Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 386 Field Fortress

inadvertently. For the creation of the alluring Rhino Armored Cavalry Regiment. Murong Shanshan and I's trip to the City of Wind has been extended a lot. On the plains where the rhinos live. We stayed for as long as half a month. Almost every day, day and night, I beat the seal stone of the rhino mount. I don't know how much the blue weapon has been worn out. Fortunately, the main equipment of the rhinoceros is the weapon. So I barely survived.

What's even more weird is that Murong Shanshan's orc subordinates actually changed after killing monsters for a long time. The original white name first turned light green. Then it changed to light blue. Then dark blue. at last. It actually stayed on top of orange. Murong Shanshan told me. It turns out that the pets summoned by equipment attributes such as the psychic sword have grades. The more monsters the pet kills. The more experience you have accumulated. When experience is enough. Grade upgrade. The overall attributes of pets will also be greatly improved. At this time, her four orc leaders were all upgraded to the fourth level because they killed a large number of rhinos. It should be the highest level.

The Tier 4 orc is undoubtedly an amazingly destructive unit. In the past, it took half a minute for four orcs to kill a rhino. Now. It's just an orc fighting a rhino. It only took less than half a minute to successfully deal with the other party. even. Even Qi and blood will not be reduced much.

Because of this. Our leveling speed increases geometrically. I didn't do any tasks in just half a month. Just by killing monsters, I rushed to level 90. Probably because of the relationship between directly killing monsters and gaining more experience points. Now Murong Shanshan's level has caught up with me. The same is 90. And this time. The leveling speed of other players is also not slow. Lu Xuehan, Xin Yu, and Xu Lin have all reached level 80 and completed the third-rank mission. And the guild except them. In addition, nearly 50 advanced players also completed the three-turn. These include Never Surrender and Night Kill. This is Xu Lin's death order. Her original words were as follows: "You two are the main management players of our Lost Paradise. If the level is not ahead of others, who will dump you."

then. Almost a week. Xu Lin, Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan concentrated on bringing Never Surrender and Night Kill to level 80. otherwise. With the killing speed of the two of them. At least half a month to meet the requirements of the third rank.

On the Rhino Plains. In addition to gaining more experience. Another thing that makes me feel very relieved is that. Under the premise of killing monsters in large numbers. The number of rhinoceros seal stones we have obtained has exceeded 200. That's why we stayed here for so long. A total of 250 rhinoceros seal stones. It is no problem to organize a small cavalry team.

Looking at the sealing stones piled up in the package. I said with relief: "Finally, the first step has been completed. The next time is to wait for the group of knights in the guild to reach level 80 early."

Murong Shanshan was killing monsters. Taking back the long sword, he smiled and said, "Didn't you entrust Xin Yu to her when you invited her to dinner N days ago? I think. On Silver Moon Mountain. If there are hundreds of high-level mages helping to level up, the level of those knights It should be promoted very quickly. Don't worry about it. Can you still not trust Xin Yu's ability?"

I smiled: "Of course. Xinyu and Xuehan are very capable. I already knew that. By the way, Shanshan. Those thieves we killed in the morning. This is already the first batch."

"I don't remember it so clearly. There are probably two dials a day..."

Within half a month. We are harassed by Japanese players almost every day. Originally they were in groups. Generally, there are basically several hundred people. But later, after being attracted by me to destroy the rhino group a few times, it was changed to harassment by a small group of players. It's also painless. The most violent offensive was the one four days ago. About a thousand people came. Almost didn't block the mouth of the valley. but. Later, Murong Shanshan and I retreated directly into the depths of the plain. Facing a group of 100-level rhinos. Those Japanese players have nothing to do. I just couldn't muster the courage to rush in. I am afraid. Even rush in. None of them were able to return alive. The highest level among them is only in the early 80s. It is purely a piece of cake in front of a level 100 enhanced monster. Besides. Rhino monsters refresh quickly. Refreshing one end in the crowd is equivalent to setting off a small bomb. Made them miserable.

Murong Shanshan said again: "Lin Fan. We've been here for so long. Let's leave this afternoon. Otherwise, I feel like I'm dying of old age. I haven't seen Silver Moon City and Sword and Rose for a long time. I miss them a little. These days. The management of the guild. I have been in direct contact with the young and frivolous by phone. I have been away for so long. Many people in the guild wonder if I have stopped playing. Fortunately. There are many forums where we are in the wind The deeds of the city. This made them feel a little more at ease."

I said: "Complete the task of the wilderness stronghold. Then go to the mountains behind the Wind City to search. If you can't find it, let's go back to Silvermoon City. Okay."


Murong Shanshan nodded. Said, "Come on. Go to Field Hold now. You should be there by dinner time."

I'm also reminded of that half-parchment quest. We still have to go to the field stronghold to find the captain. Kill him and get back the other half of the parchment and go back to the city of life to find the high priest.

Travel across the valley and directly off the plains. The value of keeping us here has been lost. Be able to be patient and hit 250 rhinoceros seal stones here. This is already the maximum that Murong Shanshan and I can do. Fortunately, there is a beautiful woman by his side. Otherwise I'd be really crazy. In this fringe town of the City of Wind. Except the two of us. Not even half of the players can speak Chinese. I feel isolated from the world.

There are no players outside the valley. It also made our departure easier. estimate. Soon there will still be Japanese players risking their lives to enter this plain. but. At that time, only level 100 rhinos were waiting for them.

Follow the map markers made by Xin Yu. We walked all the way to the direction of the field fortress. I met several Japanese players on the road. They are still relatively friendly. We were only slightly surprised to see us. Didn't do anything. Murong Shanshan and I didn't kill them either. Although they may give away our whereabouts. but. There is no such thing as "dead men don't tell secrets" in the game. Get rid of them here. After returning to the city, he was alive and kicking again. That would make our image very bad. The operation of the city of wind this time. We are based on the principle of "killing more valuable NPCs and less worthless players". in the game. NPCs are much more valuable than players.

The distance turned out to be much shorter than we expected. We reached the edge of the mountain after only three hours. Stand on top of the cap. Looking down, I saw a rather imposing building sitting in a wide valley. It just blocked the way out of the valley and the way out of the plain on the other side. Well, the big valley is filled with human buildings in this way.

The foundations and substructure of the fortress are all composed of huge mountain rocks. The walls are high. It is covered with human archer NPCs. The gates of the fort are open. Players coming and going in and out of the mountains. It is also a relatively good leveling area to come to this mountain range. Many players in Wind City should choose this place as a long-term leveling point.

I counted them. Said: "There are nearly a hundred archers on the city wall. There are more than 50 guards below the city. I don't know if there are troops inside the fortress. If there is, it is really troublesome. We are not fighting a small organization. It's challenging the entire military."

Murong Shanshan smiled slightly. Said: "What are you afraid of? Those NPCs are only at level 90. My fourth-order orc is at least equivalent to the ability of a 110-level elite NPC. You can give it a go."

"But don't forget that there are still many players resupplying here. If things don't go wrong. As long as we appear, they will definitely cooperate with NPCs to attack us. The reputation of the two of us is very bad in Wind City. It is estimated that now Few Japanese players don’t know our names anymore. Chinese characters are easier to recognize than Japanese. They will definitely recognize our names quickly.”

"It doesn't matter. You can't give up on this mission. Besides, this fortress blocks all the way out. In fact, it is equivalent to a ZONE on a map. If we don't break through here, it is impossible to go to the main city of the City of Wind. Yes. Look there."

Murong Shanshan stretched out her finger and pointed into the distance. Said: "That huge city should be the City of Wind. It is close in front of us. Our hard work for so many days will not be in vain. In fact, there is nothing to be afraid of. Don't rush once. How do you know that you really can't do it. "

finished. Murong Shanshan pulled out the psychic sword. He resolutely looked at the fortress below. The mountain wind blew across her face. Take a few strands of hair. The fiery red cloak fluttered in the wind. The whole picture is very similar to the goddess of jihad.

I had to say: "Let's go. But be careful. Don't let the orc leader die. These pets are good. They can be used for leveling until we reach level 100."

"Yeah. Got it. Let's go."

When I look again. Murong Shanshan had already walked down the hillside. Facing towering fortresses and strict guards. No fear at all.

I also rushed down. A few minutes later, we arrived at the gate of the fortress. Several human guards were surprised. The sudden appearance of two hostile players on the edge of the hinterland caught them by surprise. So the guard then began to warn loudly:

"Enemy attack. Enemy attack."

city ​​wall. A man who looked like an officer immediately ordered loudly: "Close the city gate immediately. All archers focus on shooting."

I didn't let them close the door smoothly. He rushed forward quickly. A sword cut through a guard who was about to close the door. By the way, attach a foot. He kicked the heavy door open violently. The door is covered with iron sheets. The shock made my feet hurt. Fortunately, he was wearing spirit weapon boots. Otherwise, blood may be lost.

Murong Shanshan waved the psychic sword. Four newly added bloodthirsty orcs immediately appeared in front of the guards. The huge broadsword slashed up mercilessly. and. Orcs have a particularly loud voice. The four of them let out a frightening roar. Those guards who had enjoyed peace for a long time were all shocked. Coupled with the fierce offensive of the orcs. soon. The guards outside the gate began to show signs of rout.

city ​​wall. A rain of arrows rained down. Seeing this, I immediately leaned closer to Murong Shanshan. Swing the sword to block.

"Papa papa~."

After all, the speed is limited. I can only swing a small part of the arrows. The rest of the sharp arrows still hit our armor. Level 90 NPCs have limited attack power. What's more, archers have no shooting skills. So I just feel itchy. Murong Shanshan also giggled and said, "Hurry up and hide in the city. It's really uncomfortable to be attacked by archers. It's like hailstorm."

She said it easily. But not far from us, a few Japanese players who had no time to dodge accidentally became victims of the rain of arrows. After a few screams. All turned into white light and went back to the city. have no idea. Killed by NPC by mistake. Who bears this responsibility.

quickly. The orcs cleared out several guards blocking the door. When Murong Shanshan and I hid inside the city gate. The orcs had already rushed into the crowd of guards in the city with their broad swords in their hands.

Too fucking bloody.

I couldn't help myself. Dragging the Sword of Warsong also rushed in. Murong Shanshan was greatly surprised. Called from behind: "You guy. Don't worry. Wait for me..."

A normal NPC at level 90. If it is a warrior category. The attack power and defense value are not high. When I killed a mage NPC who was the most threatening to us with a combo and a heavy blow. I casually identified the main types of guards here. .

[Fortress Guard] (Ordinary NPC.. Status: Hostile)

Level: 90

Attack: 2400-2850

Defense: 1600

Vitality: 40000

Attack Type: Normal

Defense Type: Heavy Armor


Since there are only 40,000 blood points. That's easy. Take my 3000 attack. When hitting 1600 defense, it can at least cause more than 5000 damage each time. Maybe more. Once there is a fatal blow. Almost one-third of a guard's blood can be killed at once.

I was thinking. Suddenly the two NPCs next to him were pierced by broad swords. Blood splattered the sky. Then the whole body was blown away. When it falls to the ground, it is quickly refreshed. In the original location of the NPC. Two rambling orcs stared at me with blue eyes. soon. Into the battle again.

Not long after. The officers on the wall have come down. Commanding the battle not far away.

"Magi. We need magicians. Hurry up and ask for help from the Mages Association of Wind City. Damn it. Where did these orcs come from? Aren't the orcs already blocked from the mountains? Have the orcs started to declare war on the Human Alliance again. These dirty and rude races. Human magic can easily destroy them. Soldiers. Resist the orcs. The Mages Association will send someone to rescue us soon."

An adjutant next to him said: "My lord. The Mage Association happened to have an adventurer team resting in the adventurer tavern in the fortress. Please tell me whether to spend 1000 gold coins to hire them. There is no letter from the Mage Association. They will only use mercenary identity battle."

The commander suddenly became furious: "These people who are blind to money. Forget it. You go to recruit them immediately. Just say that you will subsidize them from military expenses later. As long as you can repel these rough orcs, everything is negotiable."

So the adjutant quickly ran to the fortress city. A steady stream of guards on the other side are coming here.

The guards couldn't quite break through my defenses. Each attack can only cause less than 100 points of damage. My own blood recovery and the 5% lifesteal effect of the sword of warsong are enough to keep myself full of blood. After Murong Shanshan beside him killed a guard. He smiled and said, "It would be great if these guards can be killed to gain experience. Our level will definitely increase here."

That's right. The four bloodthirsty orcs are just too fierce. The attack power is super high. The attack speed is so fast that it makes people crazy. Probably I hit once and they hit twice. basically. A 90-level guard is just a matter of three or two strikes in front of them. Kill the guards that these cities spend money to train like chopping melons and vegetables.

It is estimated that this time in the fortress, the Japanese Yueheng District will have to spend another sum of money to maintain it. It costs a lot just to resurrect NPCs. actually. It's just their bad luck. at present. The level of mainstream players is 70. Therefore, the system defaults the NPC level of Field Fortress to 90. This is already considered high. But they met the best of the players. Murong Shanshan and I are also level 90. Attributes have an absolute advantage over NPCs. so. The death of these NPCs is actually very wronged. It didn't show its true value. Attack 2800 NPCs. If you PK with a level 70 player. Generally can be spiked. PK with us. But unable to break the defense.

Five minutes passed quickly. The four bloodthirsty orcs kept tearing apart the fortress guards who came to reinforce them like a meat grinder. Do a rough calculation. Just for a while. The dead fortress guards definitely exceeded 500. Murong Shanshan's sword energy was all gone. And my Xuanbing sword has been forbearance.

Even if there are troops stationed in the city. It shouldn't be able to withstand such consumption.

suddenly. There were loud voices in the distance. Murong Shanshan looked back. Surprised: "Not good. There are really players coming to reinforce."

Just finished. Almost a dozen fireballs landed on the frontmost orc at the same time. After a bang. The orcs were hit hard for the first time. More than half of the blood was knocked out in an instant. such a situation. It is bound to be unable to withstand the second round of magical attacks.

Murong Shanshan has sharp eyes and quick hands. Immediately took back the anemic orc. Immediately afterwards, his figure flickered. In a blink of an eye, dozens of mages have come to the side. The psychic sword's light soared. For the second time, the sword energy burst out.

"Wow ~" click. The entire mage fell in a pool of blood. The mages of these mage associations are so vulnerable under Murong Shanshan's powerful skills.

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