See I even sent a text message. Lu Xuehan said apologetically, "I'm sorry. I will explain this matter clearly to Shanshan..."

I said: "Xuehan, you are too kind. I don't blame you for this matter. It's just that Shanshan lives far away. It's just inconvenient to carry."

finished. I looked at Xinyu again and said, "Shanshan won't go. This time I will only take you and Xuehan home. Xinyu, it should be fine now. But don't push me and Shanshan. break up~”

Xin Yu hugged my shoulder affectionately. He smiled and said: "Of course not. Forget it. For Shanshan. I will turn a blind eye to it from now on. Anyway, this time I will help Xuehan win her for a while."

I couldn't help laughing and said, "Don't put gold on your face, okay. This time I'm just aiming at Xuehan's broad mind..."

Xin Yu smiled slightly. Stretching her full chest, she said, "Isn't my mind broad enough?"

I almost drooled. Repeatedly said: "Enough... It's broad enough. Let me eat. Damn. It's been so long. I'm starving to death."

Lu Xuehan hurriedly sat aside. Make room for me. Said: "Eat first. Sister Lin said. Often staying up late and starving is easy to hurt the stomach. When you get older, you will not be able to eat well and sleep well."

I couldn't help laughing and said, "Xuehan thinks so far. That's at least 30 years from now. I don't even have a plan for what I'm going to do a week from now."

Xin Yu gave me an angry look. Said: "I'm ashamed to say it. That's right. What did Dake ask you to do just now. It took so long to go offline. It must have been four hours."

As soon as I mentioned this, I got excited. He took a mouthful of white flour steamed buns and said: "Speaking of this, it's really awesome. You know that. I'll go to Duck's place. I won Duck's absolute trust just by talking about a few general strategies. Give me a promotion I have a military rank. Now I am the commander of the legion...Xin Yu, what are you talking about. Deputy. Cut. I am the real deal. My overall attributes have increased by 42%. Now my defense is like an iron plate."

Xin Yu smiled pleasantly and said, "Really. Nadak is too stupid. You got such a high rank just like that. If other players find out about this, you won't die of envy."

I said: "It's not that easy. Of course I have to prove my superiority first. Otherwise, Dak should have dismissed me just now. Fortunately, I guessed right. Just now. Hurricane Kingdom The army attacked the Golden Dawn camp at night. We had prepared for it. We killed tens of thousands of them directly. You didn’t see the scene. It was so fucking miserable. The pit was full of people. And horses. The horses were messing around in the pit Beng wanted to jump up. I don’t know how many people were trampled to death.”

Lu Xuehan asked in surprise: "Golden Dawn just won for a while."

"Yes. Why. Don't you believe it?"

Xin Yu nodded: "Of course I don't believe it. In the battle in the evening, Golden Dawn was completely at a disadvantage. If it wasn't for the adjutants of the legion who ordered the retreat quickly, I am afraid that all of Golden Dawn's elite troops would have been wiped out there. It can be seen that the regular army of the Kingdom is different. The military equipment and arms are coordinated. It seems to be more elite than the Golden Dawn~"

undeniable. The army of the Hurricane Kingdom is indeed strong. But they have their own flaws. Only under the constraints of the old king will they fight side by side. Otherwise, each will fight on his own. I'm afraid they have all been wiped out by the Golden Dawn long ago.

I said, "When we go online again tomorrow. It's been about two days in the game. Well. That's when the attack happens. Then you follow me. Let you see the war I directed. Haha. Guaranteed Deduce an epic plot~"

Lu Xuehan looked at me. The face is full of admiration. Xin Yu said: "Lin Fan, you look so handsome bragging."

Finish the meal in a hurry. It's exactly 11 o'clock. Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan yawned and went back to sleep. I look at my phone. Still haven't received Murong Shanshan's text message. I couldn't help feeling a little apprehensive. Is she really angry and no longer talk to me?

Take a shower. Come back and have a look. Still no information. So I changed into fresh clothes and got into bed. The phone was placed upright next to the pillow. In this way, I can see it for the first time when I turn my face sideways. It's a pity that I stared at the phone and saw that my neck was sore. Murong Shanshan still didn't call. Not even a text message.

My heart was even more flustered. Watching the time on the phone go by minute by minute. Finally I couldn't bear it anymore. He took it and called Murong Shanshan. In the dead of night. There was a clear "beep" sound from the phone. My heart seemed to jump into my throat.

After seven or eight rings. suddenly. There was a "click~" on the other end and the phone was connected. Then came Murong Shanshan's sleepy voice: "Hey... Lin Fan. Why are you calling me in the middle of the night. I'm almost sleepy..."

I swallowed. Ask: "Shanshan. What did you do... go to bed so early."

"Hmph. It's all about Coco. I have to be a light bulb. I've been in the ballroom for hours. My head is still full of heavy bass vibrations. Woohoo. My bed seems to be shaking again It's..."

"You go to the dance hall. What are you going to do?"

Murong Shanshan was sleepy. He said angrily: "You think I want to go. Wu Dong asked Ke Ke to go dancing. Ke Ke felt that places like ballrooms were not safe. So she asked me to follow along."

I was surprised and said: "The dance hall is not safe. Then it will be safe if you go. I am afraid. It will be even more unsafe if you go."

"What are you afraid of? Several bodyguards assigned by my mother have come in. Humph. I finally recognized them. By the way. Are you looking for me? I'm going to sleep..."

I thought about it. Said: "It's nothing. You can continue to sleep. I just remind you. Don't sleep on your stomach at night. It will easily affect the development of breasts..."


"Why are not you talking."

"Coco they said hello BT..."


"Why are not you talking."

"I also think I'm a good BT. I fell asleep..."


Murong Shanshan and I stared at each other on the phone for a few seconds. Unanimously hung up. Fall asleep.


the next day.

Woke up fine. Called Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan to have breakfast together. Then into the game. I have been thinking about the situation of Golden Dawn in the game. Even eating bread feels tasteless.

After going online. Found in the camp of the Golden Dawn. immediately. A notification sound came from the camp channel. .

Local military affairs: The leader of the Golden Dawn Legion appeared.


I was taken aback. What the fuck is this. Fortunately, I didn't say my game ID. Otherwise, such a cool title would have to be hacked to death by all the players.

According to the agreement, I received Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan in front of the camp. Xu Lin and others have not yet appeared. Leave it alone.

Back to the military account. A group of officers were standing solemnly on both sides. Even Dak sat in the chair beside him with a calm expression. Only the coach seat at the front is vacant.

"My lord. You are here."

A provincial consul saluted respectfully. Several other seniors also nodded.

Xin Yu followed behind me. He whispered: "Lin Fan. He really became the coach. It's so majestic."

I laughed. I was also a little flattered in my heart. It was just the battle against the sneak attack last night that completely overwhelmed them. It seems that the seat of the legion commander can also feel at ease.

Duck stood up. Take the second seat. Koma spread out a map made of parchment on the table among the crowd. He said: "Today's battle plan. Please make it sir."

I froze. I didn't expect that even Koma would address me as "sir" so seriously. I couldn't get used to it for a while.

Darke said: "Yesterday, the new commander's strategy has achieved initial results. Now the four major armies of the Hurricane Kingdom are frightened when they see the emblem of the Golden Dawn. They dare not respond to our provocation and harassment for the past two days. They just cower in the camp .Faced with such a situation. I don’t know what the general’s plan is.”

I said: "Let's go and have a look first. I want to investigate the current situation of the army in Hurricane City."

So everyone left the military tent. He led a group of pro-guards out of the camp. not far away. A small group of light cavalry of the Golden Dawn approached the fierce army. As soon as you get in range, take a bow and shoot an arrow. A burst of sparse arrows did not cause any damage to the Violent Corps. Only one soldier was wounded when his ankle was not covered by the shield.

but. There is one detail that I discovered. The acting head of the Mammoth Corps held his sword. Gritting his teeth, he was about to direct the attack. In the end, he was stopped by the old king under the canopy not far away.

Lu Xuehan was surprised and said: "Hey. Why didn't the fierce army regiment attack?"

Koma laughed: "Because they are afraid. Afraid we have an ambush."

I corrected: "It's not that they're afraid. The Maverick Corps has long wanted to attack. It's just that the person who is really afraid is the old king. He doesn't want his subordinates to go to war at all. Perhaps. His wishful thinking is Let the four legions attack together to bring down the Golden Dawn. That’s right. Captain Koma. The deputy head of the Violent Legion. That’s the current acting head. How about that man.”

Koma thought for a moment. Said: "The acting captain is a talented noble knight. He is not only powerful in martial arts, but also excellent in resourcefulness. It's just that he is a little impulsive by nature. He is easily deceived by hatred. As for this person, the old people dare not reuse them. They are afraid of controlling themselves We can’t use him. But not only did he leave him as an idle position, but he couldn’t be used that way. Therefore, the old king decided to use him as the acting head after the death of Tring. This is the reason why he was not directly promoted to the head.”

"Oh. So it looks like this~"

I thought about it. Suddenly said: "General Rick. Please select 500 light cavalry to stand by. We are going to launch a large-scale encirclement and annihilation battle. Let's do it."

Koma said: "What can be surrounded and wiped out with only 500 people. What about us?"

I laughed. Said: "Naturally, there are extremely important tasks for you to do. You immediately gather the main force of our cavalry. There are about 30,000 people. Lead them around the birch forest through the jungle path in the south of the camp. Lay an ambush at the edge of the Pegasus Plain .Also. All the infantry, pikemen, and archers followed the cavalry. Lay in ambush in the low valley by the birch forest. Wait to snipe the rout of the enemy."

Koma was surprised. Xin Yu helped and asked, "Lin Fan. How can you be sure that the Hurricane City army will appear beside the birch forest?"

"My guess……"

Koma was shocked: "It's guessing again."

Duck urged the horse from behind. Said: "Everything is done according to the command of the coach. No need to ask."

I don't say much. Sit back and wait for the arrangement of Koma and others. After about an hour. Everything is ready. Especially the five hundred cavalry picked by Rick. Everyone looks strong and strong.

I looked at Dak again. Said: "Captain Dake, there is something that I must trouble you to go in person."

Duck smiled and said, "If you have any orders, just ask. As long as I can do it, I will do my best."

"That's right. I hope you can lead more than a thousand flag-carrying cavalry to run down the plain. Try to only expose the flag to the people of the Hurricane Kingdom. As for yourself, it is best to carry the holy sword of light occasionally Show up once. To threaten them. Make it impossible for them to rescue the other side."

Duck said in surprise: "You mean. Let me pretend to be the bait."

"Is there a problem."

"No. I'll do it now."

Dak patted his horse and walked away. Xin Yu laughed and said, "Even people like Dake obey your orders. It seems that this time you are destined to be in the limelight."

I smiled: "It doesn't matter if you don't get the limelight. The important thing is that this is a large-scale task that can be long or short. If I can complete it consistently. Hehe. I don't know how rich the reward will be."

At this moment, Rick flattered him and said, "My lord, what do we need to do?"

I looked into the distance. Said: "Wait a little longer. I need Koma to arrange everything."

Not long after. Koma is here. Everything is in order. I fumbled around in the package for a while. He took out a gleaming sword.

Koma and Rick were shocked at the same time: "Flying Feather Sword. This is the sword of Tlin, the leader of the Raiders Corps."

I nodded: "That's right. This is Tring's saber. This sword will also be the chief culprit in ruining the Violent Corps."

Koma asked in surprise, "Why do you say that?"

I shook my head and said, "You don't need to ask in such detail. We don't have much time. Captain Koma. If everything is in order, then let's start. Here. I will lend you this flying feather sword for a while. Remember Pay me back..."

"So what do I do?" Koma asked.

I look into the distance. Dak has already started to act. A banner is waving in the low place of wind blowing grass.

"You hold the Flying Feather Sword. Lead Rick and 500 of his subordinates to provoke. Remember. Only provoke the members of the Violent Corps. Also. Be sure to let them see the Flying Feather Sword. Extremely insulting. Be sure to let the Flying Feather Sword **The regiment is out of control. Then take them to the birch forest."

Koma's eyes lit up: "I understand. Look at it."

finished. Koma took the Feiyu sword. Get on the horse. He galloped away with 500 Qingqi.

Watching the sturdy cavalry passing by with the wind. Xin Yu smiled and asked: "Lin Fan, why don't you go with them. Leading the way is one of the conditions that a good general must have."

I couldn't help but smiled wryly: "Do you think I don't want to go? Didn't you see it? People say that tall horses are majestic. You don't think I'm rushing to the front alone with a sword in my hand. That doesn't mean that all the coalition forces in Hurricane City Die laughing."

Lu Xuehan said: "Then how do we look at the battle situation. It can't be here."

I looked at Koma and others who had already run away. Said: "Let's go. Let's look at it from a distance. It's like a knife and a sword. It won't be good if the gun goes off and accidentally injures."

Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu had this intention long ago. Immediately nodded in agreement.

So the three of them moved obscenely along the lush grass. Stop before a not-so-small hillside. just. Here you can overlook the whole picture of the battlefield. Such an excellent location was placed without dispatching investigations. This is probably a major mistake of the Hurricane Kingdom coalition forces.

I just thought of this. Suddenly. Xin Yu pulled me and said, "Lin Fan, look over there. A light cavalryman is coming. Hey. It seems to be a soldier from Hurricane City."

My field of vision is a bit wider than that of Xin Yu. So look over. To his surprise, he found that it was really a soldier from Hurricane City. The maple leaf military emblem on his shoulder is particularly conspicuous.

"The Serving Corps of the Violent Corps."

These words floated above the soldier's head. It also showed his identity.

Lu Xuehan was a little surprised and said, "He seems to be coming towards us. What should we do?"

"What to do. Of course, kill him. Leave no trace." I pulled out the green trash sword. Confidently said again: "Xin Yu. I am lurking. You stun him with concussion arrows. Then we go together. Xuehan also uses the most damaging skills. Hmm. You seem to have only curse and punishment. Use punishment. Well. As much as you can fight. This soldier is here for scouting. If you let him occupy such a good position, you may be able to see our army arranged by Koma near the birch forest. Therefore, we must be in the short-term Kill him in time."

Xin Yu nodded. He smiled and said, "Don't worry. The Silver Moon Wing Spirit Bow you gave me hasn't really shown its power yet. It just so happens that you are here this time. Let's witness it together."

Xin Yu caressed the hard bow in her hand. That is the ultimate spiritual weapon that I exploded from fighting the Void Snake in Japan. Xin Yu has reached level 90 after half a month of leveling up. The current attack is as powerful as one can imagine.

I then went into stealth mode. The whole person gradually becomes transparent. Only the green grass that is trampled and scored on both sides shows that there are people here.


A strong white light exploded on the cavalry's breastplate. The huge shock force immediately made him fall into dizziness. Immediately afterwards. Xin Yu's explosive arrow exploded above the cavalry's head. Fierce red flames almost enveloped the cavalryman's body. when the flame dies. This level 95 cavalry has less than half of its vitality left.

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