until the last moment. Otherwise, if he cannot kill the opponent within 30 seconds of invincibility, the killer will be exposed.

The blood-red sword cut across the knight's breastplate. Finally, at this moment, I banned all the skills of the four knights. This period of time will last less than 10 seconds, which is very precious.

Before I had time to be proud, a very strange thing happened.

The sword-wielding knight raised his hand lightly, and seemed to be singing something in his mouth. In an instant, orange drizzle seemed to fall on the entire grassland, and under the nourishment of this rain, the vitality and blood of the other three knights that I knocked out slowly began to recover. What's more, my movement speed was greatly reduced.

What kind of skill is this.

I glanced at the battle information bar, and suddenly felt a chill in my heart.

Player XXXX uses the special skill Tranquil Rain, all teammates within the effect range will increase the life recovery by 100 points per second, remove all negative states, reduce the movement speed of hostile targets by 35%, the skill lasts for 25 seconds, and consumes 85 special skill points.


It's over, if the negative state is removed, then the effect of my Possession Sword will also be washed away,,.

The next moment, the last thing I wanted to see finally happened.

Two white phantoms floated out almost at the same time, and the two knights activated their charge skills at the same time.

One target is me, and the other is the red leaves standing by the forest.

Her eyes blurred, and she fell into a dizzy state again. Not far away, there was a scream from Hongye, and the three knights who had recovered the right to use their skills successively charged her continuously as if in tacit understanding.


The energy crystal of the Holy Light Seal exploded above Hongye's head, and under the tremendous power, Hongye's smaller body immediately turned into white light and flew out of the field.


System prompt: Your soldier "Red Leaf Chuyu" was violently attacked by player XXX and disappeared temporarily. He can continue to be summoned after the game is over.

Fortunately, save a fortune.

Before I had time to rejoice, I had to face another problem. Twenty-five seconds later, there were four French knights with full health and vitality. How can I kill them? If they kill them, the Chinese team points champion will definitely have no hope. Obviously, the remaining two people, Ye Qiu and FIRE, have no chance of winning even if they join forces.

There was no time to think about it, and the four knights soon formed a siege around me again.

My heart is cold, now I have less than one-third of my blood, if I consume it this time, I will definitely die.

At this time, a surprise happened again.

A dazzling ray of light shot out from the tip of the knight's sword, blowing the grass leaves on the ground flying non-stop, and a smile flashed on the corner of the knight's mouth.

It's over, they really still have a plan.

The knight's sword was raised quickly, and the moment it was swung, the ray of light suddenly increased and grew a lot longer. I thought it would not reach me, and I immediately entered the range.

"It's over, isn't it over?" I felt a chill in my heart, extremely unwilling, the CD time for taking the medicine hadn't come yet.


It can be compared to the power of sword energy, the huge sword light swept out across the air, and I was the first to receive the blow.

My body was in pain as if being torn apart, and my blood bar was completely emptied in just an instant. I looked down and saw 54 blood points, which is really fucking dangerous.

When the CD time was up, I quickly drank a bottle of dragon blood recovery preparation, and the blood-red sword swung out. The icy snowflakes immediately froze the four knights in front of me. Immediately afterwards, the combo of heavy blows also hit the frontmost knight. It was he who used the advanced skill of the knight profession "Holy Light Slash" that made me so embarrassed.

"Shua Shua ~,"

Twice in a row, the effect of the Xuanbing Sword finally appeared. The sharp ice cone pierced the seal of the Frozen Slash, and directly penetrated the bodies of the four knights. However, this time, it was not as simple as before. The damage from the two Xuanbing Sword and the Frozen Slash only knocked out about one-third of the vitality of these knights. It was no different than before.

iron plate,.

I have never hated iron plates as much as I do now in my life, and I will never take Murong Shanshan and Xin Yu to eat iron plate squid, dog day iron plate, ever again.

The ice melted, and a dazzling light burst out again.

It was Holy Light Slash again.

Could it be... can each of them know this perverted skill?

For a moment I froze,

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