Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 423 Sunset Like Blood

"Damn, how did this happen?" I was shocked. Just now Koma was still NB and he was dying. How could he be so embarrassed in a blink of an eye? If the half of the spear is shot, I'm afraid he will be seriously injured if he doesn't die.

Xin Yu explained: "Just now, the head of the regiment suddenly reached out to grab the Feiyu sword, and with the other hand, he stabbed Koma's chest with a spear. Koma probably didn't expect that he would be so desperate. When he used When Fei Yujian cut off his right hand, he also shot himself, "

I murmured: "The insertion is so deep, Koma must be unable to bear it, no, I have to go down immediately,"

Xin Yu hurriedly grabbed me and said: "It's so dangerous down here, are you going to die? We can't get involved in that level of boss fights. Don't you want to live? You're just an NPC. You and him Is the friendship very deep?"

I said, "Xin Yu, you misunderstood me. I'm not worried about Koma. There are so many priests of the Golden Dawn next to him. It's not a problem for him to escape. What I'm worried about is that my flying feather sword must not be snatched away."

Xin Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and still dragged me back and said, "Look quietly, I believe Golden Dawn won't be able to swallow even a fierce army, if not, then don't mention conquering the Hurricane Kingship, everyone divide it up as soon as possible." Let's break up the family and break up, "

I thought about it too, so I calmed down and watched Koma's next step.

A small team of priests treated Koma under the protection of the infantry. On the other hand, the acting head of the Tigers lost a hand and his wrist was bleeding. He gritted his teeth and tore off a piece of cloth from his underwear. The article, simply wrapped it up and it was over, the right hand was still intact, so he drew out the knight sword at his waist and continued to fight.

It's a pity that due to the serious injury, the attributes of this 110-level boss are greatly reduced, and even the attack cannot be maintained at 3000.

A few cavalry rushed over quickly, their sabers flashed in the air, and the last few knights who followed the tiger commander were immediately chopped off by their horses. At that time, he was directly stabbed to death by a group of Golden Dawn spearmen with long spears. They would not let them escape alive, not even war horses.

A dozen cavalrymen galloped past, but after a gust of cold wind from the shadow of the sword, they fell off their horses one after another.

"Tick tock~,"

The blood dripped down the long sword on the ground, and the acting head of the Violent Corps, who still did not give up resistance, was close to dying. The wound on his left hand oozed a lot of blood, which made him almost unable to stand still. Teetering on horseback.

Seeing the cavalry on their side being killed like chopping melons and vegetables, the soldiers of Golden Dawn who were besieging the enemy were immediately attracted to them. Among the infantry armed with long spears, the agent of the ferocious corps who was trying to get close to the beast head.

"Wait a moment,"

There was a voice from behind, and when everyone looked back, it was Koma who was drawing the tip of his gun, and the half of the spear was lying on the side, full of blood. Koma gritted his teeth and said, "Stand back, change to the archers, I will Kill him with zero casualties,"

In the distance, Koma's voice could be clearly seen in the camp video, Lu Xuehan stuck out her tongue and said, "Lin Fan, your big brother is really vicious, and you don't want to give anyone a chance."

I said, "Give them a chance to do something. It's best to kill them all. Uh... no, we can't kill them all. No, we have to keep some prisoners. I actually forgot to tell them,"

Xin Yu was surprised and said, "Why do you want prisoners, and you can't cook them..."

I couldn't help but smiled and said: "Of course I can't eat them, but I still want them to be useful. You all know that the Four Kingdoms Legion in Hurricane City has the Pegasus Cavalry Corps and the Violent Cavalry Corps, and the other two were lost last night." Most of them are not a threat, but the Pegasus Cavalry alone is still quite a headache, not to mention the King's Guards. Therefore, it is unrealistic for Golden Dawn to directly destroy the Hurricane Kingship with its current strength. must rely on abnormal means,"

Lu Xuehan smiled and asked: "Then, what are abnormal means?"

"I said, you and Xin Yu are not allowed to despise me..."

"Of course, how could we despise you,"

Both Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan made a vow, so I said: "The big bones of the Hurricane City coalition army will be bit by bit. Killing the Raiders Corps is only the first step. Next, those captives who surrendered are still useful." Yes, when the time comes to attack both dissension and opposition, it is guaranteed that the Hurricane Kingdom will fall apart in an instant,"

Xin Yu was slightly surprised, and she looked at me with brilliance in her eyes, she said, "I never thought that your IQ would be so high..."

I was speechless, I went straight down the hillside, held Lu Xuehan in one hand, turned to Xin Yu and said, "Let's go, the general situation has been decided, the fierce army is destined to become history."

Not far away, the acting head of the Violent Gun Corps had already stuck a lot of sharp arrows in his body, and he almost became a hedgehog, but he still didn't die immediately. After slashing down several archers with a big sword, He finally knelt down slowly with all his strength, and the long sword pillar stood in front of him, supporting his dilapidated body.


An infantryman of the Golden Dawn caught up, raising his sword and dropping it.


The acting head of the fleet was finally beheaded, and the infantry flew up, and the head rolled into the grass, where the sound of wild dogs biting was heard for a while.

I can't help but feel a little bit sad that a fierce man just disappeared.

About ten minutes later, the brutal battle continued, but it was only a one-sided massacre. After the beheading of the acting head, the soldiers of the Violent Corps almost lost all fighting spirit, and many of them were ready to surrender. Most of them did not give up the honor and loyalty of the knights, and they were still crashing into the thick blockade of the Golden Dawn, but it was like hitting a steel plate, and the final result was always a broken head and a bloody failure.

About half an hour later, the massacre came to an end after more than an hour. A large number of prisoners were being disarmed, and even their armor had been stripped off.

Looking at the suits of cyan armor, I couldn't help but say: "These armors are all level 100 purple equipment. If every knight in our guild were equipped with such a suit, how NB would it be? "

Xin Yu said: "You have a good friendship with Dake, go and talk to him, there should be no big problem."

This proposal is very good, but it seems that I have already made a request for 2000 high-level war horses. If I ask for a large amount of equipment, I am afraid that Dak will explode. There must be a limit to human greed. The knights who grew up must also hate players who stink of copper.

So I gave up the idea of ​​getting equipment, and directly took Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu into the battlefield.

The cloak is flying behind me, the shoulder armor is inlaid with a beautiful redbud flower logo, and the military rank logo is also very conspicuously floating on the chest. When the soldiers of the Golden Dawn saw my high military rank, they immediately became respectful one by one. , directly let me into the inner circle.

Koma was standing there immediately with his sword crossed, and most of the wound on his chest had already healed under the holy light treatment of the senior priest.

I walked over and asked with concern: "Captain Koma, how is your injury?"

When Koma saw it was me, he immediately smiled and said, "It's just a small injury, but the commander has done his best. Now, the Violent Corps has completely disappeared from the annals of the mainland."

Koma glanced at the dejected captives next to him again, and asked, "What should we do with these soldiers who surrendered? Why don't we just kill them? We don't have much rations to support them. Moreover, their loyalty bursts like a bubble. I really dare not use them as a fighting force,"

I said: "Since it can't be used, let them go back and kill the captives who have no resistance. We Golden Dawn don't do this kind of thing~"

"What, let them go, I heard correctly, right?" Koma was dumbfounded.

"Yes, you heard it right, Captain Koma, don't get excited, I have my reasons for doing this," I wanted to take a look from a distance, and shouted: "Clerk, come here, I want to listen to the battle damage report ,"

The recorder in green military uniform ran over and said respectfully, "My lord, I can't give you the exact number for now, I can only report the general situation to you,"

"Well, go ahead,"

Xin Yu probably felt that I was full of authority, so she smiled slightly and said, "Don't be so sullen, just smile~~"

I felt that I had been molested by her again, and was about to fight back, when the recorder reported: "There are more than 45,000 people who participated in the battle, and about 2,000 were killed. More than 14,000 people, more than 2,000 prisoners, and the rest disappeared, "

I was a little surprised, these guys from Golden Dawn are really awesome, they killed more than 80% of them in battle. From now on, the name of the Violent Corps may really disappear from the Hurricane Kingdom.

There were only two thousand prisoners, so I immediately asked, "Among the prisoners, who has the highest military rank?"

"It's the inspector, my lord," replied a guard.

I nodded and said, "Bring all the officers with higher ranks, including the inspector,"


Not long after, four people who looked like officers were turned over. The soldiers behind them forced them to kneel on the ground, but these four people just stood upright, even if they were kicked with riding boots, they only swayed slightly. He shook his teeth and stood firm.

Koma walked over with the support of a female priest, and after the flying feather sword scabbard slammed the inspector's leg, he immediately knelt down softly, and Koma wrote lightly beside him: " Defeated general, what are you doing pretending to be like this? Do you think we won’t kill you if you don’t kneel? Everyone has integrity. If you really have integrity, we won’t be able to capture you.”

The inspector snorted coldly, turned his head away, and didn't look at me.

I didn't bother to get angry with an NPC with a full personality, so I said: "Master Inspector, since you have already been captured, you should behave yourself, and you will avoid being punished by some knights who cannot tolerate it. I am a very talkative person. But if you don’t talk, then there’s no discussion.”

The inspector trembled slightly. He looked up at me and said, "Noble knights in Hurricane City are not afraid of any torture,"


I clapped my hands and smiled, Xin Yu glanced at me and said, "You really look like a warlord who does all kinds of evil, Xuehan, don't you?"

Lu Xuehan nodded in agreement.

I was speechless, so I ignored them and said to the inspector, "You are brave and fearless, but if I order someone to brand a slave name on your forehead, I don't know if it will damage your noble knighthood." Well, um, what kind of character should be branded, let’s brand the word ‘demon’, um, this character is good~~”

There was a look of grief and indignation in the inspector's eyes, and he said loudly, "Kill me, you devil,"

I laughed, and suddenly took the Flying Feather Sword from Koma, slammed it across the Inspector's neck, and asked in a deep voice, "Are you willing to join our Golden Dawn sincerely?"

The inspector hesitated for a moment, a streak of blood had already been cut under the neck by the sword glow of the Feiyu sword, the huge energy of the Feiyu sword was not fully controlled by my level.

Under the pain, the inspector's eyes drifted away, and then he nodded and said: "Yes, I am willing to join the Golden Dawn,"

"Give me a reason," I smiled with my sword in my hand, Xinyu felt that I was too bullying, so she couldn't help but whispered: "I have already agreed to surrender, why are you still bullying so much, be careful that he jumps over the wall in a hurry, in case he bites you what to do,"

I laughed: "It's okay, I only know that Shanshan can bite people, I haven't seen a big man who can bite others,"

Xin Yu pursed her lips and didn't say much. At this time, the inspector looked at the soldiers of the Golden Dawn who were staring at him, and said, "The nobles of the Hurricane Kingdom are pedantic and old-fashioned. The Golden Dawn is better suited to rule the Hurricane Kingdom,"

Koma laughed heartily: "You're smart, join Golden Dawn, we won't treat you badly, by the way, what's your name?"

The inspector smiled awkwardly, and replied, "The villain's name is Shalu,"

Koma was about to speak, but saw that I seemed to have something to say, so he stepped aside respectfully and said, "Since you are willing to surrender, then please arrange other matters..."

I smiled and said: "Shalu, I need you to go back to the Hurricane Kingdom's coalition forces, pretend that you have not surrendered, and then tonight, we will attack the Hurricane Kingdom's camp. You spread rumors in the camp to disturb the morale of the army, and We should unite inside and outside to plant the flag of the Golden Dawn on their handsome flag. If this battle can be successfully completed, you will have to contribute a lot. It is absolutely no problem for Duck to help you get a duke."

Sha Ruwu was taken aback for a moment, and then readily agreed: "Okay, just follow your lord's instructions, I will not let you down, but how can I let you know that I succeeded in instigating rebellion inside the barracks?"

I said: "This is easy to handle. You only need to order the archers in the barracks to release a lighting arrow, and our cavalry ambushing outside the camp will immediately rush in and take down the crown of the Hurricane Dynasty, that is, tonight,"

Shalu nodded again and again, and then I said: "In addition, I will deliver more than 1,000 disabled soldiers who have surrendered to you. When you go back, you only need to say that you broke the siege. I believe that it is not difficult to deceive them with your injuries. Moreover, in order to be more realistic, I will order the siege at the southwestern end to relax later, so that you will fight out as if you are really fighting, how about it?"

"Thank you for your thoughtful thinking, my lord,"

Shalu gave a military salute, and then retreated with several other officers. I immediately ordered Koma to hand over 1,000 remnants to them, and opened an "unintentional" gap at the southwest end of the encirclement.

Seeing the 1,000 remaining cavalrymen of the Violent Corps gradually move away, Lu Xuehan couldn't help asking in doubt: "Lin Fan, do you believe what the inspector said just now?"

"I don't believe it," I shook my head firmly.

Lu Xuehan was even more confused: "Then why did you let them go back? Isn't this going back to the mountain? Sister Lin told us that such stupid things should never be done~"

Xin Yu smiled and said: "Xue Han, don't worry, we'll just earn the total mission points with Lin Fan at night."

"Xinyu is still thoughtful, haha, Xuehan, don't think too much, today you can end the grievances between Hurricane City and Golden Dawn, after completing the task, we will go home tomorrow~"

At this time Dake also came over, with more than 2,000 personal guards, looking very high-spirited. I don't have any copper coins, and I don't know if they can get other rewards besides the two thousand horses after they complete the task of defeating the coalition forces of the Hurricane Kingdom.

I called Koma over, handed over 30,000 fine cavalry to him with a wave of the command flag, and whispered the combat order in a low voice. Not very curious.

Xin Yu was curious, and asked: "Koma took the order so happily and left, what order did you give him? Could it be that you found some girls to make him feel good after he finished the task?"

I couldn't help laughing and said, "How is it possible? Wouldn't it be nice for me to have a MM? Why should I give it to him?"

On the other side, the infantry stationed outside began to cook, and the smoke from cooking was slowly rising on the plain.

I put the Feiyu Sword into the package, took Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan's small hands from left to right, and said with a smile: "Come on, let's go to the high loess slope to watch the sunset."

Xin Yu smiled angrily and said, "When did you get so excited? Besides, there are no high slopes here. There are plains everywhere, just some low hills."

"Let's go to the hillside~ The sunset is here, and the scenery is just right~"

At this time, Lu Xuehan looked at the sky and smiled slightly: "Hehe, indeed, you see, Yunxia is so red, like blood,"

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