Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 621: Frostmourne

On the edge of the dragon's tomb, there is a piece of green mountains and green waters, filled with spiritual energy and immortal energy.

A row of cyan towering trees lay across the edge of the Dragon Tomb and the Holy Land, and in the Holy Land lived the strong dragon clan guarding the Dragon Tomb, including the Dragon King's Temple.

Binglan took me to fly down the dragon, stared at the dragon temple in front and said: "They sent the elders of the dark dragon to hijack us, and the necromancer escaped here following the energy I aroused. It seems that they have already With a complete plan, it almost lured us to the temple, I don't know what happened in the temple..."

Karin said: "My lord, why did the Necromancer slip into the temple? Doesn't he know that there are five elders with the most powerful strength in the dragon temple, and the three-headed golden dragon king with unpredictable strength? ,"

Binglan shook her head: "No, he knew, and I also sensed that another evil force completely different from the necromancer is spreading in the temple,"

Carlin was shocked: "So, what should we do?"

Bing Lan took a deep breath, and said calmly: "Call all the dragon knights in the dragon domain to come here, and we will enter the dragon temple together, there is no need to kill the source of evil in the dragon domain, and everyone, be careful At this point, the breath of the blue dragon Augustus is getting closer, so don't confront him head-on,"

Karin nodded, and then sent out a message unique to dragon knights with his sword. Not long after, many dragon knights flew from all over the sky, and all of them lined up outside the holy land of the dragon clan.

Binglan counted the number of people, and it was almost there, only the dragon knight who was killed by Augustus was missing, so Binglan ordered: "Everyone follow me, enter the Holy Land to check the source of evil,"

After the order of the dragon whisperer, all the dragon knights drew out their swords one after another, and the dragons under them also let out a dull roar.

Therefore, Binglan drove the silver dragon into the holy land first, followed by everyone.

In the lush forest, a huge hall is located there, everything seems to be made of pure white jade stones, but there is no shadow of a giant dragon in the temple.

Karin led two dragon knights to check it out, and reported back a few minutes later: "My lord, there is nothing in the temple, and the Dragon King and the elders are not inside either."

"Oh, I see..." Bing Lan pondered for a while, frowned slightly and said: "The breath of the Dragon King and the elders are still there, but they seem to be no longer here. Let's go to the Panlong Valley behind. Human beings will clean up there, I think, the Dragon King must be there, and there seems to be a strong evil atmosphere there..."

Everyone agreed, and hundreds of giant dragons rose from the ground and roared to the sky.

After flying for about a few minutes, a verdant canyon appeared in front of our eyes, and we could even see a few patrolling dragons flying in the sky from a distance.

Those giant dragons were faintly glowing with black light. After taking a closer look, Karin said, "It's not good, the dragons in Panlong Valley seem to be full of evil spirit..."

Binglan resolutely said: "I'm going to stun those giant dragons, you go straight in, find the source of evil, and destroy it,"

"Yes, my lord,"

Binglan smiled and disappeared from the dragon's back. When I looked up, I found that Binglan's figure had appeared above the heads of the several giant dragons. Her small snow-white hands were lingering in the air for a while, and the powerful energy suddenly appeared. gushes out.

There were three consecutive dull sounds, and the three giant dragons fell down without a word, crushing a small forest.

The dragon knights immediately seized the opportunity to dive down, and the dragon spears in their hands shone with colorful light.

Binglan's mount, Yinlong also took me and rushed down, but Binglan herself no longer knew where she was.

When everyone came to the edge of the canyon cliff, they were all stunned.

Above the forest, an open cliff stone protruded, forming a natural platform on it. At this time, a golden dragon was sitting on this platform. Moreover, this giant dragon had three heads, sitting on the seat of the golden dragon. Below, hundreds of giant dragons prostrate and kneel there, their huge bodies almost filling the canyon.

"MD, it's a three-headed golden dragon,"

I exclaimed, this is the legendary sacred dragon, and also the leader of the dragon clan.

There are many bloodlines of the dragon clan, which can be roughly divided into sacred dragons and ordinary dragons. The sacred dragons include some high-level dragons such as golden dragons and silver dragons, while the ordinary dragons are even more diverse. There are also inferior prairie methamphetamine wind dragons. That kind of wind dragon is small in size and weak in strength, and can't use the ace attack skill of the dragon clan, the breath breath. Ordinary dragons also include wingless dragons such as earth dragons. Of course, higher dragons have always been Do not admit that those dirty ground crawling creatures are also their own kind.

At this time, the three golden dragons worshiped by all the dragons are the kings of the dragon clan.

I noticed that the silver dragon under the seat showed a look of awe, and his body was trembling slightly, while Karin, who was not far away, stared at the top of the golden dragon's head, gritted his teeth and said, "What is that? Why is the Dragon King's brain injured?" He didn't even realize it, "

Everyone looked over immediately, and soon, everyone found out.

On top of the heads of the three golden dragon kings stood a weapon exuding evil spirit.

A strange dark blue sword with sharp barbs that makes people shudder, and an obscure rune is tattooed in the middle of the sword, and there are light blue light patterns on the rune. I know it's not ordinary, but the aura emanating from the sword's edge is so evil that it makes people feel uncomfortable.

Almost all the dragon knights were stunned. The heads of the three golden dragon kings were almost pierced by a sword, and the dragon king seemed to be fine, but his eyes had begun to become cloudy, covered with a layer of pain. gray.

After seeing the sword, Binglan's little face turned pale.

She was surprised: "Is that... Frostmourne?"

"What, Frostmourne," I was shocked, this legendary weapon actually exists.

Bing Lan suddenly smiled, and said in relief: "I finally understand that everything originated from this magic weapon. The Necromancer is just a cover to attract us, but the real purpose of the Scourge of the Undead is only the Dragon King. The dragon king pours evil powers to control the entire dragon clan,"

Binglan looked around at the giant dragons in the canyon, and said: "It seems that their goal has been half successful, the Golden Dragon King has lost half of his mind, and the rest of the dragons will soon become undead. puppet, we must pull Frostmourne from the Dragon King's head as soon as possible,"

After finishing speaking, Bing Lan immediately ordered: "I will attract the attention of the three golden dragons, and the rest will be responsible for resisting the attacks of other giant dragons. Karin, go and pull out the Frostmourne on the forehead of the golden dragon."

Karin gladly took the order, so everyone looked at Binglan together, because she was the turning point of the whole audience, and she alone pulled the string of the whole battle.

At this time, the three-headed golden dragon also noticed our arrival. He looked very angry, and raised his head and groaned: "Damn Dragon Whisperer, she escaped the restriction. All dragon warriors obey the order. Despicable humans will no longer have entanglements, and noble dragons will never bow their heads to fight side by side with humans,"

Binglan shook her head and smiled: "You are now the puppet of Frostmourne, I don't even hear what you said..."

After the words were left behind, Bing Lan's figure disappeared in place, and when she appeared the next moment, she was already above the head of the Golden Dragon, the dragon-slaying sword was very sharp, and a slash of bitter sword energy swayed down.

The three heads of the three golden dragons laughed wildly at the same time, and then one of the heads suddenly spewed out a scorching dragon's breath, and the other head made an ice-type dragon's breath, and the magic attack of the five layers of ice and fire was gorgeous Bloom in the air.

Ice Orchid stabilized her figure calmly, opened her small hand, and a blue curtain appeared in front of her. The dragon's breath completely wrapped the ice orchid in it. The Dragon King laughed loudly, but within a few seconds, when the dragon's breath disappeared, Bing Lan still stood in the air with a smile on her face.

"Damn Dragon Whisperer," the Dragon King growled loudly.

As a result, the dragon breath of ice and fire surged again, and this time it was more powerful. In a blink of an eye, some cracks appeared on the defensive shield of the ice orchid, and what was even more terrible was that the third head of the Dragon King finally showed its power, and countless wind blades scattered in disorder. Roaring in, the third dragon head actually used dragon language magic.

Binglan was slightly startled, and hurriedly retreated to dodge, but it was a bit late, the blue defensive shield shattered, and the robe on Binglan's chest was also damaged by the wind blade, but luckily it didn't hurt the skin, Otherwise, it would be a pity to have scars on that piece of snow-white skin.

On the other side, the many dragon knights who followed Ice Orchid also started a full-scale battle with the giant dragons in the dragon domain. For a while, the dragons and tigers roared in the Panlong Valley, and the dragon knight's dragon gun brought out the roaring energy and shot down on the giant dragon's body. body, while the giant dragon spewed scorching dragon breath to attack the dragon knight and his own compatriots under the dragon knight seat.

The entire canyon was seething with light, and the dragon knights participated in the battle in full force, and the number of giant dragons in the dragon domain was even more frightening. The flying dragons all over the sky were abnormal dragons controlled by Frostmourne. , these dragon knights who were once friends have completely turned into sworn enemies.

Binglan panted slightly, her twin peaks were up and down, she was watching Frostmourne on the head of the three golden dragons, the sharp sword exuding a strange light, actually controlled the entire dragon clan at this moment,

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