After the female voice. Fengshen's voice came: "I'm sorry. Please reveal your identity. Otherwise, we can't let you in."

"Go and ask Lin Fan. Let's just say Ah Yue came to see him..."

soon. Fengshen opened the door and entered. But I said ahead of time, "Let him in."

Fengshen was stunned. He said in a low voice: "Boss, you are really amazing. I didn't get a few at home, but I got another one outside. The one outside is very beautiful. Your vision is really poisonous~~"

Another fucking misunderstanding. Ah Yue and I are pure. There is a lesson to be learned from heaven and earth. But I can't be bothered to explain. There is no need to explain to this kid at all.

"You let her in. She's a friend of mine."

"Well. Then I won't bother you."

After Fengshen went out. Only Ah Yue came in alone. She was wearing a pure white uniform. It seems that he just came from the company. but. Still in the game in the morning. It seems. She also has the bad habit of playing games at work.

Ah Yue put an exquisite gift box on the bedside table. I hurriedly said with a smile: "Why. You should bring some fruit or flowers when you come to visit the wounded number."

Ah Yue laughed and said, "Fruits. Are you missing those things after Lin Fan is hospitalized? As long as you want them. I'm afraid someone can buy a few fruit shops and give them to you. As for flowers. The so-called flowers are given to beauties. You should give them to me~~"

I smiled. His eyes stayed on the gift box. Curiously asked: "So, Miss Ayue, what's in this?"

"Guess~" Ah Yue God looked mysterious.

The box is not very big. rectangle. It stands to reason that it is unlikely to be eaten. This reminds me of the birthday present Li Qing received back then. The same box. It contained a lot of bulk Durex. At that time, Li Qing's face was purple with anger. Said to the man: "Get lost. I know my wife doesn't like men who use condoms. How dare you give me this."

certainly. Ah Yue couldn't have given me that. If you send that, the meaning is too obvious. Women are always shy in front of the man they love. It was as if Xin Yu had been refusing to take the initiative to come to my room at night.

I stared at the box for a long time. I said, "It can't be sweet-scented osmanthus cake."

"Of course not..." Ah Yue glanced at me angrily. Said: "Take it apart and see for yourself."

So I reached for the box. Uncover the ribbon on top. Flip open the lid. immediately. A beautiful book leaps into view. On the cover is a big ass pixie beauty. The title of the book is "Moonwell".

Ah Yue explained with a smile: "The days in the hospital were quite boring. This book is good. So I bought it for you. Yes. I drove all over Suzhou and found it in several big bookstores~"

This kind of book. I guess I can't stand it. never mind. Since people gave it, I will accept it. Show it to Lu Xuehan later.

"That's so embarrassing. I accepted the gift that you worked so hard to get."

Ah Yue smiled slightly. Sitting on the side of the bed, he said, "Anyway, I'm partly responsible for your injury this time. In fact, I should have noticed that my cousin was about to strike hard. But, I really didn't expect him to go too far. It's no wonder that his subordinates will continue to betray. Even people like Berserk, who used to be like watchdogs, occasionally resist cousin's orders."

I asked: "Ah Yue. Are you still staying at Xu Fei's house recently?"

Ah Yue laughed uncontrollably: "What are you talking about. I haven't lived there for a few days at all. I have a house in the urban area. I just pass by their house when I get off work to grab a meal. Auntie's cooking skills are very good."

"You live alone."

I regretted it when I asked. But it is impossible to get it back. I had no choice but to secretly pray that Ah Yue would not misunderstand.

Who knows that the sky doesn't follow people's wishes. Ah Yue really misunderstood. She pursed her lips. looked at me funny. Question: "Yes. I live alone all the time. Besides, I have a matching stereo in my room. My dad bought it from a trustee in England. It works very well. If, if you still want to invite me to watch night market movies. In fact, I can do it at home~"

I resentfully said: "There is a chance. Look at me now. I don't know when I will recover."

Ah Yue chuckled lightly. At this time. A pleasant bell rang. It came from Ah Yue's bag. She quickly took out her mobile phone. He glanced at the number on it. The smiling face suddenly turned cold. Answered: "Aren't you very busy recently? Why don't you call me when you have time?"

The ward was not generally quiet. The voice on the other end of the phone was very clear. .

"Ah Yue, you don't seem happy. I've been busy with some business matters recently. I can't help it. Dad insisted that I take over the management of several subsidiaries. This burden is not small. However, no matter how busy you are, you can't ignore you. Isn't it. By the way. Where are you now. Let me treat you to dinner at noon. It's just right. Mom is on a business trip to Nanjing today."

It was Xu Fei's voice. I was very impressed with his voice. Of the sanctimonious type. Without deep contact. It's easy to be fooled by the dandy's voice and looks.

Ah Yue sneered and said: "Really. Are you really busy with company affairs. I seem to have heard that you drove to Yangzhou by yourself two days ago. When you came back, you brought three people with you. They were Lu Xuehan's family members. That's right. The plan is good. Use other people's hands to get rid of Lin Fan's thorn in his side. Don't tell me. Uncle taught you these dirty methods."

Xu Fei said in surprise: "How do you know this? Who told you. Is it Liu Yun? Tell me."

Ah Yue laughed and said: "Don't push everything on Liu Yun. Hmph. If it weren't for her, the current Merry World would have disbanded a long time ago. You wouldn't be proud of it today. And, have you told Liu Yun about these things. You don't trust her at all. Don't you. I know from somewhere that you don't need to know. If you want people to know, you can't do it yourself."

"Ah Yue. Let's not talk about this for now. Why make a fuss about this kind of thing." Xu Fei began to play sloppy.

"Then you are tantamount to admitting that you instructed Lu Xuehan's brother to harm Lin Fan."

Xu Fei was very cautious. He simply smiled and said, "Don't just put on a hat on this matter. I can't afford it. Let's talk about lunch. Where are you now. I'll drive over to pick you up right away."

Ah Yue was expressionless. Said: "I don't need to report to you where I am. I can find a place to eat by myself. You don't need to call again."

finished. She quickly hung up the phone. Smile at me. This cute expression is completely different from the expression when talking to Xu Fei just now.

I jokingly asked, "That's how you treat your cousin."

"That kind of person. What kind of attitude should I use? Return my cousin. Say he is my cousin. I feel blushing."

Ah Yue looked annoyed. She said again: "If it wasn't for him, you wouldn't be lying on the hospital bed. Wouldn't you? Look at how miserable you are now. Isn't it. Even you have to be fed."

"No. I can..."

I suddenly remembered Lu Xuehan's clumsy feeding skills. It's no different than stuffing ducks. while she was feeding. I am both happy and miserable.

Ah Yue said: "Lin Fan, how do you deal with your meals here. Why not. I'll go out and buy you some dishes you want later."

I couldn't help being a little moved. So many MMs I met are actually kind and considerate. Even if it's a promiscuous girl like Guo Zi and Li Qing. In fact, there is nothing to say about being good to one's own people.

I said: "Thank you. No need. Shanshan helped me prepare the meal at noon. I will deliver it later~"

Ah Yue showed a disappointed expression. He murmured, "Is that so..."

The voice just fell. Murong Shanshan's voice came from outside the door: "You guys go to eat. Go early and come back early. I'm here for now."

She dismissed security. Quickly open the door and come in.

Ah Yue sat by the bed. Murong Shanshan couldn't help being slightly surprised. I moved my mouth. Said: "Ah here too..."

"Yes. I'm coming to visit Lin Fan..." Ah Yue felt a little embarrassed. After she glanced at me. Said: "Since Shanshan has come, then I won't bother you for dinner. There is still something to do in the company. Let's go~"

Murong Shanshan hurriedly kept the guests: "It's okay, Ah Yue. Let's stay and eat together. I brought a lot of food. I can't finish it with Lin Fan. What a pity to waste~"

I also said, "Yes. I came here. Both Shanshan and I feel sorry for not having a meal..."

But Ah Yue did not. I had no choice but to agree. She found a stool. Sit a little further away. Murong Shanshan sat beside me unceremoniously. Start packing up those freshly brought meals. Not too little indeed. Three meat, two vegetables and one soup. Before opening the lid, you can smell an attractive fragrance.

Murong Shanshan said with a smile: "These. Xin Yu cooked them herself. She said that these are the ones you like to eat. She also promised to teach me how to cook these dishes in a few days~"

"Why do you learn these things. You don't want to be a chef in the future."

Murong Shanshan was startled. He smiled and said, "It's always good to master one more skill~"

Obviously prevarication. I didn't follow up. Picked up the spoon and took a sip of the soup. It tastes really good.

"Ah Yue. Sit over here. Try Xin Yu's handicraft~"

Ah Yue blinked. He smiled and asked: "Xin Yu. Is it the beautiful archer? The temptation of green vegetables."

I nodded and said, "You know her too. That's right. It's Xin Yu. The one with the big boobs~~"

Murong Shanshan said sourly: "Emotionally, you've been focusing on observing Xin Yu's breasts on weekdays. Hmph. When Xin Yu comes tonight, I'm going to sue~"

"Haha. It's okay. I said the same in front of Xin Yu~"

Ah Yue covered her mouth and smiled lightly. Said: "I didn't expect your relationship to be so good. To be honest. I'm a little jealous~."

Neither Murong Shanshan nor I said anything. Let Ah Yue be jealous.

The last time I ate with Ah Yue was at a hot pot restaurant. She didn't change much this time either. Still eating in small bites. While repeatedly praising Xin Yu's cooking skills. If Xin Yu had been there, she would have been overwhelmed with pride.


After dinner. Ah Yue said nothing. Probably the company really has something to do. It's not good for Murong Shanshan and I to stay any longer. I can only let her go back first.

After Ah Yue left. Murong Shanshan's eyes fell on the gift left by Ah Yue. She said: "Lin Fan, Ah Yue is very caring. She even knows how to buy you books to pass the time. Xinyu, Xuehan, I and I never thought of this..."

She was obviously jealous. I smiled. Said: "What are you talking about. You know it too. I don't like reading physical books at all. Even my favorite Jinlin is a downloaded online book. Besides, reading books to kill time has long been outdated. You, Xuehan, and Xinyu stay here with me. Time flies by."

Murong smiled slowly. Smiling, "That sounds really comfortable~"

I cleaned up the leftovers from the meal. Throw it into the trash can.

"Shanshan. This morning. We killed those Merry World players. Did you have any reaction afterward? Also. We all declared war on Merry World. Xu Fei didn't know if there was any indication."

Murong Shanshan said: "I also rushed here as soon as I got offline. Of course I don't have time to read it. Didn't Xinyu bring you a laptop yesterday. Open it up and have a look."

I immediately took the book from the side. Boot up and go online. Open Yueheng's official website. East China Mirror.

really. There has been a lot of noise on the forum. Almost all the players in the main city of Silver Moon are discussing the official declaration of war between the two major alliances of the guild. While anticipating the wonderful battle of Silvermoon City in the future. There are also many people who are speculating on the fuse of this great change. quickly. Finally someone is paying attention to my bloodshed.

actually. Originally, I hid my injury well. But it is not known who posted a message online. As a result, it went viral. Its transmission speed is not much worse than the Yanzhao Sect's transmission speed back then.

Some people also guessed the reason why Xu Fei harmed me. Most of them thought that Xu Fei fell in love with Murong Shanshan and Lu Xuehan. And that beautiful archer with a straight and full chest. What they guessed about Xu Fei's motives was correct. However, Xu Fei intends to get his hands on Lu Xuehan alone. He didn't have the guts to deal with Murong Shanshan. As for Xin Yu. Maybe it's not as pure as Lu Xuehan's. Men generally like pure little girls. Just like loving a virgin.

War soon ensues. in. In the leveling area in the north of Silvermoon City. Some players from Scarlet Sky and Merry World immediately tore their skins open. The first major battle broke out between their old allies. Both sides invested hundreds of troops each. Mutual casualties.

Murong Shanshan blinked her eyes. He smiled and said, "I didn't expect Xuehong to be very trustworthy. The dispute with Merry World this time is a very good start. From now on, Silvermoon City will probably not be peaceful."

I said: "The days of unrest will not be too long. Haven't you already arranged chess pieces with the core members of Fengliu Tianxia. Keep abreast of Xu Fei's movements. As far as I know, Xu Fei will organize a large-scale guild leveling activity every three days. Each time there are thousands of people dispatched. Sometimes he can occupy several connected leveling areas for several days."

Seeing Murong Shanshan listening with great interest. I continued: "They are like moths. Every time they go to a place, they collect all the local resources. The BOSS is also cleaned up. Hmph. Let's catch them a few more times. Every time they cause more than half of their casualties. If they come a few more times, not only Xu Fei's patience will disappear. Even his guild members will lose their last dependence on Merry World. At that time, we don't have to do anything, I'm afraid Merry World will also be declared disintegrated."

Murong Shanshan smiled sweetly. Said: "Then. We must take action next. I have already found out. At nine o'clock tomorrow morning, Xu Fei has organized members to practice leveling on the plain south of Silvermoon City. And it is a relatively large event. It is said that the number of participating players has reached about 5,000. What do you think? Do you want to organize members of the guild to encircle them immediately?"

I asked, "Is this news accurate?"

"Absolutely. It was confirmed by the unanimous words of several people."

I chuckled: "That's easy. Sister Lin has allocated 5,000 active players for me to dispatch. It should be enough to eat the thousands of Xu Fei. Haha. Kill a few more times. See if there are still people who will stay in Merry World."

Murong Shanshan shook her head. Said: "No. 5,000 people are too few. Even if they are severely injured, your own losses will not be small. I should also go to the guild and recruit a group of elites. Let's attack on both sides. Let's have a perfect annihilation battle."

"Haha. Your kung fu of throwing stones into a well is really deep in the essence..."

Murong Shanshan glanced at me. Some worried and asked: "But your body. Can it withstand high-intensity games? Tomorrow's battle will last for a long time if there are no accidents. Moreover. If Xu Fei seeks help from Berserker and the Ax Gang, we may be even more strenuous."

I smiled: "Don't worry. If Xu Fei asks for help, we can do it too. And the thugs we are looking for are much more powerful than those from Berserker and Ax Gang. TOT has also upgraded its guild to a second-level guild with 40,000 people not long ago. Not to mention Scarlet Sky. Their pure player strength is still quite good. Moreover, our Lost Paradise will be upgraded in these two days. Then we will introduce 20,000 new players. What is a Merry World?"

There are many players in Silvermoon City. The grades also vary. But at the current stage, players whose level exceeds 60 have basically joined relatively large guilds. Such as Paradise Lost, TOT, Swords and Roses, etc. And those who are not too high level can only feel a little bit wronged and find a small guild that is not popular to join. and. With the continuous explosion of the proof of the establishment of the group. There will be more and more guilds. The main city is prosperous. There are more and more signs of letting a hundred schools of thought let go. And these. They are also the new forces that will be relied on in the future national war.

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