It seems that I haven't asked for flowers for a long time. Well, I am asking for flowers, tickets, and subscriptions. The most important thing is to subscribe.


Murong Shanshan and I heard it clearly. This person is actually saying that the little beauty is a mistress. What the hell is going on? Is driving a famous car a mistress? Stick to kill.

I stretched out my hand to lower the car window, and asked coldly, "What are you looking at?"

The middle-aged man was startled, and then said with a hint of disdain: "In broad daylight, it's none of your business if I like to look at it."

I immediately got angry and said to Murong Shanshan: "Wait in the car, I'll kill this bastard,"

Murong Shanshan reached out to hold me down, and said with a slight smile, "Don't be angry, what is this kind of person fussing about with her? Don't you want to prove that I am not a mistress but a self-employed strong woman? How can I prove it? Let's ignore him if the description gets darker, let's go~"

I was very surprised: "Shanshan changed her sex today. If it was the past, you would have jumped out of the car and killed this bastard by now."

Murong Shanshan pursed her lips and smiled: "Sister is in a good mood today, don't care about him,"

After finishing speaking, Murong Shanshan pushed up the car window, smiled and said to the middle-aged man outside: "Uncle, let's go, you can continue blowing the cold wind here."

The car started quickly, and the middle-aged man stood there stupidly, with the sound of "uncle" still echoing in his ears. Once upon a time, he was so old.

Even Murong Shanshan didn't care about it anymore, so I didn't take this matter to heart. Not long after, I came to the Taihua Mall in the development zone. After listening to the car, Murong Shanshan took my arm and walked in.

Clothes are only available on the third floor, so we went directly to the third floor, and the shopping guide came up to us and asked, "May I ask what you two want to buy?"

"Where are the clothes for middle-aged men and women?" Murong Shanshan asked with a smile.

The shopping guide was full of smiles: "It's in Area C, I'll take the two of you there,"

"No, we'll just see for ourselves,"

After Murong Shanshan finished speaking, she pulled me over and walked over. I looked at the prices of the clothes here, and they were all quite expensive. If it was in the past, I would never have looked at the prices. I'm afraid, my father and mother are still right now. Clothes at such a price are not enough, and now, although I am not very rich, I can definitely let my parents live a very good life, besides, Murong Shanshan, a little rich woman, is by my side, so let her spend some money to honor them .

Murong Shanshan is very generous, she doesn't care about the price at all, she just asked me: "Is this good-looking? The style is good and it's very suitable for auntie. What do you think?"

If I want to say "not bad", Murong Shanshan will immediately signal the salesperson to wrap up the clothes. In this way, soon my mother bought seven or eight pieces of clothes, and the prices are all above 5000. If my mother knows I don't know how distressed it will be. I feel a little bad, so I dare not say it's good, and tell Murong Shanshan: "You don't need to buy too many clothes. Are you here to show off your wealth? My mom and dad don't even have clothes. Rich people, they will be disgusted with extravagance and waste, "

Murong Shanshan blinked her eyes and said, "Well, let's just buy two pieces of clothes for each of them. Let's tear off the price tags, hehe, they won't know the price,"

I agreed right away, after buying four pieces of clothing that cost more than 10,000 yuan each, we went to Area A and Area B, both of which were relatively young clothes, Murong Shanshan thought about it, and said: "Just give Xin Yu , Xuehan, and Sister Lin should each buy a set of clothes, and I haven't given them anything..."

I couldn't help laughing and said: "Shanshan, you don't think you can buy them with a few clothes, right? Xin Yu and Xue Han don't need tens of thousands of dollars. Besides, aren't you afraid that they won't want the clothes you bought?"

Murong Shanshan couldn't help smiling: "What am I afraid of, Xuehan and Xinyu are not that kind of stingy people, otherwise, they wouldn't let me into your house, wouldn't they, I'm going to buy clothes to apologize to them now , Let them understand my situation, this is the best way I can think of to apologize now, of course, I leave you, this may be the best apology, but I can't..."

I hurriedly said: "Stop thinking about these things, you don't need to say sorry to anyone. Before I met you, the relationship between me and Xuehan and Xinyu was not so good. In fact, I didn't even know whether I fell in love with you first. Which of the three of you..."

"Hee, so you admit that you like me," Murong Shanshan tilted her head and looked at me with a smile on her face.

I was in a panic and quickly pointed to a piece of clothing not far away and said, "Wow, look, that tie is really beautiful."

"That's a bra..."


The salesperson next to me tried her best to hold back her laughter. I was so embarrassed that I died. Fortunately, Murong Shanshan didn't make things difficult for me anymore. She picked out clothes while walking. Basically, they all cost nearly ten thousand. Xu Lin's and Xin Yu's clothes were very expensive. It's easy to find, fashionable ones are OK, but Lu Xuehan's clothes are a little more troublesome. In the end, under my preference, I bought a light blue dress, which may also be the most suitable clothes for Lu Xuehan here.

Swiping the card to pay the bill, I spent more than 70,000 yuan in total. After I walked out of the mall, I woke up and said, "Shanshan, you forgot to buy clothes for me. You have prepared gifts for everyone. Why am I the only one who didn't?"

Murong Shanshan gritted her teeth and said, "You still want a gift, didn't I give it to you in the car just now, what else do you want?"

I was overjoyed when I heard it, and it turned out that the gift she was referring to was that sweet kiss, um, this gift is really substantial and worth more than anything else.

So I didn't speak, I held seven or eight bags in one hand, and lightly put my arms around Murong Shanshan's shoulders with the other. She was slightly surprised at first, and then she didn't say anything else, she smiled and let me hold her.

The two of them are like all young couples at this time. The young guys at the bus stop downstairs are so jealous that they are even more mad when Murong Shanshan sits in the driver's seat of the BMW. Damn, these days The most rare girl is both beautiful and rich, and the most cherished golden man is rich and his parents are dead. This statement is a bit sad, but it is so realistic.

I checked the time, and it was already four o'clock in the afternoon. At this time, Xin Yu and Xu Lin should also start helping to cook dinner. We can't go back too late, otherwise not only Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu will be unhappy, but even parents will be aware of it What, I don't want them to worry about me now.

So when I got in the car, I said, "Shanshan, let's not buy anything, drinks are in the refrigerator at home, so go home, my mother will scold me for being ignorant when it's late."

Murong Shanshan said with a light smile: "Got it, you can experience the feeling of drag racing again."

"Let's take it slow, we'll arrive in half an hour, what's the rush..."

Although I said this, Murong Shanshan's speed was still very fast on the road. I didn't know how many cars I passed, but I saw that the speed on the dial was hovering around 120, and Murong Shanshan kept pressing the speed. On the limit line, the speed did not slow down until the outskirts of the town.

Murong Shanshan smiled and said, "Go back to Suzhou tomorrow afternoon, and accompany me to hand over the parchment mission in the City of Life the next morning. After so long, the archdruid should die of anxiety."

I nodded: "Tomorrow afternoon, when I go back, I will go to collect the camp mission rewards, and hand in the mission of City of Life the day after tomorrow."


Not long after, when I got home, Xin Yu was looking at the door, and when she saw the BMW coming, she immediately leaned over and asked, "Where's the ice cream?"

We didn't buy that one, Murong Shanshan didn't know how to answer, so I said: "On the way, I saw the snow on the side of the road tastes good, Shanshan is so economical, so I ate some."

Xin Yu was speechless, suddenly seeing so many packing bags on the back seat, she immediately smiled and said, "Hey, I bought so many things, do I have a share?"

I said, "There is a piece of clothing in that black bag, take it and see if you like it."

Xin Yu asked: "Was it yours or Shanshan's? If it's Shanshan, I like it."

I was very surprised: "Why, don't you like it if I pay you?"

Murong Shanshan was also very surprised, but Xin Yu said: "I will feel sorry for you spending money on buying. Shanshan is so rich, of course I am happy when she spends money."

Everyone was relieved and took their things into the house. When she handed some sets of clothes to her mother, she immediately frowned and said, "This must have cost a lot of money."

Murong Shanshan explained: "It's just a few hundred dollars, it's my meeting gift for Auntie,"

"That's so embarrassing," Mom said, and wanted to return the things to Murong Shanshan, and didn't accept anything.

Murong Shanshan looked at me with some grievances, not knowing what to do, but at this moment, my father said: "Shanshan bought you something with good intentions, just accept it, don't disappoint others,"

Xu Lin also said: "Yes, Auntie, take it, anyway, Shanshan doesn't lack that little money,"

But my mother had no choice but to accept it, put the things away and go to cook. My father didn't help, but said to me: "Lin Fan, there is a can of liquefied gas at home that is used up, you can change it with me."

Murong Shanshan said, "I'll drive you there,"

Dad refused: "No need, Shanshan, you watch TV with Xuehan at home, Lin Fan and I will go back as soon as we go,"

The nearest liquefied gas filling point is three miles away. Dad pushed out the motorcycle. I put the liquefied gas bottle on the back seat and went to push the cart. Dad held the bottle to prevent it from falling. Yes, so I pushed it away like this.

I didn't go far, and I knew my father had something to say, otherwise he wouldn't let me fill it with liquefied gas.

I walked very slowly, and my father said, "Xin Yu, I have a good relationship with you,"

"Well," I was secretly startled, but still answered calmly.

Dad sighed and said, "She's been good to you, I can tell,"

I smiled: "It's nothing, we are a small group, and we all have a good relationship with each other,"

Dad nodded: "Okay, that's fine..."

After walking not far, he said again: "Murong Shanshan, she is more than just an intern, right?"

I knew I couldn't hide it, so I admitted: "Yes, her identity is indeed more than that simple,"

Dad smiled slightly and said: "I just said it. I saw a celebrity feature on the entertainment channel a few days ago. I thought it was very similar to Murong Shanshan. I told your mother, and she would not believe it. Later, when I was with you The third uncle's house found a magazine, and sure enough, that very beautiful celebrity is Murong Shanshan, she looks exactly the same, even the name is the same, "

"Magazine, what magazine,"

"The son of your third uncle's family who is in college brought it back. It seems to be about an online game. Last time I looked it up, I remembered Shanshan, so I remembered this in the afternoon. Shanshan , who is she?"

What Dad saw might be Yueheng Weekly. Fortunately, I didn’t appear. Otherwise, the whole town must know that I am playing games again. I don’t know what Dad will think when he finds out.

I almost stopped, thought for a while, and said: "Shanshan is just a very good college student, it's nothing, she's not a female star or celebrity,"

Dad suddenly parked the car by the small bridge, and I asked in surprise, "Aren't you going to inflate?"

"Someone came to help charge, what are you doing there?" Dad took a deep look at me, and walked to the small bridge. The afterglow of the setting sun immediately made his originally stalwart figure a little thin, and he couldn't even straighten his back.

Dad is really old. Looking at the white hair on the sideburns of Dad, I feel sore in my heart.

"Lin Fan, you are my son, and I have always been proud of you. I knew from the time you got the first certificate in elementary school that my son is amazing," said the father without turning his head.

I was slightly taken aback, and my father went on to say: "Your excellence has made you go down a lot of wrong paths. Although you don't think so, I think it's wrong. Even if you do wrong, I still believe that You are proud, because I know that my son will walk a different path than others,"

"Dad..." I called out.

Dad shook his head and said: "No matter who was at fault for the past, I don't want to delve into it anymore. You can come back. Your mother is so happy that she can't sleep for days and nights. I hope you can understand her mood, so, Don't let her worry about it anymore, your mother's health has always been bad, if something happens to you, I'm afraid she won't be able to bear it, "

I nodded silently.

Dad smiled lightly, and said: "You are still young, so you can't find the way you should go, but if you make a mistake once, you shouldn't go wrong again, Xinyu, Xuehan, Shanshan , the three of them, which one do you really like, I hope you can think clearly, "

I was shocked. It turned out that my father had already seen all these relationships clearly.

Seeing that I didn't speak, my father went on to say: "You can also see that your mother likes Xuehan very much, hehe, I don't hide it, but I actually like Shanshan more. It’s more suitable to be together, of course, Xinyu and Xuehan are also excellent, you are really lucky to meet them at the same time, don’t turn a good thing into a bad thing.”

I felt relieved, no wonder my mother refused to ask for Murong Shanshan's things, while my father was a little partial to Murong Shanshan, so that was the case.

The setting sun was about to set on the horizon, and my father said: "It's getting late, go back early, this liquefied petroleum gas, just say that the door is not open there, or your mother will be wordy again."

After speaking, push the cart home.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, the shadows of my father and I were stretched very long, and I suddenly felt that my father and I were like two identical coins, reflecting different luster in different years.


Back home, everyone was surprised to see that the bottle was still empty. My father said that there was no one there, and my mother complained that those people didn't want to make money at all.

The dinner was still very rich. I heard that Xu Lin took her mother to buy vegetables in the afternoon.

After dinner, my mother said that we would come back on the weekend next month. When I was still hesitating, Xu Lin and Xin Yu agreed to come down almost at the same time. My father said that Murong Shanshan should come too. Murong Shanshan saw that I had no objection Then he nodded in agreement.

After helping mom and dad clean up the dishes, the problem of going to bed at night was put in front of everyone. Mom and dad seemed to avoid this problem, and went back to the room early to watch TV, leaving a group of us in the hall, Xu Lin suggested : "How about letting Shanshan sleep on the sofa with Lin Fan?"

Everyone immediately looked at her, saying such things at this time is simply courting death, it's no wonder Xin Yu didn't throw her out.

In the end, Xinyu said with a good temper: "That's inappropriate. Shanshan came all the way and didn't sleep well last night. How could he be squeezed on the sofa with Lin Fan? How about this? Be aggrieved and feel sorry for Shanshan." Sister Lin, squeeze it a little bit."

Murong Shanshan nodded in agreement, while I continued to sleep on the sofa.

In the evening, everyone gathered in my room and commented. Everyone thought that my taste was very good and praised me severely.

At around ten o'clock, several MMs had finished their showers and went back to their rooms to sleep. Murong Shanshan was lying next to my sofa, and I asked her, "Shanshan, why don't you go back to sleep quickly, and sleep until twelve noon tomorrow. Go back to Suzhou after lunch, keep your spirits up, and don’t let Keke laugh at you as a panda when you go back.”

Murong Shanshan was very reluctant, so she lowered her voice and said to me: "You, when you sleep at night, be more honest..."

I also laughed softly: "Are you worried that your boyfriend is sleeping in the same room with two other beauties?"


Murong Shanshan's answer surprised me a little. Seeing my stunned look, she patted my shoulder with a smile and said, "Take a good rest," before leaving.

Watching Murong Shanshan leave the room, I closed the door and turned off the lights. Xin Yu said that she wanted to tell a story. I was afraid that Xu Lin and Murong Shanshan next door would eavesdrop together, so I refused to agree with each other. Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan also talked and talked. Fell asleep,

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