Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 53 Over the Wall

Xu Lin's jaw was about to drop, Li Qing was speechless with his mouth wide open, Guozi saw my expression as if he saw a prehistoric trilobite crawling around in front of her.

"Tell me, why is Lin Fan so courageous that he even dares to hug sister Xin Yu, not afraid of being crushed?" Guo Zi secretly said to JOLY, who also looked at us with mischievous eyebrows, and said in a low voice: " Keep your voice down, it may be that Lin Fan is overwhelmed after not touching a woman for a long time, why, do you want to comfort him too?"

Guozi blushed and said angrily, "Don't talk nonsense, look at your coquettish appearance!"


I haven't noticed my gaffe yet, but Lu Xuehan said to me in a low voice: "Are you hugging enough? Sister Lin is watching us~!"

Looking at Lu Xuehan with a pretty face flushed, I couldn't help but feel a wave in my heart, but I still had to put my hand back, it's too fake to lose my composure before drinking.

Xin Yu kept pursing her lips and giggling while looking at the dishes on the table, Lu Xuehan blushed and whispered, "The bottom of the pot is already cooked, it's ready to eat..."

The bottom of the pot is already cooked chicken. It tastes good after adding a lot of ingredients. Xin Yu took a box of mutton and put it in front of Lu Xuehan and me, and said: "Eat more, and sleep after eating. It's snowing~!"

"It's snowing heavily?" I looked at Xin Yu in surprise, and said, "It's snowing so early, winter came really early this year."

"But, some people's spring seems to have come~" It was Xu Lin who spoke, feeling a little sour.

Xin Yu and I stopped talking, and Lu Xuehan's pretty face turned even redder. Fortunately, Xu Lin had a conscience, and immediately changed the subject: "The Chinese New Year is only a month away, have you ever thought about going home to be with your loved ones?" Pass?"

Lu Xuehan's petite body trembled slightly, and said timidly, "No, I don't want to go home."

She must have had an irreconcilable conflict with her family, otherwise she would not have come to this place with pink lights. She is so beautiful, it would be a lie to say that she only sells herself as a performer, if I didn't stop her a few times, I'm afraid that if she has been molested by those perverts, her chastity that I have cherished for a long time will be lost.

Lu Xuehan has always been very grateful to me, although she didn't say it out, but I know it.

Xin Yu put a piece of meat on the plate in front of me, and said with a deadpan face: "My family has long disowned me, and I don't want to go back and let them have a bad New Year's Eve."

Unlike Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan, several of her family members have to go back to celebrate the New Year, because their family members don't know about their affairs outside. Xu Lin is single, and this is her home. Of course, she doesn't have to go anywhere. The last person is me.

After taking a sip of Coke, I smiled and said, "It will be a long time before I go home. I'm afraid I'll miss Xinyu and Xuehan for too long. It's better not to go back. How about spending this new year with everyone?"

"Of course!" Xin Yu showed a charming smile.

I really wanted to pinch Xin Yu's beautiful face, but I couldn't hold back after looking at everyone.

After eating, it was already past 1:00 in the morning. I lay down on the bed and closed my eyes but couldn’t fall asleep. Xu Lin’s words touched me a little. No matter what, at least there are beautiful girls like Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan. I am with myself, although I want to go back to the past, if I can start all over again, will I let Xiao Yu go?

Maybe the result will be the same...

People are like this, knowing that weakness will only hurt themselves, but they are still weak again and again.

With a touch of sadness, I fell into a deep sleep, dreaming non-stop, as uncomfortable as a slide show.



The noisy phone rang, and I also woke up from the nightmare. I took the phone and looked, it turned out to be Murong Shanshan's phone. I looked out the window. It looked very white, but it was obviously not dawn yet. She was calling at this time What do you want to do here?

"Hey, is it Shanshan? What's the matter for looking for me so early?"

"Lin Fan, get up quickly, put on more clothes and pick me up at our school!" Murong Shanshan couldn't hide her excitement in her words.

"What are you doing? Let me be clear first, I only slept for three hours..." I looked at my watch, it was only four o'clock in the morning, and the whiteness outside was completely reflected by the heavy snow.

"Come here, I beg you, call me when you get to the school gate~!"

Murong Shanshan used a begging tone like never before, but I didn't go, so I had to put on my clothes in pain, brush my teeth and wash my face, I felt that it was a bit too abrupt to go out like this, at least I should tell Xu Lin, but I was too embarrassed to disturb her, I had no choice but to try to push the door of Lu Xuehan's room, and it opened in response!

It turns out that Lu Xuehan doesn't lock the door when she sleeps at night, is she so unguarded towards me?

Because of the air conditioner, Lu Xuehan was only covered with a thin quilt, a snow-white arm stretched out from under the quilt, a smile appeared on her beautiful face, and two dimples appeared at the corners of her mouth, very cute.

"Xuehan, wake up!" I pushed her through the quilt, because I was afraid that touching her skin would make me make a mistake.

Lu Xuehan lazily opened her eyes, and said with a trace of surprise: "Lin Fan, why did you come in? It's still early, what's the matter?"

I didn't have time to explain. Murong Shanshan was in such a hurry over there, and it would definitely make me look good if I went late, so I just cut a long story short: "Well, Murong Shanshan suddenly came to me at this time and said that there is something very important. I want you to tell Sister Lin in the morning..."

"That's it?" Lu Xuehan pouted and looked at me with a strange expression. I felt like a man who was found to be having an affair, feeling uncomfortable all over.

"Yes, that's it, thank you~" Nodding my head, I flew out of the room, and if Lu Xuehan continued to watch, I'm afraid I'd have to kneel beside her bed to repent of my sins.

Lock the door and go out. I don't want strangers to come in. There are seven lively and fragrant beauties sleeping in the room. Most people can't help it, but I was probably injured by Xiaoyu. It hasn't healed yet, and I haven't thought of how to take down such a tempting delicacy as Lu Xuehan...

The streets are still dark, heavy snow has covered a thick layer, and large snowflakes are still flying in the sky. There are no pedestrians on the road, only a few hard-working scavengers are sweeping the accumulation on the main road. Snow, at this time I noticed that many shops on both sides of the road have Christmas patterns on the glass, and the festive atmosphere is very strong. Although many people say that Chinese people should not celebrate these unknown festivals in foreign countries, but I don't think that the boring life is just because of the adjustment of these festivals to have a little fun?

XX University is here, I immediately dialed Murong Shanshan, she was getting impatient:

"Are you at the gate, follow my instructions, go around the main wall, and walk 150 meters west... Have you arrived, do you see that the wall is much shorter, and there is a short tree next to it? Well, climb on the tree and jump in ..."

I looked at the broken wall and short trees speechlessly.

Excited! After four years, I can finally climb over the school wall again...

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