Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter forty-ninth promotion completed

Xu Lin's team?

It is estimated that for a long time, it can only exist in the form of a team. That is the initial form of the team, and it is not fixed, but with the team building trial certificate, all the people in the team can be upgraded to a team. Members, team members have many benefits. For example, when the members of the group form a team, the experience gained from fighting monsters increases by 10%, which is quite considerable. When the team is upgraded to a legion, the members of the legion Team, experience increased by 20%!

The current players can only YY, not only no player's reputation can reach 10,000, but also no one knows where to get the trial certificate needed for team formation, and the official has not given any clues , everything depends on the player to explore.

Now Murong Shanshan actually asked me when the Qingcai family formed a regiment...

"I don't know, it should be early, and the reputation is far behind."

"If I formed a group first, would you join?" Murong Shanshan bit her lip.

It suddenly occurred to me that Xu Lin didn't recognize me because I offended Kuangzhan's relationship, so I smiled and said, "Let's talk about this later, the establishment of a group doesn't mean that you can build it if you want to."

Murong Shanshan pursed her lips and said with a small smile, "Let's talk about it later. The Devil's Valley is ahead, and it's full of demon-type monsters. Priests fight very quickly."

"By the way, what is your mission? Is it to kill a boss or something?"

"It's fine to kill a BOSS. My task is very perverted. It is said that there are eighteen sealing magic circles in the valley, distributed in every corner of the valley. They will only be released after all the seals are lifted within five seconds. Killing the demon boss, I think, this boss is definitely not easy, maybe it will drop a few blue clothes for me~!" Murong Shanshan's face was full of excitement, and the perverts around her looked so excited and cheerful. shocked.


Murong Shanshan gave an order in the team formation channel, and the team of nearly 50 people immediately dispersed in Ke Valley. The magic circle was obvious, and the monsters in the valley were almost destroyed under the ravages of a large group of people.

Ke Ke quietly walked to my side and said in a low voice, "Do you know that Shanshan is the beauty of our school, and few of these people have no unreasonable thoughts about her."

I nodded, but didn't speak.

"Aren't you worried?" Ke Ke stared at my face, as if she didn't want to let go of any expression on my face.

"worry about what?"

Ke Ke looked at me stupidly, and after confirming that I really didn't care, he said: "Forget it, let me pretend that I didn't ask you anything, poor Shanshan who doesn't know which satyr will chase her away..."


The eighteen magic circles were all guarded in a short while. Murong Shanshan opened the map and checked, and after confirming that all the magic circles were occupied, she began to use the voice intercom in the team formation channel to say: "Now At first, when I counted to three, everyone immediately triggered the magic circle, wait, which idiot activated the magic circle at 9 o'clock? Stop it!"

After a period of chaos, everyone finally activated the magic circle for the second time under Murong Shanshan's arrangement. After the holy light shone, a level 25 stone man boss suddenly appeared in the center of the map. The purpose of Shan's trip.

"Lin Fan, come and fight, everyone!"

Everyone flocked to this poor boss, and when I cut the second sword, it was empty!

sky! I think this is the fastest-dead boss I have ever seen. It was killed in less than 10 seconds, and the blue armor boots used by a soldier exploded, which was taken for granted by Murong Shanshan.

After Murong Shanshan greeted me, she immediately returned to the city. At the same time, I was notified of the disbandment of the team. It seems that Murong Shanshan wanted to use this method to get rid of these followers.

A text message came later: "Lin Fan, I'm going to level up with Ke Ke and the others, so I won't accompany you."

I smiled foolishly, and then I remembered that I also have my own things to do, everyone's level is not low now, if we don't upgrade quickly, I'm afraid we will be caught up by Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu.

When I opened the leaderboard, I was surprised to find that I have already ranked seventh in the world and fourth in China. I should be considered a celebrity now. Judging from the ranks of the top 10 players on the rankings, the gap between everyone’s ranks is already huge. Gradually it was enlarged, and the first place was still the thief named Power Hot Pot, which was already level 29, the second to fourth were all level 28, the fifth to seventh were level 27, and the eighth was dropped all of a sudden. At level 25, Murong Shanshan didn't enter the top ranking due to too little experience, but she has already ranked 6th in China, which is far from what Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu's level can compare with.

Without going back to the city, I went straight from where I was to the lumberyard where I practiced with Murong Shanshan yesterday. It stands to reason that there should be monsters with higher levels in the future. With my current level of 27, if I still fight For monsters of the same level, the experience will be quite less, and the level with other players will only increase.

The night gradually dimmed, and the wilderness was gradually shrouded in thick smoke, and the dew was heavy. My earth-gray undead boots stepped on the dew-filled grass, making a sound of "bajibaji", and my body was quickly covered The dew on the branches and leaves of the forest was wet, the light blue armor was shining, and the red cloak was tightly attached to the body, feeling very uncomfortable.

They bypassed the lumber mill directly, and there was no need to fight the level 27 monsters there. Behind the lumber mill was a wide plain, and from a distance, there was still smoke rising from the kitchen, and a large yellow flag swayed in the wind.

Another big river crosses the lumber mill and the plain. There is a crumbling suspension bridge on the river. There is a simple camp near the suspension bridge. A few shabby-clothed kingdom soldiers are talking around a fire. What, I was a little puzzled, what is the relationship between these soldiers and the troops with the yellow flag? Is it the advance team?

Carefully crossing the suspension bridge, the soldiers guarding the bridge saw someone approaching on the bridge, immediately stood up and surrounded them, a small captain pointed at me and asked loudly: "Who is this person, what are you doing here? "

I froze for a moment, and replied, "I'm from Hurricane City."

"What, are you sent by the king to rescue us?"

I thought about it, and this might be another task, so I replied: "I am a swordsman who has just been promoted in the kingdom. Is there anything I can do for you?"

The soldier captain looked excited: "I thought the kingdom had forgotten us soldiers of the kingdom who fought bloody battles!"

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