Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 460: Strategies for Isolation

In the early morning of the next day, after waking up refreshed, after a night of rest, the tiredness from the previous day was gone, I tidied up, went downstairs to accompany Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan to have breakfast, and then went back to the dormitory to go online.

Nothing happened overnight, and no one called us. It seems that India also chose to rest before preparing for the next attack, but they probably did not expect that the time difference between China and India might make them very passive. After all, Beijing The time is faster. We get up at eight o'clock in the morning now, but India is only three or four o'clock in the morning. Maybe people are sleeping with an Indian belly dancer in their arms. Who would want to get up in the middle of the night to fight the national war.

After going online, it was still relatively early, only a few Silvermoon City players observed the situation below on the city wall, and most of the players who just went online hurried back and forth between the drug storehouse and the equipment store, and temporarily hired equipment repairers to repair equipment The price is three times the usual price, which is quite black, but it is impossible to repair it, so everyone has to reluctantly spend money to repair the equipment, while cursing the unscrupulous game developer for drinking cold water and choking to death.

I checked my equipment, the durability is relatively high, and I don't need to repair it for the time being, so I climbed the city wall, but soon found that an NPC from the Lost City slipped out from the crack of the city gate and was heading towards the back of the city. advance up the mountains.

I quickly looked around, only to find that the young and frivolous just went online and was still rubbing his eyes, so I walked over immediately, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Good boy, you're lucky,"

Young and frivolous, he was taken aback. Seeing it was me, he asked, "Boss, what's the matter?"

I stretched out my hand and pointed to the city, and said, "Look, the pharmacy NPC of the Lost City has gone up the mountain to collect raw materials for medicine. My good guy, I dispatched more than 30 pharmacists at once. This Lost City is so rich. If we just kill it These pharmacists don’t know if the source of medicine in the Lost City will be cut off, if it can be cut off, it’s a drudgery from the bottom of the pot.”

"Fuck, what do you want..." Young and frivolous looked at me nervously.

"Damn it, could it be possible to eat you?" I glared at him, and said, "The piggy who manages the cavalry in our guild hasn't gone online yet, so I'll leave it to you to do the job. Immediately summon Sword and Rose Online Cavalry, organize a charge, the goal is to kill the group of NPCs, is there a problem, this, after the hacking, I will show you my merits to Shanshan..."

Young and frivolous looked at the situation below, and said: "There is no problem with this, but look, boss, they actually sent a group of cavalry to protect the NPCs, tsk tsk, three hundred elephant cavalry, they really value these NPCs."

"Why, are you not sure?"

I looked at him contemptuously, and it worked quickly. Young and frivolous, he immediately said: "It's only three hundred cavalry. Although we don't have a group of iron cavalry like yours in Sword and Rose, the number of cavalry is not small. Just wait and see. "

Young and frivolous went to contact the past, and about ten minutes later, a cavalry galloped out of the oracle capital, and rushed towards the NPCs in the lost city with smoke and dust. About halfway, the giant elephant cavalry from India also found them, so they immediately launched Charge, the two sides clashed at the foot of the mountain.

The speed of the cavalry is very fast, and once they collide, they will definitely be separated. Therefore, amidst the violent impact, cavalrymen continue to fall off their horses. The knights' swords are swung again on the plain, and the sharp knights' spears pass through each other's gaps with blood. The body, the horse neighing, was in chaos.

This battle attracted everyone's attention. A large number of players went to the city to watch the battle. Even the walls of the Lost City were crowded with people.

Generally speaking, the quality of the Giant Elephant Cavalry is slightly better, but the cavalry level of Sword and Rose is higher, and the number exceeds that of the opponent. All the 1,000 cavalry on the line are quite powerful, and the variegated mounts alone are enough to scare the Indians.

The results of the battle were unexpected. The giant elephant cavalry who had been aggressively running through the Sword and Rose camp seven or eight times yesterday were killed and defeated. Sword and Rose chased and slashed relentlessly, and only the one who fled back to the Lost City There are only a dozen giant elephant cavalry, and the rest have already given their lives to the Lost Plain.

At this time, the gates of the Lost City opened wide, and another large group of giant elephant cavalry galloped out. This time there were a large number, about two thousand. Seeing that the situation was not good, the sword and rose cavalry immediately urged their horses to catch up The NPCs collecting herbs, like a tiger entering a herd of sheep, chopped melons and vegetables and killed those NPCs who were unable to fight back.

After killing all the NPCs, the opponent's cavalry rushed straight over, so the knights led by Sword and Rose immediately whistled and shouted: "Mission completed, brothers, dodge,"

The smoke billowed, and the horsemen returned, all in glory.

The players in the city opened the city gate to welcome the hero. On the other side, they saw thousands of giant elephant cavalry chasing behind, and their faces turned pale with fright. Hurry up and close the door, what are you doing standing there to eat?"

Everyone was woken up by the scolding, and immediately hurried to close the city gate, while I ordered the archers on the city wall: "Everyone, prepare and shoot,"

On the spacious city wall platform, a large group of archers drew their bows and shot arrows at the same time. Suddenly, a group of arrows flew out of the air. A perfect black arc pierced the sky. A large group of arrows fell to the ground at high speed. It was too late, and they were hit right away. Even though their defense was super high, they still lost most of their vitality in the dense arrow rain. After the Pyroblasts of several mages broke out in the cavalry group, there were already dozens of giant elephants. The cavalry hung below the city.

Seeing that these people did not give up, I immediately ordered: "All archers, attack at will,"

As a result, the sound of "swish" can be heard endlessly. Xin Yu, who just came online, killed the enemy with one arrow after another. Her attack power is very high. Almost every attack can kill a half-blooded elephant cavalry. It seems that Yueheng's expansion pack is right, high-attacking archers are indeed the nemesis of knight players, and archer phalanxes shooting in groups are the most powerful enemy of cavalry groups.

Xu Lin and Lu Xuehan also went online not far away, I immediately called them over, pointed to the giant elephant cavalry below the city and said: "Beauties, beat these bastards hard, many of our brothers were in their hands yesterday." ,"

Without thinking, Xu Lin threw out the skill of Hellfire Sky Strike, and the purple flames precisely landed on the area where the cavalry was most densely populated. The cavalry were immediately burnt to death, and the flame quickly dyed the knights purple as if contagious, and Lu Xuehan was gaining momentum A thunderbolt nine days in three seconds shocked all directions, the huge lightning energy formed an electric column and raged in the cavalry group, and the huge thunder ball formed by the lightning element also exploded in the crowd, and the lightning energy ran around. The lethality instantly killed nearly 20 cavalrymen, and the remaining hundreds of cavalrymen in the vicinity had only a trace of blood left. After being baptized again by Xinyu's multiple arrows, white light flew all over the sky.

It didn't take long for the 2,000 giant elephant cavalry to quickly disintegrate. The long-range attack force of Silvermoon City on the city wall was too strong. I'm afraid it would be difficult to handle without a group of tens of thousands of cavalry charging.


Xin Yu's concussion arrow stopped a giant elephant cavalryman who was about to escape. Seeing this, the other archers immediately switched to precision shooting mode, and shot the cavalryman out of range of the hedgehog in a blink of an eye.

I roughly counted, 2000 cavalry came, only about 200 when they returned, it was a small victory, it seems that archers and long-range attack professions should not be underestimated, especially in this kind of city defense war, in fact Archers are powerful existences second only to group magicians.

A small group of swordsman players opened the city gate, went to the city and took back all the equipment they left behind, and even received a large piece of medicine, which happened to be used as a supply for the Silver Moon City Alliance. Now on their territory, You have to plan carefully everywhere, otherwise you will be unable to fight because of the exhaustion of supplies.

And after this conflict, the Lost City of India was silent for nearly an hour, and Xue Hong couldn't help being a little puzzled, so he asked: "Could it be that they want to hold on tight, so we won't be able to open the situation at all, or else , I took people to the mountain behind to lure or sneak attack, after last night's replenishment of troops, now our bloody sky has reached 30,000 troops, and the Hall of Fame has more than 20,000 people here. It’s very hard, just waiting for a fierce battle with them.”

Ye Qiu said: "Tough battles are always fought, and there will be a series of tough battles in the future. On this lost plain, we will completely defeat the reinforcements from Nino City in India, as well as the unknown giant elephant cavalry regiment."

A Swords and Roses knight player next to him also said angrily: "Yes, we must kill those stupid cavalrymen. Damn, we Swords and Roses have never experienced such a fiasco like yesterday, we can only get back from them." place, use their blood to wash away the shame brought to us,"

I looked around for a week and said, "Your boss, Murong Shanshan, hasn't been online yet. We'll wait for her to get revenge. NND, this guy is sleeping late again."

Ye Qiu smiled ambiguously, and said, "She won't... just sleep next to you, won't you wake up as soon as you call out?"

There were a lot of Swords and Roses players around, so I felt like a thorn in my back, so I punched Ye Qiu's chest and said, "Damn, don't make jokes, people will die, Shanshan lives in school, how can she be in school?" I'm here……"

Ye Qiu froze for a moment, and suddenly saw the murderous gazes of the Sword and Rose players around him, shivered immediately, and stopped talking.

Xue Hong kept smiling silently. Seeing that Ye Qiu and I were free, he came over and said with a smile, "You guys from TOT have a really good relationship. I've heard of a famous team called TOT in Shanghai before. But I didn’t expect that all of you would be transferred to Yuehengli. Now that I think about it, it’s really a pleasure to fight side by side with you. Perhaps, only the relationship between you can be truly called brothers.”

Ye Qiu and I looked at each other, Xue Hong smiled and said: "What should we do next, no, let's just stick to this city."

Xue Hong stared at me, seeming to see what I was thinking, so I had no choice but to say: "Actually, I don't have any good ideas, I just want to isolate the lost city,"

"Isolate the lost city, what do you say,"

"Because the main city of Nino cannot be directly transferred to the Lost City, it can only be circulated through two guild stations. Therefore, we can force the Lost City to submit by cutting off the two player supply lines. Currently, the Oracle City This larger guild resident has been taken down, and there is a miracle city that is far away from us. The names of these two guild resident are surprisingly similar. It is very likely that the high-level guilds are related. However, as long as If we take these two garrisons, the troops of the Lost City will die one less. If the players of Nino City want to come back, they can only pass through two official roads, but these two roads have been ruled by the City of Miracles. The two garrisons of the city and the city of the oracle were cut off. Besides, they had to go over many lost mountains to get there. However, that mountain is not simple. There are many unexplored monster types, if you go on the mountain road, you are guaranteed that those Ah San will eat a pot of it, "

Xue Hong was actually beaten stupid in yesterday's battle. He is a businessman, and he has been calculating gains and losses. As a result, yesterday's loss is equivalent to a real estate collapse. This blow is really not small. The account in the game is a complete loss. Now, after hearing my idea, Xue Hong immediately seemed to see hope, so he said: "Although the idea is good, but have you considered that the Lost City will not willingly watch us attack another of his garrisons, this oracle The capital has already alerted them, I am afraid it will not be so easy to sneak attack on the next city, as you can see today, there are a lot of Nino City players in the city of miracles, and they are ready, "

I smiled and said, "Don't worry, we don't need to sneak attack this time, just attack directly."

Xue Hong looked worried, and said: "Lin Fan, stop joking, attack them by force, the city of oracle, the city of miracles and the lost city form a triangle, if we storm the capital of miracles, the lost city How could it be possible not to rush to help, as you saw yesterday, they have more than 20,000 elite giant elephant cavalry, these cavalry alone can almost sweep our three guilds, if we attack the city of miracles, they will attack from behind Sneak attack, I'm afraid yesterday's tragedy will repeat itself again, "

But Ye Qiu said: "What Xue Hong said is correct, but you overlooked one point, that is, our cavalry did not organize a group charge yesterday, so they took the opportunity to sweep us. If the cavalry of our major guilds If they all mount their horses and gain the charging distance, I don’t think they will lose to them.”

I also said: "Well, also, I didn't plan to attack the City of Miracles by a foolish side. You can open the map to see that the City of Miracles is just backed by the teleportation point on the side of Silvermoon City. That is to say, the players we came here can directly kick the ass of the City of Miracles, but when we came over, we only saw the Lost City on the Lost Plain and ignored the existence of the City of Miracles,"

"You mean, let's accumulate troops at the exit of the teleportation array, and then attack back and forth with the troops here now to take down the City of Miracles," Xuehong said excitedly.

I nodded: "This is basically the case. I just told SEVEN of TOT to gather players at the entrance of the teleportation from Silvermoon City. No matter which guild they belong to, they will be under his command. Those who don't obey All the players are thrown into the deep mountains and old forests to fend for themselves. I estimate that in a few hours, nearly 100,000 players will be accumulated there. Then, we will act together with our players and try to win the City of Miracles in one fell swoop. Completely isolate the Lost City, now, the only thing we need is for our side to start preparations,"

Xue Hong immediately laughed, and took the initiative to ask Ying to say: "Let me take the task of attacking the city of miracles on our side to lead the team. Come on, I can only vent my anger on these Indian assholes by doing it hard once."

Ye Qiu was envious: "Damn, even the second daughter Yu, this kind of double-flying thing, my brother has been thinking about it for 23 years, and I have never had a chance,"

Xuehong immediately patted Ye Qiu on the shoulder, and said generously: "It's okay, come to Shanghai after the national war, buddy invites you to play, don't talk about double flying, three flying, four flying, eighteen flying are not a problem, Lin Fan, do you want to come together?"

I was in a cold sweat and shook my head again and again, Xin Yu, Lu Xuehan and Xu Lin were all listening beside me, if I nodded, I am afraid they would immediately throw me into the city.

Ye Qiu, however, was envious. It seemed that he had already planned to confess his first night, but Xue Hong seduced, "How about, Ye Qiu, your TOT will go to sweep the City of Miracles together with our Scarlet Sky and Hall of Fame,"

Ye Qiu immediately said: "Okay, it just so happens that the brothers all want to have a good fight,"

I secretly regret that although it is an alliance relationship, I don't really want TOT to go to the city to attack. After all, the losses of the attacking party are always great. This is an eternal law. Sold it.

However, on the other hand, I was really not at ease when Scarlet Sky and Hall of Fame went to attack. Although the strength of these two guilds is relatively strong, after all, the opponent is a garrison with reinforcements from Nino City. There is an army of hundreds of thousands, and if you don't send more people there, you might not be able to win it.

So I said again: "Then, let's take away the hundreds of thousands of people in the Lost Forest, and the number of people who stay in the oracle capital to defend is about 100,000, blood red, you go to gather troops, Sorry to trouble you, whether you can kill the city of miracles depends entirely on you."

Xue Hong laughed dryly, and said, "Don't worry, I'll take care of this matter,"


It will start to explode tomorrow, ask for flowers, votes, and subscription~

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