Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 29: Murong Shanshan

Xin Yu hesitated for a long time, and said, "Do you... want to eat a cone, it costs four yuan each, the kind sold in KFC..."

I was surprised and said: "But just after eating, you are not afraid of getting fat?"

"Come with me, I'll treat you~!" Xin Yu's voice started to grow louder, and her great chest trembled a few times.

I swallowed my saliva, and said with difficulty: "Okay, okay, don't waste time, I'm really afraid of you..."

"What did you say?!" Xin Yuxiu frowned, her face turned cold.

I was startled, and said in a low voice, "I... I just said you are beautiful..."

"Hmph, I hope that's the best."

Xin Yu couldn't help but dragged me into the KFC under the nearby big supermarket, ordered a few chicken wings, brought me a drink, smiled at me, and said, "Do you want to eat chicken wings? My sister invites you?"

"No, I'll just drink some Coke."

At noon, KFC was almost full. At this time, four beautiful girls walked in from the outside, and while discussing something, they sat down on the seats next to Xinyu and me.

One of the girls went shopping, and the other three looked filled with righteous indignation, discussing:

"You said, that Yu Yang, that kind of thing... a person like him can also be a school security guard?" One of the girls with single eyelids pouted and said bitterly.

Another short-haired girl went on to say: "Originally I was already level 13, but now I'm fine, and I'm back to level 11. I won't be able to reach level 13 until tomorrow, and I can use a skill I just learned because my level is one level lower. "

"You're okay, it's just that you dropped two levels. I even blew one of my magic robes that increase intelligence by 2. I spent a week's living expenses on it. Now I have nothing. If you were me , don’t cry to death?”

"By the way, Shanshan's blue warrior leggings have already been obtained, have you seen them?"

"No, just wait until Shanshan comes over and ask again."

I was shocked, could it be that they are Murong Shanshan's group?

"Wow, I've invited everyone this time. I'm really sorry to let everyone down because of my equipment." A beautiful girl with long hair fluttering over came carrying a lot of things.

I turned my head to look, and immediately felt amazed. In reality, Murong Shanshan is more youthful and beautiful than in the game. A milky white woolen coat complements her pink face so cute.

There are only half-person-high wooden shelves on both sides, and I can even clearly see their every move. Murong Shanshan walked in and sat down on the seat inside, just shoulder to shoulder with me, the distance must not exceed 20 cm, vaguely You can still smell a fresh scent on her body.


The milk tea in Xin Yu's hand fell heavily on the table, and I turned around to see her angry face.

"Why, do you want to watch other girls when you eat KFC with your girlfriend?" Xin Yu said with a blank expression.

I rubbed my head and said, "I seem to know this girl, so I took a second look, wait... When did you become my girlfriend, why didn't I, the client, know?"

Xin Yu tilted her head and looked at me: "What's the matter? Don't want to admit it after eating and wiping it off?"

I was completely amazed by her shamelessness, and was speechless for a while.

"How about we let this fact come true immediately?" Xin Yu continued to seduce with a smile, but at this time my attention was attracted by the next table again.

"Shanshan, that blue equipment, tell me, what attribute?"

Murong Shanshan's long eyelashes flicked lightly, and she said proudly: "A blue warrior uses leggings. You guys are all seated. Don't be frightened by attributes!"

"Come on, hurry up and say it!"

Murong Shanshan took a sip of Coca-Cola, smiled and said, "+28 Defense, Strength +12, Stamina +8, Dexterity +11, how about it, hey... Coco, you bastard, don't drool on the plate! "

I was also shocked by this attribute, is this blue equipment? Plus 11 agility? That is an attribute that attacking fighters dream of. The attribute that increases agility not only increases attack speed and movement speed, but also has a great impact on the critical strike rate of melee occupations. In the later stage, the rogue with pure agility has a fast attack speed and runs faster than other professions. Without being affected by the slow skill, the fighter profession will definitely not be able to catch up.

"Hey, Shanshan, the handsome guy next to you is looking at you, oh...and drooling~! Wow, so wretched!"

Xin Yu also kicked me under the table, and I realized that I had lost my composure. Murong Shanshan turned to look at me, and the close look made me feel my face was hot.

A blush even appeared on Murong Shanshan's snowy face, she looked at me fixedly, and said hesitantly, "Have we met somewhere?"

I broke out in a cold sweat, only then did I realize that I had changed my appearance in the game. Compared with the current me, at best, it was a resemblance, and I shouldn't be recognized.

I thought about it for a while and said calmly: "Beauty, we should have never seen it before. I should be very impressed with a beauty like you."

Murong Shanshan pursed her lips and smiled, glanced at me and said, "It's okay, since it's such a coincidence, let's get to know each other. You should be playing "Yueheng" just now, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't have heard about the equipment. The attributes are drooling..."

Ke Ke blinked her eyes suddenly, and asked in a low voice, "Do you think he is drooling because of your beauty?"

"Definitely not!" Murong Shanshan whispered, a smile flickered on the corner of her mouth: Does a lecherous man still have such clear eyes?

"Shanshan, what did you say about Yu Yang?"

"I don't know. Anyway, try not to meet him in the future. If Qingcai wasn't there that day, my mission would definitely be in vain!"

"Speaking of which, Qingcai can be considered a handsome guy, um, he's about the same as the guy next door. Hey, Shanshan, what do you think of Qingcai?"

Murong Shanshan said with a light smile: "That guy, he's just out for sale, he needs money for everything, as if he can't live without money."

Xin Yu looked at me ambiguously, and was desperately trying to hold back her laughter. At this moment, she also knew that the vegetable these girls were talking about should be me, otherwise I wouldn't have stared at him just now.


Xin Yu wiped her hands and said, "Lin Fan, let's go back."

I nodded, and when I passed by Murong Shanshan, she just smiled and looked at me as a greeting.


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