Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 540: Little Murong

[Today's first update. Please subscribe. 】

The vocational training center in the main city of Vietnam is obviously much more shabby than Silvermoon City. If it weren't for the signs of various occupations hanging at the door. I would have thought it was just a small shop.

When I stormed into the vocational training facility. Immediately, he was besieged by many professional mentors. My animosity with Vietnamese is way too high. Their NPCs already regard me as their sworn enemy.

but. I don't care much about the attacks of level 110 NPCs. Cut down the weak mage mentor with a single swing of the sword. Tianma also had a tacit understanding and killed the pastor and mentor with a lightning bolt. The mentors of the remaining professions are nothing. Almost all swords. Only the mentor of the knight class raised a huge shield to defend. But I couldn't resist my second sword.

When Vietnamese players gathered here. Everyone was dumbfounded. The mentors who usually admired were lying straight on the ground at this moment. It will be refreshed after 24 hours. That is. within 24 hours. The Vietnamese players here are unable to learn skills and advance their careers normally.

I saw them gathering again at the door of the house. I am happy. The laser sword that just left unused for a long time was given to them.

Gorgeous lasers. Leave quietly.

After slaughtering the vocational training center. I turned again towards the pharmacy. But I don't know where the pharmacy is. So I ran a long way. Finally, I found the No. 1 pharmacy in the corner of Tianzi. There is only one shopkeeper and two clerks. It's easiest for this non-combat type of NPC. After three swords. leave. The Vietnamese players behind couldn't keep up with me at all.

It's not that big of a departure from the city. About the same as Hurricane City. Both belong to the secondary main city. so. After I slaughtered the NPCs in the Adventurer's Guild, Equipment Store, Repair Shop, Grocery Store and Teleportation Point. I feel a little invincible. But. Still did not see Murong Shanshan's figure. even. I've already met Little Wolf 001. Coyote 001 did not find the target. Instead, blood washed half of the street. The patrolling guards in the city were killed in pieces. but. The little wolf is also having a hard time. Less than one-third of the hundreds of thousands of blood. I'm afraid it will hang up. So income in the pet space to slowly return blood.

There are more and more players and NPCs around. This makes me can't help dispelling the crazy idea of ​​going to the palace to kill the king. If I go. It is estimated that the guards in the palace are enough for me. Maybe they won't be able to get out. Half of the whole body equipment exploded. That's not what I want.

then. I swung my sword and commanded Tianma to cut a bloody path from the east gate. The surrounding Vietnamese players rushed up one after another. Then it fell down in pieces. Vow to defend the dignity of the main city to the end. I also gradually felt that my supplies were not enough. It still feels good to hear the mage's magic. Tianma was also beaten in the hail of bullets until his white hair turned black.

"Xiaobai. We should withdraw."

I just finished. Tianma ran out of the city gate with its hooves free. Amazing speed. It seemed that it was more anxious to escape than I was.

Come outside the city. The Vietnamese players in the city surged out. I vowed to let out this bad breath. I don't think I can stay here anymore. So he drove the pegasus all the way into the forest. Until the pursuers are no longer seen. Only then did it stop. Let coyotes 001 out too. The little wolf's fur was a bit rough. The hair that was hit by someone's sword magic was burnt.

Go a little further. Can actually hear the sound of running water. So he urged the horse over. It was indeed a clear stream.

I immediately smiled and said, "Little wolf, Xiaobai. Let's all go take a bath. It's time for me to take a rest."

Pegasus and little wolf immediately ran happily into the stream. I looked at the time. The entire massacre process lasted several hours. It's time for dinner now. So go offline. The two pets, Tianma and Xiaolang, also went back to the pet space after I went offline.

After going offline. Xin Yu came back from the front office building. He said angrily: "Fatty king of the marketing department. He dared to molested my aunt. If the company didn't need him now, I would have eliminated him immediately."

I was surprised and asked: "Xin Yu. What's the matter?"

Xin Yu said angrily: "The fat man in charge of the marketing department said that my complexion has become rosy these days. Ask me what's going on."

I frowned. The photo incident of that day should not have been leaked to anyone. Everyone who was present at that time talked to Xu Lin separately later. However, it is also difficult to ensure that there will be no leaks.

Think about it. never mind. This kind of thing doesn't care what others think of him. So he patted Xin Yu on the shoulder and said: "You are the boss now. Be patient. If you can't do it, you can fire him. Are you afraid that you won't be able to hire talents if you have money? What China needs in the 21st century is talents. "

Xin Yu smiled slightly. Said: "Yes. That's right. I heard Xuehan say that you went to slaughter the city in the afternoon. How is it? Did it go well."

"Successful. It is estimated that this red name may not be able to get back after half a year."

"Hehe. It doesn't matter. After the red name, our own resident is still unimpeded~"


I open the official forum. Find Vietnam mirror point. really. It's already buzzing. The first main city was slaughtered arrogantly by others. Vietnam has exploded. Countless photos of me slaughtering cities on the back of a Pegasus were posted. Vietnamese players hate me as an uninvited guest. But also with a bit of awe. after all. Those who can kill seven in and seven out in a main city by themselves. Definitely not ordinary people.

Find personal information. Little Murong didn't reply to my message. But in the public sector. She posted a post explaining why she didn't go to massacre the city in the afternoon. The reason is simple: take a nap. forget……

but. Little Murong said. After learning that Bili City was still slaughtered. Feel so happy.

I'm so depressed. I don't know if she is Murong Shanshan. She doesn't text back either. It's like not knowing where to read the text message.

There is no information about Murong Shanshan's whereabouts in the new posts posted in the afternoon of Bibi City. It seems. There's a real chance she's taking a nap.

Xin Yu stood behind me. She smiled and asked, "Why didn't you see Shanshan?"

I said, "She seems to say that she took a nap in the afternoon."

"Take a nap."

Xin Yu frowned lightly. Suddenly woke up and said: "Lin Fan. Shanshan said she was taking a nap in the afternoon."

"Yes. What's the matter, Xin Yu." I was a little puzzled why Xin Yu was so surprised.

Xin Yu said excitedly: "Lin Fan, have you ever thought about the problem of jet lag? Shanshan is taking a nap in the afternoon. It means that the jet lag is similar to ours. How many countries are there on the meridian of our earth? Mongolia, Russia and Australia."

I was a little confused: "So what?"

Xin Yu smiled and said, "Think about it. Shanshan definitely won't go to Mongolia for her tender skin. Russia is too cold. She can't stand it. As for Australia, I have heard Shanshan say it. I want it the most. The country she went to was France. She wanted to see the Seine River. The country she least wanted to go to was Australia. Because she didn’t like kangaroos. Therefore, Shanshan is very likely to be in China now. Even. Very likely to be in Suzhou.”

I woke up like a dream. Immediately stood up and hugged Xin Yu. He praised: "Xin Yu, you are really smart."

Xin Yu smiled. He also said: "This is just a preliminary guess. Whether this is the case or not. I can't say for sure. You can go to Shanshan's mother's company to see. This time, keep quiet. Ask her mother and you should know. It has already passed. It's been two months. Maybe she has already returned to the company."

I thought about it. Indeed. So he said, "Then I'll go right away."

"Don't worry." Xin Yu hastily pulled me back. He smiled and said, "Look at you. You're so happy when you hear about Shanshan. I think it's better for you to go there tomorrow. Otherwise, it's not good to go tonight. "

So night. I am still online. There is still no news about Murong Shanshan around the main city of Vietnam. I also went to the direction. I had no choice but to wander in the forest near Bibi City. Looking forward to meeting Murong Shanshan unexpectedly.

Most of the monsters in the deep forest are level 120. Vietnamese players are required to form a team to practice. But they seem to seldom come here. So I did it for me. Look at the durability of the equipment. The durability of Feiyu Sword is only 57%. The durability of defensive equipment is still 82%. Few of those players could break through my defenses. Therefore, the persistent consumption of defensive equipment is relatively much less.

As for the potion in the package. It has already taken seven or eight eight to pick up someone else outside the city. Kill too hard. The potion has almost never stopped pouring. It seems. Need a little resupply in this forest. It's night time anyway. There is nothing to do either.

then. I unleash pegasus and pups. Then he ordered: "Little wolf, Xiaobai. Kill monsters around here."

original. I also just tentatively issued this order. Unexpectedly, the two pets quickly understood what I meant. The little wolf roared violently and entered the fighting state. I was bathed in fire. Tianma also neighed. Rush into the pile of monsters and attack with a chain lightning. I am secretly delighted. Tianma turned out to be so easy to use. It can be ridden or used to help the owner level up like the coyotes 001.

There are two super powerful pets to level up. I don't have to do it myself. Follow directly behind them to pick up equipment and blood bottles dropped by monsters on the ground. The equipment of the whole body is also slowly recovering this durability when online without fighting. Especially the Flying Feather Sword. As a mid-level artifact. The lasting recovery speed of the Feiyu Sword is almost 4% per hour. I stay from now until 12 o'clock. Almost 20% can be restored. It's enough to kill for a while.

As a result, I practiced until more than 11 o'clock in the middle of the night. Weapon durability restored to 75%. The medicine is also supplemented to most of the package. Both are large blood bottles with 2400 blood added. The level of monsters here is relatively high. But I can only collect so much. after all. The chance of a monster bursting a blood bottle is not as high as that of a player.

One night of leveling. The experience bar also rose a little bit. Although very small. But you can see it after all. so. I'm still satisfied.

offline. Open the Vietnam forum. I have set this forum as the home page of my browser...

At this time, the forums in Vietnam are still hot. Everyone is discussing the massacre in the afternoon. and. I saw little Murong again. She was shamelessly clamoring to slaughter several small towns under the city's jurisdiction one after another. I'm almost 100% sure that this little Murong is Murong Shanshan. Only she can make me feel so angry and funny like this.

Little Murong still ignored me. It seems she is still mad at me. How can I remedy this. In the afternoon, I helped her slaughter the main city of the family. I don't know what to do next time.

Open the forum in China. It's still hot here. In the server forum hall of fame. Murong Shanshan and I both have boards. In the Murong Shanshan section. Many of her admirers are asking where Murong Shanshan has gone. Someone replied that they might be able to find the answer by going to the Qingcaibaiyutang version.

As a result, my originally cold plate suddenly became hot. A large number of Murong Shanshan's fans came to criticize me for what I did to the little beauty. But soon they found out. Some enthusiasts on my board have reposted Little Murong's arrogant declaration of wanting to slaughter other people's homes. Below is a picture of me massacring the city. all of a sudden. Everyone understands. No wonder the two disappeared together. It turned out that he went to kill people and set fire to people's land...

How bitter. Only I know.

I looked at the time. I found something from the refrigerator. Then I cooked a soup in a rice cooker. Poured a lot of seasoning. So the taste is not bad. This soup contains beef, seafood, and noodles. Because I put a pack of Master Kong. in addition. Also added a lot of shrimp and the like. Anyway, the taste came out quickly. very similar. When I was in TOT. Everyone uses the rice cooker for supper at night. That's basically it.

After getting ready. I went to Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan's room and called them out. Said to have supper together.

As a result, Xin Yu opened his mouth when he saw my pot of soup. He muttered: "Good guy. This pot of soup is really a hodgepodge~"

Lu Xuehan smiled sweetly and said, "Xin Yu. It's rare that Lin Fan can cook for us. Sister Lin doesn't have such a good taste~"

Xin Yu thinks so. I laughed so hard. Then the three of us sat down to drink this spicy and spicy soup. Two months passed. It was getting colder too. You should eat more of these things in winter. Although it's still early.

After supper. The two MMs went back to rest with smiles. I got into bed too. Decided to go to Shanghai tomorrow. This time, we must ask Murong Shanshan's specific location.


Speechless all night. early morning. Waking up to the phone alarm. It was still Murong Shanshan's sweet voice. I feel like a bit of a jerk. The more I miss her. The more I want to hear her voice to destroy myself.

get up. Accompany Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan to finish breakfast. Xin Yu asked me: "Go to Shanghai. Do you want me to go with you?"

I shook my head: "No need. It's not good for you to go. Shanshan's mother has a little cold for girls besides Shanshan."

Xin Yu smiled slightly: "What a strict old lady. I don't know if this is Shanshan's luck. Alright. Go ahead. Speak well. Don't fall out with your future mother-in-law."

I gave a wry smile. Whether he can see Murong Shanshan in the future is a problem. What about the mother-in-law~

go downstairs. Pulled my cheap Buick out of the garage. Suddenly I remembered Xu Lin who bought this car for me. Haven't heard from her for two days. The phone doesn't work either. Because she is not global. money for this car. I didn't give it to her either. Even give it to her. I'm afraid she won't either.

Go through the inner door of the company. Fengshen smiled and said, "Boss, go out and find Shanshan."

"No. Find Shanshan's mother."



Shanghai is adjacent to Suzhou. It doesn't take long to get there. so. I came to the suburbs of Shanghai before anyone else went to work. But there is a traffic jam. One block is more than an hour. When I enter the city. Office workers have basically sat in the office.

Came to the downstairs of Murong Xuan's company. I took a candidate's bag from the trunk of my car. Then he went up.

"Sir. Please register." The guard called to stop me.

I wrote down the reason for applying for the job. The guard gave me a suspicious look. Ask: "Did the company apply for a job today? Which department are you applying for?"

I hurriedly smiled and said, "Design department. I'm in direct contact with General Manager Murong."

The doorman relieved: "Oh. That's it~ No wonder. The general manager doesn't come once in ten days and half a month. It's a coincidence this morning. She came to the company very early. Your luck is really good."

I couldn't help but secretly rejoice. It turns out that Murong Xuan really didn't go abroad. Then Shanshan must be with her. Must find.

Up to the twelfth floor. After opening the elevator. I walk into the office area. The front desk immediately asked: "Sir, what do you need?"

At this time, I was wearing the costume of the manager of Yufan Company. There is also the emblem of Yufan Company on the chest. So I said: "Come to talk to your general manager Murong Xuan about something. Which office is she in?"

"Oh. Allow me to ask for instructions."

I hurriedly said, "No need. Just tell me where the manager's office is."

The MM at the front desk glanced at me. I probably thought I was in sales. So he said, "Go forward. The last room is."

So I went right in. A group of people in the company looked at me in surprise.

"Boom~." I knocked on the door.

"Come in." It was Murong Xuan's voice.

I immediately opened the door and entered. Murong Xuan was looking down at the documents on the table. Without looking up, he said, "Mary, just put the things on my desk. I'll call you later."

She must have misunderstood me as someone else. I called out: "Auntie. It's me..."

Murong Xuan raised her head in surprise: "'s you."

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