Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 558: Coming Again

[Today's first update. Please subscribe~. besides. Asking for a ten-year inventory of votes ~~~]

When Murong Shanshan and I arrived at the assembly point. Lu Xuehan also came. The way she and Murong Shanshan stood together was amazing. Yijianmei from the Lost Paradise Guild asked, "Will the boss of Qingcai Keke come with us?"

Lu Xuehan smiled and nodded.

actually. Yijianmei is a very wretched thief. I am not empty talk. Everyone has been watching him stalking a level 57 priest just now, hesitating whether to do it or not. I'm afraid that Murong Shanshan and I are one step too late. The poor novice priest was already dead.

Murong Shanshan felt that she should find an opportunity to educate Yijian Meiji. Even if you want to start, you should find a higher level. As a result, Yijianmei told us with a bitter face. He's been killed more than three times in the wild by that priest.

Counted the number of people. Swords and Roses came with 40 people. Paradise Lost Fourth Division came with 40 players. A lot. Plus Murong Shanshan, Lu Xuehan and me. A total of 83 people.

The people below were talking about it. As soon as I cut the plum, I asked: "President, what are we doing today? You said that you are close to death. Could it be that you are going to fight the god-level boss?"

I shake my head. Get everyone on the team. Announced: "What we are going to do tonight is... go to the main city of South Korea and kill their main city king."

The moment I finished speaking. The air freezes. Almost everyone opened their mouths. They couldn't believe that their group of people could really break into the main city that owns South Korea. Even Cloud City has at least 3 million players. Almost one in ten of the 50 million South Koreans is playing the game. It is still a conservative estimate that the main city has 3 million people.

Yijianmei asked tremblingly: "President, you are not telling the truth, are you?"

I glanced at him. Quite contemptuously asked: "You don't dare to."

Yijianmei looked at me. Then I looked at Murong Shanshan and Lu Xuehan beside me. His eyes gradually changed from hesitation to firmness. He clenched his fist and said loudly, "Fuck me. Why don't you dare. Let's go today. See if Korean women's buttocks are round or not."

The others immediately booed: "Boundless. Korean women only have plastic surgery. They don't have butts~"

Yijianmei stared and said, "You know what. They don't straighten their butts. But Korean men do. That thing can be rounded if you pinch it more. Do you want to try it too?"

for a while. The applause is one piece...

wretched. Very obscene.

I defined this group of people in my mind.

Both Murong Shanshan and Lu Xuehan couldn't laugh or cry. And I said, "Okay. Let's do it. Now let's go. Everybody get ready to die."

So a group of people rushed to the main city of South Korea with great arrogance. along the way. They actually walked in front of us. Arrogantly occupying the avenue from Silver Moon City to Moonlight Dragon City. The senior players who passed by couldn't help cursing in a low voice: "Fuck me. A group of rookies who only wear blue suits dare to be so arrogant."

but. When he saw the last three people walking, he no longer thought so. Lu Xuehan had the worst equipment among the three. But there is also a low-level artifact and several high-level spiritual weapons equipped. This level of equipment is also rare in Silvermoon City. after all. Now there are only 19 low-level artifacts produced in the world. There are fewer mid-level artifacts. There are only 7 pieces. Of which I accounted for three of them. A flying feather sword. A breastplate and a leggings. Murong Shanshan only has a psychic sword which is a mid-level artifact. The rest are just beginners. But it's already pretty maddening. I feel like Murong Shanshan and I are like two nouveau riche no matter where we go.

Pass through the avenue of Moonlight Dragon City. A group of people finally arrived at the border of Lianyun City, the main city of South Korea, at 8:30 in the evening. When we left the teleportation array and flashed into the nearby woods. But I also saw a group of Korean players coming down the mountain. He looked fully armed.

Murong Shanshan asked: "Do you want to get rid of them?"

I said: "No need. Look at them, there are only dozens of people. They won't pose much threat to Moonlight Dragon City. Shanshan, you have to have confidence in your compatriots in Moonlight Dragon City~ If we do something now, we will definitely expose ourselves .Once they are notified that Lianyun City is about to deploy defenses, it will be difficult for us to charge in."

Murong Shanshan nodded. He smiled and said, "Well. You still think well."

So move on. This time I will lead the way. to be honest. Although only been there twice. But I am quite familiar with the terrain of the Lianyun Mountains. Holding Lu Xuehan with one hand. One hand was pulled by Murong Shanshan. The group of 80 people behind was envious to death. A group of people were almost drooling.

half an hour later. Came to the forest near the east gate of Lianyun City. I looked outside. Many Korean players are already busy with leveling. So I said to Lu Xuehan: "Xuehan. After adding auxiliary magic to me and Shanshan, you can go back."

Lu Xuehan nodded obediently. Afterwards, Murong Shanshan and I skillfully added the Inner Fire and Eternal Healing skills. Lu Xuehan has a kind heart. By the way, add spiritual fire to the few animals behind. They immediately burst into laughter from ear to ear.

I looked at the time was almost up. So he said, "Xuehan. Let's go back to the city now."

Lu Xuehan looked at me. Said: "But I want to wait until you go out. I see you rushing in before going back to the city. Okay."

I don't agree. He said, "Xuehan is good. Go back to the city now. Don't worry Shanshan and me."

Murong Shanshan nodded slightly. Lu Xuehan saw this. Also no longer persist. Take out the scroll back to the city. He smiled at everyone and said, "Everyone. I'm going back first. Looking forward to your good news."

Then under the eyes of a group of people. The teleportation array under Lu Xuehan's feet flashed and she returned to Silver Moon City.

I checked the time again. It's nine thirty in the evening. A very nice golden hour. At this time, there are many players in the main city of South Korea. Killing is also cool. certainly. The group of players we brought must hang fast too.

Murong Shanshan quickly analyzed: "The west of Lianyun City faces the vast grassland. There are many kinds of monsters on the grassland. It is the player's first choice for leveling. And the east where we are now is on the edge of the forest. Although the monsters in the forest are not counted. Less. But after all, the road is difficult. Lazy players will not choose this place. Therefore, the obstacles we will encounter when rushing in from this east gate will be much smaller."

The little beauty bit her lip. He also said: "However. If you pass the north gate from the east gate, the players at the north gate are relatively dense. When I came last time, I almost couldn't rush in. Therefore, I suggest to go around from the east gate to the south gate. Then enter the palace You can also pass through the trading area along the way. Kill their market NPCs. What are your opinions?"

Of course I have no problem. The rest of the people also said that only the beauty Shanshan followed suit. Eternal life to follow. Sworn to death.

I feel gross as hell. I can't wait to kill all these bastards immediately. But think about it. We will have to rely on them for a while. So bear with it. Brother Bangzi will relieve me.

Murong Shanshan saw the way I gritted my teeth. He hugged my arm with a smile. Said: "Let's go."

immediately. There was a chill all around.

I moved my arms. Feel a mass of softness pressing on it. So he said in Murong Shanshan's ear: "The touch feels so good in the game. It's rare~"

Murong Shanshan blushed immediately. He stared at me and said, "Could it be that you can't touch it in reality?"

Of course I dare not say. When I put her to bed at the hotel that night. Accidentally touched it. Although the time is short. But the ecstasy of the touch is memorable.

It looks like it's about to attack. At this moment, Yijianmei asked: "President, should we sneak over there?"

I stared and said, "Let's sneak in. What about the others."

finished. I ordered: "Everyone show the guys. Let's not do any sneak attacks. Come with me. Just rush in."

The Feiyu sword and the psychic sword were almost out of their sheaths. Murong Shanshan and I took the lead and charged forward side by side.

At this time. A Korean Mage player and a Korean Warrior player are playing a sparring game. That mage is already level 102. Handling is excellent.

Gorgeous fireball. Gorgeous call away ice and fire combo. Gorgeous freezing technique. oh. The soldiers rushed up. Gorgeous flicker.

When the mage is having fun. But found eighty-two murderous Silvermoon City players around. He said nothing. Then hang up gorgeously. The soldier who followed was also dumbfounded. Murong Shanshan stepped forward to deal with it with a sword. The order said: "It's now. Go in. Lin Fan and I will deal with the NPC at the door."

When I heard this, I immediately separated from Murong Shanshan. She rushes to the four 120-level NPCs on the right. I rushed to the four NPCs on the left. in. A small captain rushed up when he saw us. Immediately drew his sword and yelled angrily: "Bold madman. How dare you trespass the main city fortress."

He just finished speaking. My Flying Feather Sword has already slashed down obliquely.


fatal blow. Instantly kill.

I was suffocated. One right hand. A magic circle appeared out of thin air. Swipe forward. He shouted: "Little wolf. Go."

While waving my right hand. The fiery red figure of the little wolf broke through the air. It hit the middle of the NPC like a cannonball. The one who bore the brunt was easily grabbed to death by the little wolf's sharp claws. The next one was in a panic to attack. I have already caught up. The sword falls in hand. A quick solution.

the other side. Murong Shanshan has also released Phoenix. With the help of the divine beast, the four NPCs were easily killed. Thus. The east gate has already been lost. But not far away, a large number of players have rushed over. There was a lot of noise. The NPC army also arrived in a hurry. Those officers shouted and cursed loudly: "A bunch of idiots. How could the enemy break into the city so easily."

A rare opportunity. I immediately greeted the massacre group behind me and rushed in. A group of people have almost reached the point where gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas. Those players and NPCs gathered in a hurry were simply vulnerable. Large and small fireballs plus a bow and arrow are enough to make them mess up.

About 40 or so NPC guards are gathering tensely. I see the situation is not good. If these NPCs come over, they will definitely be more terrifying than unorganized players. So I immediately sprinkled fluorescent powder and sneaked over. The guard officer was lecturing: "Idiots. We must kill them all under the city this time. Otherwise, I will have no face to meet His Majesty the Great Holy Kingdom."

I laughed. Koreans are always so funny. Such a small country dare to call itself a holy country. For the quota of this main city. They don't know how much it costs until the server is up. In fact, Korea is such a small country. It would be nice to give them two secondary main cities. It's really a waste to give them such a big main city.

Visually inspected for the guard team. Find the right angle. Feiyujian instantly revealed his figure. Followed by. The light of the laser sword illuminated the entire East Gate Square of Lianyun City. The pair of guards were all killed in the line of duty. Only the guard officer was left staring at me. Blowing his beard furiously. As soon as he drew his long sword, he rushed forward.

I'm not in a hurry. He raised his sword and summoned Pegasus. After seeing Tianma let out a cheerful long hiss. The horns on his forehead were suddenly nailed to the guard officer's stomach. Picked his whole body into the air. He fell heavily to the ground. There is only half life left. I stepped forward with a sword. Solve without mercy.

At this time, the surrounding players have also gathered around. Many Korean players spent money and shouted in the system announcement: "Silver Moon City in Dog Day sent people to attack the city. Come quickly. The east gate of Lianyun City. They came tens of thousands. No. It was dozens of people. Thousands of people. They launched the most violent siege ever."

Those words almost killed the members of our massacre regiment. The sticks are really awesome. Look at it this way. They say the four great inventions are Korean. Nothing to be surprised about either.

"Crack ~."

A bolt of lightning from Tianma wiped out the surrounding circle of people. The little wolf also killed the red and turned around. Leading a large group of Korean players from North Gate. He ran over as if fleeing.

I look back. The Koreans swarmed up like little ants. Our side has officially begun to suffer casualties. The first one to die was Yijianmei. He was killed by a Korean archer MM. Before he died, he said unwillingly: "Fuck me. I was actually fucked by a Korean woman..."

I ran back. Hastily said to Murong Shanshan: "Let's go. South Gate."


Murong Shanshan turned around and wiped out a bunch of Korean players with a wave of sword energy. Those Koreans were dumbfounded. This also gave us a way out.

then. Murong Shanshan opened the way. I'll stop later. The phoenix still stays in the air. Continuously release the flame skills to the ground. Those Korean players trying to catch up either. Come here with empty blood. Or hang in the flames. There was a lot of screams.

From the front came Murong Shanshan's melodious laughter like silver bells. The little girl seemed to be fooled by the soaring crime value.

I leave the little wolf in the rear. Then ride a pegasus to catch up with the crowd. While swinging the sword and shooting out sword energy, he instantly killed the Korean players who were chasing up from behind. After the strengthening of the mid-level artifact leggings. My attack is better than ever. It can be said that it is quite easy to kill these players who do not have four rotations. Even in the face of high-defense knights. It can still be easily solved with two swords.

in the ranks. 83 people have already hung out more than 20 people. There are less than 60 people left. Luckily, Lu Xuehan was still in the team. She saw the names of our members disappear one by one like swatted flies. Immediately said worriedly: "Lin Fan~~you have to be careful~"

Lu Xuehan's voice was sweet. There is no doubt that everyone is shocked. Immediately, as if taking a stimulant, he followed Murong Shanshan all the way to the trading area at the south gate.

I followed closely. But let's be surprised. South Gate has already gathered a large number of Korean players. They have long been prepared. The intersection was blocked when we arrived.

Murong Shanshan was very anxious. Can't help but take a step back. Just hit me. I took advantage of the situation to support her. Said: "Laser sword. You still have to direct your phoenix to attack. Whether you can charge over this time depends entirely on the phoenix. Fuck. I really didn't expect Bangzi to resist so fiercely this time."

Murong smiled brightly: "It's nothing. Anyway, this is his main city. You think you're just shopping on the street here. How can you get results if you don't pay something."

finished. Murong Shanshan had already activated her charge skill. The beautiful figure flashed in front of the Korean player's swordsman phalanx in an instant. The sword falls in hand. Level 10 sword energy mercilessly struck down. Immediately, a huge gap was opened in the opponent's array. A group of players turned into white light and returned to the city. Equipment and potions were also dropped all over the place.

However, none of our massacre regiments were interested in picking up equipment. Everyone followed behind Murong Shanshan and rushed forward. Phoenix is ​​also working hard in the air to output the maximum firepower. at the same time. It has also become the target of many Korean players. Fireballs, ice, rocks and everything were smashed up. Although Phoenix has a strong defense. But it can't stand such a toss. Qi and blood fell down. What's more. Korean players are no better than Vietnamese players. Among the Koreans. There are still more elite players. (Advertisement: Continue to ask for tickets for the 10-year inventory. There are every day. Everyone logs in to the 17K 10-year inventory to vote for the myth of piracy. Thank you~)

Follow in the footsteps of Murong Shanshan. When she used the laser sword for the second time. Finally, a small gap was opened in the solid front composed of Korean players. I hurried forward. A laser saber was sent over to make the gap even wider. But those Korean players are also well-trained. Immediately and quickly merged. This made Murong Shanshan grit her teeth. At the beginning, another sword qi broke through the gap.

The two sides see-saw like this. But our massacre regiment couldn't hold on. They were almost slaughtered.

So I hurriedly said: "Shanshan. Fighting Dragon Strike."

Murong Shanshan understood. With a wave of the long sword. Suddenly, a golden airflow formed around him. Those Korean players who tried to approach were immediately forced to stagger by making gestures. When the golden dragon was born. Korean players are desperate.


The giant dragon's huge body swept across the players. He ran straight forward. Taking advantage of the trend, several reinforcement NPC soldiers were also taken away.

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