Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 563 Goodbye Murong Xuan

[Today's first update]

"Lin Fan. Wake up. Big lazy pig."

A sweet voice was heard in a daze. I closed my eyes and touched the phone next to the pillow. NND. Then the bell rang.

But open your eyes. It's not yet alarm time. look back. Murong Shanshan's beautiful face is right in front of her eyes...

Depend on. It's real...

I got up quickly: "Shanshan. Get up so early. There is no need. Suzhou is not far from Shanghai. Are you in such a hurry."

Murong Shanshan knelt on the bed. Pulled open the window. Suddenly a gust of fresh air rushed in. She said: "I'm going to see my mother this time. Of course, I have to be sincere. I will go to Metro to buy some clothes with me later. My mother will definitely be angry with me to some extent. I must be fully prepared."

I think so too. It's good to be fully prepared. So get up quickly. Watch me get dressed. Murong Shanshan felt embarrassed. turn around. Said: "Lin Fan. I want to stay in Shanghai for one more day. Let's stay at my mother's place at night. Okay. I haven't seen my mother for a long time."

I agreed: "Yes. But. Auntie's place. A few rooms. Are we going to squeeze together?"

Murong Shanshan's pretty face flushed immediately. Angrily said: "You have a good idea. There are enough rooms at my mother's place. Even if you sleepwalk at night, you may not be able to find out which room I am in."

I couldn't help but marvel: "Your mom runs a hotel."

Murong Shanshan gave me a coquettish sideways glance. Said: "Hurry up and wash your face. I'll wait for you in the cafeteria. Xuehan and Xinyu are also there. Tell them. You won't come back to stay at night."


After spending a few minutes getting everything done. Changed into an expensive suit. Although I don't pay much attention to the problem of dressing. But after all, Murong Shanshan's mother is the boss of a big company. I have to be very well dressed. Since ancient times, Chinese people have been very particular about being well-matched.

After sorting everything out. Go downstairs to the cafeteria. Several MMs are already waiting there. I asked for a breakfast. While eating, she said: "Well... Shanshan said that she will spend the night with her mother in Shanghai. So I won't come back."

Lu Xuehan nodded slightly. Take small bites of the bread. Xin Yu raised her head and said, "Be careful. Shanshan still has to go to school."

immediately. Murong Shanshan blushed and said, "Xin Yu, what are you talking about~~I live at my mother's place at night~~"

Xin Yu smiled: "Yes. I mean, you should pay attention to safety when driving on the road."

Murong Shanshan said to me: "Look, Xin Yu bullied me."

I said, "Then what should I do? Do I want to beat her up?"

Murong Shanshan said contemptuously: "Looking at you, I don't want to part with it. Forget it~~"

Xin Yu chuckled lightly. After that, I finished a meal in harmony. Then I take the card. Bring some cash. He took Murong Shanshan into the car and left the company.

Touching the dashboard of his Buick. I asked: "Shanshan. You said that my aunt saw my car. Would she despise me?"

"Probably not. She will think that you young man is very pragmatic..."

"Oh. And what about your BMW."

Murong Shanshan realized in shock: "Ah. I forgot. It's still locked in the teacher's garage. It's been three months. Someone must have pried it away. Maybe even the tires are gone~~"

I comforted: "Forget it. Don't worry. If it's gone, it's gone. I guess it's not a problem to buy a few hundred cars with the money on your current bank card tied to the guild resident. It's not possible. You like it." What model. I'll buy it for you~"

Murong Shanshan chuckled. Suddenly said: "You have a Buick to drive me. Why should I buy a car. Hey. Not here. Turn right~~ idiot. The light is red."

A burst of emergency braking. Luckily I didn't run a red light. The people in the car behind stretched out their heads and cursed: "You are an idiot. Do you drive like this?"

I immediately opened the car door and pointed at him: "Damn it. Who are you fucking scolding?"

The man was taken aback. Did not dare to say anything. He muttered a few words in a low voice and rolled up the window.

I go back to the car. Murong Shanshan smiled lightly and said, "Why are you so fierce. Didn't you see that it scared people?"

I said: "People are good at being bullied. Ma Shan is being ridden. I want to protect you in the future. There are also Xuehan and Xinyu. Of course, you have to be fierce. Otherwise, how can you survive in this society where the jungle is prey to the jungle."

Murong Shanshan chuckled. Said: "It's okay. I can also help you protect Xuehan and Xinyu~~"

I said silently: "No. Shanshan, you have already paid a lot for us. I don't want to lose you again. Even for one day..."

I say so. Murong Shanshan's eyes turned red immediately. He whispered: "I don't want to either. But at that time. I had no other choice. Lin Fan. Seeing you locked up in the police station. Do you know how scared I am... I would rather. The ones locked inside are Own……"

I was stunned. Caressing the little girl's shoulder, she said: "It's all over. Isn't everyone doing well now? Shanshan. Let's go. Go buy clothes for auntie. That's right. How much does she wear?"

Murong Shanshan thought about it. Said: "Probably between 2,000 and 20,000. Mom is not very picky about clothes..."

"Damn. It's not a choice..."


Come to the mall. Murong Shanshan is familiar with the way. Run around with me. In a few minutes came a luxurious location. I stared at the labels on the shelves and gasped. The working class may not be able to buy a commodity here with a few months or even a year's income. Some things are just for rich people. Just like a beautiful woman.

The reason why I can be with Murong Shanshan. That can only show that my RP is good. Shanshan is also very special. If she is the kind of woman who loves vanity. I'm afraid now. Wherever it is cool, I will stay there.

"Lin Fan. Look at this dress, does it look good?"

Murong Shanshan held a windbreaker and asked me. I don't know if it looks good or not. So he said, "Show me the clothes."

"I'll wear it. How can I do that? These are clothes I bought for my mother. It's useless if I look good in them~"

"That's over. I said it's useless to look good~"

Murong Shanshan thought about it. Then he said, "Forget it. Since you don't know which one is better, then buy a few more."

talking. Asked for half a rack of clothes...

After one hour. Panting, I walked out of the mall carrying a big bag and a small bag. Murong Shanshan swiped her card N times. It must have cost a lot of money. But she didn't feel bad. Very generous.

Put everything in the trunk. We finally embarked on a journey to Shanghai.

Murong Shanshan yelled to drive. She said she was very skilled. But I always feel that her driving skills are about the same as mine. And how can my classic car stand up to her speed racing?

So I disagree. Then she looked aggrieved. I was instantly killed. Get in the passenger seat obediently.

The car was fairly stable on the road. Although I ran through two red lights on the road. Fortunately, it was not photographed. When we enter downtown Shanghai. When he came downstairs to Murong Xuan. It's past 10 o'clock in the morning.

I'm going to open the trunk to get things up. Murong Shanshan stopped her and said: "Don't bother. After lunch, drive directly to Mom's place. It won't be too late to take it by then. Let's go. Come up with me first to surprise Mom~"

"Ah. You haven't told her yet."

"Yeah. Let's go~"

Murong Shanshan pulled me directly into the company's gate. It's rare that the security below didn't ask us to register at all. It seems that he knows Murong Shanshan.

went upstairs. Murong Shanshan entered the company. I followed closely. The receptionist froze. Seeing Murong Shanshan make a silent gesture. So he smiled. Let her in.


The door of the general manager's office was pushed open. Murong Shanshan walked in lightly. She called softly, "Mom~"

Murong Xuan was writing something in the notebook. Immediately after hearing her daughter's voice, she raised her head and stood up. Very excited. She stepped forward and hugged Murong Shanshan. Said: "Shanshan, where have you gone? Mom is worried to death. You don't even turn on your phone."

Murong Shanshan chuckled: "My phone number was reactivated three days ago. It's just that you didn't call~"

"Okay. Tell me. Where have you been these past few months. Why can't you be found?"

Murong Shanshan pursed her lips and chuckled lightly: "I don't want you guys to find it. Of course it will be hidden very well~"

Murong Xuan cast her eyes on me at this moment. Said: "Lin Fan. Sit down~ You've worked hard all the way. Shanshan hasn't caused you any trouble these days, right?"

I quickly said no. At the same time, I also felt that her tone was a bit strange.

really. Murong Xuan's next sentence was: "Shanshan. I will go through the formalities for resuming school in the next two days. Don't waste any more time."

I was shocked. Murong Xuan still said it. It must be because I am afraid that Murong Shanshan will be with me for a long time. And then there was an involuntary relationship...

Murong Shanshan was dissatisfied and said: "Ah. Mom~~ Can you go back to school after the Chinese New Year?"

Murong Xuan couldn't help laughing and said: "Didn't you be able to be with Lin Fan during the summer vacation? Now, my request to you is not to give me a red light in the final exam. This request is not too high."

Murong Shanshan grumbled. Dissatisfied: "Okay then. I will go back to school in the next few days... But, Lin Fan and I will not go back to Suzhou tonight. Mom, I haven't seen you for a long time~"

Murong Xuan chuckled. Lovingly stroking her daughter's hair. Said: "Well. You can do whatever you want. It's just right. I also showed Lin Fan to the night market in Shanghai. It's very good~"

In fact, I prefer the night scene in Suzhou. Very peaceful and harmonious.

Murong Shanshan pulled me to sit down on the sofa next to me. Throw me a magazine. Then Murong Xuan went out. Said to the front desk: "Xiao Huang, book a private room for me at the Dragon Star Hotel. Be there at 11:30 noon."


When Murong Xuan came back. Murong Shanshan found a bag of sandwich biscuits from nowhere. I glanced at her. He said, "Shanshan, aren't you afraid of getting fat?"

"Scared. But want to eat..."

Murong Xuan turned her head and smiled lightly: "Shanshan wants to listen to Lin Fan. He also has good intentions. Be careful if you get fat, Lin Fan won't want you."

Murong Shanshan blushed. Said: "Mom, what are you talking about..."

Seeing her shy look. Murong Xuan pursed her lips and smiled lightly: "Shanshan. Mom seems to have done some things wrong before. It really shouldn't be used to threaten you to leave Lin Fan. Will you be angry with mom?"

Murong Shanshan blinked her eyes: "Why are you angry? I never planned to leave Lin Fan..."

Murong Xuan smiled slightly. She is probably used to Murong Shanshan's hooliganism.

Until nearly noon. Murong Xuan finally decided to have dinner together. After explaining some things to the supervisor. So I took Murong Shanshan and I out the door. Come downstairs. to get the car. Murong Shanshan told her which car my car was. really. Murong Xuan smiled lightly and said, "Lin Fan's car is quite frugal~ Shanshan, you have to learn from Lin Fan. Lost Paradise also has a resident. They also have a lot of money. But they drive a Volkswagen brand car."

Murong Shanshan said: "Understood. I won't drive in the future. Just take the bus."

"Well. Remember to get a transportation card. It can save 10% of the money."


This mother is too frugal.

Murong Shanshan and I got into Murong Xuan's car. I didn't think so when I got to the hotel. The green vegetable plates here are smaller than those in Suzhou. But the menu price is twice that of Suzhou.

Murong Xuan probably misunderstood that Murong Shanshan and I had just returned from Rwanda. So I ordered a lot of dishes. A table full. It costs countless money. But Murong Shanshan was very happy. Because the dishes here are indeed more refined than those from the few hotels we used to eat.

in addition. Murong Xuan is in a good mood today. I ordered a bottle of red wine. I took it from the waiter. Then pour her a glass. Murong Xuan looked at me. He smiled and said, "Lin Fan. How did you find Shanshan?"

I said: "Shanshan lives in the home of a female player in the Lost Paradise Guild. I got a clue from there. Then I went to the place where I lived before. I didn't expect Shanshan to be in the KFC where we met..."

Murong Shanshan put down the spoon in her hand. Said: "The captain said that he wanted to eat something from KFC at night. Otherwise, I would not have been found so easily by you~"

Murong Xuan chuckled: "Shanshan. Actually, you should go to Lin Fan on your own initiative. I know. Lin Fan must have suffered a lot to find you..."

I smiled and shook my head: "That bit of suffering is nothing. As long as I can find Shanshan. Those are nothing..."

Murong Xuan was slightly taken aback. Suddenly he said calmly: "Lin Fan. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have judged you by the standards of my own generation. I demanded everything from you too much. But I forgot. You are not much older than Shanshan. They are all the same 20 A young man just in his early days. How can he think about so many thoughtful things at this age~"

I froze. Then he said: "Auntie, I'm sorry. I'm the one who caused you trouble. If I hadn't been so impulsive, there wouldn't be so many things in the future. Shanshan wouldn't leave sadly..."

Murong Xuan smiled slightly. Say: "Don't feel guilty. Since I can accept you, I won't care about what you did before. In short, treat Shanshan better in the future. Maybe only you can make her happy every day. Shanshan is doing well. I'll be fine. "

finished. Murong Xuan raised her glass and said to me, "Come on. Have a drink with me."

"I want to drink too. I want to drink too~~" Murong Shanshan yelled from the side.

I glanced at Murong Xuan. She smiled lightly: "Then Shanshan should drink a little too. Anyway, it's rare for us to get together~"

I poured some wine for Murong Shanshan. Ask again: "I'll go back later. Who will drive?"

"Don't worry. This little wine is fine. I've been driving for decades~" Murong Xuan said with a smile.

In fact, it is still not very safe. But it's okay. The driving speed in the city of Shanghai is very slow. Driving in busy areas is not as fast as walking. Relatively speaking. It's pretty safe.

The three drank it all in one gulp. Murong Shanshan frowned while drinking. There was a trace of wine stains on the corner of his mouth. I took a sheet and wiped it off for her. Murong Xuan was watching. smiling.

It took about an hour to eat. The three of them actually messed up a table of food. Murong Xuan ate very little. Murong Shanshan and I are the main force. It made Murong Xuan feel distressed and said: "Shanshan, the food at your school must be very bad. Then eat more..."

after dinner. Murong Xuan went to swipe the card. Take us out of the hotel. Then I drove around and came downstairs to the company. Murong Xuan made a phone call. Said that he would not go to the company in the afternoon. Then she said to Murong Shanshan: "Shanshan, let's go home now. You take Lin Fan's car. You should follow mom."

Murong Shanshan looked at her mother. Look at me again. Finally, he smiled and said, "Of course it's in my mother's car. Lin Fan is a rookie at driving. I was still driving the car when I came here."

Murong Xuan smiled slightly. Then hit the road. I followed her Mercedes in my own Buick.

Murong Xuan's Mercedes-Benz was shining brightly. Very shiny. My Buick has not been washed for N days. There have been several autumn rains in Suzhou. There was a lot of mud on the wheels. It's all done. The milk tea put on the back cover of the car was really milked. An obvious trajectory traverses the rear of the car like a mother river. By contrast. Murong Xuan seemed to be riding a tall horse. I rode a crappy wild ass.

Out of the city. Follow the road all the way to somewhere in the suburbs. Next to a row of small villas. Murong Xuan abducted in. I also followed. When we stopped in front of a pretty gorgeous villa. I finally understood why Murong Shanshan said that I might not be able to find her room. Look at the land area of ​​this villa. I'm afraid there really must be a dozen rooms.

Park your car below. A middle-aged woman came out of it. He smiled at Murong Shanshan, "Miss is back."

Murong Shanshan shouted: "Aunt Liu~~ Long time no see."

Murong Xuan said: "Sister Liu, go and buy more vegetables in the afternoon. Have a big dinner. Shanshan and Lin Fan are coming back to live today. Prepare two rooms."


I looked up to see the grandeur of the building. Can't help sighing: "MD. This is the life of the rich."

【beg. A ten-year count of votes. 】

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