Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 452: Sword and Rose Warrior

I don't know if anyone reported it, but before the war between the two countries, the official forums of the two countries and the hackers had already started a desperate struggle.

As early as a week ago, the official forum in China restricted the access of IDs from India, and even proxies could not be used. India also imposed a series of restrictions on IPs from China. In China, open Only one Indian flag can be seen on the homepage of India Yueheng.

However, the network experts and enthusiasts of the two countries became interested in each other's network defense, so on a dark and stormy night, the two sides launched a cyber bombardment, hackers and other experts seemed to have become martial arts masters, Everyone did their best, chasing and fighting all the way like a flower picker who met a pretty daughter-in-law, with the ultimate goal of finding information on the other party's forum.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that the forums of the two countries were paralyzed for 10 hours due to cyber malicious attacks almost at the same time, and 10 hours later, it happened to be the beginning of our national war.

Therefore, it is obviously unrealistic to obtain information through the Internet and then organize such a large ambush force. The only possibility is that there are really spies on our side, and even the secret gathering of our major guilds in Suzhou is also in the eyes of others .

Thinking of this, I couldn't help shivering, Ye Sha hurriedly asked: "Boss, what's the matter, Lu Xuehan and the others are all here, is there any woman who misses you, can't it be Murong Shanshan?"

I turned around and said, "Don't mind your own business, you should get rid of the little MM you want to chase first, NND, after half a month of chasing her, you didn't even hold hands, it's shameful,"

Ye Sha ran away in shame, and I also came to Xin Yu and Lu Xue Han, the two little beauties were fighting vigorously, everyone knows that the current Indian players are undoubtedly equivalent to living money and experience, the more you kill , the more they earn, it is obvious that both Xinyu and Lu Xuehan are well-managed MMs, so they kill not so many people, especially Lu Xuehan, whose Level 7 Thunderbolt Nine Heavens simply stupefied the players around him. The appearance of the skill and the lethality of the skill that destroys everything has scared many Indian players.

I immediately opened the team formation and brought in a few MMs, so that I could share some of their points, otherwise, if I, a swordsman, were to score points, it would definitely be nothing compared to me.

"Xuehan should pay attention," Xin Yu said suddenly, she looked to the right and said, "At a 45-degree angle to the southwest of me, five thieves are sneaking over. Their target must be you."

Lu Xuehan hesitated for a moment, and asked: "Do you want me to beat them with Thunderbolt Nine Heavens?"

I quickly shook my head and said, "Don't worry, there are so many Indian assams in front of us. It's because of your Thunderbolt Nine Heavens that we can deter them from rushing up. Besides, it's so cool to earn points from Thunder Thunder Nine Heavens. Let these thieves be handed over to me." Now, Xin Yu is going to cooperate with me with lighting arrows, the two of us can clean them up, "

"Okay," Xin Yu happily agreed.

A few seconds later, a bright lighting arrow exploded overhead, and immediately, five wretched figures appeared not far in front of us.

I immediately approached quickly, raised a sword, and easily sent a thief back to the city. The blood-red sword flew, and the combo skill was swiped casually. The cyan light was like the light of death. The thieves were also killed without a sound, and even before they realized what was going on, they found that their blood bars were completely drained.


A thief who was about to attack Lu Xuehan was stunned by Xin Yu's concussion arrow, and a normal shot immediately killed him immediately. Xin Yu didn't stop at all, and exchanged skills frequently. The last thief was killed, and it was officially announced that their assassination operation was aborted.

At this time, the organizers in India must be very puzzled. They are obviously very cautious, but the thieves are still detected by our side. It is only because they bumped into the wrong person. Although Xin Yu's perception is not as good as Ah Yue's, his detection ability It is definitely not something that thieves at level 85 can pretend to pass.

Looking down the mountain, Xu Lin hissed and said, "There are a lot of them, can we cover them, little pig with a sword, you can contact the knights from our guild this morning and ask where they are now. Where is it, is it safe, or has it hung up and returned to the city, "

Little Pig with a Sword nodded and said yes. After a while, Hui reported: "Boss, they are at the foot of the mountain together with other Silvermoon City players, and they are preparing to rush up to liberate the teleportation array between the servers. However, there are still chasing after them." The Indian players who came here from killing, I guess their own life is not too easy, "

Xu Lin smiled and said: "Be patient, it's normal for us to be passive in other people's territory, besides, I won't be at a disadvantage now, as long as the main players of Silvermoon City rush in, Then what are the Indian players in front of us worth?"

Xu Lin seemed to underestimate the enemy, but in fact it greatly boosted morale. The Silver Moon City players who came in with us immediately became more courageous one by one, rushing forward to fight them desperately, Xu Lin also took advantage of the situation and ordered everyone to attack as soon as possible. Rendezvous with the brothers under the mountain.

In the rear, Never Surrender is organizing players who are organizing Lost Paradise to counterattack. In any case, although scattered players are the main force, organized guild forces can tear open the enemy's encirclement like sharp knives.

Xu Lin turned to me and said, "Lin Fan, take this group of unyielding swordsmen and rush there. It's best if you can go all the way down the mountain to join the allies at the bottom of the mountain."

I looked at the densely packed Indian players on the mountainside, and couldn't help saying: "Damn, you're not kidding, we a group of swordsmen rushing over like this, it's just courting death, the archers' concussion arrows alone are enough We were stunned until we died,"

Xu Lin smiled softly: "What are you afraid of? Don't we still have knights? The knight's charge skill can reduce the effect of concussion arrows and other skills by about 75%. Use a few cavalry to help you open the way, and you will be the main force for the follow-up , cavalry lead the way, you kill, anyway, the attack of cavalry is not as high as that of swordsman, isn't it? Moreover, if we don't rush to attack, their encirclement will shrink again and we will not be able to save us. After all, it takes time for our players to teleport over ,"

When I think about it carefully, what Xu Lin said makes sense. The lethality of the cavalry mainly comes from the continuous impact. The cavalry in the game is different from reality. The attack power of the knight is relatively low, and the only way to kill the opponent is to rely on echelon impact. A few or even a dozen cavalrymen galloped past a certain target in turn like a shock wave, and the indiscriminate damage caused by the charge was enough to kill the target by Ling Chi.

"Boss, let me lead the team," Little Pig with Sword summoned his armored rhinoceros mount, mounted it, and challenged majestically to fight.

I was so envious that I wished I could get on the mount immediately, so that it would be cool to charge and kill.

Xu Lin nodded and said: "As the head of the cavalry regiment, you naturally need to take the lead. However, this time you can only assign 50 cavalry. Our cavalry players are very rare. I don't want them to suffer too much here. A big loss, and this is not where you really play a role, you are the sharpest blade, and your mission is to split the opponent's strongest defense, you will not fail to understand this simple truth, "

The little pig with a sword made a knight salute according to the system's default posture, and said, "I know, let's choose a knight player,"

I hurriedly added: "Since you want to do it yourself, then choose all knights equipped with armored rhinos, so that the speed can be unified and the impact can be maximized."



Five minutes later, 50 cavalrymen were ready to go. All uniform armored rhinoceros mounts looked mighty. Players from other guilds in a large circle around them were almost drooling. Mounts are so rare that many cavalry players don’t have them at all. Mounts, now a cavalry squad with uniform configuration suddenly appeared, and the level of the armored rhinoceros can be seen at a glance. If this is normal, many players will definitely be overwhelmed on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, nearly 200 swordsmen from Paradise Lost led by Never Yield were on standby at the rear to prepare for battle. Although their equipment was not uniform and the colors were messy, some were orange and some were green, but the prominent Paradise Lost on their armbands The badge tells everyone without a doubt: We are organized.

Xin Yu looked back at the teleportation formation, and couldn't help complaining: "Why haven't the blood red and Shanshan troops come yet, are we relying on Paradise Lost to take the lead? These guys really don't have any loyalty,"

Lu Xuehan said with a smile: "The players of Sword and Rose come from afar, and most of them are scattered. Probably, Shanshan didn't expect Indian players to organize such a huge ambush here in a short period of time. Blood Red is even further away. He We don’t even have our own base, let alone come here at the same time, and TOT is also far away, so only we, Paradise Lost, come here more concentratedly,”

Xin Yu smiled and said: "Xue Han, you are so kind, you only want to excuse others, don't you see that Lin Fan is going to die, from here to the bottom of the mountain, he will be strongly blocked by at least tens of thousands of Indian players, you Do you think Lin Fan's 200 infantry and 50 cavalry can really penetrate other people's lines?"

Lu Xuehan pursed her lips and smiled: "You have to trust Lin Fan, since he dared to bring someone over, he must be sure."

Xin Yu didn't believe it, so she turned around and asked me, "How sure are you that you'll come back alive?"

"Not at all sure..."

I answered truthfully. After all, I was facing India's crowd tactics. I had used up my two most powerful skills just now, but I was not crazy enough to think that I could kill them easily.

Lu Xuehan remained silent, looking at me with worry in her eyes.

Xu Lin said: "Don't worry, Lin Fan and the others are just pioneers. I will order the rest of the players to rush forward. Besides, it's not just the 250 people like Lin Fan who are really impacted. The players from the scattered guilds will also follow. Rush over, there are quite a few of them,"

I saw that everyone was almost ready, so I stopped talking nonsense and nodded to the little pig with a sword. He immediately pulled out his long sword, swung it forward, and shouted loudly: "Fight!"

The 50 knights slowly spread out, and every two knights were separated by about one person, urging the horses to run faster. Since they were in a swooping posture on the mountainside, they accelerated faster, and soon Yes, it almost reaches the fastest running speed, which is twice as fast as that of ordinary players.

I glanced at the swordsman players who looked straight behind me, and said with a smile: "They are just wall breakers, the real killers are us, brothers, come on, the final glory belongs to us,"

Immediately, the response was fierce, and many swordsman players rushed out like a tide. We were not the only ones who launched the attack, and many players who were not in Paradise also participated in the attack. Immediately, a triangular formation was formed on the mountainside, and they followed the cavalry all the way. And the next one, and I, acted as a sharp knife because of its relatively fast speed.

Amidst a violent crash, our cavalry had already exchanged fire with the opponent's front-line infantry. Unsurprisingly, those swordsmen and foot knights couldn't bear the powerful impact of the armored rhinoceros at all. They were knocked off their backs, and even some swordsmen with low strength were knocked into the air, and when they fell, they had only one breath left.

The power of the cavalry was instantly revealed. They harvested the life of the opponent like a demon wielding a death scythe. They had a strong penetrating power. The camps of long-range attack professions such as priests, summoners, and animal trainers swung their swords up and down, as if they were in a no-man's land.

The follow-up forces of the swordsmen caught up later. Taking advantage of the huge deterrent effect of the cavalry on the enemy, we started the crazy killing of Indian melee players. The blood-red sword was soon stained with blood, and there was a "puchi"** The body of a swordsman was splashed with blood, and when he pulled it out, the sword blade was wiped dry by his clothes, still showing its sharpness.

The 200 Paradise Lost swordsmen behind me can be described as the melee elites of Paradise Lost. All of them are extremely brave. For a while, the light flashed around, and they killed the opponent's helmet and armor. The original advantage disappeared. Indian players The morale of the army also immediately slackened, and they, who had completely lost their fighting spirit, undoubtedly became the best targets for us to score points.

I'm a little bit embarrassed, if what I have in my hand is not the blood-red sword, but the sword of war song with more powerful attack power, or the sword of flying feathers, then it should be faster to collect points, even so, I occasionally burst out My Xuanbing Sword skill can still instantly kill a group of people. The level 10 Xuanbing Sword's attack power has reached an extreme. With my actual attack of nearly 3000, after being amplified by the skill's lethality, it is still relatively easy to kill these level 80 swordsmen in seconds. relaxing.

The front of the Indian players was completely disintegrated, and the players from Silvermoon City came one after another, occupying the absolute initiative in less than half an hour. The 50 cavalrymen of Paradise Lost who are the great heroes still have 20 left. After all, there are many people in other people's camps, and there are few people in them. No matter how fierce the elephant is, it will inevitably be bitten to death by ants.

The white light of the teleportation array has never stayed and flickered. The players in Silvermoon City have been notified. At this time, they are rushing to the Lost City with their lives. The people from Sword and Rose have also come, but I only see the sun It's just not falling, there are too many players, it is impossible to find Murong Shanshan.

Sun Buluo galloped all the way to me on his mount, and said with a smile, "I didn't expect that the credit for the first city would be taken away by you for losing Paradise after just drinking a bottle of beer. The players in the meeting said, if it weren't for the outstanding performance of Lin Fan, you and Kuangjian, I'm afraid we in Silvermoon City still haven't been able to break through this trap."

Sun Never Set looked around and said with emotion: "There are so many mage's equipment, it can be imagined that this place can be called the mage's ocean. I really don't understand how you rushed in."

I smiled: "Don't think about it if you don't understand it, Shanshan."

"Shanshan asked us to come in separately. I don't know where she is now, but the guild channel has been discussing that your Paradise Lost cavalry is too fierce. I don't know if our Sword and Rose cavalry will let you out. Everyone laughed out loud~,"

"How come, there are at least 5,000 knight players of Sword and Rose, and it's not scary to pull them out. By the way, the people you brought, hurry up, there are our own people at the foot of the mountain, meet up early, and lay down a few here first." Let’s talk about a stronghold, otherwise, our people will not be able to supply medicines and so on here, and we will not be able to fight for a long time at all.”

Sun Buluo nodded and said: "Okay, my people are organizing and will start charging in a minute,"


A minute passed quickly, and under the afterglow of the setting sun, rows of sturdy cavalry rushed down like divine soldiers, extremely fast, strangling with the right-wing Indian player in a blink of an eye, and the powerful impact quickly overwhelmed them. The front line of the Indian player group was torn to pieces, and under the iron sword of the cavalry, white lights rose up and flew towards the lost city.

A swordsman in Paradise Lost next to me was stunned, and murmured: "Fuck, the cavalry of Sword and Rose is indeed the leader of the motley army, tsk tsk, there are so many types of mounts, grassland mammoth, silver moon forest soil Specialty black donkeys, Shadowmoon Valley mongrels, crap, and cavalry on pregnant forest hounds..."


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