Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 485: Dragon Whisperer

[Today's first update. Please support~]

Duck sighed. Said: "That was already thirteen years ago. I was young at that time. As a nobleman who received knight education since childhood. I chose the direction of two-handed swordsman in Imperial College. Although the instructor tried hard to persuade. But I have always insisted. Because I am too obsessed with the dexterity and changeability of swordsmanship. And, on the other hand, because I hate the stupid loyalty and pedantry of knights. But later, I gradually discovered. Combining the two extreme skills of riding and swordsmanship Only in this way can we discover the maximum lethality. Especially in the battlefield. The perfect combination of riding skills and no fancy swordsmanship killing skills can achieve twice the result with half the effort."

"So. How did you acquire riding skills?" I asked eagerly.

Dak smiled. Said: "Under the guidance of the kingdom's magister. I took a few companions to explore the Death Valley in the east of Silvermoon City. We were all too naive. We thought that we could cut through all difficulties with our elementary skills. There. We saw ferocious monsters for the first time. There were also sinister and cruel necromancers. In that battle, except for me, the other four adventurer companions were seriously injured and lost the ability to fight. But I relied on persistent Strength. Killed the necromancer at the cost of losing an arm. Fortunately, there is a master healer in my companion. His advanced healing technique saved my arm."

Dak hissed. He also said: "On the body of the necromancer. I found his necromancer essence. Using the guidance of the essence, I found the legendary dragon whisperer. He is one of the most tyrannical powerhouses on the mainland. It is said that even the sword master It is impossible to take advantage of him. Even the weaker Juggernaut was defeated by him within three moves."

I was very surprised: "What. Would an existence as powerful as a Juggernaut be defeated by others?"

Dak nodded. Said: "I didn't believe it at the time either. The Juggernaut has made countless military exploits in the centuries of fighting between humans and the undead. There was a legend that the twelve Juggernauts fought against a large-scale undead army. In the end, seven of the Twelve Juggernauts were killed. However, they wiped out nearly a thousand haters, five hundred gargoyles, and no less than five thousand ghouls. With such tyrannical strength, they were defeated by the Dragon Whisperer's sword three times. Speak up. I'm afraid who Neither would believe it."

Xin Yu, who hadn't spoken for a long time, said, "Then, where is the Dragon Whisperer? Is it possible that only by finding the Dragon Whisperer can I receive the task of learning riding skills?"

Dak smiled. Said: "It should be like this. Dragon whisperers themselves have learned riding skills. It is not a problem to pass it on to others. The real problem is. Dragon whisperers are very demanding. Ordinary people simply cannot complete it. And. Dragon The Whisperer's whereabouts are uncertain. No one knows where he is."

I was suddenly disappointed: "So. Isn't there no hope?"

"That's not necessarily the case. Dragon Whisperer has a hobby. Every six months, he will go to the snow wall of the main peak of the Silver Moon Mountains to pick an iceberg snow lotus. As for what this snow lotus is used for, I don't know. But, as long as you can bear it You have to hold on to your temper and wait there. You will definitely be able to see him."

Dak put his hands in his arms. A small crystal nucleus was pulled out. Said: "This is the undead essence that I got from beheading the high-level necromancer. Now, the essence has been exhausted. But it can still be distinguished by the outer shell. You take this to the main peak of Yinyue Mountain to find the only one Bingshan snow lotus. As long as you can wait for the Dragon Whisperer, you can show him this essence. Tell him. This essence is a gift from me. And put forward a request to learn riding skills. Next, to be able to fulfill his request, rely on Yourselves."

I hurriedly stretched out my hands to take the crystal nucleus. After putting in the package. The system chime will come soon. .


System prompt: Your team has accepted the mission [Looking for the Dragon Whisperer]. (Note: Players Qingcai Temptation, Qingcai Keke, and Dak have insufficient favorability. They are only allowed to participate in missions. Cannot get riding skill inheritance. Players Qingcai Baiyutang and Duck’s favorability meet the requirements. After completing the bus task, you can get riding skills inheritance.)

Task content: Please go to the main peak of Yinyue Mountains within 10 hours. Find the legendary snow wall. And wait for the arrival of the Dragon Whisperer at the location of the iceberg snow lotus. When a member of the team leader found the iceberg snow lotus. The follow-up task starts. The Dragon Whisperer will come at any time within 72 hours.


After Dak finished explaining. Said: "Go. My brave friend. Work hard to make yourself stronger. The future war between humans and undead. I hope you can contribute to our Hurricane Kingdom."

I nodded yes. Then he took Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu away from the palace in Hurricane City.

Back to Silvermoon City. walk down the street. Xin Yu was a little unhappy and said, "I didn't expect that only Lin Fan was eligible to use the mount. Xue Han and the two of us will be free hourly workers~"

Lu Xuehan smiled and said: "You can be content. This is an epic mission anyway. It is only lower than the god-level mission. We will complete this mission together with Lin Fan. There are still rewards. Maybe there are special rewards. Not everyone can accept this kind of mission. Besides, with Lin Fan here, the confidence of completing the mission is even greater. In the current Silvermoon City, there is no swordsman who is more suitable as a teammate than Lin Fan~"

Xin Yu smiled: "That's true. Our Lin Fan is perverted like Xiaoqiang. He must be good at killing bosses and doing missions. It's much more cost-effective than forming a team with Never Yield. Hmm. A single Lin Fan can probably stand up 10 never give in. Maybe 20."

I said, "Xin Yu. Are you complimenting me?"


"Then don't hurt and never give in. If Guozi hears it, she won't fight you with her life."

Xin Yu chuckled: "I don't pay attention to Guo Zi and Qing girls at all. Do you think I'm afraid of them?"


I looked at more and more people around me. Lu Xuehan said: "Let's teleport to the residence of Sword and Rose as soon as possible. Go up to Silver Moon Mountain now. Go up early. You can start the mission sooner. This mission has to wait for 72 hours. Isn't it a little perverted? That doesn't mean calling someone 72 Do not eat or drink for hours."

I nodded and said: "It should be like this. We have to stay online for 72 hours. I will stay here tonight. You two sleep as usual. If there is any movement, I will go offline to call you. Tomorrow during the day, you go online and replace me. .This should be considered the most compromise method. Fortunately, it is only 72 hours. If it is the half a year that Duck said, we must all be dead~"

Xin Yu laughed and said, "Just kidding. Waiting for half a year in the snow-capped mountains. Who would be so stupid. It's not a touching story like Cowherd and Weaver Girl."

I laughed. Naturally, no one will be waiting there. Although in the game. But the snow mountain is extremely cold. That kind of long-term nerve stimulation is not something ordinary people can bear.

The three ran to the west gate of Silvermoon City. It took 30 gold coins to teleport to the station of Sword and Rose through the teleportation array. It was not ravaged during the entire national war. Still a beautiful scene of singing and dancing. Surprisingly many players. It is conceivable that Murong Shanshan's profits are also quite generous. I don't even know how much assets she has now. Definitely a powerful little rich lady.

The appearance of Xinyu and Lu Xuehan and I also caused quite a stir here. Change to the past. Maybe because there are too many players, not many people will notice us. But now all three of us have turned four. The wording of the line of title below the name is too eye-catching. It's strange if others don't pay attention.

Xin Yu grabbed me with one hand. He pulled Lu Xuehan with one hand. Relying on his own speed. Soon out of the crowd. Before the passers-by had time to talk about it. We have arrived under the poplar tree outside the station.

along the way. There are still many players going up the mountain to level up. Although passionate during the national war. But the losses of the players are not small. There is almost no one in Silvermoon City who has not died. The only difference is that it hangs a few times. I heard that more than half of the players in Scarlet Sky have failed three times in the national war and have been relegated. These two days are the time when they are desperately leveling up to make up for it. Otherwise, the level is lower than others. Once the group fights, it is very disadvantageous.

In Silver Moon Mountain, there are basically not many players who lost Paradise. Because of the resident relationship. Most of the players in Paradise Lost chose the vicinity of the Valley of the Undead as a leveling point. Not only high experience. Even the storm rate of the equipment is stronger than that of Yinyue Mountain. It's just that the danger is greater. but. Group leveling words. Basically, there will be no dangerous situations.

It took over an hour. We trekked through the low-level leveling area of ​​the Silvermoon Mountains. Further up the mountain, snow began to accumulate. The sky also started to snow. Snow falls on the top of Yinyue Mountain all the year round. I don't know where all the snow went. Anyway, I didn't see how deep the snow was.

The surrounding trees also consist of former shrubland. to the hazel wood. Then to the birch forest. Until now the taiga. There are no wild rabbits fleeing from Sichuan. Only occasionally one or two alpine snowmen suddenly jumped out of the snow. They attacked us with teeth and claws. If it hadn't been smashed to pieces by my sword. Otherwise, it would be easily solved by Xin Yu with two or three arrows. Xin Yu's equipment is special NB. The attributes are also perverted to death. Now because of the relationship between the first four turns, I have learned the Wind Feather Arrow. When killing monsters just now. She used the Wind Feather Arrow. The power is not bad. Equivalent to a tenth-level Explosive Arrow. But after leveling up. I believe it will surpass Xinyu's most frequently used multiple arrows. and. The Wind Feather Arrow has a substantial deceleration effect. Naturally, it is easier to be favored by people than multiple arrows.

But I can instantly kill monsters with a single sword strike. I forgot to practice the laser sword I just learned. Xin Yu said: "Lin Fan. The next one is to blame me for not doing anything. You go kill it. Remember to use the laser sword. Let Xuehan and I see it~"

Lu Xuehan also nodded and said, "Yes, yes. We haven't looked at your four-turn skills yet."

I said: "That's right. Don't talk about me yet. What about your four-turn skills. I don't know yet. Find out first."

Xin Yu nodded and said: "Archer's four-turn skill actually strengthens the concussion arrow. It can stun enemies within three yards around the target. Moreover, the stun rate of the knight's charge has increased by 300%. That is to say At my level, any cavalryman will never be as arrogant as he was during the national war. If you want to charge me, then I will let him die on horseback."

I laughed: "Okay. That's great. The days of cavalry running rampant in the world are almost over. From now on, our iron cavalry will only be used for sneak attacks. The frontal battle should be left to swordsmen, mages and archers. Xue Han Well. What is your fourth-rank job skill? That’s right. Your job title has become a holy priest. Hehe. This job title sounds really nice. I, the Dark Gold Swordsman, have no personality.”

Lu Xuehan smiled slightly. Said: "It's okay. My four-turn skill strengthens the fire of the soul. The effect is doubled. It's very useful. Let me show you~"

finished. Lu Xuehan raised her bare hands lightly. A golden halo has flowed slowly under my feet. at the same time. My temporary additional status also has an additional effect of Inner Fire. .

[Inner Fire (Level: 10)]: Increase the attack power of the target by 27%. Increase defense by 800 points.

The duration of the effect is 60 minutes. My eyeballs almost fell off. really. Mutual assistance between occupations is still very important. The extra 800 points of defense out of thin air are enough to make me call it a bloody bull and iron plate. and. The added 27% attack makes my already perverted attack even more invincible.

Preliminary calculation. The current actual attack is probably more than 7000. Even I feel incredible. The equipment and inherent attributes have been improved too much. Now most players attack only around 2000-3000. A player with 3000 attack power can be regarded as a good master. But I suddenly appeared with a 7000 attack power. I'm afraid it will be a big blow to those masters.

Not long after. Another Yeti popped out of the nearby coniferous forest. Covered with thick hair. Shouting and rushing over. And this one seems to be different from the previous ones.

"Huh. It's Snowman King. Quasi-BOSS. He has 100,000 blood points." Xin Yu said excitedly.

I couldn't help being surprised: "Xin Yu. How do you know it has 100,000 blood points?"

"Of course. The potential skill of the four-turn archer. It has a certain chance to detect the attributes of targets that are not higher than level 10. Hee hee. I will be more useful in the future." Xin Yu looked at me with a smile. Suddenly he pointed at the Snowman King. Said: "Lin Fan. Use your first-level laser sword. Let's see the power of the laser sword."


I took a few steps forward. The body bends slightly. Immediately, a blue light burst out from the Feiyu sword. Very dazzling. The surrounding woods are illuminated into a bright blue.

The prelude to the laser sword is very useful to me. Finally, I can also use this kind of fierce trick. before. The only skill that can have such a cool prelude is Dragon Strike. Although the Frozen Slash is amazingly powerful. But after all, it is a skill set for single-body PK. In the end, it cannot be compared with group attack skills. However, the requirements for using Dragon Strike are too high. It is difficult to use it once without four or five days of savings. Laser swords do not have these disadvantages. My level 1 laser saber only needs a four minute cooldown. It is estimated that after the level is higher, it will be more short-lived.


Like a shock wave. The sword light of the laser sword shot out head-on. It pierced directly through Snowman King's body. Its vitality as high as 100,000 points lost about half at once. The remaining ones generally also quickly fade away in the light that the laser sword has not yet disappeared.

Three seconds. The effect of the laser sword completely disappears. But the Snowman King only had less than a third of his blood left. When it rushed to me to bite. I just waved the flying feather sword. To put it lightly, let it let out a miserable howl and get down on the ground.

After a sound of "Ding~". Snowman King broke out a blu-ray shining equipment. And a small pile of gold coins.

Xin Yu stepped forward to pick up equipment and gold coins. Not without excitement, he said: "Kill the quasi-boss at level 110 in two hits. Lin Fan. You are now an absolute master. You are enough to disdain the world. I believe that there is no one who can beat you in a one-on-one fight now. There are no more."

I shook my head and said, "That's actually not the case. Do you remember the last national war? The woman with the artifact gun. Her operation and equipment are not inferior to mine. Even her flexibility is stronger than mine .It is very similar to the fighting concept and Shanshan. She can calculate almost every step of mine. Meeting such an opponent. It is really hard to say. And there are so many players in the world. Too many great people have not surfaced. I am now The level is indeed number one. But it’s only today. What happened in Yuehengli. It’s all uncertain~”

Xin Yu couldn't help laughing and said, "Yo~ I've learned to keep a low profile now."

I chuckled: "It's not low-key. If that woman fights with me again now, I'm afraid she won't be so easy. Even if I have a mount, I won't let her take a trace if I have a laser sword sweeping It's cheap. It's just that I probably won't meet her in the future. The national war may only happen next month. Even if there is, I may not be able to meet her. Unless it is. What kind of cross-server activities will the Yueheng official hold. For example, the battle between life and death It's kind of like that. But it's exhausting to fight life and death. It's not interesting."

Xin Yu smiled slightly: "There will definitely be interesting activities. Yueheng will not let the players idle. Let's go. No matter what activities there are, we must rely on our strength. Let's help you complete this mount mission."

So everyone went all the way to the top of the mountain. The temperature is getting lower and lower. The cold wind in the mountains was blowing. Our movement has also been greatly hampered. Both Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan's faces turned red from the cold. It hurts me so much.

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