Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 468: Fire Magister

After a few minutes. Everyone reacted. Murong Shanshan immediately said to herself naturally: "The French have lost their trust. These bastards actually took advantage of the time we were attacking the Lost City to attack Silvermoon City..."

Xu Lin was stunned for a moment. Suddenly received a text message. Then his face turned pale and he said, "It's over. The Paradise Lost station has fallen."

"What. The garrison fell..." I was shocked and said: "How could this happen? What happened to Silvermoon City? There was no warning at all."

Xu Lin shook her head and smiled wryly: "I don't know the details. Joly said. Suddenly, a large number of French players came out of the Qingfengling Forest in the south of the station. The Silvermoon City players there were killed by surprise. Moreover, the French players started to walk out of the forest. Summon mounts. Half of the players are knight players. Even a small-scale impact is unbearable for low-level players in Silvermoon City. This is how our garrison fell. Four city gates were smashed open. A large number of enemies rushed in Fang cavalry. Fortunately, JOLY has recycled all the production-type NPCs into the system residence. When we recover, we only need to spend a little of their resettlement fees to re-summon the NPCs. But, all combat-type NPCs Hanging light. The direct loss cannot be calculated."

Xin Yu was a little excited. Said: "Then what are you waiting for. Go back to the city immediately. Go and grab the station back. Don't let the French take advantage."

I said: "Xin Yu, don't be in a hurry. Let's figure out the situation before we talk. Our attack on the Lost City has progressed to this point. It would be a pity if we give up at this point. We must obtain the King's Token before going back to save the Lost City. Now The Indian side has been completely disabled by us. We don’t need too many players. Why not. Let the members outside the city go back to Silvermoon City directly. Find out whether the French are attacking Silvermoon City or Hurricane City. Then Go to the rescue."

He glanced at the people next to him. I said: "Guozi, Qing'er. Yield and Yesha. And Xiaozhu. You go out first and order all the Lost Paradise players to return to the city. This defense battle is up to you. If it goes well here, we will also Go back quickly. Let's fight side by side. Ye Qiu. What about you?"

Several people in TOT could hardly bear it anymore. see me ask. Immediately said: "We will go back immediately. I will leave this place to you."

"Don't you want to take the token of the king?" I asked.

Ye Qiu immediately smiled and said, "We still have this bit of self-knowledge. With you and Murong Shanshan here, we are just redundant."

I don't want to talk nonsense either. So he said: "Then you go ahead. The brothers will arrive later."

"Okay. Take care bro. May we win on both sides."

Ye Qiu said something simply. An order was issued in the guild channel. Afterwards, several main persons in charge of TOT returned to the city one after another.

A few people who live in the rivers and lakes feel that there is no need to be here. So I went back to Silvermoon City. Murong Shanshan said to the young and frivolous and the sun never set: "You two brothers. You should go back to Silvermoon City too. It is enough to have me here. Too many people here will only make the situation more chaotic. If you want cannon fodder There are a lot of people in Scarlet Sky. After you go back, immediately organize members of our guild to fight back. But be careful. We must cooperate with Paradise Lost to launch an attack together. The French came prepared. We must not underestimate the enemy."

Murong Shanshan called out "brother". Young and frivolous and the sun never sets, the two big boys were immediately excited to death. Shuangshuang nodded in response to the loyalists: "Shanshan, don't worry. We are here. Silvermoon City is here. If the French want to get their hands on Silvermoon City, they must step on our bodies."

Murong Shanshan nodded: "Okay. Let's go. Good luck."

So the two left. Our place is empty. Only a few people from Paradise Lost and Murong Shanshan are left.

Xu Lin asked, "What shall we do now?"

I said: "Go to the palace. Go straight to the Token of Kings. If we finish it sooner, we can go back to Silvermoon City and do our part. MD. How can the French grasp the timing so well. Almost in Instigate an attack at the most critical moment. Even if we return to the city now, the players in Silvermoon City are already exhausted physically and mentally. Do you really have the heart to fight this more intense national war?"

Murong Shanshan gritted her teeth and said, "If it doesn't work, we'll have to fight hard. We can't just watch Silvermoon City being captured by those nasty French. Let's hurry to the palace. There's not much going on over there."

So a group of people left the equipment store immediately. He also ignored the weapons store and drug store not far away. Anyway, Silvermoon City is under attack and we must go back. After returning to Silvermoon City. You can buy as many medicines as you want from NPCs.

The number of players on the streets of the Lost City has also become increasingly rare. Probably many of them have already returned to the city to defend their homes and the country. It was only when I came to the center of the city that I saw a sea of ​​people. It turns out that this is where the palace of the Lost City is located.

Get rid of the crowd. We go to the front. However, it was discovered that the players in the bloody sky did not enter the palace. It means collectively attacking a large group of palace guards. The level of these palace guards is very high. It is a level 120 elite NPC. It is quite difficult to kill. On the contrary, the side of Scarlet Sky suffered heavy losses. The laser swords frequently fired by the opponent made them extremely painful.

Standing not far away with blood red face and blue face. Meet us over here. He immediately gritted his teeth and said, "I didn't expect the French to be so dishonest. I knew they were unreliable. Damn it. We miscalculated this time."

Murong Shanshan asked: "Have you not opened the entrance to the palace yet?"

Xue Hong said awkwardly: "Yes. The NPCs here are surprisingly tough. We suffered heavy losses and were unable to break through."

I raised my sword and said: "No way. We don't have much time to spend here. Boss Blood Red. Let all the thieves under you sneak in. Let's search separately. The sooner you find the token of the king, the sooner you can return to Silver Moon The city taught the French a lesson."

"Okay. Just do as you said." Blood Red then arranged for the thieves to sneak into the palace.

Thousands of thieves have entered the stealth state one after another. Slowly, he wanted to move forward at the gate of the palace. But they're just halfway there. There was a burst of fire and rain in the palace. immediately. The thief, who was already anemic, was burned to the ground. In less than three seconds, almost all of them were killed and returned to Silvermoon City to be revived.

There was a rain of fire at the gate of the palace. Those palace guards showed joy. Let's go and tell each other: "Our palace magister, Master Karan, has finally made a move. Haha. These invaders will not be able to set foot in the palace."

I looked back at the MMs. Said: "Shanshan give me a life guard. Xuehan give me an eternal healing technique. What kind of bullshit magister is this. Let me kill him. Otherwise, no one will get the token of the king."

The two MMs obediently complied immediately. Xu Lin said unexpectedly: "Lin Fan, can you really handle it? Look at the appearance of these guards. The magister must be a very powerful character."

I smiled: "No matter how powerful it is, I still have to bite the bullet. If I go well, you can find a chance to come in. I'm afraid I really can't handle this magister."


So I will say no more. The moment the sword is rushed out, the swordsman's swift state is activated. Also enter stealth mode. Very fast. And the palace guards couldn't see me either. It's a pity that I underestimated the power of that fiery flame. When I just stepped in, I lost 1800 points of blood. This is when Murong Shanshan's life protection cuts her damage by half. Otherwise, losing 3600 points of blood in one second may not even be acceptable to me.

His feet were in excruciating pain from being scorched by the flames. This kind of fire is corrosive like Xu Lin's underworld fire. The pain seems to have been drilled into the bone. Every step I take has to bear great pain. (Your one light click. Warm my whole codeword life. Let’s watch the game channel together. More exciting content is waiting for you.)

I stared at my blood. At the same time, be careful not to get too close to the palace guards. After all, they are level 120 NPCs. Once found and entangled, it will be troublesome. They are not attacked in the fire because of their alignment. I am different. Almost 1800 damage per second makes my scalp tingle.

While taking out the only potion from the package and using it. This short distance has become very long. When I rushed out of the flames. I hardly remember how many potions I used. Anyway, there was only a pitiful trace of blood left. Fortunately, the effect of Lu Xuehan's eternal healing technique is still there. The continuous blood recovery function gave me some confidence in my heart.

The palace was filled with the fragrance of birds and flowers. Under a towering giant tree. An old man with a white beard is wearing a white robe. He was raising his staff and chanting obscure magic spells in a low voice.

[Fire Magister Karan Master] (Dark Gold Boss Level NPC)

Level: 135

Magic attack: 3100-3750

Defense: 1750

Vitality: 300,000

Additional: Master Karan is familiar with fire magic. Possesses the ability to cast a fire spell that is close to the forbidden spell, Holy Fire Fall. The fall of the Holy Flame is powerful. Duration 30 minutes. Only stops when Master Karan's spellcasting is interrupted


I was secretly taken aback. This boss has a very high attack. And the duration of the magic is really long. A flame lasts for 30 minutes. Fortunately, we didn't have to wait outside for his casting interval. Or you have to wait until the day lily is cold.

I walked over quickly. Habitually came behind Master Karan. The big purple sword in his hand swept out the combo horizontally. The level 10 combo burst out dazzling light on the white robe of the archmage. The characteristics of the skill successfully interrupted Karan's spellcasting. The flame rain skill outside the palace gate then disappeared.

Karan flew into a rage after being attacked. Turning around, he waved his staff and fired an instant fireball. That fireball was extremely fast. I was hit in the chest before I could dodge. In tearing pain. Surprised to find that the 3500 points of qi and blood he had just recovered had returned to the state of empty blood. The magic attack of Master Karan 3750 is really not covered.

Karan looked at me with disdain. Reach out with your left palm flat in the air. An active fire element quickly condensed in his palm. In a blink of an eye, it was already a huge fireball. I secretly screamed in my heart. The power of this TMD magic is definitely not small. If you let it happen. This little life is definitely going to be explained.

I hurriedly checked the distance. Immediately secretly happy. This distance is just the distance from the critical point of the charge. So he took a step back. The big sword swung across. Quickly activated the charge skill.

After a phantom. Master Karan stood there blankly. Into a brief dizziness state. But it's amazing. The fireball is still in his palm and has not disappeared. Burning blazingly. It also means. Once Master Karan regains consciousness. This fireball will send me to the west as soon as possible.

Time is not a consideration. I immediately slid quickly to the back of the Archmage. A horizontal pull of the big sword in his hand brought out the Frozen Slash. The icy energy immediately swept across the archmage's white robe. He still has to turn around. But found that the body has quickly condensed into ice. The fireball in his hand also disappeared under the raging water element.

after two attacks. The qi and blood of the archmage decreased by nearly one tenth. But I know. In fact, I have already used one of the most NB skills. Next, if the archmage shows off his power. I will be in a very passive position. The magic-breaking sword has also completely lost its effectiveness. The system directly prompts that the skill is invalid. This makes me very unhappy.

So I didn't think too much about it. Greet all available skills such as heavy blows. After a beating. The Archmage's vitality and blood dropped again. But the ice also quickly began to crumble. A disdainful smile appeared on Karan's face again.

I hatefully poked out the last blow before the ice melted. My heart is full of unwillingness. If this fucking weapon was replaced with a Feiyu sword, how could this old man be so arrogant. Every time Feiyujian hits the opponent, it can recover 3% of its own blood. Critical strike chance increased by 50%. Increases the attack power of all skills by 70%. The most important thing is that the magical damage reduction effect reaches 60%. Me equipped with the Feather Sword. Killing this old man who looks like NB is pure abuse.

But now. But I'm about to face the embarrassing situation of being purely abused by him...

After a "bang~". Master Karan broke free from the frozen restraint. He turned around and fired another instant fireball. It also successfully destroyed the qi and blood I just recovered. I was shocked. Move quickly. Trying to be able to run behind him and dodge his magic attacks. At the same time, he took out the blood bottle and drank another one. Instantly restore 2500 points of vitality.

But my thinking seems a little naive. When I just came behind him. Master Karan has already turned around. The speed is not like a mage but like a thief. There was a sound of "whoosh~". A Frostbolt hit me. My movement speed dropped immediately. What was even worse was that the thousands of blood that had just been drunk turned into empty blood again. RP is surprisingly good. The enemy is fierce. I was in a lot of pain for a while.

Master Karan gave me a disdainful look. With incomparable disdain. The power of the magister is fully revealed. The casting time is extremely short. Even this kind of ice magic, which originally required very little casting time, just appeared in his hands. It's as easy as snapping your fingers. And I didn't have that easy. A near-instant spell can hit me all over the ground. If you save a large magic. I will definitely go straight to heaven.

Master Karan seemed to understand my state of mind. He immediately became the beauty of adulthood. The whole body began to glow red. The robes seemed to be on fire. Surrounding his staff was an extremely red light. Runes flow above. An astonishing amount of fire elements quickly condensed.

Master Karan "smirked" at me. Said: "Humble human being. Accept the Holy Judgment of the sky. The fire of the sky will baptize your filthy soul."


In the loud noise. A huge fire dragon jumped out of the staff. Straight forward with great momentum. Extremely fast. In a blink of an eye, it is in front of you. I can clearly feel the deadly hot temperature inside.

Master Karan let out a smug laugh. in his eyes. I'm pretty much a dead man already. But his smile gradually froze on his face. because. The dead man in his eyes was still standing there firmly. and. There is also a faint blue halo around the body. Several small golden round shields fluttered up and down like flying feathers.

"This... Could this be the legendary Zero Boundary Protection skill? My God. Why did it appear here? Master Luo Ning's language has become void. Has the order been completely destroyed?"

Karan looked frustrated. Seeing the absolute defensive aura on my body, I almost lost all fighting spirit.

I was surprised and said: "This is obviously an absolute defense. What is the protection of the zero boundary point?"

Karan was shocked immediately: "What. This is not zero-point protection. Hahaha. Sure enough, it is not. Absolute defense. Tsk tsk. It's just a low-level enchantment skill. The duration must be very short. Humble invaders. You just wait to go to hell."

I was very angry. I actually set aside a good invincible time to discuss skills with him. Isn't this courting death?

Fly forward. The big sword swung away. Unleash the combo and heavy strike skills on Master Karan again. As a cloth armor magician. Defense is definitely not high. so. Even my attack at this time is not very high. However, the harm to Master Karan cannot be ignored.

Karan took a few steps back but did not dodge my attack. His health was also reduced to about half by this series of attacks.

but. My absolute defense skills are limited after all. And because of the weapon. The damage output at this time is not too high. Before the absolute defense disappeared, he could only watch Karan laugh with one-third of his vitality. His tone was extremely harsh: "Is this the legendary brave man from Silvermoon City? Oh, you are not a brave man. Your body is as weak as your will. When I was young, I could kill you even with a staff A third-rate swordsman like you."

My day. To be insulted like this by a mage. I was so ashamed that I wanted to hide my face and run away...

But Karan obviously didn't want to give me such a chance. The first time the absolute defense disappeared. A time-consuming and long-lasting large-scale flame magic that he had prepared for a long time had already flew over.

I was locked by magic and couldn't escape at all. He could only stand there dumbfounded and suffer death. Qi and blood are only half. Definitely can't stand this kind of super BT attack.

It's over. It's all over...

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