Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Three hundred and fiftieth chapters half life reincarnation

Huh. How could mother's face become younger.

She crouched down. Tease the child who is sitting on the small bench. A beautiful smile is like a flower in full bloom.

"Xiao Linfan. Dad has gone to work. When he comes back, he will bring you a lot of biscuits~"

I remembered. as a child. Cookies are my biggest passion. I have been beaten by my father for biscuits. But I am still persistent. At that time. The neighbor's aunt pointed at me and said, "This child will not obey discipline in the future. His temper is too stubborn. You two will suffer in the future."

Mom laughed. She didn't care. Looking at the child's eyes is still full of warm love.

Is that the kid sitting on the little stool me? hehe. It really seems...

Gradually. The picture is getting further and further away. In the darkness. The light gradually increased. When I see clearly again. It was a very familiar scene. Under the willow tree. The girl with fluttering long hair smiled sweetly. She said to the boy next to her: "Lin Fan. You promised me that you would support me for the rest of your life. Don't go against your bill~"

"No. I will always support Xiaoyu. Let her be the happiest girl in the world..." the boy vowed.

I can't help but smile slightly. What a nasty dialogue. These two are. I was a fool at the beginning. And silly Xiaoyu?

Xiao Yu's smile gradually blurred. Immediately afterwards. I saw the figures of several young people. They were all wearing white sports T-shirts. The chest of the clothes is printed with the word "TOT" in big letters. Fluorescent lights kept flickering violently. The audience was full of Nantah students. They held the TOT team flag high. Shout out to the idol team.

The smiling Ye Qiu burst into tears of excitement. Holding the league championship trophy in his hand, he was speechless. And by his side. The same excited young man stared at a girl in the audience. There is a smile on the corner of the mouth.

off stage. A girl at the front. It is light rain.

The scene turns back to that rainy night. Xiaoyu's tears and rain melted together. And I dream innocently. Also fell apart that night.

"what can I help you."

The sounds of nature sounded in my ears. Turning around, I saw a pretty girl standing by the cold bus stop. A gray dress uniform. Wearing a pair of leather shoes. She looks at me. He smiled and said, "My name is Xu Lin. Are you lost? If you don't mind, come and sit with me..."

Xu Lin... Is it Miss Lin?

oh. correct. It was that cold night. She took me in on the streets. The distraught me.

The picture started to become chaotic again. I heard a lot of people talking. They are arguing. It seemed to be mocking again.

"Lin Fan. I'm sorry..."

I suddenly heard Xinyu's voice. It's Xin Yu. It was her voice.

But I can't see anything. But Xin Yu's crying echoed in her ears: "I'm sorry... I will never let you down again..." Xin Yu cried intermittently: "Trust me. I love you. I love you..."

Was it that night at the bar?

Xin Yu really changed. Although many habits have not changed. But after all. She will not fall again. She began to know how to cherish herself...

Xin Yu's crying. I saw Lu Xuehan smiling slightly in the dimple. She said: "Lin Fan, don't bully Xin Yu again~"

Another voice said, "Thank God she didn't bully me..."

Lu Xuehan smiled lightly. Beautiful.

The scene in front of me gradually blurred. soon. I saw a beautiful face. Snow greasy face. Beautiful eyes. A wicked smile on the corner of the mouth. Except Murong Shanshan. No MM will be so intoxicating.

"Lin Fan. I want to go out to play in the morning. Can you climb over the wall and come to the girls' dormitory to pick me up?"

Murong Shanshan's voice was very sweet.

The picture is chaotic. Then came the chill. Snowflakes began to fly in the sky. Murong Shanshan stood in the snow. He raised his snowy face. Let the soft snowflakes fall on your face. Melts quickly. Her coat was covered with pure white snow.

"Lin Fan. I hope it's winter all year round. It snows every day..."

"How is that possible. It's not too cold. I like summer. I want to see you in short skirts."

"You are beautiful. I won't show you even if I wear a short skirt~"

"Then how can you show it to me?"

"Do you want to see it? The requirements are not high. I want winter all year round..."

Murong Shanshan's beautiful figure gradually disappeared. I can no longer see anything. It's been a long time. There was still silence all around. No one spoke. I can't feel my breath either.

Could it be. Is this death?

Everything just now. It has definitely happened in the past. That's it. People are dying. The Life Essence clip will play back again. Then. Life will come to an end. Just saw everything. It's almost a reincarnation of my life.

hehe. have these. It seems even dead. It's worth it too.


The voice sounded again.

"He...hasn't woken up yet?"

It was Xin Yu's voice. But a little hoarse. Almost unrecognizable to me.

"No. The doctor said. If he doesn't wake up, Lin Fan...he can only live for another 36 hours..." Murong Shanshan's voice seemed so fragile. Almost crying to say these words.

At this time, Xu Lin's voice came: "Take Xuehan back to rest for a while. She cried all night. If this continues, the body will not be able to take it anymore."

Xin Yu smiled bitterly: "No need. Xue Han has to stay with Lin Fan all the time. Do you want to deprive her of spending the last 36 hours with Lin Fan, Sister Lin?"

Xu Lin sighed: "Silly girls. You have been eating, drinking, and resting. When Lin Fan woke up. Do you want him to see you haggard?"

"Sister Lin. Haven't you been resting too?"

"I'm worried..."

Murong Shanshan choked with sobs and said, "Xin Yu. If you can give half of your life to Lin Fan to extend his life for a year. Would you like it?"

Xin Yu sniffled. Say, "If I could. Of course I would. But..."

"It's fine if you want to. I think Xuehan will definitely be willing too. At least... at least we can live with Lin Fan for three years..." Murong Shanshan said. cried out again.

These silly girls. Do it for me. does it worth.

The doctor said I'd die if I didn't wake up in 36 hours. is this real. The key is. How can I wake up. Now. I can hear the conversation between Xin Yu and Murong Shanshan. But he couldn't express the message that he woke up. What's the matter...

I desperately wanted to move. But the body is completely uncontrollable motionless. Could it be. I really have to squeeze a few tears from the bubble drama.

This seems to be the only way. I squeezed my eyes desperately. But the damn tears just don't come out.

"Ah, Xin Yu. I saw Lin Fan's eyelashes moving just now." Murong Shanshan suddenly called out loudly.

Xin Yu observed for a long time. Said: "Shanshan, don't lie to me..."

I gradually felt my hands and feet became conscious. The left hand moved. Came across a piece of warmth.

Murong Shanshan's voice came again: "Xin Yu. Lin Fan's hand moved. Really. It touched my place..."

Xin Yu smiled wryly: "Do you want to play hooligans before you wake up? Lin Fan, wake up quickly. Shanshan doesn't care about suffering from that little loss..."

There is an oxygen tube over his mouth. Otherwise, I have to ask Murong Shanshan if he really cares. but. I can move my limbs. This is an indisputable fact.

finally. When I hold Xin Yu's soft little hand. She finally said pleasantly: "Lin Fan is really awake. Doctor. The doctor is coming soon. Lin Fan is awake..."

A group of doctors came quickly. It measures heartbeat and body temperature. It took a long time before they dispersed. One of them confessed: "If he wakes up, nothing will happen. He can be discharged from the hospital after half a month of recuperation. Remember to feed him some light food. Also, let him rest for a while today. Don't talk too much."

Xu Lin thanked repeatedly: "I know. Thank you, doctor."

finally. I opened my eyes. Finally, I saw these three MMs who were still dreaming about in the place of the dying. Without exception. The mental state of the three people is not very good. and. Eyes are red.

"Xuehan. Help me up..." the words came out. I just realized that I have no strength at all.

Lu Xuehan saw me talking. Weeping with joy, "No. The doctor said you should rest more."

"Then. Put my head up a bit. I want to take a good look at you. And Xinyu...and Shanshan...well. Which part of Shanshan did I touch just feels really good~"

Murong Shanshan smiled and wept. While wiping tears. While saying: "I won't tell you. You guess..."

Xin Yu helped me raise the pillow under my head. Said: "You need to rest more. If you have anything to say, just say it."

I glanced outside at the red sun. Said: "It's already morning. I've been in a coma all night. No wonder it feels like a century has passed."

"It's not morning. It's evening. You've been in a coma for 27 hours. These silly girls haven't closed their eyes for 27 hours..." Xu Lin said with red eyes.

"Then hurry up and go back to sleep. I don't want to have panda eyes in the future."

Xu Lin also persuaded: "That's right. Go back and eat something now. Sleep for a while. You can come back at night. Here. I sent Guo Zi and Li Qing to come over."

Lu Xuehan glanced at me. Said: "Then. Let's come back at night. By the way, Sister Lin. You are tired too. When they come, you can go back with us."

Xu Lin nodded: "Okay."

After several MMs left. Fengshen and Iceshen came in. There are four more security guards outside. Said to protect my safety at all times. And I was too physically weak. After drinking a little porridge from the nurse, I continued to sleep.


It was already late at night when I woke up again.

Li Qing and Guozi were both leaning against the hospital bed. Dozing off. The center of gravity looks unstable.


I called out. Li Qing didn't respond. MD. It's time for heavy medicine.

I cleared my throat. Said: "Wow. What a strong man."

Li Qing immediately opened his eyes. I looked around in a circle. At last his eyes fell on me. The judge said: "This is temporarily scrapped. It does not meet the use standards."

My day. Dare to say that I was scrapped.

Fruit also woke up. She smiled and said, "Lin Fan, you are really lucky. The doctor said. The knife was inserted between the lung lobes. As long as it deviates a little, you will have internal bleeding."

"Damn it. I really didn't think that Xuehan's brother would really do it. Uh..." I got a little angry. The wound already hurt like a tear. Cold sweat soon oozes from his forehead.

Li Qing quickly stood up. I took a towel to help me dry my sweat.

"Those things. You don't have to worry about them for the time being. Sister Lin has already arranged everything when she goes back. You just need to recover from your wounds. After half a month, you are still not a vigorous and strong man."

I said, "Qing'er, you are so fucking good at joking..."

Li Qing restrained his smile. Seriously said: "This incident is not funny at all. Do you know that seeing you in an accident, everyone panicked. Even Sister Lin turned purple with fright. Last evening. When you were in the operating room, Sister Lin refused to say a word. She was so scary at that time. I have never seen her so angry. "

Li Qing hissed. Show a smile. Then he said: "Xin Yu and Xue Han have been crying. This is not unexpected. But we didn't expect it. Murong Shanshan will cry for you. Don't look at her who doesn't care about anything. In fact, you are important in her heart. I don't know how important it is. This, I'm afraid even she doesn't know..."

I didn't say anything. close your eyes. But he remembered so many things that happened with Murong Shanshan. all the time. I only considered getting Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu to be my wives. But never thought about Murong Shanshan. But when I think of the comparison between our two backgrounds. I can no longer afford to think of Murong Shanshan as my girlfriend. compared to her. With a dark heart, I can only feel ashamed.

I laughed at myself. Li Qing looked at me suspiciously. Said: "Some things you can grasp yourself. I, an outsider, don't want to say too much."

I look up. Ask: "What time is it?"

"It's 9 o'clock in the evening. Xuehan and Shanshan probably haven't woken up yet. They haven't slept for such a long time. They must be exhausted..."

I laughed and said, "Shanshan loves to sleep. Let her sleep a little longer. Qing'er. You can stay here with me tonight. I'll tell you a little pornographic story..."

Li Qing chuckled and said, "No need. I have already emptied your dirty stories. I'd rather my sister tell you. Many of them are based on practice~ But I'm afraid you won't be able to take it. Such a serious injury. If you get interested, I can't help you put out the fire~"

MB. It's too fucking.

Xin Yu is not around. This girl always loves to fuck. I simply turned my face away and ignored her.

Li Qing smiled. Then he said, "Lin Fan. After you recover from your injury this time, we should go to Lingyin Mountain to burn incense. Maybe we can meet that crazy monk."

Crazy Monk... MB's Crazy Monk!

Every muscle in my face twitched. It was an experience I will never forget.

Xin Yu once recovered from a cold and asked everyone to accompany her to burn incense and fulfill her wish. As a result, I met a monk outside the monastery that day. With a "whoosh~", he took out a knife. Said to me: "All evil and adultery are the first. Donor. Let's cut it off."

I was sweating profusely: "Is it okay not to circumcise? I just came to burn incense..."

I found out later. The monk stole the nun from the nunnery next door and was punished by the abbot. So insane.

But since then. Li Qing always made fun of me: "I can't even make breakfast well. Cut it off..."


After a while. The nurse came to change the dressing.

It still hurts a bit when the gauze is removed. The knife really went deep enough. Fortunately, it didn't hit the heart directly. Otherwise, there is really no coming back.

Dressing nurses have blue stripes on their hats. It should be at the head nurse level. Big mom. Lack of interest.

After changing the medicine. I look at the light from the window. secretly thinking. Lu Xuehan and the others probably won't come over tonight. fair enough. You can take a good rest. And here I am. With Li Qing and Guozi to accompany him, it's still a good job.

But when I turned around. Lu Xuehan's delicate face appeared before her eyes.

Xin Yu was putting a thermos bottle on the bedside table. I also suddenly thought. I haven't eaten yet. I'm a little hungry.

Murong Shanshan's spirit was obviously much better. She smiled sweetly when she saw me. Say, "Do you have a desire to eat?"

I nod. She smiled and said: "It seems that the situation is very good~"

Xu Lin came over from behind. Said: "Guozi, Li Qing. The two of you will go back with me in a while. There must be no one in the company. Here. Just leave it to the three of them."

Li Qing and Guozi were immediately pardoned. Nodding again and again.

I struggled a bit. Chest hurts. Unable to get up by myself. So she said, "Shanshan. Help me sit up. I want to lean on the bedside to eat."

Murong Shanshan hesitated for a moment. I said, "Don't worry. I've almost recovered after more than ten hours. It's not a serious internal injury. Since no internal organs were injured, it can only be regarded as a skin injury~"

Murong Shanshan had no choice. I had to follow suit.

Xu Lin knew that I had something to say. So he came over and asked, "Why. What's on your mind."

I nod. Said: "Xuehan's elder brother. What happened afterwards."

"Later, I called the police. Including Li Guanghui, and a few others were taken away. This morning, Li Guanghui was released on bail by Xu Fei. However, they should not let it go so easily. I will definitely settle this account with them." Xu Lin revealed a murderous look when she spoke. Murong Shanshan and I were slightly surprised.

"Sister Lin. Xuehan's father and that woman. They are not at fault..."

Xu Lin raised her eyebrows. He said: "Why is there no fault? They came here with Li Guanghui. They made it clear that they planned to snatch Xuehan to Xu Fei's side in advance. It's just that Xu Fei just conspired with brother Xuehan alone to harm you."

What Xu Lin said was unquestionable: "It's obvious. This time Xu Fei is going to use someone else's hand to kill you."

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