Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 556: Dragon Bone Thorn

[Today's first update, please subscribe~,]

I nodded, patted Murong Shanshan's delicate shoulder, and told me: "Be sure to let Fenghuang support me until I reach the cliff, please remember~ Also, even if you can't complete the task, don't hang up yourself, understand ,"

Murong Shanshan seemed to have thought about what I was going to do, so she nodded with a sweet smile.

At this time, the Phoenix was reborn from the ashes. In the flames, with the sound of birdsong, the Phoenix fought with the dragon again.

I understand that if Phoenix dies again this time, it will probably be very difficult to revive.

So, I quickly got on the back of Tianma, looked at the road ahead, and galloped out.

After a while, I got out of this forest, but if I want to go to that cliff, I have to go around a long way. Fortunately, Tianma's speed is fast enough, so I should be able to make it in time.

The surrounding area is filled with dead air. This was originally a small town, but under the long-term corrosion of the undead, there is no trace of the living. Tie Jian wandered blankly in his dilapidated home, as if looking for a trace of his own memories.

Going further, you can see the regular army of the undead. A large group of ghouls are busy carrying rotten meat to the necropolis. An unpleasant smell is coming from afar, making people sick.

I didn't dare to disturb these ghouls, because Murong Shanshan's phoenix is ​​not here, it lacks weapons of mass destruction, it's too troublesome to kill, and I don't have time to entangle with them, Murong Shanshan is still under the cliff now Facing the terrifying dragon.

Passing through the ghoul's camp, a large group of abominations appeared in the valley, stepping on the ground one by one and making heavy sounds, and the stench became stronger.

Finally, I finally found a road leading to the cliff in a small forest. The road was full of thorns, but I couldn’t control that much anymore. I directly urged Tianma to cross over, and Tianma seemed to feel my heart Anxious, he galloped out with a raised front hoof, and the sharp plant thorns drew bloodstains one after another on the horse's legs.

I looked at the time, eight minutes had passed since Phoenix's resurrection, so I was even more anxious. Fortunately, the cliff was already close in front of me, and I could even see the flames of Phoenix soaring into the sky.

When I stood on the edge of the cliff, I saw at first glance that the Phoenix was already in residual blood, and even Murong Shanshan had become a residual blood. She had even activated her life recovery skill and was using her last Energy contends with the Frost Demon Dragon.

In the team channel, Murong Shanshan's anxious voice came: "Lin Fan~ is it alright, I can't hold it anymore, the attack of the magic dragon is too high, I can't hold it,"

I looked at the distance between myself and the magic dragon, and it was almost there. Murong Shanshan was smart enough to understand what I meant, and had already led the magic dragon to the slope of the cliff.

So I immediately put Tianma in the pet space, then pulled out the Feiyu sword, jumped into the air, locked on the head of the dragon, and directly activated the charge skill.

There was a sound of wind in the ear, and the charge took effect.


When I opened my eyes, I was already on top of the Frost Dragon's head. I gritted my teeth, held the hilt of the Flying Feather Sword with both hands, and stabbed down fiercely with the blade downward, at the same time activating the effect of Frozen Slash.

The sharp Flying Feather Sword carried ice and snow damage straight down, and the scales on the top of the Frost Demon Dragon's head immediately shattered, and a large black liquid gushed out, but it quickly condensed in mid-air, like a flower A small black flower, the ice spread rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, the entire huge body of the dragon was frozen.

For a moment, the dragon's wings could not be flapped, and its huge body could no longer be stabilized. Its whole body suddenly fell. I only felt a shock all over my body, and my blood was surging, and I saw the dragon sink heavily on the ground.

"Crack ~,"

Ice chips flew around, and the ice dragon was bleeding everywhere. After being frozen, its tough body couldn't withstand such a collision.

I quickly summoned the little wolf and Tianma, Murong Shanshan swung the sword and slashed out heavy blows and combo strikes that hadn't been used for a long time, and also used Frost Slash, while I stood on the dragon's head, facing the hard carapace directly A heavy blow was cut, followed by a frequent combo skill.

The little wolf was unable to fight back just now, and now he finally got the chance to take revenge, so he bit the dragon's wing and planed his claws wildly, and the Tianma was not far behind, stabbing the ice dragon's ass with its unicorn.

The phoenix in the air was dying, and at this time, a rain of fire also swayed down, and immediately we were surrounded by flames. The attack power of these flames is not low, and we can see that the Frost Demon Dragon continues to jump out of more than 1,000 damage figures.


The ice layer shattered, and the effect of Frozen Slash finally disappeared.

The Frost Demon Dragon was extremely angry. After a dragon roar, it raised its head, and began to flap its wings to continue flying. Little Wolf 001 and Tianma were both blown away by the huge energy, and I was also thrown to the ground.

Seeing that the Frost Demon Dragon was about to soar into the sky again, at this moment, the gray sky suddenly brightened, and a huge lightsaber slashed down on the Demon Dragon's back, it was Murong Shanshan's sword energy impressively.

"Get down on the ground honestly," the little beauty said, waving her sword energy and clenching her silver teeth.

Amidst the bang, the Frost Demon Dragon really couldn't get up, and was knocked down again by the sword energy like a fly swatter. This time, it couldn't get up again, and could only spit out a mouthful of dragon dragon angrily. Hey, the anemic little wolf just couldn't dodge in time, and the howling one was instantly killed, dropping one level, from 115 to 114.

I didn't dare to get too close, so I could only watch helplessly as the Pegasus and Phoenix continued to attack, and the dying struggle of the demon dragon was also very terrifying, almost one breath of the dragon could take away a person, because we are all dying now In terms of health, Murong Shanshan's blood is close to a quarter, while my blood is completely empty, and after filling the blood bottle, it only rose a little.

I didn't activate absolute defense, because in that case, Murong Shanshan would become the target of the magic dragon.

Tianma neighed, and was killed by the dragon's breath, which also dropped a level. The little Thunder Beast was even more vulnerable, and half of its blood was wiped out by just one dragon's breath.

The phoenix in the air also landed, using its last strength to protect the safety of its owner, but it was powerless and died under an attack from the ice dragon.

Murong Shanshan gritted her teeth, and suddenly stood in front of me, and the psychic sword directly shot out the laser sword.

At this time, the Frost Demon Dragon was about to spit out a mouthful of frost dragon breath, I was startled, and immediately stepped forward to push Murong Shanshan away, the flying feather sword in my hand shone brightly, it was also a laser sword.


I can't avoid the frost dragon's breath, I can only close my eyes and wait for death to come.

It felt very strange, as if my whole body was bathed in mild sunshine, and then, a deadly cold current hit, and my whole body was frozen there.

After about a few seconds, Murong Shanshan giggled from beside him.

I opened my eyes and saw that I was intact, and I didn't die. Instead, the Frost Demon Dragon had collapsed on the ground and was slowly refreshing.

What's going on, why didn't it hang up,.

I quickly looked through the combat records, and quickly found two messages.

Combat tips: Your skill laser sword causes 23245 points of damage to the Frost Demon Dragon, and the Frost Demon Dragon dies. You gain 102.4 billion experience points. Congratulations, you have upgraded.

Combat tips: You are attacked by the dragon's breath of the frost dragon, and you lose 21456 points of blood.


Murong Shanshan was also looking at the battle records, and said with a smile, "What a disaster, the ice dragon's attack takes time in the air, and you killed him with the laser sword before its attack arrived, so The experience gained allows you to level up, and those with full blood finally escaped a catastrophe."

The little beauty Bingxue is smart and explained very correctly.

I patted my chest, shit, I was almost scared to death.

Therefore, the undead Scourge thought that the magic dragon that was used to trap the human alliance was killed by two players. Although it was very hard work, the experience and rewards obtained should be worth it.

I sat down on the ground, Murong Shanshan felt that the ground was not clean, so she sat on my lap, the two of them seemed to have gone through life and death, hugged each other and sighed endlessly.

Half a minute later, Murong Shanshan realized that the equipment exploded by the Ice Demon Dragon hadn't been picked up yet, so she patted her buttocks and said, "Let's go, this boss is not the goal of our trip."

However, this BOSS must be the biggest gain of this trip.

I stood up, came to Murong Shanshan's side, and used my big sword to pick away the fragments of the dragon's body, and suddenly found a bunch of shining things underneath, yes, these are treasures.

I said, "Shanshan, you are relatively short of gold coins, so you can take those."

Murong Shanshan smiled, and asked: "Then if the armor of the divine weapon explodes, who is to blame?"

I thought about it and said: "Everyone is on their own, rock-paper-scissors decides the ownership of the equipment,"


So I started to divide the spoils, a dagger used by thieves, an armor leggings, a ring, a skill book, and something that looked like a token. I don't know what it is for.

Murong Shanshan shared the attributes of the equipment to the team channel one by one. The first one was the dagger carved with delicate patterns.

[Dragon Bone Spike] (Elementary Artifact)

Attack: 1250-1650

Strength: +320

Stamina: +320

Agility: +350

Intelligence: +255

Additional: Increase the user's attack speed by 15%

Additional: The power of the dragon contained in the dragon bone thorn can cause 50% extra damage to heavy armor

Additional Special Skill: Sword Rain Strike

Required level: 110


A pretty good dagger with high attack, especially the added attack speed. Compared with the class of thieves, adding more attack power is actually not as good as attack speed, especially in the PK of mage-type targets, attack speed It is especially important, and this dagger can also cause additional damage to heavy armor, which means that thieves equipped with this dagger are no longer afraid of heavy armored fighters and knights. The last special skill, Sword Rain Attack, does not know what , probably also very powerful.

Looking at the dagger, Murong Shanshan hesitated for a while, and asked, "Should I sell it, or what?"

I thought about it and said, "Not for sale,"

Murong Shanshan laughed, "Why don't you sell it? The price of such a dagger is more than 20 million, at least."

I smiled: "What is 20 million, my Shanshan's guild resident has earned money in less than a week, we are not short of money now, it is better to use it to equip our own people than to sell it, um, this one Dagger, to give to the most trustworthy friend, do you think it is better to give it to Xu Xing, or give it to the night killer of our guild,"

The little beauty bit her lips, and said resolutely: "It's ready for Ye to kill. The dagger that Xu Xing equipped himself is good. Besides, I don't want to equip him. What's the matter~"

I chuckled, put the dagger in the package, and said, "Okay, on behalf of all the players of the first division of Paradise Lost, thank our beauty Shanshan for giving such a big gift to the president of the first division."

Murong Shanshan smiled and punched me, and said, "Stop talking so much nonsense, aren't we Sword and Rose and Paradise Lost always family?"

I nodded: "Yes, yes, let's take a look at the second piece of equipment, the leggings~~"

With a flash of light, the attributes of the armor and leggings erupted by the magic dragon jumped into view.

[Ice Dragon Leggings] (Middle-Rank Artifact, Armor)

Defense: 850

Stamina: +340

Strength: +360

Agility: +320

Intelligence: +300

Additional: Absorb 10% of the enemy's damage and transform it into your own blood

Additional: 30% of full reflection damage, 30% of full absorption damage, and increase the user's defense value by 250 points

Required level: 120


Murong Shanshan and I were speechless looking at this leggings. It is actually a mid-level artifact, and it is a level 120 mid-level artifact. Its value shows how powerful it is. It can even be said that even if everyone has upgraded to level 150 , such equipment is still hard to come by.

I said, "Shanshan, do you want it... If you want it, let me kiss you, and I'll give it to you..."

Murong Shanshan knew that I wanted to give this piece of equipment to her on purpose, so she showed her pride and said, "Hmph, it's not so easy to rely on a piece of equipment to take advantage of it. Our old rules are still stones." Paper scissors,"

I thought about it, and agreed: "Okay, the outcome will be decided in one round~"


The two brewed for a long time, and finally made a move.

I took out the scissors, and Murong Shanshan stretched out her white and tender little hand...

I was very sorry, so I said: "Oh, I'm really sorry, then I will accept the equipment. If there are any other artifacts below, I won't snatch them from you. They all belong to you,"

Murong Shanshan smiled slightly: "Well, okay, actually, the leggings on me are a primary artifact, and your glorious leggings seem to be orange, um, it should have been replaced long ago~"

It turned out that she knew it a long time ago, no wonder she was so happy when she lost...

Next, look at the attributes of that skill book.

[Holy Resurrection] (Basic God-level Passive Skill)

Content: If you die within 30 minutes, you can choose to be resurrected in 10 seconds. All skill cooldowns are cleared and can be used again. Requirement level: 120.


God level.

Murong Shanshan and I looked at each other and smiled. We all know the power of this skill. Resurrection on the spot, the CD time of all skills is cleared, so that means that the exhausted absolute defense can be used again. What is the concept? .

I said, "Shanshan, I'll give this to you, anyway, I just got the leggings of the mid-level artifact,"

Murong Shanshan threw the skill book to me without hesitation, and said with a slight smile, "I don't want it,"

I couldn't help saying: "Why don't you want it? If I take everything you hit, what do you think of me, you little boy,"

Murong Shanshan smiled and said: "No, it's just that my artifact leggings already have a skill that can be regenerated within 60 minutes, why should I waste this book, if you don't believe me, read it..."

Saying that, Murong Shanshan showed me the attributes of the leggings on her body, and sure enough, there is a rebirth skill.

When I saw this, I was not polite, I just couldn't be reborn, so it was perfect now.

The skill book flashed in my hand and disappeared. On the contrary, a rebirth passive icon appeared in my skill bar, which was currently on.

I chuckled, and started looking at the last piece of equipment, which was the attributes of the ring.

[Dragon Ring] (Elementary Artifact)

Strength: +300

Agility: +300

Stamina: +300

Intelligence: +300

Additional: This ring has the powerful power of the dragon, so it can increase the wearer's magic resistance by 75%

Required level: 110


Now there is no suspense, I have already worn a very NB Dragon Whisperer Ring, this magic dragon ring was directly given to Murong Shanshan, and she readily accepted it.

At the same time, I suddenly remembered that the Thunder Bracers I got in Vietnam were still in the package.

So, I found this elementary artifact wristband and threw it to Murong Shanshan together, saying: "Here, this is included as a gift."

Murong Shanshan looked at the attributes of the Thunder Wristguard, slightly surprised, then put on the equipment with a smile, and after a few seconds, Murong Shanshan smiled and said: "Lin Fan, thank you,"

I was surprised: "Why are you so polite?"

The little beauty blushed slightly: "Because I think you are so kind to me..."

I smiled and patted her small shoulder, and said, "Don't be stupid, I took two god-level things, can it be done without some blood? By the way, Shanshan, I remember that the magic dragon is still there The one that burst out a token, look at something, "


Murong Shanshan took out the token from the package, and with a flash of light, the attributes of the token were revealed.

[Natural Disaster Token] (Special Item)

Uses: unknown.


"What's the use of this...?" Murong Shanshan blinked her eyes in surprise, seeing that I was also confused, so she quickly threw the token into my package, and said with a smile, "I'll just let you go." , my package space is at a premium,"

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