Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 573: Scarlet Silver Sword

17K online game book "I am a thief" is on the shelves. ISBN 35933. Let's all come and join us~~


I nodded very seriously. Said: "That's right. That's it. The Lingtong City Kingdom violated our human peace covenant many times. This time we want these villains to accept their due punishment. If you are willing, patriarch, can you help me win this justice?" war."

actually. Shit justice. I just don't like the French. They brought people here to grab the land.

Hear me out this is a just war. The old patriarch's cloudy eyes suddenly burst into a warlike light. He laughed and said, "Finally. Our dwarf clan is about to usher in a partner who will fight side by side again. My lord, you need how our dwarf clan can participate in this war."

I thought about it. Question: "Patriarch. How many dwarves are here now who can join the battle."

The patriarch said: "After years of recuperation, we already have 50,000 adult dwarf warriors. However, there are probably less than 30,000 who can participate in the war."

I was overjoyed. Then he said: "Then. Please let them prepare to fight in a day. We only need 30,000 soldiers who can participate in the battle. The day after tomorrow. I will inform you to fight and arrange strategies. Patriarch. You can see if this will work."

The patriarch nodded quickly: "Our clan survives because of the adults. How dare you disobey the orders of the adults."

I smiled. It was so simple to fool these dwarves. Thirty thousand level 130 enhanced NPCs may not be able to change the entire situation of the national war. But it can definitely help us a lot. after all. Level 130 enhanced NPC attack power is definitely much higher than that of ordinary players. The impact it brings must be stronger than any guild's offensive.

Turning around, he looked at the fragments of the dragon man's body gradually being refreshed. I set my sights on the exquisite weapons tempered by those dwarves. Can't help but ask: "Patriarch, what is the red silver weapon you mentioned. Is red silver very rare?"

The patriarch nodded and said: "Yes. The refining of any weapon only needs to be mixed with a little red silver, which can greatly improve the sharpness and durability. However, this kind of red silver is very rare. The elders of my clan surveyed the entire darkness There is only a little red silver ore from the mountains. Therefore, we melted these ores and cast them into 5,000 sharp spears, halberds, swords and other weapons. Equipped with dwarf warriors to help our family resist the invasion of foreign races."

I am interested: "Can you show me the weapons made of red silver?"

"My lord can. My lord, look. These two swords. One has not been tempered with red silver. The other has a small amount of red silver added." The patriarch picked up two swords from the stone platform next to him.

I took it. One of them was lacquered black and didn't have much luster. The other is slightly glowing with silver light. Obviously much better than the other one.

then. I immediately identified it. The attributes of the black lacquered sword immediately came into view. .

[Refined Iron Sword] (Blue Equipment)

Attack: 600-950

Strength: +50

Stamina: +50

Agility: +50

Intelligence: +50

Additional: Increase the user's attack by 5%

Requires level: 80


A very ordinary blue long sword. For players at level 80, it is barely acceptable. The 950's attack isn't too bad. No matter how high it is, it should belong to the purple level.

Then took the long sword mixed with red silver. There was a flash of light. A row of data jumped out. .

[Refined Red Silver Sword] (purple equipment)

Attack: 900-1350

Strength: +150

Stamina: +150

Agility: +150

Intelligence: +150

Additional: Increase the user's attack by 10%

Requires level: 100


I was slightly taken aback. But I didn't expect the attributes to be strengthened to this point. Could it be that a small mineral really has such an effect?

The patriarch laughed and said: "With such a sharp weapon, our warriors will surely be invincible."

I asked: "Patriarch. Are there only 5,000 of these red silver weapons?"

"Yes. Why. You want it too, my lord."

I would have been speechless. But he asked. I nodded and said, "Yes. I wonder if you can give me a batch..."

The patriarch looked troubled. The elders behind hesitated and said: "This... red silver is the lifeblood of our dwarves. Although you have saved our lives, my lord. But..."

The patriarch's face turned cold. Said: "Don't talk about it. The request of the envoy sir is the divine decree received by my dwarves. Sir, how much do you need?"

I looked at the spaces in the package. Then he said, "Not many. 150. Is that okay?"

The patriarch immediately calmed down. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's it. It's only 150. You can choose whatever you want. This amount is nothing to us."

I was instantly ecstatic. Even if this purple weapon is sold, it is expensive. 1350 The attack power is comparable to spirit weapons of the same level. The use value can be imagined. 150 purple NB swords can go back to the Lost Paradise and equip 150 NB four-turn swordsmen. The power of the laser sword after the swordsman turns four is directly linked to the player's own attack power. Empty skills have no attack power and cannot cause huge damage to the target. so. This weapon, which is close to a spiritual weapon, will definitely allow those four-turn swordsmen to instantly kill mage players of the same level.

then. I immediately took out the whole bundle of potions from the package and threw it on the ground. Then put the red silver infused sharp swords on the shelf into the package. 150 weapons just took me a long time to pack up. But my heart is happy. after all. The value of these red silver swords is definitely more than 100,000 RMB each. Although I plan to distribute it to powerful swordsman players in the guild. But after all, he has strengthened his strength.

It was around 10 o'clock in the evening. The patriarch is tired. Accompanied by several dwarves MM, I went into the cave to rest. And those craftsmen around the furnace also started casting weapons. I ordered Essien. Under the guidance of several dwarves, they came to the secret passage that was originally occupied by the dragon people. The so-called channel. In fact, it is a small cave that pierces through the mountain.

Didn't get very far. Then I saw the catwoman Tina appearing in the nearby woods.

Tina's skin is very fair. It looks even whiter in the moonlight. So we saw it from afar.

Tina also found me on a pegasus. Immediately ran over happily. But the dwarf guard in front of me said disgustedly: "You humble catwoman. Stay away. Don't even try to get close to our envoy."

"Let her come here." I said lightly.

The guard hesitated. He took back the ax in his hand.

When Tina came in front of her. I said, "Tina. Now I'm going to visit the City of Glory. You can stay in the Dark Mountains. If you are seen by the players, you will be in trouble."

Although the level of catwoman is not low. But the attack and attributes are really not that good. so. Under the sword of ordinary players. Tina is still dangerous.

Tina looked at me. Said: "Brother. Are you going back to the city you originally lived in. Silvermoon City."

I nod. After exploring the terrain here. I do have to go back to town. On the one hand, there is a need to supply and repair equipment and the like. on the other hand. The 150 NB weapons obtained from the dwarf tribe also need to be sent back to the guild. If you accidentally hang up outside and explode dozens of them. That doesn't hurt to death.

Seeing this, Tina said, "Brother. I will go to Silvermoon City to find you. Is that okay?"

I frowned and said, "Stop messing around, Tina. It's a long way from here to Silvermoon City. The road is full of dangers. How many lives do you have to get there?"

Tina giggled. Said: "Brother, don't worry. Tina will prove herself..."

finished. Tina held up her little white hand. Waved in front of the chest. Immediately sparked a white light. Immediately afterwards, a piece of fluorescent light sprinkled. Her delicate figure just disappeared out of thin air.

Depend on. It's invisibility.

The guards next to me were all dumbfounded. There was a ripple of ripples in the air. Tina stood there pretty again. She smiled slightly and said, "Brother. If that's the case, I can go to you safely."

I will not say anything more. With Tina's level of 135, she can indeed run amok in Silvermoon City invisibly.

So I said, "Then it's up to you. I may only come back every day. I'm going to rest tonight. Tina. You have to be careful. Don't get caught by the weird uncles in Silvermoon City..."

"Oh." Tina looked puzzled. But soon. She smiled. Said: "Brother. Then Tina is gone~"

finished. She disappeared from our field of vision again.

And I went to the secret passage with a few guards. A guard said respectfully: "My lord. After this place is discovered, we will send more people to guard here. You can enter and exit here every time according to the order."


It was pitch black in the passage. I left those guards outside to guard them. I myself pulled out the flying feather sword and poked in. The light of the Feiyu sword was extremely bright. It can also illuminate far in the dark. Both sides of the cave are covered with old moss. The road is also very wet. The boots made a "bajibaji" sound when they stepped on an unknown plant.

An unpleasant smell came from the nose. It smells like feces. One can imagine. It is very likely that it is a legacy of the dragon warriors here.

It took about ten minutes to grope in the dark. Suddenly, I saw a glimmer of light coming from the front. When I climbed out on a rock. Then I felt the awe-inspiring righteousness between heaven and earth. because. I am standing on a small hill. The sound of rushing water came from below.

At a glance. A deep, fast-flowing river separates the Dark Mountains from the City of Glory. The water level is at least 100 meters away from the banks of the cliffs on both sides. It is impossible to wade across the water.

but. Over the water of the chasm hangs a very old-looking iron chain bridge. The bridge deck above is made of wooden planks. But badly damaged. Many boards have been broken. It might still be possible to march infantry from here. Cavalry don't even think about passing through here.

An ancient trail stretches around the Dark Mountains along a chain suspension bridge. very long. There is no end in sight. A piece of green mountains and green waters.

I hissed. Summon Pegasus. Go all the way down the rugged mountain road.

I looked at the time. The real time is already 11 o'clock in the evening. I turned down the sound in the game a little bit. Then he could hear the girl's silvery laughter coming from Lu Xuehan's room next door. It seemed that Xin Yu was teasing Lu Xuehan and Murong Shanshan.

Think about it. It may be too late to set foot in Glory City now. It was probably two or three o'clock in the morning after stepping on the spot. That's not good. Or should take a little more time to accompany a few MM. things in the game. There is still time to do it during the day the next day. Moreover. I'm also used to sneaking around in other people's main cities during the day.

So go offline. He took off his helmet and adjusted his clothes. Then go out to Lu Xuehan's room and knock on the door.

It was Murong Shanshan who opened the door. She was standing there in a sky blue woolen coat. The lower body is a very beautiful short skirt. Looks youthful and cute.

"Huh. Lin Fan, you've been offline so early." The little beauty asked in surprise.

I smile slightly. He went in and closed the door and said, "It's getting late. It's already eleven o'clock. What are you all doing in Xuehan's room. You don't want to sleep."

Xin Yu sat on the sofa next to Lu Xuehan. He chuckled softly: "Nothing. We just chat together. Cultivate a relationship~~"

"Ah. Is that so..." I thought about it. Say, "Are you hungry? Would you like to go out and get something to eat together?"

Murong Shanshan immediately agreed: "Yeah. Okay. I've never had the nerve to say it~~"

Xin Yu said angrily, "Isn't Shanshan afraid of getting fat?"

"I'm afraid. But I want to eat..." Murong Shanshan still said the same thing.

then. Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan stood up at the same time. Put on a coat and say, "Let's go. Let's have a barbecue~~"

actually. Eating barbecue in the middle of the night is not healthy. but. Chairman Mao said it well. Eat whatever you want. Follow your heart is the healthiest. so. We follow the party's line and walk on a healthy road.

Xin Yu went back to the room and got a bunch of keys. Then go out. It was a little dark. The streetlights outside were much dimmed. When we left the company gate. It was a bit chilly when the evening wind blew. It seems that late autumn is coming.

Murong Shanshan put away her collar. It seems a little cold. But the snow-white legs under her skirt couldn't be protected. I couldn't help but feel distressed and blamed: "Why don't you wear more clothes."

The little beauty smiled slightly: "Didn't you say that you liked seeing me in a skirt? Winter is coming. If I don't wear it, I won't have a chance~"

I smiled: "Don't freeze. I like to see whatever you wear, Shanshan..."

Xin Yu touched her arm and said, "Oh, I'm so numb~~"

Lu Xuehan and I laughed at the same time. Murong Shanshan smiled invincibly: "Is it icky? I don't think so. You must have never heard of the really icky dialogue Bai Xinyu. When I was in self-study that time, there was a couple sitting in the back. They talked about it all night. Whisper. Hmm. I didn’t even have the appetite for supper that night~~”

Murong Shanshan looked rather sad: "It's a pity. Keke should have invited me to eat that night."

Lu Xuehan chuckled: "Don't be a pity. We will have something to eat soon. That's right. Who's going to treat you today."

Everyone looked at me immediately. I was very helpless: "Damn it. I should bring Sister Lin back sooner. Now I don't even have to pay for supper. I'm really not used to it."

Murong Shanshan said with a slight smile: "Lin Fan should carry more cash with him in the future. You know that. I don't really like putting money in my pocket~"

I looked her up and down. Ask: "Sister. Do you have a pocket all over your body?"

Murong Shanshan looked at me quite aggrieved. Pointing to his back. Say, "That. There's a pocket in the back of the skirt..."

I glanced over. MD. The capacity of that pocket is limited to a few coins.

At this time. The waiter at the barbecue restaurant also spotted us from a distance. Immediately greeted each other with a smile: "You guys haven't come for a long time."

It's really been a long time since I came. since the last incident. It was the first time we were in such a good mood to come here for supper at night.

The boss is in there too. When he saw us, he asked, "Hey. Mr. Xu didn't come today."

Lu Xuehan was taken aback. Xin Yu hurriedly said: "She is not feeling well, so she didn't come. Boss, we need a table upstairs. A stove of charcoal will do."

"Oh. This way please."

went upstairs. Lu Xuehan sat with me. Murong Shanshan and Xin Yu sat opposite each other.

Murong Shanshan stared at me and Lu Xuehan. Xin Yu stared at Murong Shanshan. I glared at the owner of the barbecue shop: "What are you looking at. Bring two bottles of beer."

The boss responded. After looking at the beauties again, he reluctantly left.

I said: "NND. This middle-aged uncle seems to have never seen a woman before. How can anyone judge people like this. He doesn't move his eyes for a minute."

Xin Yu said with a smile: "How can he not move? Didn't he keep looking at Shanshan and then at Xuehan?"

I am speechless. Then he said: "Sister Lin should come back. I'm not used to it now..."

Lu Xuehan moved her lips. He hesitated to speak. Murong Shanshan also cleverly lay down on the table. He tilted his head to look at me. Xin Yu took out her mobile phone. Said to check the phone bill.

Not long after. Come on the stove. Everyone BBQ.

Murong Shanshan asked me about my situation in Lingtong City. I told her: "Everything is going well. I also got a batch of NB military supplies from NPCs."

The little beauty drooled and asked if she could give them some swords and roses. Under the gaze of Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu. I flatly refuse. Tell Murong Shanshan. Feelings belong to feelings. It cannot be confused with organizational relations.

Murong Shanshan was not angry either. Grilling the squid skewers, he said: "It seems that sister Lin really should come back. With her here, you don't dare to bully me so blatantly~"


Until 12:30. Let's all eat something. Then go back to the company to rest. the next day. Captain Zhutou came to report with his luggage. Everyone has to get up early. but me. It is also necessary to ascertain the topography of the city of glory in France. The more prepared you are. The greater the chance of success.

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