Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 38 Rival in love?


The text message came, I opened it and it turned out to be from Murong Shanshan: "Lin Fan, did you sell that ghost dagger?"

"Yeah, why, you don't want to buy a dagger too, besides, you're already a problem with living expenses!"

Murong Shanshan turned on the intercom, smiled and said, "That's right, a friend of mine wants to buy your dagger, and I hope you can sell it to him directly. If you keep bidding like this, he might not be able to get it."

It is very close to the exchange, so I went to have a look and found that the price has soared to more than 8,700 RMB in just four hours, and it may not be lower than 10,000 RMB in two hours.

"Well, Shanshan, you want me to take the dagger off the shelf and trade it to your friend?"

Murong Shanshan smiled: "Yes, he is almost 16, so he really wants that high-attack dagger that can attack 21-36. He is also a student, so there is only so much money. It doesn't matter, it shouldn't be a problem to sell it to him in advance, right?"

I smiled lightly: "No problem, no problem, but it depends on how much he can make."

"Ten thousand is already very high, okay?" Murong Shanshan's voice was a little unsure, afraid that I would raise the price again.

I didn't say anything, this time Murong Shanshan was in a hurry: "He really can only pay so much, let's be more flexible!"

"Uh, can't you have a little more?"

Murong Shanshan gritted her teeth: "Then let's have another meal, how about it? Don't be too dark~"

It seems that she really can't pay more money, and it won't go much anyway. I'm not as beautiful as an adult.

"Shanshan, I'll take the item off the shelves right away, I'll wait here, and just use the bank's Alipay to trade."

"Thank you!" Murong Shanshan yelled happily, and then said, "We'll be right over!"

shall we come right over?

I shook my head, wondering what the hell Murong Shanshan had to do with this "him".

I sent a text message to tell Xu Lin and Lu Xuehan that I got their mail and told them to come over right away.

Murong Shanshan and his friend came over after a while. It was a handsome thief, dressed in white equipment, looking very bleak.

Murong Shanshan immediately introduced: "This is my classmate, hehe, called 'Stealer of the Sky', and he wants to buy your equipment!"

I nodded, took the dagger off the shelf with two gold coins as liquidated damages, and then directly traded with this little thief. The word 10,000 was impressively printed on the bank’s Alipay, hehe, private transactions are good, even 2 % of handling fees are saved.

The Thief and Thief immediately equipped the dagger after the transaction. The short and sharp dagger flashed with a sharp cold light, which made him feel much more energetic.

"Thank you!" The Sky Thief smiled and thanked me.

I waved my hand: "It's okay, I will collect the money!"

Murong Shanshan giggled: "How about this, let's have a big meal next to KFC at noon, Lin Fan, you must give me some face~"

I nodded: "Of course there is no problem with eating, but if you only eat and don't drink, you have to practice leveling in the afternoon."

The thief smiled and said: "Okay, it's almost 11 o'clock now, let's go there now, otherwise there will be no empty tables in the restaurant~"

Murong Shanshan also nodded, and I saw that the time was indeed approaching, so I nodded and said, "Okay, I'll be there right away, Shanshan knows me, so I won't be afraid that I won't be able to find out who I am."


Murong Shanshan and Sky Thief went offline together.

After a while Xu Lin and Lu Xuehan also came, I immediately traded the mage's hat and the priest's skill book to them, and then said that there was a dinner at noon, and I logged off after getting Xu Lin's permission.


He took a coat and put it on, wiped off the sneakers under the bed, and went out.

Along the way, all he could think about was what was the relationship between that Heaven Thief and Murong Shanshan? Could it be her boyfriend?

The more I think about it, the more upset I feel, I always feel like someone has stolen something from me, but Murong Shanshan and I have only met once, so there is no way to explain this feeling.

Shiweitian is not far from where I live, and I can walk there in less than 10 minutes. Murong Shanshan should be a student of XX University next to Shiweitian, and I should have come here earlier than me.

Sure enough, from a distance, Murong Shanshan could be seen standing at the door of Shiweitian wearing a sky-blue woolen casual suit, and beside her was a student wearing glasses, who looked bookish.

Murong Shanshan saw me early, trotted all the way over, blushed and said, "Lin Fan, today my classmate pays the bill, remember to order more dishes, I haven't improved my life for many days!"

I lowered my voice: "Shanshan, what does that boy have to do with you?"

"Boyfriend..." Murong Shanshan smiled slyly.

Although I tried my best to control my expression, I still showed a look of disappointment.

Murong Shanshan's smile became even sweeter, she quickly stuffed an envelope into my pocket, and said mysteriously: "Help me out, cooperate later!"

I couldn't figure it out for a while, and said in surprise: "What is it, Shanshan, don't pull me, I will go by myself!"

"Xu Xing, shall we go in?"

Oh, it turns out that this boy is called Xu Xing.

opponent! A very strong opponent!

Everyone sat down at a table for four, Xu Xing and I sat on both sides respectively, and then the two of them eagerly saw who Murong Shanshan would sit next to.

The result was very surprising, Murong Shanshan gave me a wink and kicked me to Xu Xing's side, then adjusted my clothes and sat on the other side by myself.

"Sir, miss, what would you like to order?"

A waiter with a willow waist and fat buttocks came over. The short overalls were stretched tightly by the fat buttocks, as if they were about to split.

Murong Shanshan glanced at the waiter, then looked at Xu Xing beside me, and said with a smile: "Let's order some appetizers first, and we can order specialties from all over the world, Kung Pao Chicken, Spicy Tofu, Sweet and Sour Carp, um , and the original Huaiyang cuisine, three sets of ducks, and a boiled chicken, that’s all, um, how about a roasted whole lamb?”

Murong Shanshan spoke logically, and Xu Xing's face turned pale. I couldn't bear it, so I whispered: "Shanshan, let's not eat the whole roast lamb, we can't finish it."

"It's okay, if you can't finish eating, I can let you take it home..." Murong Shanshan smiled sweetly...

I immediately lowered my voice and said, "Damn, big sister, how much does he owe you?"

"You just have to eat!"


Another chapter in the afternoon, OK, let’s watch the soldiers attack the birds~

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