Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 27: Plague Graveyard

Although it is daytime now, the road to the plague cemetery is very gloomy, and you can often see residents infected with the plague lying on the side of the road. Most of the grass piled up in piles of black bones. The plague has done too much damage to the people.

While marveling at the reality of the game, I cautiously watched the gradually disappearing avenue. There was no longer any avenue in front of me. There was only a forest infected with the plague virus. Xiaocao, a few level 18 forest spiders are lying in the grass far away, watching me as an unexpected visitor.

I saw that I was approaching level 17, so I might as well use these spiders as the last sacrifice!


System prompt: You have been infected with the plague virus of the forest spider, and the blood recovery speed will be reduced by 50% within 10 minutes, and you cannot use any beneficial medicine.

I can't help but be speechless, this plague virus is overkill, if there is no priest, everyone here will probably die, and even the medicine will not be given, but then again, few people can afford the store now For the medicines sold, Murong Shanshan's MM who spends money like water should be regarded as an exception.

Quickly cut down the third spider. At this time, I have less than half of my HP left. Fortunately, I have also successfully upgraded to level 17 at this time. What surprised me is that the plague virus has also been upgraded. The light was washed away, and he immediately took out a bottle of ketchup and poured it down, so that he wouldn't be too passive when encountering spiders next.

I picked up a small blue bottle that the spider exploded. Although there is no clear price tag now, this small blue bottle has been sold for 5RMB a bottle on the black market. It is very expensive, but there are many rich people, and there are many people who buy it. yes.

Going forward, there are no spiders, or even creatures, and the atmosphere becomes more and more depressing. Occasionally, when the wind blows, you can hear creepy screams.

I'm not a brave person, I shivered all over, and immediately connected to Xin Yu's intercom: "Beauty, what are you doing?"

Xin Yu's tone was still so ambiguous: "Why, miss me?"

"No, it's just that I'm a little bored now, why don't you sing a song to ease the atmosphere."

"Come on, I can't sing anything except Shibamo, do you want to listen?" Xin Yu said with a wicked smile.

"Forget it! Remember to call me when you have lunch."

"No need, the little beauty Xuehan will call you, how can I get such an errand~"


I turned off the intercom, although I couldn't hear the song, but my mood did improve a lot. I felt that Xin Yu was quite cute sometimes.

After walking westward for nearly half an hour in the uninhabited forest, the gloomy plague cemetery finally appeared in front of my eyes. The woods gradually decreased and were replaced by forests of steles, which can be seen from a distance. I saw pale undead skeleton warriors walking back and forth in the cemetery.

A dilapidated old house stands on the highest hillside of the cemetery. In the surrounding cemetery, there are some graves that have been excavated. You can even see the bones of the dead in the cemetery. There is a slight rancid smell, and I desperately hold back my stomach. I felt sick in my stomach, and checked the distribution of the skeleton warriors far away. This kind of level 22 monsters is not something I can easily single out a group of.

Slowly approaching, when I drew out my sword, a skeleton warrior found me!

Skeleton warriors move very fast! Before I could react, it was already in front of me. When I raised the sword, its sword had already slashed heavily on my body.


I was taken aback, this monster's attack was a bit exaggerated, even the level 21 boss couldn't hit me with so much blood at once? My sword was also chopped off...


That's right, I'm not mistaken, you can hit so many without a fatal blow! The blood of the level 22 skeleton was reduced by nearly half, followed by another sword strike.


The skeleton warrior at level 22 was instantly killed by me twice!

I immediately understood that although this kind of undead monster has a high attack, its physical defense and vitality are pitifully low. The experience I gained just now is three times that of killing a level 18 monster. Is it a swordsman who defends? Ordinary mages can't resist this kind of perverted attack at all, and warriors with poor attack output don't have strong attack output to quickly deal with monsters, so they are easily ravaged to death by monsters.

With the blessing of tomato sauce, with my reaction speed, I can cut a sword before the skeleton warrior makes a move. In this way, each skeleton warrior can only attack me once, and I can barely keep fighting like this. After a while I wiped out the monsters in a cemetery, and my level 17 experience increased by 30% within an hour. If this continues, I will be able to reach level 18 before eating at noon!

The plague cemetery is divided into nine blocks in total, forming a huge circle with the ancient house in the center. Such a huge leveling resource almost made my mouth water.

Looking at the level rankings, I have suppressed the mad battle and jumped to the first place in the city. Immediately, I ran happily to a nearby cemetery. The monster I just spawned gave me four middle The amount of blood bottles, each can restore 500 points of blood volume, the current market price is 1 gold coin each, it is all money, save it and sell it for money in the future!

When I was planning how to attract monsters, I suddenly saw a small dilapidated house on the hillside next to it, and I could vaguely see a figure inside.

Slowly pushing open the door, I found an old man lying on the bed already gasping for breath, his chest had been festered and rotted due to the plague virus, and only his weak breathing could prove that he was alive.

This must be a mission!

I immediately walked over to talk to him, he glanced at me, and said what happened here: "I am the guardian of the cemetery here, but unfortunately a group of necromancers came here three years ago, they brought death, It also brought a terrible plague. Since then, no living person has dared to come here. The dead in the cemetery have been summoned into unconscious skeletons. Half a year ago, I was also infected with a plague. A wanderer told me that a kind of Qingyou flower that grows in the cemetery can relieve this plague, but I don’t have the strength to get up anymore, young man, can you help me find Qingyou flower?”

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